The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 21, 1911, Image 2

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' my THB YAXiDOgTA TIMES. H— , OAn TCB0DAY, MARCH 21, 1011. * f * TEDDY TALKS OF JAPANESE The Colonel Sniff* Trouble With Japs and Will Organ ize Rough Riders. Albuquerque, N. M., Msrch 18.— New York, March 18—A general Col. Theodore Roosevelt today ad- strike of the teamsters through mltted to hla friends that the sympathy with the expressmen etrlke NO GENERAL STRIKE AS YET New York Teamsters Refuse to Strike Through Sympa thy for the Expressmen. Japanese menace on the West Coast of Mexjco Is serious and he told the old rough riders that In tbo event of war he would ask the President for permission to organize a divis ion and recruit It in tbo south west. The whole West, north of Mexi co, Roosevelt wae told, has lined with Japanese and it is de clared that that ia the reason for the mobilization of the army. The stato department has been Informed of the league between Pres. Diaz and the Mikado by which Japan, in exchange for coaling stat ions. would aid in suppressing the revolution. MARKET REPORTS TODAY. All of the Market# Were Easy and the Trading Was Light. New York, March 18.—Stocks were irregular today, the gains and losses (being about even. There was moderate trading and the tone was steady. Cotton was barely steady and closed at two to six points lower. May 14.63, July 14.85. Provision Market Today. Chicago, March 18.—Wheat was a quarter of a cent lower on lower cables and good rain, later advanc ing on light offering. Provisions were dower on heavy hog receipts. Hogs wcro flv 0 to ten lower and cattle were steady. . DEATH WAS MYSTERIOUS. wa« forbidden by telegram today by President Toblminter, of the Na tional Union. Genaral Organzer Ashton Im mediately announced that no sym pathetic strike will be ordered. Despite police precaution the riot ing continues today. CONDITIONS WITH MEXICO TURPS DOES JO DOLLAR MARK Times Correspondent Write* of the Sensational Ad vances in Naval Stores. TROOPS TO 60 TO HAWAIIANS Unde Sam to Send Twelve Thousand More Soldiers to Guard Possessions. WILL PUT IT TO CONGRESS Constitutional Guarantee Sus pended and Big Concerns are Closing Down. Washington, March 18.—The American Consul Deerlng, of McxI co City, telegraphed the state de partment today that the constitu tional guarantees were suspended throughout Mexico yesterday. Consul Freeman, of Durango, telegraphed that the plant of the American smolter at Torren will bo closed shortly throwing eight thous and men out of employment as a re sult of the Insurrection, Kays tranquility Will Como Soon, Mexico City, March 18.—The United States Ambassador Wilson Prominent Chicago Man Was Shot roturne j today from a flying trip to Dead Early This Morning. Chicago, inarch 18. — Charles Schenk, tho^kmporlntenilent mysteriously shot and VRfed fust af ter bidding good (by to a party of friends at his home early today. There Is no trace to the slayers. the United States. He|declarod that,he Mu Ity will scop bAj W #4!ll ftflltai In thq cordial relation between Mexi co and the United States. Try 0. B. Williams- Llrer and Kidney Fills for bllllousness. 8-22-sw 12 mo. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound A woman who is sick and suffering, and won’t at least try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, is, it would almost seem, to blame for her own wretchedness. Read what this woman says: Rlclimmid, Me. — “ When my second daughter was eighteen months old I was pronounced a hopeless lnvnlld by specialists. I had a consultation of doctors and they wild I had a severe caso of ulceration. 1 was In bed for ten weeks, had sinking spells, and was pronounced to lie in a dangerous condition, My father Insisted that we try l,yilla G. Plnknam’s Vegetable Compound, and brought me six bottles. I soon liegnn to Improve, and be fore It Imd all been taken I was ns well and strong as ever,—my friends hardly recognized me so great was the change.-—Sirs. Woodson ltrunstetter, Richmond, Mo. ‘ There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in the United States wno have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman’s suffering. Read what another woman says:— Joneslmro, Texns.—“I have used Lydia E-Plnklmni’s Vegeta, ble Compound for myself nnd daughter, and consider it une qualled for all female diseases. I would not be without it for anything, I wish every mother in America could be persuaded to use it as there would lie less suffering among our sex then. 1 am always glad to speak a word of praise for Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound, and you are at liberty to use this testimonial."—Mrs. James T. Lawrence, Jonesboro, Texas. Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffering from the same trouble ? For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound has been the standard remedy for female ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. ■fade exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit, B im If the slightest trouble appears which ’ you do not understand, write to Mrs. bam at Lynn, Mass* for her advice—ltls free and always helpful* Savanab, Ga., March 18.—E cry change in the price otkMMt-r tur pentine Just now is upwarjL There seems to be no tendency of (the part ot anyone to run it down, jibe new season is approaching amlti'a drouth that extends front one eqd ot the naval stores belt to the, other and with supplies In the ports at a very lulu, low ebb. All factors In Savannah have received advice*, during the week telling of the great/Marin that Is coming from the lack' of ,raln. * *************%* * * Spirits of turpentine went ♦ •> above the dollar marie today ♦ + going to $1.00 to 01.01. on the * * call. ***************** As long as this condition keeps up the receipts of eplrltsjy^st bo very light and the price remain very high. The covered and ex ported price of (1. per gallon for Bplrlts turpentine was not reached this week hut It Js on the threshold. It may come Monday. Many are confident that it will. The'price has advanced at the rate of a cent gallon each day this, week and there Is every Indication that It will continue to do so. At the close of the marke^jee- terday afternoon the price had gone to US cents, a figure that was look ed upon ns Impossible to reach earlier In the srnson. Everything that Is offered Is probably booght by some local or foreign Interest ae qulcklj I'it can he secured. This would Indicate that no one expects the price to go backward. The new season will two weeks from today and Washington, March 18.—It Is re ported toay that the garrison In Ha waii and the Philippine Islands will (be reinforced by twelve thousand In fantry, cavalry and artillery within the next three months. Tho second Infantry has gone to San SYancIsco to embark for Hono- mar- some Uttle new ettiL-Hs bcln to this port. Not coming however mand nor 1* iL throughout tW the new season .It is'hells have no great-effect upon thd kct. No marked downward tenden cy will result because of the few barrels of new stuff that will; come In during tho first two wee^s of April. As has been stated In these dispatches all the May-AugudJ fu tures that could bo bought at sev enty cents have been sold. This In dicates that tho price Is to keep well up for a long tlmo. Tho rosin market remains very, firm nt the high quotations with very little stuff to offer. While the pro duct la high it Is likewise sesreo and there Is not much to sell. The Inbor situation shows little Improvement. tt Is not a serloua however ns tho drouth. to get, though-it Is understood that domestic troubles were the cause. Johnson Is Bald to have been a workman for the railroad and lived at Alapaha. He and his wife had trouble and she left him last week, coming to Waycross. He followed her last night. Ono report says that the couple fought hnd one killed the other, hut It Is believed that when he tailed to ng about a reconciliation with her shot her dead and then com- mt'-ted suicide. at the couple have a Boston Wots! omr. USHERS AT THE GRAND. Girls Are to Take the Place of the Roys During th^ Slimmer. Atlanta, March 18.—Girl ushers, following the style of European thea tres, will supplant the men ushers at the Grand Opera House here for tho remainder or the season and throughout tho summer. If the re markable innovation Is successful tt mny 'he made permanent. Tho man ager of the house has advertised for eight pretty girls, end Intelli gent girls, and will make a selection next Monday. They will be at work Monday night. The ushers will be garbed In hlaek, with a white or red band across their breast*. mind, Dizzy Spells. Wilmington, N. C.—Mrs. Cora L. Ritter, write* from this place: “’1 used to have blind dizzy spells, and veak cold spells want all over ms. Different doctors could not tell me what was wrong. After taking Gar dul, I am all right and In better health than for 10 years." Cardut Is a remedy for women which ha* been used by women for nearly a lifetime. It prevents the unneces sary pains ot female trouble!, such headsche, backache, dlzztnesx Poe’s Name Day. Rome, March 18.—St. Joseph’s day, the name of day of Pope Pina will be celebrated at the Vatican tomorrow with special observances. The advance guard of the East r pilgrims has already arrived ,In Rome and It Is expected hundr-ds will attend the services to offer their congratulations to the Pontiff on his recovery from his recent Ulneaa ALAPAHAMAN’S CRAZY CRIME J. E. Johnson, of That Place, Killed his Wife and Then Suicided Today. Waycross, Ga., March 18.—J «.E. Johnson, ot Alapaha, shot and kill- ed his wife here today.- #He then turned the revolver upon himself and blew his own brains out. President Taft, it is Said, will Let Extra Session Deal With Mexico. Augusta, Ga., March 17.—It was learned today hat as soon as Presi dent Taft returns to Washington early next week that a conference will be held to determine the course to be pursued in the Mexican diffi- culty. INSPECTOR IS VINDICATED Sanitary Officer at Savannah Comes Out on Top in an Investigation Ihere. Savannah, Ga., March 17.—Mayor George W. Tiedeman spent sometime yesterday afternoon at the city hall investigating charges that had been filed against Mr. A. Robider, the city plumlblng Inapector. Mr. Robider was charged with the health com mittee of council w’th being Incoui- Notbing will be done until then petent to attend to the dutIe8 of thB office and also with being lntoxlcat- except to equip and prepare the a mu . . .. ° v ed. The mayor heard the testimony army for active operations. | of 8eve ral plumbers as to Mr. Robi- The President is likely to put the der’s fitness for his job and that of question of intervention up to Con- others as to Mr. Ro/blder’s tendency grees at its extra session if Pres., t0 cclohrato °» occasions. , . . . . • . . Previous to the hearing Mr. Tiede- Diaz proves to be unable to control A# . ,. , 1 After a thorough investigation the situation li. Mexico. Mayor Tiedeman decided that the , charges against/ Robider wdro not FIRE SMOULDERS IN SHIP. j 8ust ained and he will so report to the committee on publ’c health at a Mallory Liner From Galveston To fee mee ting this afternoon, so the in- Docked This Afternoon. jspector comes off with flying colors. New York, (March, 17.—Wireless I Tho hearing of the case against reports today say that the Mallory Mm attracted a good deal of atten- liner, Neuces, from^BMveston, has t,on ,n cIty hal1 * cIrcl es. fire smouldering in her hold off the | New Jersey coast. It was expected to dock her this afternoon. A Strange Story. Argyle, Mich.—Mrs. Win. H. Car- The details of the killing are hard , Bon> in a letter from Argyle, says: I was almost wild with pain in my head, and other severe pains from womanly troubles. After using Cadui, I obtained great relief. Further use of Cardul raised me from my bed of agony. Cardui saved my life, when nothing else would help me.” Whether seriously sick, or simply ailing, take Cardui, the woman’s tonic. It relieves pain, regulates irregularities, builds weak nervous women back to health. Ask your druggist about it FOUR PERISH IN HOTEL. He was charged with drunkenness and in competency, but there was no evi dence to show that he was unfitted J for service or that this charge was true. man notified Mr. Robider of the charges filed against him and gave him the privileg of resigning or standing and investigation. Winiama' Liver and Kidnejf Pills for constipation. 3-22-b-w 12 mo. Terrible Train of Troubles- Lake Charles, La.— Mrs. E. Four nier, 616 Kirby street says: “The month before I took Cardui, 1 could hardly walk. I had backache,, headache, pain In my legs, chills,, fainting spells, sick stomach, drag ging feelings, and no patience or courage. Since taking Cardui, l no more pain, and feel good II the time.” Take Cardui and get benefit of the peculiar herb In tents, which been found efficient for womanly Ills. le have tenting. •fit byCthC™" 1 Boston, March 18.—' Truro was bunted this morning., It ch relieved In 30. minutes oy Two women and two children, .all Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion. Never colored, were burned to death. I falls. Sold by A. E. Dlmmock, drug- Briggs Reduction Sale ON WINTER GOODS Commencing January 19tb. we will make th e following reductions, and it will pay you to read every word In this "ad" as we are making cuts In lines that we have never cut before. It you are In need of anything mentioned below, core and buy it from us... - SUITS WINTER UNDERWEAR. MEN’S TROUSERS. Snlts In all kinds of goods, the latest 32.50 Suits now 01.00 ,, , and beat make... This season’s 32.00 Suits now 1.50 FuU Bloomor ’ P <'K ««P. Sc '"> »°P- goods. 31.50 Suits now 1.15 and Dress Pant, In all shades ... .. „ Al.00 Suits now 75c 310.00 Suits now 0(1.70 and kind of goods. 311.00 Suit, now 7.35 312.00 Suit. now. 8.00 PAJAMAS. , 8 . 00 Trousers now 00.00 312.60 Suit* now 0.00 00 Pajama8 now 02-25 37.50 Trousers now 5.05. 315.0u Suit* now 10.00 | Pajamas 1.00 37.00 Trousers now 5.25 316.50 Suits now 11.00 ^, 00 pajamas now 1.50 36.50 Trousers now 4.00 117.50 Suits now 11.35 J 150 p a j ama , now 1.15 36.00 Trousers now 4.50 318.00 Suits now 12.35 jj 00 p a j a mas now 75c 35.50 Trousers now 4.15 320.00 Suits now 13.35 35.00 Trousers now ...3.75 321.00 Suits now 14.00 NIGHT SHIRTS. 34.50 Trousers now 3.40 322.60 Suits now 15.00 34.00 Trousers now 3.00 323.UO Sui now 15.35 33.00 Night Shirts now 02.25 ,3,50 Trousers now 2.05 326.00 Suita now.. .... ,',,,10.70 32.50 Night Shirts now 1.00 ,3.00 Trousers now 2.25 32.00 Night Shirts now 1.50 32.50 Trousers now 1.00 OVERCOATS. 31.50 NIgut Shirts now 1.16 32.00 Trousers now 1.60 00.00 $ 10tt Night Shirts now 75c .50 Night Shirts now 40c BOY’S SUITS 1-8 OFF. 39.00 Overcoats now. 310.00 Overcoats now 0.70 311.00 Overcoats now 7.35 312.00 Overcoats now 8.00 313.60 Overcoat, now 0.00 39 09 Su ts now 00.00 315.00 Overcoat, now ,JO.OO J7.00 Suit, now 4.70 316.60 Overcoats now 11.00 35.59 s u i t , n w 4.35 317.00 Overcoats now 11.85 36.00 Suit* now 4.00 TIES 31.00 Ties now 75c .76 Ties now 05c .50 Ties now 40c .25 Tie, now 20c SOCKS 318.50 Overcoat, .12.35 35.50 Suits now. $20.00 Overcoats now 13.35 34.50 suits n.w 3.00 ....3.70 31.00 Socks now.. 121.00 Overcoats now. 322.50 Overcoats now. , 323.00 Overcoats now. , 326.00 Overcoats now. SHIRTS. . . .80c .76 Socks now 05c .50 Sockg now *. ,40c .26 Socks now 20c FANCY VESTS. 33.60 8hlrts now 32.60 Shirts now. 12.00 Shirts now 3.50 31.50 Shirt* now ..14.00 34.00 suits now 2.70 ..15.00 33.50 Suit, now 2.33 ..15.35 3300 Sutts now 2.00 . . 10.70 BOY’S KNICKERBOCKER PANTS 35.00 Vests now 03.75 32.00 ants n'w 01.50 34.50 Vests now 3.40 ..$2.25 31.75 p an(a 1.35 34.00 Vests now t. .aoo 2.00 «, o D , 33.60 Vests now \ .2.05 1.50 Baa now "I" 13.00 Vests now 2.25 1.15 * 126 P»nte now 05c $2 00 Vests now 150 dragging down feelings etc. Tr*l$l .00 Sh.rta now.. S«c 3 .00 Pants now 75c 32.50 Vests now 1.50 It. ■ .60 Shirts now 40c . act* now 00c 31.50 Vesta now 1.15 Thla aale Is for csah only. No go « azenanged or taken back after a eld.. . Nothing Seal on Approval.