The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, October 16, 1909, Image 9

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t Amwajrj Surprising, What Kodol Will Do For you, when you need it But the longer you neg lect Indigestion, the more you will suffer before Kodol can restore Good Digestion. And, of coarse, Indigestion If neg- looted long enough,'brings on seri ous diseases In which Kodol cannot bon tit you. Some of thou there Is ae help for at alt There are. In tact, Tory few all- meats which cannot be traced di rectly to Impure blood. And Im pure blood Is always doe to a dis ordered stomach. -Use Kodol and prevent Nervous Dyspepsia. Kodol will effectually assist Na ture to secure a complete restora tion of good digestion. It does this by at once digesting all food In the stomach and keeping It di gested, until the stomach Is rested and can resume Its own work. Ko dol removes the cause—and the effect quickly removes Itself. When It Is recalled that Apo plexy, Heart Disease, Cancer—and even Consumption—are dne to poor digestion and polsona thua transmitted to the blood, and throughout the system—the Impor tance of maintaining good diges tion la at onco realized. Wo know what Kodol would do before. ever the flrst bottle was •old. It wa did not know Just what It will do, wo would not guarantee It the way ws do. It Is easy lor you to prove Kodol —the next (or the flrot) time you have an attack of Indigestion. And you will certainly he surprised at the results. It la perfectly harm less. There can be no harm In trying something that may do you a great deal of good—when It costa you nothing If It doesn't Our Guarantee Oo to your druggist today and get a dol lar bottle. Then after you hare need the entire contest of the bottle if yon can honestly say* that It haa not done yon any good, return the bottle to the drugglut and be will refund your money without ques tion or delay. We will theo pay the drug gie! for the bottle. Don’t hesitate, all druggists know that our guarantee le^ood. This offer applies to the large oottle only and to but one In a family. The large bot tle contains times as much as the fifty gent bottle. Kodol la prepared at the labora tories of E. C. Do Witt & Co.,Chicago, For Sale by All Druggists. THE Gentlemens’ Shoes * mutt be shapely, perfect fitting and of the best mate rial. Every style of ~ ~ ,. .. .. » M. A. Packards $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 and the Stacy Adams $5.00 and $6.00 Men's Shoes has these qualities. They are made in the exact shapes to fit your feet and the fashionable leather to satisfy your ideas v. a u s ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. Ladies’ Low Shoes in all the latest styles and fashions, Fall and Winter Boots in ail leathers and styles, for comfort and dress. The greatest assortment of styles and leathers in boys, girls and childrens’ school and for dress wear ever shown in the city. Call and in spect our stock at the old stand on the corner. " a WYONE SHOE m WILLIAMS URGESj’EACE. Richmond Banker Talks ot Elec tion on S. A. L. Richmond, Vs., Oct II—John Skel ton Williams, back from the meetlmg CHURCHES TO REUNITED Southern and Northern Gongre- AUaata, Ga., Oct. 11—News has roslhod Atlanta from $fclladelphla of the reorganisation committee and 1 Southern sad Northern the board of directors of the Sea- j branebe| , ot the Congregational Moth bard Air Une Railway syatom I»i o4 i, t church Will ’be united. A New York, to-lay said that white It, unlon 0{ two bImnch „ was had not been heretofore announced publicly. It la a fact that the AUanU j unanimously favored at the Phils, and Birmingham Air Lino Railway. 1 dolpMs conference of the Northern operating Z37 miles; the Florida j branch of tha church. Delegatae West Shore Railway, operating 70 1 from tb „ Northern branch will bo mneo; the Plant City. Arcadia and ^ recelTed * ^ conferenM Gulf Railway, operating 19 miles; the - • ' , , - Catawba Valley Railway, operating * SoQth<! ' n *“* whloh * 1U S3 milee, and the Tallahassee and j meet is Anniston, Ala., In Novem- Southcaetem Railroad, operating 89'bor. The Congregational Methodist miles, were merged with the Sea-' (^ urc h of the United States, as tha board Air Une Railway as of Sept bruuh to CB „ edi ,, , be 29 and 3°. 1909. original and was organized along ! L. _ °. P . erat ' “"' democratic line, in Monroe county. Georgia, in 1853. This wag follow ed In 1888 by the organization of a Northern conference In Penney!- DEAL’S t ureka Restaurant, A PLACE FOR WHITE PEOPLE. Special attention to ladies and children. Regular dinner 35 cents. Game and oysters in season. ONLY THE BEST. eago by nearly 400 miles, so that the mileage operated or owned by the Seaboard Air Line from Oct 1, 1909, will be just 3,000 miles..These several subsidiary roads have been controlled heretofore, but have been operated separately. Their operation hereafter will be Included In the operations of the Seaboard system proper. Williams for Peace. Following his statement Mr. Wil liams added. ' “I regrot to see that some newspa pers which do not entirely under stand the situation and some of my enthusiastic friends are too much disposed to herald the recent action at New York In electing myself and some of my friends to the-Seaboard directorate as a Williams victory. This la the wrong view. The notion Is not a victory or a defeat for any body and was not so Intehded. There has been no light since the receiver- shlq. It. was simply m ease of tl^oae most heavily and dlreetly Interested In the Seaboard getting together; to harmonize all Interests and to lnauiw peace and effective working.” Mr. Williams was asked about, the presidency. He replied: "That Is a matter which need not bo discussed at present, as It Is'ex pected that the whole subject ot Dm tnanagemeut "will be taken up In ahar- - ]monltms and friendly spirit after tbo ending of the rscelvttnhlp. I think there la not much doubt that what ever Is done will be By general agree ment and after full discussion and consideration of what would be boot for the system and for th-e country througti which It operates, as you will observe, a territory constantly ex tending and widening. So far as I have had opportunity to observe and believe, the directorate Is now nuanl* mous In the desire to make (he Seaboard a great and valuable proper ty and a vast factor in the building up of the South. That la the hope I have had from the outset sod If these purposes are accomplished I ohall be greatly gratified, whatever my Indi vidual relatlona to the system." OPEH DAY AND NIGHT. TELEPHONE NO. ISO 105 North Patterson Street DR. LYON’S DROPS, mrietly vegetaole, pertoctly harmless, sure to accompl lah UBSIRBD RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. PlIITinil Bowaraof vwntarfelu nod Imitations. TSo r-mntr- It put op only In psito-bosrd Csr IiAUIIUH ton wttb t ir-ahol!e e**:iatu”e on ride of ifcp botuo, *.hus: fimaforCInular to WIL'elAM? V! <; C<. 8H# rWla"- INGRMA & RAMSEY, Valdosta, Ga. GOOD DENTISTRY 1 at about half regular I price the next 30 days. FREE. Painless extraction where Crown, Bridge work or Plates are ordered Impressions Taken in the a. at, Plates Delivered Same Day. Dr. Griffin’s Painless Dental Parlors Over Thotnas-Dekle Hardware Co., Valdosta, Ga. Dr. Griffin of Atlanta, here personally to Hook after bis office vanls, ~Uev Jersey and Maryland, This conference has done extensive mission work In Palestine and has a handsome church In Jerusalem, Id addition to several missions and Sunday Schools throughout tha whole land. The edneatlonal and publishing headquarters of tha Southern branch of the church are la Atlanta, where the Watchman Is published'and Is edited by J. S. Hunt. This will now ha the official paper of the United church and the Institution ot both branches will come under the Jurlsdlctlpn of the one united church. When the blood is pure and healthy the skin will be toft, smooth and free from all eruptions or disease, but when the circulation becomes Infected with any unhealthy humor the effect is shown by eruptions, pimples, bolls, or some more definitely marked akin disorder, such as Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, etc. Humors get into the blood, usually because of an inactive or slug gish condition of those members whose duty it is to collect and carry off the waste matter and refuse of the system. This unhealthy matter is left to sour and ferment and be absorbed into the blood ond< soon the circulation becomes filled with an acrid, irritating humor The blood then, instead of performing its natural duty of nourishing the skin, regulating Us temperature and preserving its uniform softness, pliability and healthful- Sd Wor aiz run I wm atvartly troubled with Eot«maL located principally oo the ahln bouse* caused by a humor In the blood. The trouble would ap« penr in the form of email yellow blisters, characterised by iftoh- loti etd. Z tried aaraapurillae, ■o-callod blood purifiers, salves, ointments, lotions and treatment under a loo&l phyet- cien, but nothing did me any good. Becomingdieoouragedl left off all this treatment, and seeing 8. S. 8. advertised one day I deoided to try it, and after taking It a abort while .the hnmor was driven from ray blood and I waa eomplataly and permanently onred. Bom# seven months have elapsed since I was onred and hare bad no indication of a return of the disease, O. O. RBOK. 404 Freedom St., Alllanoe, O. TO BUT FTVB LOCOMOTIVES. G. * F. Road Will Put mi Jtew Rolling Slock. Mr. J. M. Turner, general man ager, and Mr. J. E. Mathis, master mechanic, of the Georgia and Flor ida roalroad are spending eomo time among the locomotive works In the East, where they will pur chase live big new locomotive, for that road. Three of the locomotlvea will be for passenger eervlce and two will be lined to pull freight train*. It will not be but a few months now before the Georgia and Florida will be operating trains through from Auguste to Madison and the authorities are atrivlng to have all necessary equipment ready for the big through traffic the road la bound to receive when It gets through. How to Core a Cold. Be as careful as you can, yon will occasionally take cold, and when yon do. get a medicine of known reliability, one that haa an established reputation and that la certain to effect a quick cure. 8ach s medicine Is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It has gained a world wide repntatlon by Its remarkable I” 1 ”- » tern me ent on my cures of this most common ailment *?*• ctD “ wr, t*« Frank Dlsberry, and can always he depended lino*. “•"•her, Minn., "witbont Bnck- - - - ■■ len'i Arnica Salvo, which soon cared me," Infallible for wonnds, cats and bruises. It soon cures burns, scalds, old sores, bolls, skin eruptions. World’s best for pllee. 85e at A. E. Dlmmock’s, W. D. Dunaway's and Ingram A Ramsey's K Frightful Fate Averted. "I would have been a cripple lor fe. from a terrible ent on my - - —- - -- jeiM'naea nnoij, , . m l* " luyui Tt arts on nature^ plan, relieves ,fna Arn *c» Salve, which the lungs, aids expectoration, opeqs m# -" Infallible ter . the secretions and. aids nstags In restoring the eyetem to a .rtreilthy condition. Foy sale bv Ip cram A Ramsey, A. E. Dim mock ud W. D. Dunaway, Valdoala. Ga. - Money Comes In Bunches ,'to A. A. Chisholm, of Treadwell. N.. Y., now. His reason Is wall worth reading: "For a long time l. (Uttered trom Indigestion, torpid liver, constipation, nervousness and general debility," be wrltee. ”1 couldn’t eleep, had no appetite, nor ambition, grew weaker every day In spite of all medical treatment. Then nsed Electric Bitten. Twelve bottle* restored all my old-time health and rigor. Now I can at tend to business every day. It's a wonderful medicine,” Infallible fot stomach, liver, kidneys, blood spd nerve*. tOe at A. E. DImraock's, D. Dunaway's and- Ingram * {From the Nsehvllle Herald. The celebrated Drawdy case was settled here the flrst part of. the week. This case ba a been In the courts s long time, and has been In the Supreme Court twice. Wo did not learn the details of the settle ment, but understand that It was s compromise, all of the claimants making concessions. Walker and Lastlnger and Boulo A Knight rep resented the common-law hairs (two children) and Alexander A Gary and Fulwood A Murray the Drawdy brother*. Mr. Oscar L. Barry sod Miss Rosie Payton were married Wednesday at Whlto'a Crossing, east of Nashville, Rev. J. H. Bouse performing the eeremony. They will make their home at troubled with Mott women are ti kidney complaint, and ... rery many serious and even fatal diseases result from these neglected kidney trouble*. If yon will take DeWItt'* Kidney and Bladder Pllli as directed, 'yon may be confident of good results. Try them and see how really good they are. Beware of Imitations, pH], that are intended to deceive you. Be sure you get DeWItt'*. Sold by all druggists. Back From Chattanooga. Atlanta, Ga, October 9.—Lieuten ant C. O. Allen, Alda to General Al bert L. Hills, Of the department of the gulf, has returned from Chatta nooga. He went there to act with a board of officer* who went over the government property which hag been in the possession ot the tabs Major Ellas Chandler, retired. Mtjor Chan dler was recruiting-officer at Chat tanooga at the Urn* of his death and It was necessary to appoint a guard of officers to go through this fbnnall- ty. A report has been prepared and will be submitted to tbs wsr depart ment. ness, irritates and diseases the delicate tissues and fibers around the pores and glands and produces some of the various forms of skin eruption or disease. The cause of all skin affections can be traced to some kind of hu mor in the blood. Healthy cuticles are only possible where the circu lation is pure; and therefore the cure of any skin disease can only come from a thorough cleansing of this vital fluid. Salves, washes, lotions, etc., cannot cure. True such treatment relieves some of the itching and discomfort, helps to reduce inflammation, and aids in keeping the affected parts clean, but it does not reach the blood, where the real cause is located, and at best can be only palliative and soothing. S. S. S. cures skin diseases of every character and kind because it purifies and cleanses the blood. It goes down Into the circulation and removes the humors that are causing the trouble, builds up the weak, acrid blood, and completely cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, pimples, boils, and all other skin diseases and affections.- ,S. S. S. is made entirely of roots and herbs, a safe vegetable remedy. When S.S.S. has driven the humors from the blood, and cooled and purified the acid-heated circulation, every symptom passes away, the skin is again nourished with rich, healthful blood, and comfort is giyen to disease-tortured skins. S. S. S. cures Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, Nettle Rash, and all other troubles due to a humor-laden blood. Book on Skin Diseases and any' medical advice bee to all who write. S.S.S. la for sale at all drug stores. IBB SWIFT 8PBCIF1C CO., ATLANTA, GA. TO 'THE BUILDER: When in need and yet in doubt as to where to buy your Sash, Doors Blinds, Mantels. Turned and Scroll work, Grilles, Stairs, Panel Wainscoting, Corner, Head end Base Blocks, Stair and Porch Rails, Balusters and Newels, Solid or Stave Columns, Gable Ornaments. Office and store fixtures, Store Fronts, Window and Door Frame!. Rough and' Dressed Lumber, Mouldings, Brick, Lime and Ce ment, and any other Interior or Exterior Finish Call on or write and get prices from ° WL- Wisenbaker Company’s ® VARIETY WORKS Cor, Ashley St. & Florida Ave. VALDOSTA, GA. fcioi" nssai s.isr.i carter: bib Constipation Chamberhln'e Stomach and liver Tablets ■set «B tt Aw leqekesn—ti. OlnUws lo taka saotksr Asst at (Ola. Osstksw ssAkw const!patio*. McsijtsO. Xvmj ketslev Alabama Brenau College Aktana Large faculty. Reasonable rates. Open fires. Electrfqpghta. For Catalog address THOS. G. WILKINSON, Asso. Pres.