The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, July 11, 1911, Image 2

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^ r Oliver & Grimes , Removal Sale Begins Thursday, July 13th, and Closes Saturday, July 22nd, 1911 i y a < is with pleasure that we can truthfully say we have outgrown our present quarters, and on 1 bk or a h°ut September 20th, we will move into our new store, which will be erected three doors ^ * from our present location, on the lots now occupied by Messrs. J. H. Howard and J. Black. On this site will be built for us one of the most modern Dry Good Stores in this section. We do not wish to move any of our present stock into the new store, hence we are having this sale at a time when the public needs merchandise, and we propose, during those ten days to sell goods cheaper, and to sell more goods than has ever been sold in the same length of time in the history of Valdosta Our store will be closed Tuesday and Wednesday, July 11-12, preparing for this sale Tuesday and Wednesday ^‘ • mi eady-to-Wear Department Coat Suits and Dresses Never before have we ever had a larger as sortment of beautiful Dresses and Suits to offer the public at such reduced prices. $35.00 Coat Suits and Dresses 30.00 Coat Suits and Dresses 25.00 Coat Suits and Dresses 20.00 Coat Suits and Dresses 15.00 Coat Suits and Dresses 12.50 Coat Suits and Dresses 10.00 Coat Suits and Dresses $19.95 17.75 14.95 12.95 9.95 8.75 4.95 Special $7.50 to $15 Skirts at $3.95 in fancy black Voiles, Panamas and Serges that are carried over. These are perfectly good skirts, but may not be the latest narrow styles. They sold from $7.50 to $1 5. Your choice $3.95 Special—Beautiful assortment of Childrens and Misses white Lingerie Dresses that form erly sold for $7.50 to $1 5.00. Your choice $4.95 Fall Style Skirts 300 beautiful new fall style Skirts just receivec in the beautiful light colored mixtures, solic colors, blacks, all sizes, 22 to 36 inch wais $15.00 Skirts, Removal Sale, $11.95 12.50 Skirts, Removal Sale, 10.00 Skirts, Removal Sale, 7.50 Skirts, Removal Sale, 6.00 Skirts, Removal Safe, 9.95 7.95 5.95 4.49 Linen Tailored Waists $5.00 Linen Tailored Waists - $3.95 4.00 Linen Tailored Waists - 3.35 3.50 Linen Tailored Waists - 2.95 3.00 Linen Tailored Waists - 2.45 2.50 Linen Tailored Waists - 1.95 1.50 Linen Tailored Waists - .98 Petticoats, Silk and Cotton $6.50 Messaline and Silk Petticoats, reg. and extra size $4.95 3.00 Messaline and Silk Petticoats, reg. and extra size 3.95 2.00 Cotton Petticoats at - - - - 1.23 1.50 Cotton Petticoats at - .98 Lingerie Waists $5.00 Waists, low and high neck $3.45 4.00 Waists, low and high neck 2.95 3.00 Waists, low and high neck 2.19 2.50 Waists, low and high neck 1.95 2.00 Waists, low and high neck 1.49 1.50 Waists, low and high neck .98 :: Silk Waists Greatly Reduced :: See Next Three Pages For Further Particu ars in Regard to This Great Removal Sale OLIVER & GRIMES