The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 27, 1910, Image 1

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Twice-*-Week Twice- a-Week VAUKMTA. OAm rUBSII. TWO MEN DIED, TWO WOUNDED Christmas Tragedy in Charl ton County Was of a Most Sensational Kind. Waycross, Ga.. December 27.— Two persona are dead, a third la wounded and a fourth ij r ported to be badly'hurt and probably in a dying condition as the result lights in and about Bachlott, Charl ton county, southeast of Waycross, yesterday and today. The dead are Walter Allen and Dener Crews. Allen was uhot through the heart by Walter Crews, who was in turn shot by the dying man as he fell. Dener Crews was shot after Allen wa»j killed, bu 1 the party responsible ror his death has not been positively located. So far as can be learned, Allen drew a pUtol first on Walter Crews, who had a snotgun. Crews fired almost directly after Allen, the entire load of birdshot piercing Allen, mostly through the heart. Crews was hit in the face, just be low the mouth. The bullet glanced and his wound may not prove «e- rious. Finds Crows* Body. A man returning from the scene of the Alien-Crews fight found of Dener Ciiews toy and I from tliis witness names or par ties implicated have been secured. No motive for the fights has been unearthed except a general dispute following.a Christmas celebration In which nearly all of the men hurt or killed were. participants. Dener Crews Is survived by wife and othe r relatives, and was related by marriage to others *n the trouble. Walter Allen was 19 ycar s old.- The details of the injuries sus tained 'by a fourth man are so meager that no names can toe given. It lg said, however, that he i g a res ident of a small Charlton county town, and was in the Bachlott neighborhood on a visit. Two are Arrested. * Late tonight It was learned that Silas O’Quinn and Walter Crews w?re arrested by Sheriff Waln- wrlght of Charlton county, and that they are In Jail at Folkston. It la said that Crews is charged with responsibility for the death of Walter Allen. So far as can be learned here no specific charge has been lodged against O’Quinn. An investigation is being -held by the coroner of Charlton county. WAR DECLARED ON DISTRUST Government Officials Are Going to Wage Crusade on the Electrical Trust Washington, December 27.—it became known today that the de partment of Justice will on the first of January begin a strung - against what la termed "the greni- est monopoly In the world, the so- called billion dollar electric il trust.” It Is reported that Attorney-Gen eral Wlckersham wants criminal prosecution lnitltuteed against the headB of corporations making up the electrical trust They include many financiers, some of those falling under government ban being J. Plerpont Morgan and Westinghouse. The President will confer with Attorney-General Wlckersham garding the matter. CHINA PLA6UE SIMPLY AWFUL Whole Towns and Provinces re L ling Wiped .Out by Shanghai, China,. December 07.— The famine and bubonic plague are depopulating Kalngau and the Pe- chill provinces. A number of foreign missionar ies arc dead from the epidemic. Hundreds of natives are dying dally and the most horrible Buffer ings are reported. Whole communities have been willed out. ,Tho soldiers have re- hcllod refusing to go into the rav aged sections. Let Farmers Eitter National Guard and Be Taught Econdihy. Is Will Best Work School. Wonders. By Major JAMES CABELL MINOR. Cblaf SurMon. Natl |HE BEST WAY TO RAISE THE TO C CULTURAL COMMUNITIES •> FARMER ECONOMY IN I HAND ^ MATERIALS AND THg VALUE !! The average farmer has been FUL AND'POOR MAN, when ’ economical and the wealthiest, law and discipline. Experience schools for economy, but experience is trying Military camps of instruction under ithe pro’ are now available, and they make a safe farmer. The average farmer in one year alii roam, vegetables and fruit to rot, to feed foi towns and incidentally ENOUGH MA&j WASH AWAY TO MAKE FERTILE IN THE WORLD, and all because he .' At military oncampments the farmer REGULAR WORKING HOURS AN 1 Guard of Arkanta*. E OF THE AGRI- TEACHINQ THE G 8UB8I8TENCE SANITATION, years a WASTE- sliould bo tho most omy is evidenco of ono of the farmer’s d often treacherous, dns of the Dick bill sure school for the A TRAGEDY IN COLQUITT CO. Son Avenges Reuben Watson on His Assailant, Madison Matthews, in Road. igh cattlo and hogs to families in cities and E AND SOIL TO MOST ARID PLACE it boon taught economy. S TIIE VALUE OF SGULAR HOURS FOR RECREATION; he learns the nccei|iH^U: well fitting shoes; lie learns that a simple scratch of the foflt^fiy often result in serious disability if not cared for immediatjf|^Bfl^Bjnethods of the medical officer; he leuns that to eat with bodily harm t®him and toothers; times war on. the fly, thi HANDS may meangreat 1110 import of "’aging at ir pests. THE NATIONAL THREE LIVES LOST IN WRECKED BOAT. The Body of Stuart Bennett Was Found Today and Search For Wife Continues. Key, West., Dec. 27.—That three lives were lost when the yatch Thra was wrecked last Sunday night near here, was established when the body of its owners, Stewart Bennet, of Ntw York, was found neat the west ern bank. Search cont’nues for the body of Mrs. Dennett and Herman Parker, of Georgia, who were guests aboad the yacht. Mr. Bennett was a magazine writer thirty-five years old. Three others who were rescued have left the bcapltal. PROMINENT MEN DROWNED. Mine Operators in Virginia Lose their Lives on tho Kanawaha. Lunchburg, Va., Dec. 27.—News was received here today that George and Restque Rutter were drowned at Gouley bridge on the Kanawaha riv er last night. Both were engaged In mining operation and were prom - nent in Virginia and New York. Moultrie, Ga., December 27.— Madison Matthews met his death, Reuben Watson received a fatal I wound and his son, Fabe, was se- j riou3ly cut Inst night in the west ern part of the county in a deadly | fight. After fatally stabbing Uju- toen Watson, Matthews was cut to death by young Watson after he had been ^tabbed by Math- thews. Tho elder Watson and Matthews had an sneounter in the morning and after they hud been separate J by friends jthe troublo was' suppos ed to be at an end. Late in the evening Reuben Wat son, wiht hi» wife and his son, Fabe, was driving along the road and ymet Matthews, who immed iately attacked Wat3on and inflict ed fatal injuries. Young Watson wont to tho rescue of his father ami before being seriously injured cut Matthews, who, falling by the road side, died. The • Injured Watson went to the heme of a nearby farm er and reported tho tragedy but before neighbors could go I to the aid of Matthews his dead body was found by Superior Court Clerk Clark who stayed toy tho body un til others came. Tho coroner has taken charge of the remains of Matthews and an inquest will be held tomorrow. KIDNAPPERS SENT UP FOR LONG TERMS The. Heads of Black Hand Gang of Child Stealers Are Convicted of Crime. New York, December 27.—Ma rla Uappa and Stanistia Pattenza, the heads of a black hand gang who kidnapped two Brooklyn chil dren, were sentenced to the peni tentiary today. Tho. woman gets twenty-five year 8 and tho man forty-nine years which practically maan 8 a life sen tence for tooth of them unless clem* cncy is given them. WRAPPED LIVE WIRE AROUND HIS NECK Massachusetts Man Did Fool ish Act in Play and Died Before His Friends. Lynn, Mass, Dec. 27.—William McGrady seized an electric light wire and wound it arbund his neck in a play last night A short circuit was formed and McGrady was elec trocuted. Five of hi* friend* who were try ing to rescue him were knocked un conscious by the electricit>. ONI WHO, AFTErf lTKrNING"AT 3TAfW AND fWW* F.N(?AMP MENTS THE VALUE OF PROPER tfOfclf iBUILDING, HOME KEEP- ING AND PERSONAL HYGIENE, IS ti|t MOPE OF THE LAND. WIJL - Panama Carial Nearing •Completion-!-Are We. -£• Preparing? FAST TRAIN WRECKED. The “Red Hummer" oi\ the C, & A. Road In • Collision. Kansas Cltr, Dec. 27.—The Chica go and Alton fast passenger train, known as the "Red Hummer,” collid ed beadon with a freight train at Farber this morning. Engineer Davis, fireman Crab Tree and Breakman Florta were killed. By BERNARD A. ECKHART. American Representative at Vienna Com mercial Congresa. I N DIGGING THE PANAMA CA NAL THE UNITED 8TATES IS OPENING THE WAY FOR EXTENSIVE TRADE, BUT AMERICANS ARE NOT PREPAR ING PROPERLY TO GET THk TRADE THAT WILL LIE AT OUR DOORS. In particular, tho cities of this country aro not educating young men and women for commercial careers in the way that is being done by aggressivo foreign nations, It is time that tho importance of this mattor was better understood hero. In this country, for instance, there is tho POSSIBILITY OF DEVELOPING EXTENSIVE TRADE WITH OUR SOUTH ERN NEIGHBORS, whose trade now goes abroad principally. Tho great sum of money that is being expended for tho construction of tho Panama canal is well invested, and GREAT OPPORTUNITIES WILL BE AFFORDED FOR TRADE. But WE SHOULD BE READY FOR IT. The ability to ■peak Spanish will bo one indis pensable qualification for any man who will have commercial re lations with South America. By piwis NIXON. Shlpbulldlnt Expert. OW THAT THE PANAMA CANAL 18 NEARLY COM- PLET>D WE MUST BEGIN TO GET READY FOR IT. CLOSER RELATIONS WITH 80UTH AMERICA SHOULD BE ADVO CATEO. No ono wllo goes to South America will fail to bo impressed by tho need of DIRECT STEAM SHIP AND BANKING FACIL ITIES between tho United States and South American countries. Naturally our commercial rivals attempt to show tho advantage to South America and ourselves of depending upon foreign ships to carry freight in our direct trade, and so long ns no ono combated such arguments they gained in strength through repetition. However, wo have now brought the question squarely before the countries interested, and tiie Unit ed States cannot afford to bo in different to a matter so VITAL TO THE MATERIAL INTER ESTS OF ALL OUR PEOPLE. I know a good deal of South America, and I want to. say that the PEOPLE HAVE A FAR KINDLIER FEELING FOR US THAN HAVE THE PEOPLE AND NATIONS OF EUROPE. NUT PREPARED Major General Wood Wants the Army Built Up to Three Hundred Thousand. INJURED MAN SENT TO CELL Grady Hospital Physician is Being Censured for an Al leged Inhuman Act NEW YORK BANK HREAKH. Tho North Bank Collapses Today with Nine Branch Ranks. New York, December 27.—The Northern Rank of New York, with a capital of t7Q0.000 and with nine branchee in various parts of the city, waa closed today by the ’itate superintendent of banks. No reason la slven for tbe closing. CLEMENTS TO HE PROMOTED Georgian may be Elected to Head of The Commerce Commission. Washington, Dec. 27.—The belief la generally expressed that Judge Judson Clements, of Georgia, will be the next chairman ot the interstate commerce commission. Tho election expected to occur on January 6. Atlanta. Ga., December 27.— Charges against one of the young ambulance Burgeons of the Grady hospital may grow out of the cir- clrcumstances said to be connected with the case ot Paul A. Wright, of 18 Elw street who'fell over* tho balustrade railing on tba third floor In the hall of hla boarding bouse and landed, seriously Injured, on. the first. -i According to the complaint made by Wright’s frlonds. when thoy' hoard the body strike the floor they rushed out ot tbe sup per room, found him unconscious, t lophoned for the hospital ambu lance, and then procured a bottle of whiskey, trying to force some of . It between the clenched lips ot tho Injured man. In aibout ten minutes tho surgeon arrived, it is utated, on tho ambulance. He came In and looked at the -unconscious form, and then bent down. "Oh, he’s simply drunk,” sneered the young ( doctor. “lie Isn’t drnflk at nil, he Is ter ribly burt,” the lady of the house responded, land recounted tho de tails, hut the young doctor who had smelled the whiskey fumes respon ded, “Oh, you can’t fool me." "Well, aren’t you going to take ’ care of him?” she asked. “Yes, I’ll take him,’’ reluctantly responded the doctor. The uiicon- sclous man waa carried out to tho ambulance, whloh drove away. Next. morning young Bright’s the hospital bright and early to" er he waa alive or dead, and found to their surprise that he hadn’t been taken to tho hospital at all. They say that on Investigation they discovered that the ambulance sur geon had taken Wright to the po lice Istntlon where -he had ' ■ been dumped unconscious Into a cell and left there without medical atten tion all night. Wright la now said to 'be at 18 Ellis street, under tho Washington, Dec. 27.-That the rftrn of Physicians, and In a serious condition. The hospital Burgeon ha* not yet been given an opportunity to tell his side of the story, which unay of course, throw a different light on it. United States Ir unprepared for real hostilitli’B with n flr«t cIhhr power Ir tho sentiment before tho houHo military affairs committee In ft re port by Major Wood, which was mado public today. Tho tcHtimony wan given in closed hearing. Gencrnl Wood urge* tho building up of reaervo army oi three hundred thousand. The war department officials nro anxious concerning reports of activi ties by the Japaneso In the Phllll- pines. REV. ALBERT DIX IS DEAD OF POISONING General Manager of the Georgia Industrial Home at Macon Died This Morning. Macon, On., Dec. 27.—Rev. Albert DIx, forty-ficven years of ago and general manager of tho Industrial Heme, died of blood poison ng this' morning. He was well-known throughout the state and his tragic death will bo regretted by all who knew him. He has been in charge of the work which was established by Kev. Dr. Mumford, for some time. MOD MAY GOT BUSY. Lyncher* are Forming and Military is Gntliernlng for Defense. Charleston, W. Va., December 27. A critical situation prevail* in the western section of this county where William Furby a nego, is charged with criminal assault on Flora Anglin, twenty-one year* of age. The negro Is being guarded from lyncher*. The government Is hold ing the troops in readiness to sup press violence. HARD FIGHTING IS STILL IN PROGRESS The Revolutionists in Mexico are Getting the Better of the Regular Forces. Chihuahua, December 27.—The dcaperato battle that has been go ing on between the revolutionists and the regulars near Malpaso was resumed today when government troops reached the scene to rein force the defeated Diaz army. During the conflict, which raged for twenty-four houn, and tempo rarily ceased last night, the rebels had all the 'better of the engage ment. Tho government losses will be heavy. MARSHAL SURRENDERS JOB. Laurens County Officer Killlrd Thigpen Brothers. Dublin, Ga., December 26.— Rockledge Is again without a mar shal. Rastus Raffield, woo on Sat urday shot and killed Tal and J. A, Thigpen and wounded Claude Thig pen. has thrown up his Job and quit -It la bard for Rockledge to keep a marshal. Raffield hat not been ar rested for the killing of the two men. The father of the Thigpens it a good citizen and has never been In any troufble. The boys caused him a great deal ot anxiety. Rockledge 1, twelve miles from Dublin on the line of Montgomery, end Laurens county. THE VALDOSTA TIMES DECEMBER 87, 1010.