The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, October 16, 1909, Image 6

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B, L. TURNER. BvsHWat Manager. TUB VALDOSTA TIM BE, VALDOSTA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER THE VALHOSTa TIMES “■<* w,Lt On bis return to Atlanta yesterday from New Tork, former governor SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 11 A YEAR. 1 Hok ® 8ml,h b * uea * len * tB,r * Ut *' _ ... . ‘meat relative to tbe report recently MnUred at the Poatofllca at Valdosta, leaucd by the expert accountant who examined the affair* of tho State ■»*., a* Second Cum Mail Matter. UXitflA. OA., OCT. 16. liufl TWELVE PAQE6. treasury, in which he denied ther* would be an> deficit on January fim. On the contrary Mr. Smith makes the assertion that instead ui a deficit, the treasury will have on hand the sum of $1,750,000 by the beginning of the new year. He states PEART’S PhOOKg. People who read Commander that while Mr. Richardson, the ac- Peary's statement given out yester* countant who made the examination day In which he submitted his and report, is a very competent man. proof, to refute Dr. Cook’, claim of »“ m >'‘« » * r “ re error. due to discovery of the north pole. If tney “» l « n ° r “ ca ° f 1,19 8Ute '« metialk , . M _ ,, We trust that ex-governor Smith is be open-minded nnd fair, are badly . . . .. . , . befuddled a. before. I *««■ *” d tt,t ,Ul * ", ■We confes, that the showing ln “> 9 fln * ,h *I >e ha no^nd, it is. made has somewhat weakened our but It hardly seem, probable that faith ln Dr. Cook'sMalm, but we ! Richardson, with hla long experience, are by no means ready to accept has blundered to such an enormous Peary's statement as conclusive. It extent, serves to throw a shadow of doubt j Rut, if there Is no deficit ln the over the Doctor's performance, treasury by the first of Janaary, though, and we trust that the latter w jj| not be because of economy and will at once submit every scrap of bu , lne „. lllt * me fbods la conducting evidence conflrmlng bln claim. I the of the au t e . but deaplte . ” 1,ea 0n tha,t0rlC ’ '.he absence of such method.. In this told him by the Ksklmo, who ao- connectIon w0 uke fo!lowInf companled Dr. Cook. He stated i , , . .. .. that Iht-se two young Eskimo, wore | wel '- wrlt,en edltorU1 ttom tha MV Interrogated by him and his officers, con Telegraph: with no effort or Intention to Intlml-1 "Without criticising any man or date or frighten them Into making sot of men by name or political align* untrue statements, and that both of ment, a condition (no longer ettimat- them stated that Dr. Cook had not ed or guested at) confronts u* in re- l>een anywhere near tha pole. They gard to the public treasury which pointed out on a map the route should challenge the serious consld* which they followed, rind cave the oration of the Legislature when It lengtk of time they wore away. mects ngaln 0eorgla ,, a rlch a nl Which Peary claim, would positive- state and she is able to ly preclude the possibility of Cook „ Bhp . „„ ahe oughl w having reachod the pole. , * When U Is understood, however, on f *• * e pajr8, that the Eskimo, are Ignorant and ! ' ,when ,ha chalrman ot the appro- unacquainted With nautical or ge- j Prtetlons committee of the House, ographlcal Instruments, and not during ‘he summer session, solemnly likely to know from Inspecting the map of an unknown and uexplored region, whether they bad ever seen warned his colleagues of the lltnai tlon they declined to take him se riously. When Governor Brown dl- , A Truly Wonderful Assemblage of Classy Made Clothes FOR Men and Young Men, Strictly Hand Tailored. and Patterns ap- to most excellent taste and judgement, awaits your inspection here. All doubt as to STYLE and QUALITY is eliminated when you enter our store. Davis Bros. “The House of Quality.” the neighborhood of Caps Tbomaa Hubbard, and dated March 17th,., , 1(08, probably ha. more weight ministration construed their, than all the stories by the Eskimos. ! menu M a reflectloa^ypn-t nt>r, and Hon. Murphy C aslng certain terminals in Chatta nooga for the Stata Road had to re main ln the treaaury for the almple reason that It could not M spared; it wa* not really there to be drawn th« territory or not, ot| would be In rected attention to the condition of poaltlon to point out on auch map a 'oar etate'a flnances, and when Hon. ulDEle epot they hod visited w» do j j Randolph Anderson, - who had not bellere ao ' much credence 1 ma( ] 0 ahould bo placed on their glory. | own a ccounras a mi A letter written by Dr. Cook to ^ ^ the young Qerman Praacke. from , JM# ^ , pproglmgti j certain Trlenffi of the late * 8' land good mam an extra session Calculating the time Dr. Cook must Governor; and* Hon. Murphy Candler j to provide ways and means, have left the land, from tho date appointed Railroad Commissioner byj ‘‘Tho turn In the affairs itlon is an annoying one, and can be, and, will be worked out; .but It will tak£f^vdence, good NOTICE! Under and by virtue of an order offltha Court ot Ordinary of Clinch county. Georgia, there will be aold before the court house door at Sta- tenvllle, Echols county, Georgia, within the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash on the first Tuesday In .November, 1909, the following property to-wlt: | One store ho.use nBd.viflfr-BU the . .... ** °' ingTot’ daW4dBt J Georgia, being Mlxe, is hereby required. In person or by attorney, to be and appear i running east along snid right-of-way | tlla ” axt . t * m . °* tBe 8 *" ! 105 feet, thence east of south 310 [ Parlor Court of Lowndes coanty, to feet, thence 105 teet west, thencejto held in and for said county on . !southeast.section of the said town, aent to do it, if not commenc i ng at a post oh the- right- ot the Legislature | of-way of the A. V. & W. Ry., and GEORGIA—Lowndes STATE OF County: Connie Alderman va J. W. Mlxe. Equitable petition to nnl marriage. Superior Court Lowndes County, Ga., November term, 1909. Tt^J. W. Mite. of the letter, Peary claims that' ex-Oovcrnor 8mlth, and Mr. Calvin State, which has brought more pro-j 210 feet north to starting point, Ithe 3rd Monday In November, 1909, Cook’s departure must have been Hitch, tho ex-Governor’a secretary, | dent management, came none too •bout March 25th, and that he was appeared In print with an array of | soon. After all, that very greatly at that date 570 miles from tho n g | lrca to prove that there would be pole, on an airline. Therefore he no d(>( , olt on Janllary Mr- c an< Her woujd h»v 8 had to cover that dl- dec , Brod lhat theTe W0uld bo , b al- tanco ln twenty-seven day, to have reached the pole on April list. 1908. We believe that Dr. Cook will be ance “to the good” of approximately 8340.000. "His figure, are not before us, hut abls to explain these matter, satis-, recollection I. that Mr. Hitch factorlly, or rather w # hope he will, | "*«rM out to about tho name eon- •ad would he glad to see him do It, elusion. ( ot 'onco. "The result of the exhaustive ex- I nmlnntlon made by Alonso Richard son ft .Co., expert public accountants | whose report wa, printed in 8nn> ^ day’s Telegraph, shows that Qover- Pollowlng the very bullish cotton reports Issued by the government last week, showing that the condi tion this year was tar below that of the .ten-years' average, , came announcement that the cotton spin- the ! nor Brown - ‘ rom >uch information | a, he had been able to secure, had nera of tho East and South had prott5 ' accurately slsed up the situs- formed a combine to curtail their {‘* on ’ and Hon - ^ Randolph An- output and thu, pull down the. tUmont Investigations led him to price of the atapln. The wlseet man ! Practically the Identic*! conclusions who ever lived can't tell what cot- j reached later by the accountants, ton U going to do. hut on the "Nobody believes, or has charged, strength of the report, which have «o far as we know, that there has been Issued, It would eecm that , hern any corruption, hut the state, there cannot be any great fall In j operating under a slipshod system of price, of short cotton unless the ; keeping hor accounts, has Ilred be- mantpalators set their heads to- yond her means. Her expenditures gether to bring it down. abused term known as ‘statesman ship," and often magnified into meaningleaa Ideality, nothing more or lets than good hard hone busi- nees sense— common seme. States manship Is good management, and not the weaving more greatly of the tangled web of a multiplicity of lawe to annoy and hams* the com mon mind ef the average cltlxen." Commander Peary has at last sub mitted hi, "proofs- that Dr. Cook never retched the pole. They con sist of stories which It la alleged the two Baktmo* who went with Cook, told to Peary and hla men at Eteh. °°°k says the Eskimos will bear him oat when he brings them to America. Peary hod batter b* hunt tag hatter proof than he has eo far ihown. The weight of a barrel of turpen tine will remain at 414 pounds un til tha Had of thin month, as per tho terms of the truce between the Atlantic Coast Lino and tha ship- pen- After that time, unless * compromise I* effected, the question will probably go back to tho rail road commission for settlement. Mbs Cinada~sbow« a 'disposition to nag a little over the question of tho North Pole'* ownership, if Min Caiads win go up thero and alt on the Polo and stay tear* and' bold her tqpgue. she can have It We don't want the old Pole-all wo want ed vraa to do tho discovery etnnt Tax Collectors' Rounds. I will be at the following pre cincts for the purpose of collecting taxes for this year, on dates given below. Naylor. Oct. 1, II. *». Cat Creek, Oct 4, II, 18. Hahlra and Club House, Oct. 5, 14, 17. Ousley. Oct. 7, 18, 19. Ctyattvllle, Oct. 8, 19, Nor lat Lake Park. Oct 11, U* Nor. *. Daraey School House, Nor. 3rd. Dasher, Nor. 5th. Will be at court house every Sat urday and balance of time until hooks close U. C. Geiger, Tan Collector. FOUND that dull eyes can he tnada bright by wearing a pair of Mickey’s msde-to-ordsr glasses. J. O. MACKEY. Optometrist Young Men Wated. hare been greater than her revenues. The late treasurer, Hon. Robert B. Park, repeatedly called attention to the slipshod system, and nrged rem edies. He foretold Inst what has hap pened. or ta about to happen, and for hi, pains, prudence end foresight was made to feel the weight of offi cial disapproval. His full vindication has come. “As we understand It the Gover nor can borrow to the extent of 8IM.- GOVERNMENT PAYS FROM 4800 0M, and no more. By resorting to, TQ t1M0 A YE AR, NO LAY-OFFS, what ts known aa “kiting," aubsti-1 tnttag a fond «et apart for on* pur»| Fr»* Scholarship* are Oflsred. pose and nslng It for another, by let-' Railway mall clerka, poatofflei ting the teachers wait for their clerks, city carriers, rural mall eeri arte*, end by delaying other pay, r,e ™ wanted ' ments. the state will, of coatee, putt! *»ml«atloa. «" vWnlty Nov. through until the LegWatura meets.! 17 - Short hour,■ salaq^ twice month- “Tke'nto^beer fund eet wart |' T '“5 Itf * th. Writ... of the «.w —‘"an system, provided. for in the net of . yon need; elty undcountry people 1908. has already, by a resolution of baTC e()aa i chance and political in- tha Legislature, been diverted to the flu4DC . u unnecessary. Free scholar general tand, and was used In Part j ohlps daring October and November. to pay for the toot aMston of tha j No time to lone, writ* to Centra. 8 or • done* ••Md" will car* any General Assembly. Tim appropriation j schools, Department 457, Rochester,, case of Chills end Fever. Price 25 r. of 448.484 for the porpot* ot perch-! N. Y. 19-tJt tw It 14-lt-lm. containing onu-half acre less. Said property aold 11a the property of the estate of J. M. Lucas, de ceased, to pay the debts ot said de ceased and for distribution among the heirs. This Oct. 4, 1909. R. E. REGISTER. Administrator. STATE County. Wbereaa, O. J. Robinson and T. J. Peters, administrators of the es tate ot Benjamin Moore, deceased, represents to the Court In their pe tition, duly filed and entered on record, that they hare fully admin istered Benjamin Moore's estate; this is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, If any they can, why said administrators should not be discharged from their administra tion and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday In Novem ber, 1909. A. V, Si mms, Ordinary Lowndes Co., Ga. CITATION. GEORGIA—Echols County; Mary Coleman having made ap plication for twelve months support out of the estate of Isaac Coleman and appraisers duty appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all persons concerned are herein required in show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said county on the (L-vt Monday in No vember, 1909, why said application should not be granted. This Oct. 4th. 1909. J. E. PARRISH. Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Whereas E. G. Prescott, adminis trator of H. D. Frescott, represents to tha Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that be has fully administered H. D. Pres cott's estate, this ta therefore to elte al persons concerned, kindred .and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator ybonld not be discharged from hi* administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in November. 1939. A. V. SIMMS. -'Ordinary. Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford’s Sanitary, Lotion. Never falls. Sold by A.- E. Dlmmock, Druggist. 10-14*-dw-<m then and there to ens' er plaintiff's complaint In default whereof, the court will proceed thereon aa to Justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable Pobt. G. Mitchell, Judge of said court, this .'ho 13th day of Sept., 1909. R. D. MYDDELTON. Clerk. GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Under and by vtrtne ot the wild land tax flfa Issued by U. C. Geiger, tax collector ot Lowndes coanty, Georgia, for nnreturned. unpaid taxes on lot of land No. 879 ln the 11th district of Lowndes county, Georgia. I will sell before the court house door la said county and atate, between the legal houn ot sale, to the highest bidder for cash, on the first Tuesday In November, 1949., said wild lot of land No. 379 In the 11th district of Lowndes county. Geoigla. Sold to satlt’y said tax flfa and the taxes due on the same aforesaid set oat In said Ufa. Terms cash. This 37th day of Jnly, 1909. J. F. Passmore, Sheriff, Lowndes Co., On. 7-31-w3moa. CITATION. 'jjj, STATE OF GEORGIA—Lownde* County. Whereas. B. J. O’Bryan, as the ndmlntstrntor ot the estate of D. P. Ltghtsey, deceased, represents to the Court In his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has tally administered said D. P. Llghtsey’s estate; this is therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, ta show cause, lr any they can, why snid adminis trator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission, on the first Monday In November, 1909. A. V. Simms, Ordinary Lowndes Co., Ga. Libel for Divorce. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lowndes County: Tina Harris vs. Plex Harris. Libel for divorce, Superior Court of Lowndes County, Ga., November term, 1909. To Plex Harris: The defendant, Plex Harris, is hereby required ln person or by at torney to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Lowndes County, to be held ln and for said county on the 3fd Monday ln November, 1909, then and there to answer plaintiff’s complaint In default whereof, the court will proceed thereon as to Justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable Robt G. Mitchell, Judge ot said court, this the 29th day of Sept., 1909. R. B. MYDDELTON, Clerk. 10-2 2toct 2tnov. Leave to Sell. Sndle Chastain, as guardian .of the persons and property of Cleve land Chastain, having tn proper form applied to the underiigned for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to said Cleveland Chas tain's estate: this Is therefore, to c|te all concerned to ahow cause at the next term of the Court ot Ordi nary, to be held tn and for satd county on the firat Monday In No vember, 1909, why aald guardian shbuld not have leave to sell said property after advertialng the same a* the law dlrecta. Thli October «th. 1909. A. Y. Simms,. Ordinary Lowndes County. Libel for Divorce. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lowndea County: Maude Patterson vs. John Patter son. Libel for Dlvcrco, Superior Court of Lowndes County, Ga.. No vember Term, 1909. To John Patterson: The defendant, John Patterson, ts hereby required, ln gerson or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Lowndes county, to be held in and for said county on tho Third Mon day In November, 1909, then and there to answer piafttlff's com plaint. In default whereof, tti court will proceed thereon as to Justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable Robt G. Mitchell, Judge of aald court, this 16th day of Sept., 1909. It D. Myddclton, Clerk. 9-2y-til oct 6. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lowndes '.County: Mary EL Jackson vs. Sidney B. Jackson. Equitable petition to aa* nul marriage. Superior Court ot Lowndes County, Ga- November term, 1909. To Sidney B. Jackson. The defendant Sidney B. Jackson, Is hereby required, ln person or by, attorney, to be and nppear at the next term of the Su perior Court of Lowndea coanty, to be held in and for said coanty oa the 3rd Tfonday In November, 1(09, then and there to answer plaintiff's complaint In default whereof, the court will proceed thereon ms to Justice shall appertain. Witness tha Honorabl* Robt O. Mitchell, Judge ot said court, this the 13th day of Sept, 1909, a a MYDDELTON, Clerk. ,