The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, October 06, 1906, Image 2

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THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1906. * ELECTION DAY IN Ik Da) Has Passed off Is ibe Forest City. Court Condldxtea Creating Moot Interest—Salvation Army hat a Bright Little Boy For Whom Adopted Parento are Wanted—Oth er News From Savannah Today, Savannah, Oct. 3—The election If pranoaias quietly In .Savannah, ao flare daring the day haa there been m raeb to the polla but the vote la Mag ateadlly placed In the boxes. The constitutional amendment provid ing for the creation of a circuit court -ad appeals will be voted for almpst solidly In Savannah, but Just who will •at a majority of the votes of the oounty to dll the places on the bench •f the new court Is not known. Judge X. B. Russell Is getting a good vote, *t Is Mr. H. C. Peeples, of Atlanta sad Thomas C. Chappell, of Muaco- 'peo, has some friends at work. The county of Ben Hill Is being giv en n great endorsement by the vot- era who go to the polls. Not a half Susan vote* will be cast against Its creation. There are two boxes at all the poll- hag places one for democrats entitled in vote at the primary and one for -the general voter. Up to two o'clock there had been no disorder of any character at the polling places. Light for Childless Horn*. Is thsre hny childless home Ih Geor gia that needs to be brightened by tho pMHetaee of a healthy laughing island? tt so, the head of such a household should communicate .at ones With the Salvation Army Head quarters. There are seven little ones there awaiting adoption by some good people. They range In ape from two anontbs to two year! and they are every one fat and healthy. Thera ate hoys and three girl*, Captain I states that any one who wish- and will agrte to give the home and care for '—.‘iThey are all of ntage," he says,’''and I reasons for each one keeping. Responsible > to adopt a little boy 1 let us hear from them, •avannah'i Rink Theater. flSw first theatrical performance In the Mutual Stating Rink the lm- gwowlaed theater which Is to be used while the Are damage to the regular ■ 'la being repaired was given night. Tho "Sultan of Sulu the bill. The show went Well adverse conditions. The rink will make a pretty fair substitute three negroes killed. At a Button and Fell Before Volley Fired from Trsln. West Point, Oa., Oct. t—Near Longdale, Ala., five miles below here Saturday, four negroes were shot, three of whom were killed on the spot and the fourth Ilea at the point of death. The shooting was the result of an altercation between one of thp groee and a white mill operative. The negro, Lon Burdette, was wait ing at the little wayalde station for the Chattahoochee valley train take him to bis home at a crossing a few mllea below. He had deposited his basket In the waiting room and a white man by the name of Saddler, ordered him* take the basket out. Some words were passed and several other white friends of Saddler Joined In, chasing the negro under a platform, where they threw bricks and rocks at each other until the negro drew hla knife, when they crowded upon him, but he made hla escape by rushing Into the nearby atore of L. R. Johnson A Co. The white men took the next train down and when they reached the crossing they saw tho negro there with a shotgun In hla hand, with sev eral other negroes. A volley of shots were flred from the train windows Into the crowd, killing three men—Lon Burdette, Gabe McCants and Nick Spratllng, and wounding possibly fatally, a wo man, Easter Burdette. HEAVY L083E8 OF TIMBER. Great Acreage of Foresta Blown Down In Florida. Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 3—From the reports which have been received here from West Florida and from Alabama It la evident that the naval stores Interests have suffered a great loss by the storms. great area of timber has been blown down and what Is standing can hardly be worked on account of not being able to reach It with teams. From DeFunlack Springs to Flomaton there la not enough timber standing to pay to operate It, and the opera tors will have to put In saw mills in order to save their timber which tl down. < The timber fn the Flomaton section STIIE WILL LOSE Lessees ol State Road Must Bear Burning of tbs Round House in At- lanU Falla Upon N. C. A St. L. Rail, rood, Which la Under Contract te Return all tha Property at End of Leoee—Cotton Wilt In Dooly — Tho BUto Fair to Open. Atlanta, Oct. 3—Tha state of Geor gia will not lose a cent by reason of the 1150,000 fire which Monday night destroyed the round bouse and shops of the Western and Atlantic railroad In this city. The loss will be borne by the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis railroad company, les sees of the state road. It la agreed In the contract entered into between the state and the officials of the N. C. and St. L. that when the present lease expires the road and all the property must bo returned In as good condition as when taken over by the railroad company. The lease gfe-3 further and says lhat the road agrees to keep up Improvements In accord ance with the times. Stats Pair Opens Monday. Tho state fair which 1* to be held In Atlanta under the auspices of the Georgia Agricultural Society, will open next Monday with the usual ceremo nies Incident to such occasions. The buildings at Piedmont park will be ready for the fair In two or threo days," said Building Inspector Pitt man yeiterday, "and I will be able to band back about 5100 of the 51,125 which was appfpprla'ted for the work of repairs." At the last regular' meeting of the city council, Mr. Pitt man was Instructed to pdt the park buildings In repair for the state fair. Cotton Wilt In Dooly, State Entomologist Lewis has dis covered that cotton growing Tn Dooly county, and especially around “ the county seat, is offeoted by ck rot or wilt disease. ThaV- TYNER'S Credit Man to Hold Bknquet. This .evening at Bannon's Lodge, Thunderbolt - the 8avannah Credit Efas’s’ 1 i ''Association will hold Its semi-annual banquet . Tberd are to be errors] speeches. Mr. Oscar Kul- wean la to ha toastmaster. Among tha speakers will be Major W. W. wnuamaon. Capt. F. D. Bloodwortb, Mr. W. J. Harty and others. The Credit Men's Association since Mr. W. F. Schreff was elected president last summer has taken on new life end la nqw » Uve organisation. „ ] * DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Many Hava Dyspepsia and Dent (■' Knew ilI • . i So fM haKh upwind? Taste pear food attar eating? See specks -Mare tha eyee? Are you pale and kacgird Docs your heart Butter? Are you dlxxy? Do you tyro.pains L side or back? Rtatnga on the akin? Are you low spirited? 4i there a sour taste? Breath bad? If to you have Dyspepsia, and It Is • dangerous condition. Don't delay, 1 M tahe Tyn^' DyiMMkMtaiaedr. It is mads for J oat-such troubles End symptoms. Tyner's Dyspepsia Rem- •dr removes acids from the stdmach, adreagthgav ,-reeJhu qtoXfikU 'Be'" digest- you?. Cob* -Sold Thy ;druggts Me a N bottle. Money refunded It Bede to.core. Sold tn Valdosta, Ga., by A. E. • Dlnunock.’ Cah or-write; A—aflf^uP by express. -tSMSAGCI'O sari •°sre eleegAlifw j b ln* held, today, its rota general- . today: y *r la MM-WMie No oppokt" Mam oT Importance to the democratic -ttefcat. kaaded by Hoke Smith. The Artareat seems to center In the bal lot to establish the court of appeal! '' -re Judree are to be elected. There wa. the very beat in thl. oectlon of the South. A great deal of It had|,„ JR Z 31 never been sawed and had only been turpentined for a few years. The loss of some of the naval stores operators In that section will be complete as they were operating on timber upon whioh mortgngos were held. MRS. ASTOR 18 WORSE. from Patient Is Hurriedly Removed Newport to Now York. Newport, Oct. 3—Mrs. William Astor was taken to New York this afternoon. Owing to her greatly Im proved condition up to the return of her son. Colonel John Jacob Astor, from Europe, a few days ago. It was expected that aha would remain hare at leaat two or three weeks longer, but she took a turn for tha worse and Colonel Astor decided that It would be better for her to be In New Mrs. Astor woo accompanied by Dr. Austin Flint Jr,) and by her daugh ters, Mrs. M. O, Wilson and Mrs. Half, besides, two trained nurses, and ted servants. The utmost se crecy was maintained. SCHOONER WAS WRECKED Is will endeavor to And some remi to prevent a spread, ol the disease. The assistant state entomologist has brought several specimens of the af- fecled plants to his office at the capltol and will mnke a study of the blight. He believes that the best way In which to eradicate the disease Is to weed out the cotton affected by It, and next season plant a variety of good seed. Gov. Terrell Votes at Home. After having cast his vote at the polls at Greenville, Meriwether coun ty. In today's election, Governor Ter rell returned to Atlanta this morning . The chief executive went to hts home in Meriwether yesterday after noon to take part In the voting. Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation, which Is quickly cured by Dr. King's New Lite Bills. They remove alt poisonous germs from, the systemiand Infuse new life and vlger: stomach, nausea, headache, and collo, without griping os-.-dUoam- tort. 36o. Guaranteed by.Ai JL rlMMr mock’s and W. D. Dunaway’s drug stores. Rains Damage Only One ef the Crew of the Boat ned Was Saved Cape Henry. Va„ Oct 3—The schoon er Twilight, Capt. Feddensen, from Charleston for Philadelphia. Pa., waa th!« year will he an wrecked oft Cape Hatteras laot night jfclijn^re, and buyers’here Only pnt man of the crew was sav4d.! the crop will hi onerfoarj *- • —• » "" | Jhaf year Makes ths Weak 8trong. A run down condition of the ner-| oqii system thoroughly rendering 'efectlre the energies of the mucus, venal, aland and nerve structure, Jp ° sJg»Bi®,*¥SS2i rectify-all ttrer^fldelicMb ahd'as- sure good, bouyant health. They are an abaalute specific for Indlgee- ttfo.ikidnajr.-■*«:J bfkUir troubles, 1C - vitality, sail all kindred diseases. good cotton'crops In wj$-seasons, but The Does Your 8SS?S«KsWK: ; S , tS l lb centq r -If yaw druggist -eaount D«CS It;,send tout good Mood you Missionary ■Meetl waycross fonftrenca jrJU bonrene' at HomervJIle -'in“ Clinch county" tm 1 ' Oct. 4 to T.The residents of that lit tle town have arranged to take care to may attend. sNrtjRSRSs Sarsaparilla. Doctors have iMMfrrofta W n " f 5arsasss^ 4 u5fflL h .*vS32!s —.— tht There is real pleasure in chewing the best tobacco grown where the best tobacco grows—in the famous Piedmont country CHEW WHAT YOU KPIOW ABOUT ¥ Only choice selections cf this well matured and thor- pu’ghjy cured tobacco is used in making SCHNAPPS. That's why SCHNAPFS and other of the Reynolds’ brands, as shown by the Internal Revenue statistics for a fiscal year, made the wonderful growth of six and one-quarter million pounds, or a net gain of one-third of the entire increased consumption of chewing ar.d smeking tobaccos in the United States,,:' ■>3l" Evidently, chewers cannot resist the flavor and they cheer SCHNAPPS be cause SCHNAPPS cheers them more than any other chewing tobacco and every man that chews SCHNAPPS pastes the good thing sfong—one chewer makes other chew- > ere—until the fact is now established that there are many more chewers and pounds of tobacco '* chewed, to the population, io those States where SCHNAPPS pobacco was first Mid than there are In the States where SCHNAPPS haa not yet been offered to the trades t AND KNOW WHAT YOU ARE CHEWING 8CHNAPPS is like a cup of fine Java coffee, sweetened’ just enough to bring out its natural, stimulating qualities. SCHNAPPS pleases all classes of chewers: the rich, be cause they do not find a chew that really pleases them better at any price; the poor^because it is more economical than the larger 10c. or 15c. plugs end they get their money^s worth of the real snappy, stimulating flavor so appreciated by tobacco lovers. All imitations contain much more sweetening than SCHNAPPS. They are mad® that way to hido poor tobacco Im properly cured. j for tobacco's sake, there is no chew Sold at 50c. per pound in 5c. cuts. Strictly 10c. and 15c. plugs. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winstcn-Salam, N. C. Yellow The trouble is, your liver’s rich. One of Its product* •" is overflowing Into _ blood. ' You can’t digest your food, your appetite is poor, you suffer dreadfully from head- ache, stomach ache, dirti ness, malaria, constipation, etc. 'What you need is not * dose of salts, cathartic water or pills—but a liver tonic Bedford’s thestekUverl ...— rtnoWt tllLVplxtitel feeds the aims, clutffb* ’'rain and cures consti- **Rla a, tTuewdWn*. tor alcfcSvex and kldneya, and regulates ell the ‘25e packages." t - for *l * LIVER AND BLOOD * STOMACH AND KIDNEY f CURES'-'"' i RHEUMATISM . + ■ed A ^ RM ^nii Inat I sell the original famous Platt Brothers English Gin and not the imi tation, also a full line of repairs and • the best quality of Walrus Leather. John T. Roberts, Valdosta, Ga. Wrought Iron Railing for Cemetery purposes. WRITE US FOR PRICES. : Valdosta Marble Works.