The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 01, 1906, Image 2

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THE VALDOSTA „ TIMES, SATRUD ONE PENNY Will bring TOO x my hsndaorocly illustrated Cate'ague Ot the moat rapidly developing College in the Sooth. Young’s Female College, apt hmi Thomamtllz, Curriculum. Specialist* in Fuculty. and Certificate Counts Oboboia. Steam Heat, Electric Li*ht>. Gvmnanatn. Mvrtmmiyig Pool Bowling Alley. w _ Trained Nor**, and Physical Cu'ture r Building*, Newly Farm*bed. I Director in Houae. BEST CHRISTIAN HOME INFLUENCES. Address: /. COCHRANE HUNT, President* [GRAND JURY WAS ♦+♦♦+ + + + + + •?■ + + * ns * mu row $ X awnyu * OD. R M CARLISLE'S XL. & B. J FOR * LIVER AND BLOOD * STOMACH AID KIDNEY CURES BHEUMATISM IN ALL FORMS headache, tooth* •ctv>, Inflammation of the kid* nets, gnrp], neuralgia, sore throat, dipcheria, sprain*, bruise*, contracted cords, mos* dee and atiff joint*, cramp colic and cholera morhu*, bil- lknu colic, chills end ferer, bitea of insects, reptile* and «n«d dogs, croup, caked breast*, suppreeeed menstrua tion, corns, feh ns, palpitation of t e heart, pile*, gonorrhea,**!**, etc. gOK 1NTEHNAL anfCEXTEHNAL ANOTHER ATTEMPT AT ASSAULT. Rep Hear Atlanta is Arrested Under tfie Serious Charge. 11 •* * -s* <• •fr Hr •*• + + + + + The Chatham Jurors Finish Their Work and Report to Court. Many Subjects of Interest Came Be fore the Body During its Session —Rev. Isaac Tyson Appeared Before the Jury Twice in Cases Involving Violation* of Liquor Laws. Savannah. Nor. 28—The Grand J of the Superior Court presented findings for the October term to J Cann yesterday afternoon and was discharged for the term with the thank* of the court. The preneat- roeots were of a very interesting char acter. They dwelt with many subject* of interest among the others being that of the ertablishmeot of night school*. I4 . 4 A . „ . 1 These were very heartily favored by It la Claimed He Went to the Home of I . v . „ - . . .. j the members of the jury and Judge T. C. William* In Ms Absence and Cann's effort* in that direction were Became Engaged in a Sturggle with i»nuiH»ded. Judge Cana baa been try- ,ing to get night school* organized Mr*. William*, Who Tried to Drive fw Him Away. Rev. Isaac P. Tyson, pastor of Ep- .... v . - . , worth Methodist church, who Is now Atlanta, Nov. 28—On the charge . ,, ,. .. .. , . „ t ■ at \ aldos a attending conference has of attempting a crimina. aswuilt on .'appeared before the grand jury twice. Mrs. T. C. Williams, who lives six jto tell about liquor being sold on elec-} miles from the city, Herbert Finfey, ( tk>n day. This practice on the part a negro was arrested here yesterday. j°f the liquor dealers is condemned by Williams says that Finley .the grand jury, came to her home when ^he was alone The usureEs of Chatham county . and stated that her husband sent hlraj w ^r* also given a hard rap by 'hej •F [there to collect $10. Mrs. Williams body which went out of existence la*V .j. I demanded an order, and when the [night. The practice of overloading; [negro could produce none, he started -boats in crossing the Savannah river! *** towards her Is a threatening manner. ’ *as also condemned. Fully twenty B 4” I She told him she would get the mon-' negroes have lost their lives because ■ 4»|ey, and stepping hack into the hou^e of this practice wl'hln the past f wo g appeared with a shotgun. . • - 1 years ^ As she opened 'be door fo IfrV Fin-1 Ind ctments Against Contractors ley aolzcd the gun and held 1t__up so j There was a great Interest in Sr van the charge paused over his head. Then ! nah in the indictments found by the JB the woman had a desj.-erate struggle federal grand jury at Columbia yes- 0 he veranda. Mrs. Williams ft- ? terday against many contractors who g nally wrenched the weapon away and ’ have*/been working men at Charles g Finley ran. Though one arm was |ton °n government work, long r^thaEa* badly sprained Mrs. William? fired eight hours a day. Savannah, or rath m at the fleeing assailant though shejer Fort Screven, at Tyhee island, was ■ failed to hit him. She has J h r.tilled among the nlnoes mentioned, liy. th.eji Finley as the negro. [attorney general as those where work- g; Frazier Gets Fifteen Years. men were employed beyond the toa! C Luther Frazier, the negro who at- limit. There is some speculation as tempted criminal assail! * on Miss Or- ‘ to whether there will be any^ move- g rie Bryan and her mother on Courtisnd mont against the con r;.cto: s in that street last September was cconvie'ed It is no' thought that there ® in the criminal court and sent up for W M be however as the work there was H ears. Frailer went to the finished several months aco and has £3 Bryan home early one evening, and been accented by the governmnt. after efft»cUng an entrance to the j Serving 30 Day* Sentence. j— house tried to sieve MDs Bryan. She; Dr. W. C. Hatcher of Brunswick, managed to escape by locking herself has served one day of a *hlr;y day's ® in a closet. Officer.* arrived <»n the fine which the recorder infllc'ed upor F3 in time to arrest the negro r.nd him yesterday. He became very p much of a nuisance 011 Mond ty even- g Crutchfield on Trial. lng by -sending for the police f "»r lmag- g Cru'chflold, who .sho» his wife , Inary trouble*. Finally he g 't drunk weeks appeared In the lobby of the Screven ™ __ ago. Is now on trial in the superior j house and got arres'ed. He was sen- ® jm C/vilTH court. tenced to jail for thirty days. 0 CC 3/niin, j The Savannsh woodmen. 0 The Woodmen of the World of Sa- g _ _ _ .annah had a great time last night. — Many Hava Dyspepsia and Don’t ' _ _ . ^ ^ 0 - JThe Sovereign officers were here on • Taste |A tour of Inspection and were enter- ™ specks tainod by the local lodge of the or B ros RUN niNCl before the eye*? Are you nale and dor There was a banquet at the 0 LU S. BUILUIIMJ. h-rf no™ vouv hear. ' Knlrt „ of Pythlw Hail a«,r a meet- . 1. 1906. bacco is Made ENTIRELY from Flue Cured Grown in the Piedmont Country. Imitation Brands Have Schnapps Quality Only On the Outside Of the Plug claimed to be "just as good” as Schnapps, but there is only one gen uine Schnapps. Be sure the letters on the tag, and stamped on the plug under the tag spell S-C-H-N-A-P-P-S and then you have it—the most wholesome tobacco produced, with just enough sweetening to preserve the mild, juicy, stimulating quality of the leaf tobacco. Expert tests prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, re quires and takes less sweetening than any other and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect on chewers. If the tobacco you are chewing don’t satisfy you more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chewcrs formerly bought costing from 75c. to $1.00 per pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound, in 5c. cuts, strictly 10c. and 15c. plugs. f imitation brands are like Schnapps to- outside of the imitation is flue cured the same but the inside is filled T, flimsy, heavily sweetened tobacco. One chew of will satisfy tobacco hunger two chews of such to- ie color, size and shape plugs and packages of itation brands of tobacco :eu made so much like ScYnaprfis that they have often been ac^eptep by buyers under the belief thft they were getting Schnapps. Sf/ficient proof has been secured ■is establish the fact that certain B pds are infringements and in vio- Tfcori of the trade mark laws, yet the trade will continue to be imposed upon by these infringers until the suit already entered and now pending to protect Schnapps is decided. A great many of these imitations are R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. USE 343 LISLE & CO. MACON, - GEORGIA Price, 50 Cer.t* + + + +,+ + + IRIIIIIIIIIIIIMhlllllllll CURES BLOOD POISON La mb & Goodwin. We have just opened up a first class repair shop. Ex pert gun and bicycle repair ing. All work guaranteed. Give us a trial. Lamb & Goodwin, 104 Central Avenue. Notice to the Public ! have opened an office in my roam* •»wj cuartrr. People wLhtnr my «er #rcvent hls dolnK any harm \ _w» can find me Hy ? eavin* me* at Cam well's dniB rftoro. He* JOcnc# pboue 212 4 rings. DR M T A 1.1.BN on South Pryor street All Skin and Blood Diseases, Old Humors and Swellings. Sores, If You Have Pimples. Itching Skin r'M'ff* DMv. En:j rio Eruption*, or Ha*-h c IiLiJUiK. Bur^:. ^ mg Sw. ilinps Ghiu • >! th body, - Id. E.t Pains anri Ac e« in 1 - frtiling out in >1 ^orche*. or rr-T j-f-r-CoIorod ;i m Skin, blood hot, wirli seal's Mi.d Sc;.!-? , S' ppurai ny part , Carbr Hail Gun ■i^f* «t S<iiv Mouth, npure Blood, :ln*n exited orLontra- r*d woodward I.aWYERS. ! TYNER'S DVSPEPriA REMEDY. li ke B« tfcnic Blood Balm aocor itxc t«* dir rim.-. -o»»n ail Sores, Pimphs and Eru non* w* ! 1 -«»! 'h r:»ct:v. At hes’.ud Pain*.cea*e f Swel t! p st.i -! . , i d n j «-rftr . never to return cure>dc. Giv- - ■ \ in tl.« rich glow o? perfect health l or Old Rheumatism, Catrrali and Bone Pains Th «e discav> u irJ, *ch* * and pains in lone*, joint* and lack, hands, ting, r«. arms and :e * cnppleri bv rheumatic j»ain< hawking, spitting, nose Heeding, ringing in the ears, sick stomach o! catarrh are sure *:gn» of awful poisoned condition of the b ood. Bo tanic Bio-, d Balm (B B B.) btoi« all aches and pains, the poison is destroyed and a permanent care is made of the worst rheumati.-m or foulest catarrh. Cures Itching fcezema. Blisters Watery Or any part of the body. B. B. B. stops th® ntense ifehirp, heals every sore, scab or scale by giviog a pure, healthy Blood supply to ♦he body, Coc-s the blood. Cures old cases. C ncer Suppurating Swelling, Eating Sores of all kinds cu ed, after surgical operations, plasters, specialties and al eKe failed. Bloorl Balm kills the Cancer Poison it! the bl od and heals the sores j>erfectly. Ii you have :» jK‘rsi-it«- > t pimple, wart, swollen glands, shooting,-stinging pains, take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop into Cancer. Thousands of cures of Cancer made by Blood Balm by following the simple special directions with each bottle. Botanic Blood Balm B. B. B. Is. Pleasant and safe to take. Thorough tested for years. ComjKised of Pure Botanic Ingredients, Strengthens v eah kiduys and Weak Stomachs, cures Dyspepsia—a perfect blood purifier. OFFICE UPSTAIRS IN Dyapapsia and Don't Know It. VALDOSTA BANK AND TRUST before the eye*? Are haggard Doea your heart flutter? ;Are you dlszy? Do you have pains. _ . . ! U. side or back? ntsiocs on thei 1 "? of Ml«:lotoe camp. Soveral excel- akin? Are you low jplrlted? Iiilent speeches wore made durln* the there a aour taate? Breath bad? lfjerntnK mo you hare Dyspepsia, and a danxeroua condition. Don't delay, but take Tyner*a Dyspepsia Remedy. It la mad* for Just such troubles and symptoms. Tyner's Dyspepsia Rem edy removes acids from the stomach, strengthens weak stomachs, helps digest your food. Sold by druggists, 50c a battle. Money refunded If It falls to core. Bold m Valdosta, Ga., by A. E. Dfmmock. Call or write. Remedy tent by express. PHCENIX LODGE NO. 4' I. O. O. F -w. -wry Friday evening al eight o'cioe*. Ashley Betiding, oorner Puawui SL and Bifi Avn. Dr. Clarence Whittington. DENTIST • m new Strickland Bntldtng CgANFORD & WALKER, Attorasys-aVlAW ▼ UDOSTA, -. GEORGIA Geo. W. KEENE, DENI 1ST, Adel. - Georgia. B. S. Richardson, f fEAL ESTATE AGENT, Valdosta, Ga. CURRAN R. ELLIS, ARCHITECT, FASTIDIOUS WOMEN X Paxthat Toilet Antiseptic n ty in the hrgicnic care of the M far local treatment of As g wish Its deandng, - 1 healing For sale . free. Addros GEORGIA MADE 1,400.000 BALES. Such I# the Estimate of Commission er Hudson. Commissioner of Agriculture T. G. Hudson places the Georgia cotton crop this year between 1.400.000 and 1.500.000 bales, as against 1.000,000 last year. Although 1,109.62* bales were gin ned up to Nov. 21, the crop ha, bees picked and brought into the cities and to was more rapidly than ever be fore. Ho considers that the crop will not, under any circumstances, go over the highest named figure. Tba Right Remedy. Men and women who suffer from Indigestion, nervous debility, consti pation. kidney and bladder troubles, ■oat vitality and all kindred diseases, win find relief by using Haggard’s Bpeclfie Tablet*. They -are been to years on the market and have de monstrated their paramount healing an health-giving Qualities. Send for booklet of particular*. It your druggist cannot (apply yon they will bn *ent upon receipt ot price. Per box 10 cent*. Address Haggard Bpacffle Oo.,_Atla*ta, 0*. All prognoaUcntioa* to the con trary. elbow alatvaa ore Brand on an Oho All thins I* and dressy suits. Th* Bey Was not Claimed. Today little Johnny Knapp, the small hoy from Hew York who has been In Savannah for more than a week waiting to hear something from hls rela'lves in Athena, was sent away. He was brought here on a ship from New York and was to have been met here by relative*. They did not ap- Provldon was made today for some one to take care of the boy and h has ceased to he a harden to the steamship officials. Johnny was very fcrave and took hie seeming desertion In good heart. Elks to Have Barbecue. Savannah lodge of Elks will have a thanksgiving barbecue tomorrow Just west of the oity. About two hundred of them will go out. There will be union Thanksgiving serricea in the First Presbyterian church tomorrow i morning. All the proteetant church es and the Jewish Synagogue oongre- gatioa will take part. There will also he a football game between Sa vannah and Jacksonville. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Price $1 00 Per Large Bottle; 3 for $2 50; 6 for $5 00- If alreaoy ratitfied that B. B B. is what yon need. take, a large bottle (cost fl at drug store) as directed on labe', and a cure is err tain, -ore and lasting. If druggitts don't keep Blocd Balm in'* sotek, we will send same on receipt of price, express prepaid Address Blood Balm Company, Atlanta, Georgia. If not cured when a Right Quantity la Used. Your Money will be Refunded. Fire Insurance. Tornado Insurance. Insure Tour Property With Blitch & Richardon, if yon want the beat insurance in th* test companies We represent nothing but the boat Strickland Building, 108 S. Patterson 8treet. Valdosta. Ga For Over Fifty Years, of mother* for their children while te»thine. with perfect success l< used for over stvty years by mlil'ona An old and well tried remedy—been soothes the child, softens the gums. v Icts *11 pain, cures wind culte and is the best remedy tor diarrhoea. Is piea-ant to the taste. Sold by drug- aisle lu every part of the world. Twenty-dve cents a bottle. It* valu Is Incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Synp and tak* no other. A New Tork man Imagines he la a mooksy, sad quite a umber of New Tork mookeya ifittHeSHI Working- Haggard’s Specific Tablets the eld reliable one loe Coorfpsdoo. Is- dnsboe. Nervous Debdiy. Kskwy and BUddrr TiooUe sad all listed duosww Thry aover lad la hoU up lbs haakh sad strength. Foe Piles, Invplar ot Sup- paeawd MeciOvatioa, Lcuconhoea. etc, HaggaftTl Soppoutocws ahould beuwd ta — with the tablets. Send (o. book oi panioulas. Diajnaa adl the* at 30c pcs box. cr they wdl be «■* feu. CORKS AND SEALING WAX. et your Corks and Wax this year at DUNAWAY’S, they are the best. J. S NEWSOME. A II. McOARDKL. Newsome & McCardel, ^eal Estate A CTPrifc 2,2 l > ®«erton Street, Ho VcldostA, Georgia Farm and Timbe Lands, City Property a .specialty | Wo Attend Promptly to KnnU And Collection*.