The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, October 30, 1909, Image 3

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SATURDAY, OCTOBER Your Blood X. HAVE VOU • Blood Poison, wk MV BONE PAINS, CAN- CEK,SCALY SHIN Rheumatism, Eczema? Have you »che, .nj pain, in tone. back. Joint, mucus patches m moulh, aorc throat, boil,. Cop per colored -rota. ulcer, on any part ol the body, hair or eyebrows falling out. open humora. ayphl* In; poison, swollen glaipls? e-t oste geaWy ye\ vtow\% owWve \)owe\s; cteaas&» \\\g system e$ec\vio\\y; e you watery bli*tef5. open, itching sorei • »mv: it... V> .v I '• n ‘‘ < o': hav. any of the shove symptoms o ijjif nn. don’t (ail to take B B.K(BoUni< Hahr'. tie famous Mood parifier whicl (le.mii r past :s year*, so many marvel :es o( i l« od and akin diseases. Cure ai! e' .e i ids. . B. k-.'ls the poison, makes the blood pun th Ci.'npiett-ly dialling the entire bod] er*- . healthy eondition, healing ever] JMpule and stopping aU arhes, pains am !, .firing the worst case of Blood poison >• am or Eczema. Botanic Blood Bain f Sa*' * iSan * ® n< * s ^ e ,0 u H c; composer P-JEolul. R? B C B.‘;tccntGt the’nervei ■■tip the broken down system. DRUC ^■I’ER LARdE BOTTLE, with di by wetting to Blood Balm Co. writing (or sample giv« ^HpR>uble, ii vou know. (From" Tuesday’, Dally.) The annual,session ot the Valdos- oponed New York, .Oct 28—Interest di)»i the mayorallty race t<S4ny' centered In a libel BUlt brought by Judge Gaynor against the Evening World which has heretofore been his pr^f, cipal supporter, demanding ofe h™ dred thousand dollars damagcBwB tho publication of a signed nrUcle re garding Rudolph Dlock, who t^mp- portlng Gaynor. STw< Tho article stated that g|M||& Gaynor had secured Block", appoint ment to sinecures,-which made him large retnrns. Cannot Use Independence Emblem. New York, 9ot *8—Justice Ge rard ot the supreme court today de cided that Democratic candidates may not use, the emblem of the In* “This is conild- WbWwA eotvsXxpdXxoti TpaTmawGw\\y. To geVtis benejvovaV ejects,always buy live <emnue, * ^ nANUWTURCOB»T»lEP. \ CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Co. SOU) BY LEADING DRUGGISTS 5071 BOTTLE ta Baptist Association was this morning at ten o’clock In the au ditorium of the. Baptist Tabernacle church. A large number of delegates are in attendance. A number of delegates came In on the trains last night, oth ers coming In on the various trains this morning, the number being in creased by every incoming train throughout the day. It' Is expected that many others will arrive tonight and tomorrow, making the largest delegation In f&o history ot the as sociation. Besides the regular dele gates, a large number of Vtfltors are attending tbe meeting. Most of these have come from surrounding towns . and communities, but several from a distance are In attendance, these Include some of the leading Baptists of the state. * Among the lenders In the denomina tion In attendance Is Dr. T. P. Bell, one or the editors of the Christian Index, of Atlanta. Dr. J. J. Bennett, Corresponding Secretary of the Bap tist State Mission Board of Georgia is also attending the meeting. Other prominent Baptists are expected to arrive by tomorrow. The association! was without a moderator or clerk when the body met this morning. Rev. B. F. El liott. formerly of Valdosta, wa-s last year elected moderator of the body and Rev. Graham Forrester waa clerk of tbe association. These two haring moved to other section, ot tbe state, left tbe body wltbout a head until an election coaid he held this morning. The election for officer, this morn ing resulted in Qe choice of Ed L. Thomas of Valdosta, for Moderator, A. A. Webb, of Adel, Vice Moderator and W. C. Willis, of Valdosta, Clerk. The appointee to preach the Intro ductory sermon being absent. Dr. T. P. Bell, ojjpAtlanta, Vraeuaiked ty) preach the^eajjtfori af'-ftio eleven o'clock hour. Dr. Bell conssntiad and PTfCj Quarterman, Physician and Surgeon, Office <fer Bondurant’s drug store VALDOSTA. GEORGIA Dr. DAN H. BREEDLOVE * ' Osteopath. Office McKby Building OFFICE 'RHONE 148. RESIDENCE 'PHONE 90. dependence League, ered a victory for the Independents Hundreds of Valdosta Readers Know What It Meant. The ktdnoye are overtaxed; Have too much to do. They tell about It in many aches and pains— Backache, aldcaCho, headache. Early symptoms 'of kidney 111a Urinary troubles, diabetes and Bhlght’s dUKfure follow. " A Valdosta citizen tells here the way to keep the kldaeys well. I. J. Pounds, 1024 Oak street, Val dosta, Ga., says: "For three ycarajJ suffered more or lew from a lame ness in my back. There were also dull pains In my loins and tome days I could hardly get around. While at work, especially when standing on my feet, I ached all over. The kid. ney secretions wet's highly colored Valdosta’s aa those in cotton buyers, as other mi every throughout the country, no less than the makers of the staple, were In terested in "the census report Issued by the government yesterday. In tbe sea Island belt the Interest centered largely in the long staple report. This gave the number of ber 18th, this year, at 36,330 against 32,013 to the same date last year, a gain of 4,317 bales. Grant ing that ’the crop has not opened faster than last year, and that 'the season began at the same time, tbe report was rather bearish, Ing that n larger c made than the last eeems to be a great lndicat- ■op would be season. There difference of opinion among buyers and statis ticians who have kept up with the «rop throughout the sea Island belt on the latter point. Many of them ; contend that while the crop last year began to open a ItttW earlier than It did .this' season, "the./mriy opening, w,,-is not maintained,* and that when the crop began opening this year It did too with a rush,' keeping It up steadily. The men who hold to this view say the crop Is practically all open now, ( and that two thirds of It has been picked. A well-posted. ^Tbyer' and" gihner in another town,* who Is acquainted with conditions ‘In this section and the upper Florida counties, says that half of the vrop baa already been ginned, and that If the govern ment's report on tea Island ginning* la. correct the crop will not reach more than 75,000 bales this season. If tills man’s views are right, the .crop will be at least 25 per cent less than It was last year, when the to tal receipts were a lltfle less than 102,000 bales. Of this number It sraa estimated that between 0,00(1 'and 7,000 bales were carried over from the previous season. The redefpts at the warehouses In Valdosta up to yesterday, were as follows: Boa Island, 0,721 upland 7*8. Last year, up to the 2Bth of October they wdfS, sea Island 8,375; nptalB 889, or an Increase for this year of 34IT bales of sea Island and A 'decrease of 91 bales of short staple. Prices of long staple this season appear to be predicated on a crop of about 90,900 bales. If tile vleld should be much less than that, a considerable advance In prices la dna to come. - A number of buyers take Issue, however, with the man we have been quoting, who believes that half of tbe crop bee been ginned. They aay that never before has half of the ontpnt been ginned thus early In the season, and If true It breaks the records In this respect. Savannah’s receipts of long staple, as well ta those In this market, show an Increase .this date, bat tbe problem Is whether the crop ha« been marketed faster, on ac count of the better prices which harp ruled this season, or whether I they Indicate, a larger crop. It will take time, ae It does every year, to determine tbe yield—It will an come out In the wash—and In (he meantime the growers are • bringing the crop In abont as fast as It Is picked and ginned. A few •re Inclined to hold off end see bow the "cat Is going to Jump,” but a _ majority of them go on the Idea Early Risers, gsntle. that 28 cents Is * good prlce-that P****. JJ«|« * ,n *- I vf— mnnorr In If ftt thOAG CirbOltfcd Wttch HStfll (hero ft big nonIn I at thow <KJn#Iled for aBythlll Hffnrcs, and they are not Inclined to |ntTa ^,4*4 m4 h take any risks. 'good for piles. Sold by 1 and there was a brick dost eadlinanl in them. I used plasters, rubbed my back with liniments and tried a groat many other remedies for relief but found nothing to help me. I jjjjtcur- od Doan’s Kidney Tills, from JJlm. mock's .drug store, used them as di rected and la a few days was (reel from pain and lameness. Now my back Is strong and the kidney secre tions are free from sediment I can not say too much In favor of this re liable remedy." Remember the name—-Doan’t—and take no other. For sale by all dealers. Prtco 50 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co., Buf falo,, New York solo agents for the United States. Remember the and take no other. For Five Years We Have Maintained A Guarantee on Our Buggies In that-time we have sold HUNDREDS of them and have not had to take back a one. We still offer the same guarantee that our buggies give satisfaction* BUY ONE FROM US. Ingraun-Hewlett Hraness Co, Valdosta, : Georgia. name—Doan's— Joel Hunter Wee Honored. Atlanta, Ga., October 28.—Joel Hunter, ot Atlanta, has returned from Denver where ho was honored at tbe meeting of the American Assob- latlon of Public Accountant* and the National Association of C. P. A. ex aminers by being elected vice presi dent of the big aseoclaton. Czar to Visit the Vatican. Rome, Italy, Oct 25—Cur Nicholas today officially Informed Pope Plus that he will visit (he Vat ican whlls In Italy. YOU MAY POSSIBLY THINK Pif Sdl. $1.00 ECHO SPRING CANE SPRING OUR SPECIAL BRA wr. r.VARAnvEC run. hcasvke. ■I'SSir.N . ’ 'tia 49* ...JjggffiW... 82.50 *3-70 2.78 *.w £—.*.«> 8.00 4.25 m>Leader,-. 2.50 3.00 4.25 ~ * 2.75 3.25 4.65 :—$.50 6.00 2£~.'30O 3 60 6.00 . . 3.50 , . 4 00 5.50 yeEloVEaBS aJ&mSrn. wBItfGOfet. tJM’u express Charges prepaid • «5i2?gC«» 0 J*" r **" r ‘7E^J58l <m ***• ***• * **** ot M r i * ,0 ? r a wr plats.- t»/ On*m mmfl* H ear T4*TY *r IMMKNIE. IhUUM. audit too tttd trtlu. K/rrtfr ,u> ** yr^*j *%(*•"« AS fsUdb orders (or Ijj* or ohi win ho With tvtry paclat* m<* ship if# , THE JOSEPH ZAPF CO., Inc {JACKSONVILLE. FLORID A* lACKSpNVILLE. FLORIDA* ,Capital Stock $250,000,001