The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, July 15, 1911, Image 4

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€ 7K Y _ s/yA3 YOUNG AVIATOR NT LAST IN WASHINGTON Harry Atwood and his Lone Passenger Flew Down on the Capitol Today. Waablngton, July 11.—Aviator Atwood made the last forty mile# of hla flight from Boaton to Wash ington early this morning carrying Charles Hamilton a. a pancnger. They alighted at the Government hangerg in College Park. This af ternoon they will- fly over the city and circle about Washington monu ment. EASY TO GUT MONEY THERE Chicago Hank Loaned a Million to a Man Without Security. Chicago, July 11.—First Vice- President Hitchcock, of the First National Bank, today declared that the Bank has loaned over a million dollars to James Petit, for which It received not a scrap of security. Petit was found dead at Lake Michigan recently. It Is believed that business reverses drove him to suicide. LICENSE USED AS EVIDENCE Georgia Holons are not Battened That It can be Done, Atlanta, Oa., July 11.—Georgia colons are discussing the question as to whether a Federal Uqnor li cense can be used In blind tiger trials os prime facie evidence of guilt following the bill of Senator Felker tbst this be made a law, and there Is considerable diversity of opinion in the matter. It In understood that the Idea tried In Tennessee some time and that It worked with there. However, many senators do not hesitate to say that they believe tthat the passage of the bill would result in numerous dashes between state and federal courts. ime^ A DESPERATE NEP AT 01 GIRLS ATTEMPTED MURDER Girls who Shot Proprietor Stokes, of Ansonla, are Held. New York, July 11—Lillian Graham and Ethel Conrad, who re cently shot W. H. Stokes, the millionaire proprietor of the hotel Ansonla, were today held for the grand Jury without ball, charged with attempting murder. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Is effective for coughs and colds In either children or grown persons. No opiates, no harmful drugs. In the yellow package. Refuse substitutes. INGRAM DRUG CO. He Held an Atlanta at Bay While he R her House in Day Atlanta, Oa., July the boldest robberies In of tI|o local police day whan Mrs. J. O. of the president of the i eery Company, waa bald a desperate negro with ■ rolver while he made after looting the house In 0(| light Mrs. Oglesby discovered gro In her room shortly-befi end when she wss prepsrln to the city. The negro her and out of the front do gave pursuit Suddenly and leveling a pistol at) ;and a negro servant wB ed In the chase, held while he slowly backed o| ner and fled. Police have found no the Identity of the negro.l RECOMMEND MAJOR!! I day- Petltlon for Charter, GEORGIA—Lowndes County. the Superior Court of said county: The petlUon of M. W. Coxart, of Lowndes county, Georgia, H. N. Snead, of Berrien county, Georgia, and T. P. Weat, of Birmingham, Alabama, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for them selves, their associates and succes sors, to be Incorporated and made a body polltle under the name and style of Souther* Motor Supply tor the period of twenty (SO) years. S. The Principal office of said company shall be in the city of Val dosta, Lowndes County, Georgia, but petitioners desire the right to eetabllsh branch offlcee and places of business within the state or else where, whenever the holders or the majority of the stock may so deter mine. 3. The object of said corporation Is pecuniary gain to Itself and lta stockholders. ,4. The business to be carried on by said corporation Is to bay, sell, rent, repair, and deal In automo biles, automobile parts and supplies; to act as general or special agenta for automobile companies and con cerns and to appoint sub-agents APPLICATION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA—Lowndee County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of W. T. Staten, J. T. Blalock and D. H. Breedlove, each and all of said county and state, re spectfully shows: 1. That they desire for them selves, tbelr associates, successors and assigns to be incorporated under the name and ityle of the Valdosta Pecan Plantation Company. 2. That the object of said corpo ration Is pecuniary gain and profit to Its stockholders. 3. That the business to be en gaged In by said corporation la the planting, cultivating and growing pe can trees in groves or orchards, or any other fruit trees In groves or orchards, and Improving and de veloping pecan groves or orchards, or other fruit groves or orchards; also to plant and cultivate pecan nur- serlea, or other fruit nurseries, and aell trees from same; and also to engage In buying and Im proving real estate. In planting out and cultivating pecan groves or or chards. or other fruit groves or or chards, and also In buying, selling, renting, leasing, or otherwise dis posing of pecan grovea or orchards or other fruit groves or orchards, and the real estate on which such buut sad smoIIm pump. Kxtr.rn.lj Monomlral Is Ihp eoniumptlon OfgMOliM. An pxpanMapd in It. Can b# ntarted or " STOVER GASOLINE ENGINES msrkrt—hM 1ms tMsrfnj’Wfs thin la 1ms. On* rod opsrstss Ifni Ur. sx* _ rsmelr economical in ths consumption •d anginacr nol naewuary—anybody can stopped instantly, and can b# aaslly trans ported. Will posltl Yely^devnjo^arjnjy onnea othonn power claimed— “STOVER'TgOOD ENGlNE-l to 60 h.t. Steam Engines, Bollera and Saw Mills Ccaplcte 6issli|, Siwisi, SblB|It sii Pnstp!i| sslfits i tptcMtf ^ Mallary Machinery Co. r 148 Chirrs SIrani. MACON. QA. President T. A. Davis, Sec.-Treaa. J. N. Bray, H. S. McCallum. Vice-President . Vice-President Albert S. Pendleton, Asst. Sec.-Trees. The A. S. Pendleton Company: ... WHOLESALE lQJLCtJRS Sole Agents For Pride of the Wiregrass Self-Rising Flour Suwannee Beauty and Capitola Patents We expect to commence moving to our new place on Patterson street, next door to Florence Hotel, about July 15th. Our ACL Store and Warehouse will be for rent. DIRECTORS J. N. Bray, Valdosta, Ga. H. S. McCallum. White ~ n- o. nc\dMiiuiu> irunu J. T. Wilkes, Adel, Ga T. A. Davia. P, C. Pendleton, Springs, W. B Johnson, Atlanta, Ga, J. K White, Lake Park, Ga. J. H. Sims, old The All-Steel John Deere Cultivator With gauge wheel, lever and horse hoe at tachment, is one of the most useful tools you ever put on your place, as its several attach ments and great adjustability adapts^ it fhr numberless^uses and conditions. '?£$y ' ■ w Unequaled Tor the cultivating of'Com, Cotton, Potatoes, etc. W. H .Briggs Hardware C o Governor Smith Favors Mansion for DO J Atlanta, Ga., July 11.—Go' Smith yesterday recommended l* 18 adoption of tho majority report on the disposition of the executive mansion, which calls for a leafi* °1 99 years on the property. The f** port also recommends that property offered for the mansion ■» Druid Hills be bought and that 811 addition be made to the eap ,to1 building. The matter was ref*>red to the committee on state's rir°D- erty and will be settled at an «hrly date. TO MAKE GUNN A BISHOl? Services of Consecration Held tn Atlanta. Alanta, Oa., Jtaly 11.—I) ,Lr nmhjVii- will' be held to consecrate John T. Gunn as bishop In th cese of Nateho will be held Sacred Heart church In Attanl lanta Catholics are making fort to secure the services probable that they will sui the event that these ceremon held In Atlanta It will mean number of the church load, be present. It la hard to get much over the prioe of woolens| weather. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Whereas, E. P. S. Denmark, ad ministrator of Mrs. Emma A.-Lane, represents to the Court In his peti tion, duly filed and entered hf rec ord, that he has fully administered ssld estate. This Is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred end creodltors, to Bhow cause. If any they can, why said administra tor should not be discharged from his administration, and receive let ters of dismission on the first Mon day In August, 1911. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary, Lowndes County. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. The report of the appraisers ap pointed to set apart a year’s sup port to the widow of Alhert Con verse, deceased, having been duly filed, this la therefore to cite all per sons concerned to show caufle, If any they can. whv said report should not bo admitted to record nhd made the Judgment of the court) on the tint Monday In August. | This 6th day of Jnlv. 1911. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. seal, to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, and to do all other thlng a that may be necessary for the successful carrying on of laid business; to execute 7 notes and bonds ss evldencs of Indebtedness Incurred or which ms, be Incurred in the conduct of attain of the cor poration and to secure the same by mortgagee, security deeds or other '"gif lien under the exist ting laws ~~ ~ ^ secured cuds to Its property irsof. |. They desire for said corpora- autsorlty to apply for and ao- puiendmenta to lta charter of either form or substance by a vote of the majority stock outstanding at the time. 8. They desire for said corpora tion the right of renewal when end as provided by laws of Georgia, and that they have all such other rights, powers, privileges end Immunities as are Incident to like corporations or permlsalble under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the name and style aforesaid with the powers, privileges and Immunities herein set forth and as are now or many hereafter he allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of Georgia. M. W. COZART, H. N. SNEAD, T. P. WEST, Petitioners Patterson A Copeland, Attorneys. GEORGIA—Lowndes Count. I, R. B. Myddleton, Clerk of tho Superior Court of said county, certi fy that the above and foregoing Is a true and correct copy of petition for charter of Southern Motor Sup ply Company now of Ills In this offices. This the 26th dny of June, 1911. R. B. MYDDLETON. Clerk. Filed In office, June 26, 1911 ' R. B. MYDDLETON. Clerk. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To All Whom It May Concern: J. H. Swindle and J. E. Mathis having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of admin istration on tho estate of Joseph B. Griffin, late of said county, this Is to ettd all and singular the cred itors and next of kin of Joseph B. Griffin to he and appear at my of fice within the time allowed 'by law, and show cause. If any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to J. H. Swin dle and J. E. Mathis on Joseph B. Griffin's estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this Sd day of July, 19n. A. V. SIMM8, Ordinary. and also town sites, suburban tracts and properties: to make all kinds and classes of Improvements In and upon real estate 'by planting the same In pecan groves or orchards, or any other fruit grovea or orchards, or de veloping the same In any other way. and to sell, rent, lease or dispose of such real estate In auy way said corporation may deem proper, and with the power to do any and a(l things necessary and proper in Im proving or developing said real es tate In any manner whatever; to Is sue and eell bonds of sold corpora tion In any amount desired, and to secure same by mortgage, deed nr otherwise- to loan or borrow monev either with or without security, and also to loan or borrow monev upon any and all collaterals and securities, whether real, personal or mixed; to act in all matters or classes of business herein enumera ted, either as principal or agent, with the right to receive, exact or GEORGIA—Lowndes County. ToAll Whom It May Concern: , L. Wright having In proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the ea- tnfe Of Mary J .Wright, late of said county, this la to cite all and sin gular the creditors and next of kin of Mary J. Wright to bo and ap pear at my dfftce within the time allowed by law, and shew cause, If any they can', why pgfnanent ad ministration should norths granted to F. L. Wright on Mary J. Wright's estate. Wltneee my hand and official sig nature, this 3d day of July, 1911. A. ▼. 8UOI3, Ordinary. I therefor to buy, sell and deal in all: l lecan groves or orchards or other kind) and classes of personal prop- **'ult 8 r °ves or orchards may be eit- erty, real estate, stocks, bonds, ln the buying, notes and mortgagee or other «vl- 6eI renU “K. leasing, owning, lm- 3e*“ of ,ndebfXU ir «un^. ?™vtag <tnd leveloping real estate, tlon therewith or otherwise; to buy. own, sell and deal In stock In other corporations; to buy, lease, rent or build, maintain and operate garages and to keep and store automobiles for hire. 5. The capital stock of said cor poration shall be Ten Thousand ($10,000) dollars with the privilege of Increasing the same from time to time to a sum not exceeding one hundred thoueand ($100,000) dol lars, by a majority vote of the stock, holders, said stock to be divided In to shares of ten ($10.00) dollars each. Ten per cent of the amount of capital to be employed by them has been actually paid ln. Petition ers desire the right to have the subscriptions to said capital stock paid in money or property to be taken at a fair valuation. 6. Petitioners desire the right to eue and be sued, plead and be lm-,gi Te reasonable and proper commfs- pleaded, to have and use a commodf clone and remunerations therefor: ln short to buy, sell, mortgage, encum ber. hypothecate, or otherwise deai and trade In all kind property whatsoever, whether real, personal or mixed, as fully and freely as a natural person could do, with the right to exercise all the usual powers and to perform all the neces sary and proper acta pertaining to. or connected with the transaction of bus- inesa herein specified, Including the the right to make, Issue, deliver, or reeelva all notes, Ibonde, deeds, mort- other Instruments neces sary, prof completion or execution of any or the powers or privileges ‘ named and apeeHli corporation shall hare the power to sue and be aned, and to haye and nee a common seal: make bV'flaFs for Its government, elect a board of direc tors, and Inch officers as It'jaay de sire, and generally to haTO’Psted In It all the rights, powers,ffpHvIleees end Immunities allowed corporations under the laws of Georgia. 4. The capital stock of said cor poration shall be Twenty-6 send ($26,000) Dollars, divided Into Twenty-five Hundred shares of the par valne of Ten ($10.00) Dollars share, and with the right, power and privilege to Increase Its said capital stock from time to time not to exceed One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars, neon a vote of the holders of the majority of the capital stock then outstanding, and with the right similarly to decrees, nny Increased capital stock to an amount not leas than said original capital stock. 6. That s&ld corporation shall have the power, right and privilege to receive at a fair valuation all kinds of property; both real and per sonal, for the payment of subscrip tions to Its capital stock, and with the right to exercise any of lta cor porate powers and privileges when said capital stock shall have been fully subscribed for and not less thnn ten per cent thereof paid ln. 6 That the principal office of said corporation shall be ln the city of Valdosta, Lowndes county, Geor gia. but that It shall have the right snd privilege of establishing branch offices or agencies at such other place In this state or other states as may be desired, snd with the right nmi privilege to carry on any busi ness and to do any of the things It Is authorised to do under Its charter In any county In this etate. or any other state or states as may be de sired. Wherefore, petitioners pray that they, their associates, successors and assigns be Incorporated and made a body corporate for and during the term of twenty years, with the privi lege of renewal at the expiration of that time, with all the rights, powers and privileges set forth In this peti tion, and as may he allowed under the laws of the state of Georgt.a DENMARK ft GRIFFIN, PeMtloners' Attorneys. Filed In office this 23d day of June, 1911. R. B. MYDDELTON, Clerk Superior Court Ixiwndes Co. OFOPOIA—Lowndes County. 1, R. B. Myddelton, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing le a true copy of the petition for char ter of W. T. Staten, J. T. Blalock and D. H. Breedlove. Given under my hand and official seal this 23d day of June, 1911. r. b. MynnET.TON, Clerk Superior Court Lowndes Co ‘3-w4t GEORGIA—Lowndes Connty. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition of J. O. Beseent, A. C. Mizell and T. A. Baker, of the ccnnty and state aforesaid,* respect fully shows: First—That they desire for them selves, their associates, suedessors and assigns to become Incorporated under the name and style of BESSENT GRAIN CO., for a pe riod pf twenty years, with the priv ilege of renewal at the expiration thereof. Second—That the capital stock of the corporation shall be Ten Thoueand Dollars, with the privi lege of Increasing the same to’ Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars by a majority vote of the stockholders: sold Ten Thousand Dollars to be di vided Into shares of One Hundred Dollars each, which amount has been actually paid ln. Third—That the principal office of saidI company shall be ln the city of Valdosta, hut petitioners desire the right to do business In this or any other state and to establish branch offices within this state, or elsewhere, whenever the stockhold ers may so determine. Fourth—The object of said cor- poratlon Is pecuniary gain to Itself ana Its stockholders. They propose to engage in a general wholesale grain business and buy and sell and generally deal in hay, corn, oats, grits, meal, groceries and produce or all kinds, Including everything pertaining to said lines. Fifth—Petitioners desire the rights and privileges enumerated under common powers In section 2*16 of the Civil Code of 1910 Wherefore, petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, with the powers, privileges and Immunities herein eet forth and ae are now, or may hereafter be allowed c. cornoratfon of similar character under the laws of Georgia. JA8. F. M’CRACKIN, Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in office 6th day of July. PAUL MYDDELTON, _ Deputy Clerk. OEOROTA—Lowndes County I, Pan! Myddelton, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of said coun ty, do hereby certify that the fore, going la a true copy of the netl'lon for charter applied for by J. O. Bes- sent, A. C. Mlrell and T. A. HsVer to be known as BESSENT GRAIN ?* 8I ’l ,ear8 of file ln this offlse. .v. ? nder my hand and seal, this 6th day of July, 1911. PAUL MVnnELTYiv Deputy Clerk, 1911. LEAVE TO BELL. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To All Whom It May Concern: E. M. Mathis, administrator on the estate of Glncy Mathis, deceas ed. having In proper form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell all the real estate of the eald Glncy Mathis, this Is to cite all concerned to show cause at the next term of court why said administrator should noLhave leavo to sell said property ^^rVdvert|slng.. the same as the law directs. JP ~ Thia July thd 3d, 1911\ A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To All Whom It May Concern: Ophelia Murphy, having In prop er form applied to me for perma nent ldttere of administration on the estate of Hattie Golne, late of ssld county, this la to cite all and singular the creditors and next of ltln of Hattie Golne to he and ap pear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, If any they can, why permanent ad ministration should not he granted to Ophelia Murphy on Hattie Goins’ estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 3d day of July, 1911. A. V. SIMMS. Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndes Connty. To All Whom It May Concern: G. C. Mtley having In proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of D. R. Mlley, late of said county, this Is to cite all and singular the cred itors snd next of kin of D. R. Mlley to be and appear at my office with in the time allowed by law, and show cause. If any they can. why permanent administration should not he granted to G. C. Mlley on D. R. Mlley's estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 3d day of July, 1911. A. V. SIMMS. Ordinary. . LEAVE TO BELL. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To AJ) Whom It May Concern: Mrs. V. S. Harrell, administratrix Of the estate of W. E. Harrell, de-- ceased, has ln due form applied tol the undersigned for leave to aell a I six years’ lease for all the timber] for eaw mill purposes on lots of I land numbers 227 and 234 In the] Eleventh district of said county, I that will measure twelve Inches andL upward In diameter, two feet aborel the ground, eald timber belonging | to the estate of W. E. Harrell, de-I ceased, and said application will be) heard on the first Monday ln Aug-1 ust, 1911. ’ A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To All Whom It May Concern: Orln P. Dasher, having ln proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the tate of Mary J. Dasher, late of »i county, this fa to cite all and alngn- J lar the creditors and next of k>n I of Mary J. Dasher to be and appears at my office within the time al- I lowed by law, and show cause, If I any they can, why permanent ad-’ ministration should not be r. unfed to Orln P. Dasher on Mary J. Dash er’s estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 3d day of July, 1911. A. V. SIMMS. Ordinary. 8TATE OF GEORGIA—County of Lowndes. By virtue of an order granted by the Court of Ordlnnrv or -aid conn ty. there will be cold at publle out cry on the first Tuesday In *ugn-t. 1911, at the Court House In said connty. between the iieual hours of sale, the following property, to-wlt: the capital stock of the Strickland Cotton Mills. Said T he made for cash only and will be continued from day to day between the same hours until eald property le cold. This July 6. 1911. R. B. MYDDLETON Guardian of the Persona and Prop- «f»f Tumor Knight and Ern est Knlgbt. Marshall & Lang Civil Engineers Moultrie, Georgia DR. J. M. SMITH Practice limited to disease, of the Eye. Ear, Now and Throat Office over Dtmmock’a Drag Store, Valdosta, Ga. PUBLIC BALE. OEOROTA—Lowndes Connty. By virtue of an order from the °* Ordinary of Lowndes $., < ^ org,a ’ Seated April. 1*10, will bo cold before the Court House door In the town of Vnldocti * on the first Tuesday in August next, the following described property, to-wlt: One acre of land In tho and bc,n * P art oP lot No. 377, lying on the new road out by M. S. Robinson's, lying In tne comer next to town and hound on south by lands of W. J. Carter and west and north bv lands of the estate of W. it. Force, decease.! and east by road, raid land being In Eleventh district of Lowu I m Comfy. MRS. OCEANA FORCE, . . .. Amlnlstratrtx. 7-»w4fc j