The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, October 13, 1906, Image 2

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z THE VALDOSTA TIMES, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1906. MAKING STUDY OF FEVER. Board o( NEGRO MADE DARING ESCAPE Sheriff Prescott'* Prisoner Jumped From Window of Fast Train. (From Wednesdays Daily.) A negro man arrested In this city on the charge of Jumping a labor eo» tract In Echols county, and who was being taken back there by Sheriff Prescott yesterday made a daring and miraculous escape shortly after dark last night. He Jumped healflti-l through the window of a Southern coach while the train was running between thirty-fire an-1 for ty miles an hour, and as strange as it seems, got up and escaped to the woods before the train could be stop ped and backed to the place. The escape occurred about a mile and a r c . ! half beyond Dasher, a little after dark. Sheriff Presscott was sitting next to bis prisoner, but never dreamed *1 The fold worker, of the state board •!>* fool hardy attempt he wax gol.15 to make. Suddenly the negro rose and made a quick lunge through th* win- IN MEXICAN FLOOD 123 DROWNED. Rhw Theory About Malaria in South Georgia Is Clearly Disproven—The Slow Fever ef This Section not so Malignant as the Typhoid of the Upper Country—Committees’ Health, who hare been studying She somllcd slow fever in this part «C the state since the 15th of June, Mwve about completed their labors Greatly encouraged by what they Imre accomplished, the physicians In «&arge of the work hope to bo per- arttted to further prosecute It next gammer. They have covered the ter- dow, carrying part of the sash and blinds with him. The sheriff caught the man's foot as he went out, but the broken glass was cutting his hands and he had to let the negro drop, the latter falling head first to the Around. As quickly as possible the train was backed to the spot, but the only trace of the negro was a hole In the Thounsands of Tons of Earth and Rocks Descended in Landslides from the Mountains—In One Place the Water ef a River Rose 8!xty Feet —Steel 8hovel Weighing Twenty* six Tons Borne. Mexico City, Oct. 9—Recent floods in the southern part of the atate of Jalisco and In the state of Colima have resulted In great destruction of property and loss of life. The number of fatalities from drowning along the line of the Man zanillo extension of the Mexican Cen tral Railroad Is 123. Thousands of tons of earth and rocks descended In great landslides from Fort VkUey to Florida I Rround where hu bead slnlckj lin(J from the mountains. The new steel mat from the Atlantic Ocean to the 1 h|B hat , y|ng ncar by Alabama tine. They have discovered i Dr Holrne „, dog , nt lAke Park mack that will be of great value tol were gotten and put on the darkey's profession, and It Just!- ,aat night, but after running him •** the hope that other Important for an h01ir of two flna n y lost the revelations will be made next year. trail. Dr. F. H. Harris, of Atlanta, sec*; setary of the state board of health, Aar had supervision of the field 8ome County 8chool Notes. The Noylar school opened a few *• The active work has, for the dfty9 ago w|th an cnrollment of 81 * pan been In (he hands of Drs. Thla oa , of the beat ,. W. Schnanss and 1., T. Patlllo, ; tendance that the Naylor school has a boat while crossing the river railway bridge below Ttixpan was de stroyed and a steam shovel weighing twenty-six tons was borne by the tor rent for a considerable distance. In once place the water rose sixty feet. Many houses were destroyed by floods In the towns of Tuxpan and Zanpotllllc. Twenty-five lives were lost during the recent floods In Santiago river. Fifteen were drowned by the capsiz- THE PEOPLE ALL In Chora* Cried, Give Vn Newbro’* Ilerplclile. This word of late has been In every one’s mouth, and many are wornler.r -■ what the word signifies, though r.o o\ has yet been found, who will deny tb •' NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE does the worn Well, for the Information of thousands o people who like to know all about a y" thing, we would say that HERPI'TI^ means, a destroyer or killer of ‘'Her; e »’ Now “Herpes” L the family name of disease caused by various vegetable p.r- asit ». A similar microbe causes i- druff. Itching scalp, and falling hair; tl:‘ •s the microbe that NEWBRO’S HERPf- \TPE promptly destroys; after wh!ch th iair grows. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. A. E. Dimmock, Special Agent. RHErtKimCUKI Makes Kidneys and Bladder Rlnht Newsome & McCardel, 212 Patterson St, Valdosta. Farm and Timber Lands, City property a speds'ty. We attend promptly to Rents and Collections...... m who have been tireless In their lnvos- Pvor known Prof . V V. O. Avera la tication. to which they have derated J Tcry much ln)pre3sed w , th the g00d tbelr talents. iattendance and proposes to do a splen- Not Malarial l d | d year * a work _ This school Is ono The theory to which many medical the long torm schdol of the county, ■am"have tenaciously clung that tho ____ , alow fevera peculiar to tho lower The Lake Park school' Is doing part of Georgia and Alabama, and a I splendidly. Tho attendance'ta lino tout portion of Florida, are of ma- this year. There Is a plan on foot to ferial origin, has been clearly dlaprov- add two more rooms to tho present •a. through the summer's Investlga-' building, as the school house Is not ttoas of the board’s Held workers, largo enough for the needs of the Of the hundreds of esses studied, not 'school, aas yielded malarial germs. There! , , i a distinct and Invariable liae There are but two schools that are divides the malarial from tha .not supplied with teachers and these ■tow fevers and the Inquiries made this I two schools hfve numerous appllca- - —ana by Dr. Harris and hla assist- |t!ons for the placee. They are aata abundantly refute the theory that Knight's Acadotny, about ten miles •bat alow and malarial (overs are al- jnortheast of Valdosta, and the Daracy Bea. | school, near Mill town. The two -But we And." asserts Dr. Harrla, jschools will be supplied with teachers -That there la a close and consistent In a few days. The decision has been relationship between tho slow fever,about mndo for tho two to be employ- ■ad the typhoid forms. In an over ■helming percentage of tho cases wo studied wo found that olthor the ty- abold or the para-typhold germ existed The para-typhold parasite la akin to dad closely resembles tho pure ty. •held germ, but differs from H In Im portant respects. Contrary to what arould seem the nntural expectation, w found thnt tho para-typhold gonn, which la leaa noxious, nnd generally leas to bo feared than tho pure ty- •bold, occurs In clow fevera of the wan: type. Some of the severest «ui of slow fever voder our observa tion hiv« developed the presence of i ara-typholi vri hout tho more 4readcd parasite, while the latter has rststivl la many of the very much milder clros. i fa ahort we have developed that mmm fryer Is ne^o' accompanied by .xaTa .‘al complications, while either tte typhoid or the para-typhlod germ fln always present.In the few cases o* eSuw fever Investigated In which the terras were not found, we have rea* worn to believe that the failure to dli- { cover them was , duo to limited fa culties for Investigation In those par ticular cases. No suefe failure ex isted where full faclllUes were enjoy* They were workmen engaged on the canal being constructed for the pow er plant. All were natives. It has been some time since there were such tremendous floods on the west coast. Subscribers Line up and Pay up. The following Is from an exchango: If you owe this paper pay your debt; Its roof Is leaky. It fears the wet Its office walls need painting, too; tho devil claims- his due. Line up member of the Carnival Association. HIPPODROME C08T8 $18,000 Immense Emporium of Amusement at Jacksonville Expensive Luxury. "It will require the sale of more than 36,000 tickets to clear the expense of the hippodrome alone," iu»M a mem- l6r of the Jacksonville CarnlvalMi|> elation several davs ago. derj and attritions that h&vd^aj^l imported from New ’frork to anfnne the Floridians during the wecu of No* vein her 5th to 10th, cost th-} Jackson ville Carnival Association $18,000. Al- move every show Is famous, t* .d comes from the New York htopodrome. Some of the Individual salaries are mo r e than the wages of a Lun i r ed la borers. There will bo talented ani mals, aerial dare-devils and wonders and comedy performances of a great variety. "But wo don’t expect to lose any thing on the hippodrome," said subscribers, In a row; lino up and pungle out your dough. A little hero, a little there, means that we’ll have new pants to wear. Cash, we must pay for everything; wo cannot pay till cash you bring. Come, hurry up, don’t be too late; St. Peter’s waiting at the gate. If you owe this paper here below, when the trumpet sounds you’ll have no show. Pay now and have the pleasure rare of climbing up the golden stair. Old Satan la watch ing you you know; If you don’t pay, then down you go. Frank Ward’s Funeral. It Is understood that Frank Ward’s funeral will not be held until next Sunday, as hla family la trying to get In communication with his children •♦her placee. I T*e body was embalmed by Mr. D. J. iTicks and can be kept out tn1-jf- Inltely. It waa rumored here that Sam Ward, one of his sons, was drowtul In the Pensacola storm two Weeks ago. and efforts have been made to hir.te him through Mr. C. W. Lamvr and others from this city In Pensacola. Doctors Said He Would No^ Live. Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., writes: After doctoring for two yean with the beat physicians In Waynesburg, "The advance sale of tickets convinc es me that the attendance will be large enough to not only pay off that $18,000 hippodrome expense, hut to help materially In the many other ex penses that are necessarily Incurred In a great undertaking of this kind." ROPE AROUND HI8 NECK. Mob Relented, However, and Whip ped the Boy Instead. New Orleans, Oct. 9—To escape lynching, a 12-year-old negro boy, known as Jessie James, was brought here tonight from Amite, La., and placed In the Parish prison. The boy waa accused of attempted assault upon a 4-year-old white girl, and It was necessary for the sheriff at ▲mite to take him secretly aboard a train today to escape the lynchers. This waa the boy’s second escape from lynching. Immediately after the crime he was dragged Into the woods by the friends of the family of the outraged child and a rope had been placed about his neck. On account of his youth, how ever, he waa whipped Instead of hanged. Dr. Harris Is himself disposed to sefcarge tho common house fly with re- aronslbllity for tho prevalence of most climatic or slow fevers that occur Airing tho summor months in many ■rortfams of the south. He thinks that If every house could be properly ■evened slow fevers would disappear. He Is positive that there would be mu more malarial fever. Inquiry next memoOn, should (he work still he car- vied forward, will be very largely bent la this particular direction. Makes Homely Women Pretty. No woman no matter how regular 11 Immediately sent my son to the Hex features may be can be called f° r It, and after taking three mrr .ttw If h«r «. Ka<* I bottle* I began to got better and con- ° '* b i' " BMd »° ln >P™” until I was entirely tfHao Laxative Fruit Syrup aid* dl-lwoll." A. H. Dimmock. f ‘.'Ion and clear* .allow blotched i erv-iplexlons by stimulating the Urerj Notice. bowels. Or!no Laxative Fruit [ The accounts of tho Godwin Fur- »yr.ip does not nauaeate or gripe aad 'nlture Company are now in lnB1K , are , ne Dcst . fr mild and pleasant to take. Re- our hand* for collection. Thoee who ^,, pa)d tbls aea . on P w.- mber the name Orlno and refuse — i-.-v.-. ._ . v - -— —— -■ to accept any substitute. A. Eh Dim- *"**• | 0o Vou suffer From Kidney Trouble U. guarantee one bottle of Smith* feu-t Kidney Core to benefit or cure, •r ,«wr irugglat win refund yonr - —« I'rtee eO cents. A. B Dim-, ■sock. .1 A Badly Burned Girl __ , or boy. man or woman. Is quickly out and atlti getting worae, the doctors °* P*l} H Bucklcn's Arnica Salve I. advised me If I had any buslne.a to ®PPllcd promptly. G. J. Welch, o* attend to I bad better attend to It i TeKonBhm. Mich., says: "I use It In | at once, aa I could not poaalbly live my * or cutn - sores and all akin .another month a* there waa no euro * n <l It perfect." Quickset |for me. Foley'a Kidney Cure was r ;,f cur ® known. Beat be»''.,v salve recommended to me by a friend, and »>*<••• *6® »• A- E- Dlnnnoclc's and * W D. Dunaway's drug sti-et Th# City Cotton Market Today. Both upland and sea Island cotton were In good demand today and at good price*. Sea Islands brought a* high aa J2H cents, while uplands sold here for 10Hc. J These are the best prices that have i . . ., . , been paid this season. The outlook are Indebted to the firm will please „ for a „ f „ tattle their account, with u. at once. ^ cottoa market * reL,m * and thus save further cost and an- PERSONAL MENTION. (From Thursday’s Dally.) Mrs. Simmie Wooten, of Florala, Ala., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Carter. This is Mrs. Wooten’s first visit to her old home since her marriage some months ago. Mrs. W. H. Heurlng and little Miss Mildred Williams are back from Ma con where they have been attending the Macon fair. Messrs. J. F. Holmes and J. L. Harris expect to leave for Macon to night to spend a day or so at the fair. Messrs. E. M. Ashley and Walyer Bell spent a day or so this week at Camp Edward on the Withlacoochee. Mr. J. B. Gaston, of Homerville, was a visitor to the city this morning. Mr. M. J. Kinard, of Nashville, was among the business visitors to the city yesterday. Miss Beulah Carter, of Lake Park, is the guest of Miss Bertie Cbitty this week. Mr. Percey All, of Savannah, spent a day or so in this city with friends this week. The new home of Dr. L. C. Holtzen- dorf, on Patterson street, is nearly completed and will be ready for oc cupancy in a few days. It is fitted with every modery convenience and will be one of the handsomest, as well as most comfortable homes in Valdosta, when it is completed. Mfiss Josephine Anthony experts to leave tonight for Macon to spend a few days and will go from there to Tennllle to spend some time with her parents. Manager Ricks thinks that Wife’s Secret," which will be present ed at the opera house tonight, will be one of the best performances of the season. In fact, all of the reports from the company are that It is an excellent one. The play is strong and the stage settings and scenery are splendid. Mr Scales Dalton, who for the past half year has made Valdostr. his home left a few days ago to take up work ith a firm in Atlanta. Mr. Dalton has made a great many friends in Valdosta during his short stay in the city and he will be generally missed Capt. W. H. Briggs returned to /the , city yesterday, after spending sometime in Atlanta and Chattanoo ga. ( He reached Atlanta from Chat tanooga in time to put an end to the riot there. Mr. Edd Burdette has been attend ing the Macon fair. Col. J. M. Johnson spent yesterdaj in Macon on legal business. Misses Neta and I^ella Fender left last n'ght for Wake Forest, N. C., to spend a few days with the Misses Powell. Mr. Dave Silverman, the violinist, of Atlanta, spent yesterday in this city. Mr. Aug. Olarke, of pipe organ fame, is in the city today. and Mrs. H. S. Jaudon, of Thomasville, were among the visitors to Valdosta today. Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Lastlnger and children spent yesterday and today In Valdosta on a shopping expedition. Mr. Frank Taylor, of Nashville, waa a visitor to the city yesterday. Mr. Ralph Bingham, the well know entertainer, was among the visitors to Valdosta today. He gives an enter- I tainment at Tlfton tonight. 1 ^ w * • Town & Country Mixed Paint The Very Best Made Berry Bros., Varnishes, Atlantic White Lead, Spencer Kelloy’s Linseed Oil, Atlas and l^liigh Portland Cement, White Rose and Hydrated Lime, Brick, Mantels, Orates, I'iHng, Window Glass and Wall Paper, saasseogaoxccooixc^^ Gasoline Engines, Besi Made C. B. PEEPLES, 113 WEST HILL AVE. . VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. Telephone 36-x A Full Line of. Winter Lap Robes, Storm Fronts, Storm Aprons, Rubber Capes, Horse Blankets, Horse Covers, Wagon Covers Butchers’ Aprons. Just Received by...... J. T. ROBERTS. &»« nojranca. South Georgia Collootlng Agency. 20-S-d2t-av2t C. B. People* »clli wan paper. P 1 * 0"ly Qu»nn.«ed K.dney Cur* 1* Smith'* Sure KIJnej Cure Tour druisln .will refund roar money If •Dor taking ono bottl. you are oot ■atiaflt' with remit* u easts ° A. E. Dimmock. ASK your stenographer what it means to change a type- x\. writer ribbon three times in getting out a day’s work. The New Tri-Chrome Smffit Premier Typewriter makes ribbon changes unnecessary; gives you, with one ribbon and one machine, the three essential kinds of busi ness typewriting—black record, purple copying and red. This machine permits not only the use ol a three-color ribbon, but also of a two-color or single-color ribbon. No extra cost for this new model. THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER CO.,