The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 08, 1911, Image 2

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r ' ma Tiuwu mim valdosta. oa, baturdat, afbii. TREATY WITH JAPS IS MADE There was Rejoicing in the Flowery Kingdom Over the Prospects of Peace. BRYAN, CLARK AND WfMON. Three Leaders are Scheduled t< Hpeak at Burlington, N. J. Burlington, N. J., April 4.—Wll Ham Jennings Bryan, of Nebraska, Speaker Champ Clark, of the House of Representatives, and Governor Woodrow Wilson, of New Jersey, are scheduled to speak In the Burling ton Auditorium tomorrow night, fol lowing a dinner of the Burlingtin County Democratic Club. The meeting will be the biggest Democratic event that has taken .MS A .'place in South Jersey in many years Toklo. April 4.-The ratified on,I * ^ ^ a hoBt of sealed draft* of the American-., rom | n ent leaders of the New Jersey, Japanese treaty were exchanged to- j Pennsylvania, Delaware and Mary- day with elaborate ceremony at the land, Mikado's palace. LORD HOLDS AN AUCTION. Article Belied by Customs Officials Put Up for Bale. New York, April 4.—A collection of artlclee seized by the customs of ficials at this port, or forfeited be- The proas halls the exchango a* one of the most Important In year* and there la much rejoicing through out the empire, as It le believed that the treaty la a guarantee of peace between the Aemrlcans and canB0 of the non-payment of duties, Japanese. I was disposed of at public Bale today. It Is looked upon as a complete The sale wait one of the largest ever refutation of the rumors of Impend ing trouble between these two coun tries CAHHIKR MISSING TODAY. S Kentucky Bank Couhlcr Get* Short $r,0.000 and Skips Out. Owensboro, Ky., April 4.-—W. A. Sherrell, until Saturday cashier of the Utica Deposit Bank, has disap peared. The bank officials have no tified the bonding company that he la abort in hit accounts fifty thou sand dollars. COI/OKKD TROOPS MOVED Race Trouble* Were Threatened Among Troop* in Texas. San Antonio, Tex. April 4.—The colored troops have been removed frdm the Ninth cavalry to avoid race troubles. Th© negro soldiers have been sent to the border. The feeling between the troop has been at the verge of the breaking point. Turps Market In Savannah. Savannah, April 4.—Turpentine la firm at $1.02. Roaln, water white. $8.60 to A. $8.12. . Jp-p-a-Hc at The Harley's.. conducted here, thanks to the vigi lance of the customs inspectors un der the direction of Collector Loeb. The collection comprised more than 1,000 lots and Included featherbeds, shoes, wine, auto tires earthenware, clothing, parts of machinery, hun dreds of yards of moving picture films and 110,000 picture post cards. NEPOTISM IS NiPPEO IN BUD Citizen, of Bartow County went to Atlanta to Protect Against Appointment Constipation rings many ailments- In Its train and Is the primary cause of much sickness. Keep your bowels regular madam, and you will escape many of the ailments to which wo men aro subject. Constipation la a very simple thing, tout like many simple things, it may lead to serious (t he situation, to appoint a relative consequences. Nature often needs: Q f the board. The final settlement a little assistance and when Cham-! wa s a fairly amicable one. berlaln's Tablets are given at the J The prison commission will toe in first Indication, much distress and 1 session all this week, and will have suffering may bo avoided. Sold by all [ „ busy time of It. Only 70 peti- Atlanta, April 4.—Nepotism has been nipped In the bud In Bartow county by the action of the stale prison commission yesterday after noon in the appeal of J. A. Heath against the Bartow board of county commissioners Heath wa« the chlei convict warden of that county. He waa discharged, and E. C. Vinson! a close relative of the secretary of the board, was appointed bis sui SOS'-. Heath reglpqered s vigorous kick, and the prison commission has ordered the board to withdraw the appointment of Vinson and name some other man. Heath's discharge was rescinded on the condition that he resign, which he did at the capi tal yesterday. So neither he nor Vinson will get the Job, which is now open. y The whole hoard was at the capi tal yesterday to uphold its aide oil the case. They were C. B. Vinson, George Vcatch, O. H. GUreath, and William Itoland. These gentlemen declared that Heath was discharged for Incompetcncy, and that Vinson was appointed because he happened to bo the best man for the place. The board ruled that It would bo set ting a bad precedent, no matter what Mt DAUGHTER WASOIREP By Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Baltimore, Md.—“I send jron here with the picture of my fifteen year old, ' 'fee, who daughter All was restored to Pink ham 1 ble Compound, w as pale, with darl circles under he: eyes, weak an " table. Two dii doctors treated and called It Green Sickness, but she grew worse all the time. Lydia E.Pink. rec* hot- ,thanks I ran recommend it mun to your medicine, for all female troubles.”—Mrs. L. A. Cork it an, 1103 Rutland Street, Balti more, Md. r " Hundreds of such letters from moth- „T*rs expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com ixhiihI has accomplished for them have the Lydia E. Pinkham been received by Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass, Young Girls* Heed This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, head ache, dragging-down sensations, faint ing spells or li “ “ ‘ “ __ o indigestion, should take immediate action and be restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound. Thousands have been restored to health by its use. Write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice, free. drugKiBtB. tlons are pending, less than for any other session In a year past, but among them are a number of unus ual Importance. First In public In* Georgia Woodmen In Session. Columlbus, .Ga., April 4.—The Georgia head eamp of the Woodmen | terest, of course, the pardon pptl- of the World began Its annual meet- j tion of Thomas Edgar Stripling, Ing here today with delegates pres- which will bo heard Thursday. DR. M. SMITH. Practice limited to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office over DImmock’s Drug Store, VMdosta, Ga. ent from many parts of the state. The business of the convention will occupy three days. Plas-TI-Co at The Harley’s. cores OLD SORES dcr.-Tncludht* wife. A. D. Oliver, the “high financier’* from Decatur county, has an appeal pending. The case of the Rev. J. A. Kim- mons, of Gilmer county, the North Georgia preacher, convicted of kill ing a man In his churchyard, will also b e heard. * 6* The news value of any advertisement depends entirely on its truthfulness and common sense. Based upon these two lads we hope to make this short talk of special interest to all per. ons who are afflicted r chronio ulcer. If in presenting the merits of S.S.S. i troubles, our line of reasoning appeals to you, it prove the truthfulness of our statements by entaining many testimonials from persons in who have been cured of an old sore or S.S.S. Whenever ■ sore or ulcer becomes chronic or refuses to heal, It is because of bad blood; the healing qualities of (he circulation have been weakened by impurities or poisons in this vital fluid. The blood is the great source of nourishment for all flesh tissues. As It constantly circulates throughout the system it carries the necessary "nutrient properties to every portion of the body. It is because of this continual replenishment that the flesh remains Arm and healthy and Dee from disease. Since the blood exercises such an important and Among others are the following: J. C. Hunter, the Savannah m who was convicted of a triple mi Whe killing ought to make big profits on your fruit cropsr^jiro-- ducing perfect and pretty fruit, free from worms and other defects, if your spraying is thoroughly done and you have been otherwise attentive to your trees. To increase your yield per tree or per acre of fine fruit Use Virginia-Carolina High-Grade Fertilizers at the rate of ten or fifteen lbs. per tree, spread around the tree and thoroughly worked into the soil around the roots. Ask your_deaIerfor a copy of our handsome this season’s . . OK or almanac, or write us. The FARMERS’ YEAR BO book is worth many dollars to any farmer. SALES OFFICES Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Atlanta, Ga. * Savannah, Ga* a/ -‘ Colombia, 8. C. Durham, N. C, Alexandria, Vs. Charleston, 8. C. Baltimore, Md* boMfOi; Montgomery, Ala. Memphis, Term. Shreveport, La. Wjnrton-SaJcm, N.C. •r SPECIAL AGENTS FOR BELL. necessary function we can easily understand why impurities or poisons flesh at some in this vital fluid so often infect and disease the Aesh'at some particular spot, and by continually discharging impurities into il cause the forma tion of old sores or chronic ulcers. Every symptom of an old sore suggests diseased blood. The inflammation, discharge, discolored flesh, and the fact that external applications never have any curative effect on these places, show that deep down in the circulation there is a morbid cause that prevents the place from healing. But more convincing proof that bad blood is responsible for old sores is fumishqjLbyjhe fact that even removing cure. THEY ALWAYS RETURN. - Only by cleansing the blood or the poisonous cause can an old sore be cured. S. S. S. heals them by going down into the circulation and removing the cause from the blood, when this has been done there is no longer left any inflammatory Bawsel and Therrell Appointed by die Telephone Company. Atlanta, Oa., April 4.—B. E. Bawsel and D. M.Therrell have been appointed as special agents of the Southern Bell Telephone Company with headquarters In Atlanta. Mr. Bawsel was formerly division com- merclal superintendent ot the Ameri can Telephone snd Telegraph Com pany, with headquarters here, while Mr. Therrell was until recently gen. oral traffic superintendent ot the Western Union Telegraph Company tor this division. When a medicine must toe given to young children It should be pteas- ant to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is made from loaf sugar, and the roots used In Its preparation give It at flavor similar to maple syr up, making It pleasant to take. It has no superior tor colds, croup and whooping cough. For sale by all druggists. JAP NINE COMER OVER. impurity or infectious matter to irritate the place, and nature ural and perma- CURED MAN AND It stv.. m» pleasure to 1 rati • With 8.8.8. wife and myaalf have ca< How# it tha tmUit of all bl$»d par- UUn. X at one time had am old sore on my not* which oausad ma a great deal of unoaainoM, bain* afraid It waa malignant. My wife also had an ugly old aloer on her feoo which yavo hor considerable worry.' Wo know of no cause for thoeo old eoroe so Concluded they were due to bod blood. Wo both need 8.8.8. and It cared mo ooand and well. Thlo woo tome years ago bat neither of no haTO ever had any elf no of a rotnrn of tbo sore. X cheerfully recommend 8.8.8. ao a core for Old Sores. a. W. LOOAN, Taylor, Texas. itate the plai causes the natui nent healing of the ulcer. When S.S.S. has purified the blood and the place is once more nour ished with pure, rich blood, then every symptom disappears, and it is not a surface cure, but the place is flrmiy and sAdlyJiealed from the bottom to the outer skin. S. S. S. is recognized afrthAgreatest of all blood purifiers, and therein lies its ability to cure eld sores. It is purely vegetable, containing no mineral in any form, and its line tonic effects are alvays helpful in overcoming the impure systemic effects of an old sore. Forty years of cures is the record of S. S. S., and what it has done in thousands of cases we feel perfectly safe in saying it will do in your case if you are afflicted with an old sore. t’e have a special treatise on Old Sores which we will be glad to Team From Flowtwy Kingdom Will Tour America Thl. Bummer. San Francisco, Cal., April 4.—Ac cording to advices received from To klo the Japanese baseball team that Is to tour America thla summer satis today for this city on the Manchuria. The team la made up of players of Waseda and Kelo Universities. After meeting several college teams on the Pacific coast the Japanese nine will go east to play the Universities of Chicago Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan. It contains the statements of many wit- 5. S- some of whom you may know. Kicked by a Mad Bone. ^Samuel Birch, ot Beetown, WIs., had a most harrow escape from los ing hta leg, as rib doctor could heal the frightful aore that developed, but at last Bneklen's Arnica Balva cured It completely. Ita the greatest healer of nleeraT burns bolls, aeso- ma, scalds cuts, corns, cold-cores bruises and piles on earth. Try It SSe at Dlmmoek's Pharmacy, W. D. Dunaway and Ingram Drag Co. Fine Line Cooking Utensils Har ley’s ,v £■ orgia Fertilizer & Oil Co VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. \ MANUFACTURERS OF THE WELL-KNOWN BRANDS: Valdosta High Standard, . \ South Georgia Complete, Georgia Standard Meal Mixture. TripleJ^Potash Blood and Bone, High Grade Acid Phosphate. IMPORTERS OF 6ERMAN KAINIT MURIATE OF POTASH AND NITRATE OF SODA Also we make a Specialty Truck and Canteloupe Fertilizer. Our fertilizers have given complete satisfaction to the farmers throughout South Georgia for several Wri years. Write us or call on our agents in the various towns, for prices. Office in rear Merchants Bank Building Valdosta, Ga. H. Y. Tillman, Valdosta, Ga., SPECIAL AGENT FOR THIS TERRITORY. The Orign of Royster Fertilizers. Mr. Royster believed that success awaited the Manufacture of Fertilizers who would place quality above other considerations. This was. Mr. Royster’s idea Twenty-seven years ago and this is his idea to-day; the Result has been that it requires Eight Factories to supply for Royster Fertilizers. F. S. ROYSTEKSGUANO COMPANY, FACTORIES SND SALES OFFIOSS. NORFOLK. VA. TARBORO. N. O. COLUMBIA, a. C. SPARTAN.USA. a. O. MACON. QA. OOLUMRUB, OA. MORTBOMtRV. ALA. BALTIMORE. MO. ft I