The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, June 10, 1911, Image 8

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/ Why We Can Sell “For Less”! T HERE is a jeweler in New York City who pays $5,000 k month for a little room on Broadway, about the size of an ordinary hen house. Hundreds of thousands of people jSass this place daily. The $5,000 is for the location— not the floor space; therefore, of the $5,000, about $4,000 is for window display. Who do you suppose pays this enormous rent ? His customers, of course. $J Rents haven’t quite reached that proportion in this town, but they are getting pretty nearly too it There seems to be considerable rivalry here, among the merchants; each trying to out do the other,i in location, fine fixtures, etc. Who pays for all these extra rents, fine furnish ings, etc? We’ll let you answer for yourself. SjfWe don’t believe in so much show, but less finery, and closer prices. We haven’t got such a handsome build- ■“ ing, but when it comes to prices on good dependable merchandise, w e can make our competitors, “take no tice.” Our motto, we sell everything “FOR LESS” means something. ANYTHING, it will pay you to get our prices. “There’s a reason.” When you need WINN-JONES COMPANY CASES SET FOR THE CITY COURT The following cases have been given assignment: Third Monday in June. Thomas Deklo Hardware C >. A Ii. Burnett. Hurley Hardware Company I). Al. McCranle & Co. O. H. Hightower vs John Dorminy and D. U. Blanton. J. L. Staten vs L. Smith. J. J. Joyner , vs James McNeal and Jlamp Robert*. Valdosta Peed, Sale & Trading Co. vs A. H. Touchton. Virginia Carolina Chemical Co., vs John W. Sharp. Ed L. Thomas vs Valdosta Moul trie & Western R. R. ‘ H. P. Tillman Grain Co.\ ft T,’^ , Goodwin. J. J. Joyner, Valdosta Feod, Sa]e and Trading Co., vs J. B. Lcwlsatid 8. C. Wells. Bank of Barwlck vs J. and J. W. Davis. 1 C Quitman Foundry and Ma6hluo Company vs Win. Duncan und Mrs. Cylde Duncan. A. J. Strickland vs J. F. Fender A. J. Strickland vs J. F. Fonder-' ... J» ointii in ii ii *o j. • . . vuuvp-' , i - *.. — , j- Davit. Drothcm Co., v, W. .SM ■?*•«. ■»*»* *F. lolsbv. * * * , . Goolsby Davis Drothcrs Co., v» W. W. Goolsby nn.l W. F. Goolsby. John F. Smith, doing business un der the name and style of Smith Llv- ery Co., v, Jimmlo Knight. Dryfus Well & Co. vs Joe Stump. Maltlo Shannon vs Mrs. M. C. Kdinnndsan. Alberta lluclian yb Mrs. M. C. Btlmondson. Mliell Live Stock Co. vs C. C. Howell. Smith & Shtrllng, vs D. L. Vick ers. B. H. Heberts vs H. N, Itullard. Wllmarth Building Company, vs Valdosta Variety Works, J, P. Cof fee & A. G. Sherman. H. T, Ogletrco vs W. H. Sharp. H. T. Ogletrco vs W. H. Sharp. Drs. Lung and Little v> W. A. Bo- lole. Tho Park Bunk of 1-lttsburg', Pa., vs .T. M. Moore and T. U. Culberth, K. Greehn ft Co. vs Jacob Black. Wilson Dry Goods Co. vs J., Blsck. Julius R. Watt & Co. vs R. K. Rtcgln. J. N. Griffin vs Linton Jones. R. T. Gupton vs Robt. Bryant and Hattie Bryant Berlin Mac hi no Works vs Val dosta Variety Works, A. G. Sherman J. P. Coffee end P. D. DuBose. C. 1). Faxon vs C. A. Lucas. Atlanta Coast Line H- R. Co., vs 3. A. Dasher. J. G. Mackey vs Arthur Duncan. W. J, Du Hunt, Jr., vs Brown and Anderson. The Tokheim Mfg Co., vs H. K. McLendon. Roberts Crnnford & Co., vs S. S. Blanton. J. L. Staten vs D. D. Smith E. J. Futch Vs W. L. W’isenbaker. J. H. Powell ft Co., vs E. D. Pay- ten £ Co. Mrs. Betty Adams & Amanda Clements, vs J. P. Peeples. Brunswick Crosstie & Creosotlng Co., v, H. Fred Smith, Defendant, J. F. Fender, Claimant. Brunswick CroaUe ft Creosotlng PERSONAL MENTION. The Georgia and Florida train go ing north won held here until 10:40, and will leave hero at that hour to morrow and next day, it being held back to accommodate excursionists who came from Augusta and up tho road Tuesday afternoon. Miss Kathleen Avera came over from Quitman this morning and Is visiting relatives In this city. Prof. W. O. Roberts has gone to Athens as a member of the board of visitors of tho State University. Misses Harriet Deal and Leona Roberts left this morning for Thom- asvllle to visit friends there. rpj, Eicon left this morning for rilbla; S. C., and will go from <to Virginia to spend bis va- las Charity Pope, who has been visiting tho family of fier ihrolher, J. ,T. Pops, at Adel, returned to her home lti‘ North Carolina this tnorn- lng. Mr. Pope and his daughter, Miss Jegnlo PnpeAftfoe ns far os Valdosta with he.V JP'U' * * * n. J. C. Harris, of Gainesville, E'.wts among the visitors to this sterdny. > >rs. H. Ct MeFsMf #,,• of tho GeorglV r Mr. T. E. Odom, of RlackshPftr, was among the visitors to Valdoitfi yesterday. Misg Edith Prootor, of Kingslnnd, Is visiting her aunts, Mrs. M. L. Proctor and Mrs. F. D. Rivers. Tho Times wa* misinformed in the statement printed In yesterday's paper that Mr. Tom Burnett hnd severed his connection with The Gulf Refining Co., and would go to Jen nings. Instead, Mr. Burnett will go on the road for the company, still making Valdosta his home. Mr. J. J. Harris was In Berlin yes terday during tho storm, but ho happened to be In a store that was not blown down. Co., vs H. Fred Smith, Defendant, The American Law Book Co., Claim ant. Tuesday. E. J. & W. S. Me Roe, vs Atlantic Coast Line R. R. R. A. Whitehurst, vs Valdosta Moultrie & Western R. R. A. Ewing, vs Atlantic Coast Lino R. R. W. 8. McReo, v* Atlantic Coast Lino R. R. \ S. McRee, Executor of estate of E. J. McRco, vs Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Mrs. Radical Wood, vs Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Virginia Carolina Chemical Co. vs N. Bray and F. N. Bray. C. 8. Morgan, vs O. M. Smith. Wednesday. % Mrs. Annlo Laurie Mauldin, vb Georgia Southern & Florida R. R. S. A. Gainus, vs A. C. L. Ry Co ' C. S. Morgan, vs Mary E. Black, Henry Black, Daniel Black. W. A. Sims, v* G. W. Bond. J. B. Hutchinson, vs A. H. Touch- ton. All demurrers will be beard on Friday, June 16th and all criminal cases are assigned for the fourth Monday in June. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. J. T. Mathis returned home yesterday, after spending a week with relatives at and near Tifton. • • • Judgo W. E. Thomas has been in Thomas county this week holding superior court, and a large number of cases have been disposed of there. Mr. C. II. Gattls, general passen ger agent of the Georgia & Florida railroad, was In the city today. Mrs. R. M. Rose and ber stater, Miss Elliott, were called to Tampa this week by the illness of tbeir father. • • • Prof. Chas. T,an© and wife, of Mc Rae, are on a visit to the family of Dr. J. M. Smith. Mrs. B. F. Huggins, of Macon, is visiting tfie family of her father Mr. E. L. Turner. v 0 Mr. S. W. Sargent and wife, Mrs. H. C. Sargent and M1m Emily Sar gent leave tonight for Michigan to spend the «uminer. Mrs. H. C. Bar gent hns been feebleJ^^P few days, | )Ut ! L’’ Ctt ^ r ^XCTj’ ‘ i Sava'.in ah avenue and Fair her 88th birthday . .xerday very JfStaarjma "ruuuiug cact along the pleasantly at the home of her son, Capt. Sargent. Mr. and Mrs. Sargent have 'been married sixty-three years. STOMACH FEELS FINE. PUBLIC SALE. GEORGIA—Lowndes County Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In a cer tain deed made and executed by L. •W. Wiggins, In favor of the under signed, The Building and I>oan As sociation, of Valdosta, Georgia, said deed being dated April, 13, 1911, and recorded in the office of the Clerk ot the Superior Court of Lowndes County, on May 8, 1911, in Book "Hij," folio 638, of the Record of Deeds, will 1/e sold on the first Tuesday In July next, before the Court House door in said ebunty, to the highest bidder for cash, within the legal houre of sale, the follow ing described property to-wit: All that tract or parcel ot land in the City of Valdosta, said County and State, described as follows: Be ginning at the northwest corner of the land heretofore known as the Holiday land, on the right-of-way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company, thence south two hundred and ten feet, wiet fifty-five feet, north two hundred and ten feet, and east fifty-five feet, bounded as fol lows: On the north by said right- of-way, east by the land of Mrs. N. E. Fry, west by land of L. W. Wig gins and south by Crane avenue. Also all that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the Town of Valdosta, County of Lowndes, State of Georgia, and de scribed as follows: A certain lot of iand beginning at the northwest cor- Two Mi-o-na Tablets Drive Away Distress from Stomach, Get a 50 cent box of MI-O-NA tab lets at A. E. Dlmmock’s today and lenrn for yourself how eaay It 1* to put your out of order stomach in perfect condition. MI-O-NA stomach tablets give in stant relief—nnd do more. They build up tho stomach soi to the said L. W. Wiggins, ns pro ru u ii tag cc\«:t along the line of Savannah avenue fifty feet to land of L. W. Wiggins, thence south along said lot two hundred feet; thence wes’t to Fair Btreet, thence north along Fair street to starting point, and bounded as fol lows: North by Savannah avenue, east by lands of L. W. Wiggins, south by East Crane avenue, and west of Fnlr street, said land be ing fold as the property of L. W. Wiggins, to settle an indebtedness due and owing by him, and as pro vided for in said deed, the proceeds of snid Il- to he applied to the pay ment of said indebtedness and all cost of sale, including 10 per tent, of the nmomff due ns attorney’s fees, and the balance. If any. to be paid Mr. Planter, You Can Buy Fall Peas and Sorghum Cheaper of Vinson & Barnes than you can have them shipped from elsewhere. We have Acre Peas, Mixed, Un known Peas, Speckled. Hay Peas and others Vinson & Barnes Valdosta, DRUGS AND SEEDS Georgia quickly that In a fow day. belching, sourness, heartburn, heaviness, bil- iusness, headache and dizziness 111 disappear. Ml O-NA stomach tablets are guaranteed by A. E, Dimmock to cure indigestion and all stomach Ills, or money back. have bad trouble with my stomach for two years. I tried everything I heard of. MI-O-NA stomach tablets did me more than $25.00 worth of good. They ar« the best In the world*"—Dennis Stephens; Coudersport, Pa., Feb. 1, Flfiy cents for a large box of MT-O-NA at A. E. Dimmock and druggist everywhere. GEORGIA—Lowndes County Whereas, Ansel Phillips, admin istrator of F. M. Phillips, represents to tho Court In his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that ho ha s fully administered F. M. Pflll- vlded In said deed. This Jure 4th, 1911. THE BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCI ATION OF VALDOSTA. By C. L. Jones, President. GEORGIA—Lowndes County To AH Whom It May Concern: Emma Converse having in proper fi>rm applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the es tate of Albert Converse, late of said county, this is to cite all and singu lar the creditors and next of kin of Albert Converse to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any tncy can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Emma Converse on Albert Converse's es-* tate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 5th day of June, A. V. SIMMS, OrtHi GEORGIA—Lowndes County Whereas, Rose Jones, administra trix of Ambrose Jones, represents to lips' estate, (his 1. therefore to cite “>« court In her petition duly Hied Wisnn. eoneerned kindred and ! < , “ 1 ' entered* on record, that she has fully administered Ambrose Jones all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause. If any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his admin istration and receive letter* of dta- mlsslon on the first Monday in July. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndes County To Whom It May Concern: R. B. Myddelton. as guardian of the per sonal property of Turner Knight and Ernest Knight, having made appli cation to me in duo form for leave to *ell a portion of the estate In his hands belonging to his said wards for their support and milntenanie. to-wit: Ten *h*ras of stock In the Strickland Cotton Mill*, notice ?z hereby given lhit «uch application /will be heard at tho next regular term bf the Court of Ordinary for said County, lo be held on the first Monday In July. 1<m. Witness mv-'han.l and official sig nature, thl* Jure 6th. 1911. • A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. * $-10-w4t estate, thl* Is therefore to cite all personB concerned, kindred and cred itors, to show cause. If any they can, why said administratrix should not he discharged from her admin istration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in July. June 5th, 1911. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndes County Whereas, Mrs. Irene G. Passmore, administratrix of Arthur F. Pass- more, represents to the Court In her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully ad ministered Arthur F. Passmore’s es tate, this is therefore to cflo ill per sons concerned, kindred and credit ors, to show cause, if any thev can. why said administratrix should not be discharged from her administra tion, and receive letters of dismis sion on the first Monday m July, 1911. f A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. D EMEMBER the times when we had to * smoke the mosquitoes away of an eve ning ? And to brush the flies or simply en dure them ? How times have changed! Now we know that these insects were the means of spreading dangerous diseases, and protect our homes and families by screen ing them out. I T pays both from the standpoint of comfort and con venience or health. O UR stock of screens and screening permits you to fit any door or window. We handle the best quality which will last for years. This means that you can put them up in a few minutes next season, thus sav ing you the time and trouble of fitting new ones as well as the cost of buying them. H OW about screening off that porch ? It will be the most popular place in the neighborhood. Come in and see how little it really will cost. Larsen-Forbes Hardware Co. South Patterson St Phone S25 Valdosta, Ga. ALBERT HOPKINS MARSH Accounts Audited Systems Installed Public Acconntant and Auditor AUGUSTA,‘GA Corretpondes Solicited J