The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, October 04, 1910, Image 1

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Twict Ordinary’* Twice-a-Week =*f THK VALDOSTA TIMES VALDOSTA, OA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1010 CRIMES AND CRIMINALS Students of Prison Reform Gather in Great Meeting in Washington City. Washington, D. C., October 3.— The greateat gathering of atudenta of crime and of mcthoda of treating criminals that the world has ever witnessed assembled In this city to day at the opening of the eighth meeting of the International move ment for prison reform. She has sent a delegation consisting of pro gressive young men who are taking a prominent part In the work of re shaping the system of Jurisprudence of the empire and In the practical administration of the law. Japan likewise 1s represented at the con gress, as are also Australia and aev- ral of the countries of South and Central America. Virtually all of the nations ef Europe, Including Rus sia and Turkey, are well represent ed at the gathering. The congress will consider the subject and application of criminal law, and methods of Improving the condition of prisons. Its objects are purely humanitarian, and comprise the whole range of practical measures Intended to benefit the er ring Individual, as well as protect society as a whole. Penal legislation will be the subject of much discus sion and the advisability of the death nenalty will also be consider* ed. The effects of probation, the best methods of dealing with the tramp problem, the Indeterminate sentence, the problem of the drunk ard. the essential principles of a modern reformatory system, the Im provement of the parole system, the best means of working prisoners In small prisons, the problem of the Child criminal, and the procedure regarding penal sentences pronounc ed by courts of foreign lands when the prisoner Is again In h!s own country are among the topics that will receive attention during the week. The presiding ofllcr Is Professor Charles R. Henderson of the Uni versity of Chicago. Included among the noted participants are Emtlllo Rabies, pres'dent of the prison hoard of Mexico: Frederic O. A. Woven, chief of prisons of Norway: Etienne Khroulelf, chief of the pris on administration of Russia: Victor Almqulst. chief of the general pris on administration of Sweden; Dr. Guillaume of Borne, who Is aecre- tarv of the International Prison Con gress: Dr. Don Fernando Cadalso, Inspector general of prisons In Sraln: Dr. Joseph Baernrelther of Austria; Aloph Prlns, general In spector of prisons of Relglnm: Fir Evelyn Ruggles-Brlse, president of the English prison commlss'on; Walter Oeorge Scott, president of the prison commission for Scotland; M. Sehrameok. director of the French prison evstom: Dr. Rosen fold, secertarv of the International Criminalistic Association: Alexander Skouses. former minister of foreign alfa'rs of Greece, Takaahl Sanagl. secretary of the prison bureau of Japan: Jules Rlckl de Bellye, chief of the prison system of Hungary and Ssadeddln Bey, Judiciary Inspec- or of Turkey. Although the United States gov ernment played a prominent part In the organisation of the Internation al Prison Congress, and $250,000 IS REWARD OFFER Lot Angeles Merchants Of fer Quarter of Million for the Dynamiters _ Los Angelea, Cal., October 3.— More than a quarter of a million dollars In reward have been offered for the arrest of the dynamiters of Th Tlmea building Saturday when more than a score of people were killed. Tho merchants of the city aro post ing a reward of $260,000 and near ly $20,000 have come from other sources. The police officers today secured a definite clue which gave them In- tlmantlon as to the purchasers of explosives, which It la believed were used for the explosion. Arrests are expected today. Five of the 'bodies have been re covered, though others are still hur led in the ruins and several hundred men are working to get them. On every hand thfere la the deep est sympathy for the victims. There la no terrorism In Los Angeles and the city la In gala dress to welcome the American Banker's Association which meets here tomorrow, though the parade this afternoon has been abandoned. All thought of the explosion being due to escaping gas has been aban doned slnoe the police officers fo that a sett case full pt explw had been placed near the DON’T FORGET Ip That Tomorrow is the day for the State and County Election. Take a few min utes off and go to the polls and vote for the nominees. and so full of Ijity aro dangeroui morals of the Thie request^ makes through It follpwa the 's' hurtdi ’file" General Otla, the editor of the pa- crltlcjpn of Ho$ per and that an offer was also made to blow up a branch office of the paper In another part of town. The dynamite which was used to destroy The Times building placed in an alley running almost through the center of the building. The explosion broke’ the gas pipes and that was one of the things which caused the flames to break out In all parts of the building ao quickly. WATSON KITS TENDER SPOT Atlanta Journal Want* the Government to Suppress His Publications. Atlanta, Oct 3—The Atlanta Journal has called upon thq United States postal authorities to ^exclude Thomas E- .Watson’s "Weekly Jof- fcaonlau” from the' mailt ground that lit violates t regulations by printing irtt vile that they bolder It Cannot Make Corporations Perform Duties That Are Not Reasonable. Atlanta, Ga„ -petober 3.—The Amis railroad ' commission has ^^Btd a decision emphasising tie Tact that the' Commission under stands that it haPnor right under 4he law to require publlo service and untlllty commutes to perform unreasonable duties or to require at points where they nve no facilities tor operating, of th"3€ Cislous •^lb ilia p-ll- MURDER OF EDMONDSONS Bob Clemens is Placed Upon Trial For the Second Time in Alabama Court Decatur, Ala., Oct. 3—The ease of Bob Clemmons, who is charged with the murder of tho Edmondson fam ily, camo up for Its second trial to day In tho Morgan county court. The case Is one of the most mysteri ous with which the courts of this county have ever had to deal and the crime Itself one of tho most hor. rlble In tho criminal annals of Ala bama. The victims of tho tragedy, which occurred more than a year ago, were Tom Edmondaon, hla aged mother, hla wife and two children. The scene of the crime wss the home of the Edmondsons at Wood land Mills, this county. The home and barn were burned and In their rules were found parts of the re mains of Edmondson's wife and two children, but not She slightest trace of Edmondson or hla mother has ev er been found, which fact has led to a supposition that Edmondaon himself might have been the mur derer and that ho and his mother craped alive. On tlie Other hand, strong elreum- tnntlal evidence pointed to Bob tho murderer, after t' SOUTH CLOSER TO NEW YORK The Southern Road to Oper ate Six New Trains to Big City Every Day. New Tork, Oct. 8—The South will be brought closer thsn ever be fore to New York City about the middle of November when the South ern Railway will begin the operation of Its six through passenger trains between New York and the South Into its Manhattan terminals, the Pennsylvania Railroad's magnificent New York station reached by the wonderful tunnels under the Hudson River Just completed, the use of whleh will eliminate the ferry trip from Jersey City to New Tork whleh has been an Incident of railroad travel from the South to New York since the first trains were run. In order to Insure abeolute safety In the operation of trains through these tunnels, electrto lighted ears will be used exclusively. The Pull man Company is now remodeling a number of sleepers for the South ern Railway whleh will be usod In this servlco, substituting electric for gas lighting equipment and chang ing tho arrangement of platforms film vestibule doom bo rh to allow to atop from the cam to tho ntctlon platformi/^ileh arc OB a lovol with % COTTON CROP DADLY OFF Ginners Report Shows Sea Islands Hardly Half of Same Date Last Year. Washington, October 3.—The cen sus bureau this'morning Issued a ginners report for the month ending September 25th, showing 2,302,211 bales this year against 2,525,151) last year. The Sea Island cotton la 7,112 against 13,832 last year. The government crop report today gives the average condlt'on on Sep- tlmber 26th at 65.9 against 72.1 last month and 58.5 last year. Tho average for the past ten years waa 66.6. LABOR TROUBLES AT TAMPA. Plumbers Betas* to Work and a General Strike la 'Hireatened. Tampa, Fla., Oetobr 3.—The plumbers this morning refused to work with non-union men and It meetings I may precipitate a lockout. It. la pre- _ ... Gray, of "jlmV 8 mi public men whom he dls Watnte paper of that a - novertoil The aricle which seems IncOnsed the Journal most In wHwfc|Mr. Watson acci Jftnlth of Turning tho Jom stated In his irtlcle 'that Gray swore two yeare ngj that ho owned nothing but a shot gnn and a watch and that be to k a"pony homestead” making these returns Watson saya that if Gray will admit owning tho Journal Jock, that his old creditors will c me In and get tnelr money. It le tola charge, whleh Is argued at length by Mr. Watson, that has hit the Journal editor to toe quick. The carnal declares that the pa per has been slaudci mis and obscene from the time It w. a first Issued, and that It Is getting worse and worse. The matter has been called vigorously to the attention of the postal authorities that it Is expect ed an Investigation will follow. TOOK THE LAW IN HIS v UDS than teen miles dlatnrtMrqm Sylvanln and that tho busln:aa»W(ch would de velop In and out ef that town would not Justify thfcjexpense of puttlog In a v/lkp ' ■ Tho bnatter was submitted to Judge A. K. Hines, attorney for the commlaalon, and he promptly ren dered an opinion favoring the tel egraph company, Governo- Brown Offers a Reward Governor Brown has paid a re ward of $100 to W. N. Hyatt, convicted and sontStainJ In onment for life. An aA>ea> taken to the supreme court and that tribunal reversed the verdict andl remanded the case for another trial. THE LAND OWNERS' SHOW The Manatee county. Florida, for the ar. feat of Wade Wilson, who waa want ed In Thomas county for murder. Wilson wos convicted and given a life sentence . GUNS GLISTEN AT THE TRIAL Friends of Prisoner and His Victim are Ready for Shed ding of Blood. Exposition of Georgia Lands Will be Held Next Year Atlanta, Oct. 1—The Georgia Land Owners' Exposition, In which the products of Georgia ao'l are to of bo exhibited here at the audltorlum- Armory, has been postponed until the fall of 1911. There waa aomo talk of holding It this year, but tt waa decided that It would be wiser to give the fair more time and prep aration. This conclusion was arrived at an Important meeting Saturday. have been held every five years since 1872, when the congress waa firmly organised, this la the first meeting that has been held In thla country. FRAUD ORDERS ISSUED Kansas City Drug Company Charged With False Pretenses Washington. Oct. 3—Fraud or der! were lamed, today against the Branaman Remedy Company of Kansas City, which la charged with obtaining money under false pre tenses. An Investigation showed that the medicine did not do what was claimed for tt, or, at least, this is what Is charged. ., , dieted that If they are locked out other unions will join them and a general strike will result. All of the unions are secretly aid ing the tobacco workers and much feeling has been caused. In Memory of Martyred Jurist' Catlettsburg, Ky., Oct. 3—A statue of tbe late Judge John Mil- ton Elliott, of the Kentucky Court of Appeals, waa unveiled In the courthouse yard here today with In teresting exercise* and In the pres ence of a large crowd of spectators. Judge Elliott was amaislnated by s disappointed litigant at Frankfort on March t«. 187$. Louisville, Miss., Oct. 3—Tho trial of Swinton Permenter, the eon of a prominent family, was begun today and the village Is transferred A Millionaire Oil Operater is {Into a camp of armed men. et I r* j J , On one aldo la permcntcr’a fac- ot Ucad oday by a tion who | a roa ,jy t 0 KK that the ac- Wronged Husband cused man has a fair trial, and on I ho other aldo aro relative* and friend* of the girl whom ho murdor- Vlncennea, Ind., Oct. 3—Edwin cd, all armed with Winchester*, and Gibson, a mllllonalru oil operator, both aides watching the other side., waa ahot to death to’ay by Menlow A detachment of mlllltary with Moore, ut the unloi to -n, In this Instructions to shoot to kill If vlo- clty. lence breaks out are also on the Moore, who *7 a rich tu . eat scene, man, owning a rldg *t theaters A hundred witnesses have been across tbe state, accused Gl. on of summoned to attend the trial. A Intimacy with Sirs. Moore.- rqbvc by cither aide means a bloody The depot was crowded and a pan- battle. Ic ensued when the thootln,; took j place. u oore was placed under ar- ATLANTA GETS CONVENTION rest Immediately and Is being held for an Investigation. The Schedule of thn B- '1 Weevil Atlanta, Oct. 3—•"'he boll weevil Is expected to arrive to c orgla In 1913 If ltd ncrtnal advancement through the cotton ' sit la maintain ed, according to -letter* reed red from toe Texas bn rein ,.f plan; In- Atlanta, Oct. 3—Atlanta has been awarded the National Good Road* Congress/.for 1911, over the claims of Denver and Milwaukee, and It ap pears too that It was a mistake about the cltyy having to pay $10,- 000 for the honor. Later telegrams from St. Loula where the present convention Is be- dustry at Dallas. It la uld the Ing held. Indicate that $3,000 or weevil has been spr-wdlng at th- j 31.000 will be an amply sufficient rat* of alxty-flvc miles yer pear. jfund, and this will be raised. WILD WINDS LASHJVAVES Many Lives Lost and Much Damage Done by Gales Off Canada and England. Roston, Mass., Oct. 3—Advices today Indicate that two have been killed, aeven aro missing and a score are seriously Injured as a result of thn terrific gale that Is sweeping along tho New England coast and Routhcrn Canada. The property loss morn than $100,000. Former State Senator George S. Stone was killed by a falling tree. Gale on English Coast London. Oct. 3—Many lives havn been loat In tho terrific galea that are raging In the North Sea and hurling rocks on the coast dtirlnr tho last twenty-four hours. The steamer Vclhomo was foundered off Cape Croma. bognTl achievement of the Railroad in constructing tbfa great- l C»t of nil railroad Improvcmentn. President W. W. Finley, of tho Southern Railway, together with thirty-live officials representing all branches of toa Company’s organisa tion. made a special trip to New York Thnriday and spent the after noon Inspecting toe new station and tunnels. Tho Southern officials went through toe tunnels and over the Pennsylvania Railroad'! entire New York terminal system on • special train as the guests of Vico President Samuel Rea, Secretary A. J. County and Chief Engineer of Electric Traction, Oeorge Gibbs, of toe Pennsylvania Railroad. President Finley also wished to acquaint officials.with th* magnltnde of the Improvement! and the excel lent facilities which they will afford to passengers from the South who hv their nan will be enahtad to travel from their homes to the renter of New York City on any of th* South ern's through trains without • change of cars. Condition of Cotton Market. New York. October 3.—Cotton la strong at eight to twelve higher. The ginners figure* had small effect on the market. October 13.65 and Jan uary 13.90. 2.10,000 Miners out of Work Cardiff. Eng., Oct. 3—The miner* In a thousand collieries iolned In the strike today and It Is estimated that two hundred and fifty thousand miners are now Idle, closing thousand mines: TIIK GEORGIA REPUBLICANS ' Reports Indicate That They are Go ing to Stick to Taft Atlanta, Oct. 3—So Georgia Re publicans are going to support Taft for tho presidential nomination In 1913. Of course. It doesn't make any difference Inside of Georgia whom they support, but thalr atti tude may have more or lea* effect on the outside situation. It means Just that much more endorsement for the present administration. Thn attitude of tho Republican* of Georgia was defined Saturday at the Republican National League Convention which took place In New York City, when Henry 8. Jackson, collector of Internal revenue*, spokesman of the Georgia delega tion, started a boom for Taft. They aro even talking of trying to carry Georgia for him. Whltla Kidnapper’s Appeal Philadelphia. Pa.. Oct. 3—The ap peal of Sir*. Helen Boyle, now aerv- Ing sentence for her complicity In the kidnapping of Billy Whltla of Sharon, Pa., In 1963, for a . new trial came up for hearing In this city today before toa Judges of too State Superior Court King Entertains Booker Copenhagen, Oct 3—Booker Washington, tot American Edu cator, will be dined at to* Royal Palace tonight by King Frederick of two!Denmark. He was received In aif audience with to* King today.