The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, July 15, 1911, Image 8

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CHE VALDOSTA lUU, PAlibOBTi 'A, GA, UtOBDU, JULY 15, Mil. LOGS PLACED ON THE TRACK NEAR^ ALBANY Seminole Limited Came Near Running into them PERSONAL MENTION. (From Wednesday's Daily.) Miss Emma Jo Britt leaves tonight for Asheville, N. C., to spend some time. Mlse Agnes Scruggs is visiting Mrs. Ethel Warlick In Htarke, Fla. Mist Golle Bell Rogers, of frort Worth, Texas, Is visiting Miss S. ti. Scruggs. . Dr.* O. L. Bltzer returned this week from Montgomery county, where he conducted a highly, sue- censful meeting at a country church. I)r. Bltzer says that portion of the State has suffered greatly from drought and the crops are not nearly so good as they are in this section. Mrs. Tns. Lasseter, who has been spending a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Shelton In Val dosta, has gone to Atlanta for a short "t.ny, after which sh e will go to North Carolina for the summer. Repairs are being made on the wood work of the Georgia Southern end Florida depot. The work TOURIST TRAIN OF THE CEN TRAL ROAD IIAD .NARROW ES CAPE ON THE ATLANTIC COAST LINE TRACKS. (From Wednesday’s Dally.) News reached Albany Tuesday of an attempt to wreck the Semlnoio Limited, the Illinois Central Railroad tourist train between Chicago and! almost, now, but much of It has been Jacksonville. TH e attempt occurred j affected with dry rot, teh timber shortly after midnight near Summer,. crumbling Into almost a powder at between Sylvester and Tifton, on the a touch, Atlantic Coast Line. A heavy steel rail was tied across the track, and when the northbound Seminole Lim ited struck It the rail twisted among the running gear of th e locomotive. The train came to a sudden stop and It was an hour and a half be fore the rail wag disentangled and the train could proceed. The fact that the rail wls tied across the track convinced the train crew that It was a deliberate attempt to wreck the train. The southbound train was due to pans shortly after, and there hlght have been a bad wreck if the schedule had been disarranged slight ly. The train that struck the ob struction was going slowly up grade or the consequences would have been more serious. Both trains were de layed by the accident. Nobody was hurt. Collision Near Ludowid. •* A rear-end collision occurred at Ludowid, Tuesday, Just before day between a regular through freight snf a Seaboard passenger train both hound aouth. Owing to a wreck on the Seaboard at Thalman, Oa., all passenger trains were being detour ed over the Coast Line until the wreck could be cleared. A very heavy fog and train being bn down grade made it difficult for Seaboard passenger engineer to get the train under control before the impact The big engine plowed through the ca boose and alz flat can. The wrecker from Waycross arriv ed about 10 o’clock and cleared the main line so that the regular tnln could proceed. Instead of Liquid Antiseptlcs»PeroxIde many peoplo aro now using Paxtino Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to be dissolved In water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic uses It Is better and more economical. To cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. I^TflJTSrT To disinfect the mouth, do- L&CCiut| stray disease germs, and I A | ] purify the breath. I Jf-'l ■1 To keep artificial teeth and bridge work olean, odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate persplration aud K> eradicate perspiration odors by sponge bathing, fhe beat antlseptte wash kn The beat antiseptle wash known. Relieves and strengthens tired, weak, Inflamedeyoa. Heals sore throat, wounds and cuts, r or by mall THRPAXTl CHICHESTER S PILU "" ’■JStfaavssaSw fih&Sd&nStat snumixtuKiKTsivEiinwas By By Gy My BEAR BRAND Gonorrhoea Mixture Fm- IMnl DkckattM MEN ynd WOMEN Monty refund*! if It falls to curs in S to? days, Gr.anntrcd not to stricture or stain. Prevents contaabn. TKKATMKNT CONSISTS OF 1 bottle peinkea Injection fluid. 1 package of medicine to be taken internally. 1 rubber tipped male syrince and 1 package abeorbeot cotton. Cotrplrte treatment tt; three treatments MU st tleakre or by eapreee, prepaid. Addreee TIt LEVIS BEA1 DRUG CO H Pcaescels PATENTS emsMnsi I t^rvMa.era, | N ALL COUNTRIES. I I r ,««, u Jbtti %>Uk M'<ttklmffem wiw /raw, I I MMtur mmJflfitn I PreeSey Exdiulnly. I GASNOW Misses Martha and Vernon Morgan and Master James Morgan have re turned from a visit to relatives In Montlcello, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. UUIesple left last night for Louisville, Miss., on a visit to relatives In that state. 11 Is their first visit to their old home In a long time. Mra. Ella Staten and her daugh ters, Misses ' Ella and Kloin, left Monday night for points In Vlrglula to spend the summer. Mr. W. H. MaBhburn has return ed from Warm Springs, where he bus been spending two or three weeks. * ills family will remain there some time longer. Mra. Gordon Keller and her two daughtari will leav. Friday morn ing for Monteagle, Tenn. Messrs. H. M. Turner and H. L>. Clyatt, of Quitman, were among the visitors to Valdosta yeBteruay. Ur. and Mra, A. J. MacDonald, of lluinbrldga, were among the visit ors to Valdosta yesterday. Mr. Merritt W. Utzon, of Savan- uah, (pent yesterday In this city. Mr. o. u. errs., of Cutting, Ua., spent yesterday In tnis city. A party from ualnesvllle, Fla,, came up In automobile yesterday and spent the day here. The party consisted of Messrs, j. a., W. U , H. A.' Ainsworth ana uu« Heist Phifer and Mrs. L. C. Gray and Misse* Uladys and Cecil Uray. lr. and Mra Abb Perkins and Mrs. Elisa Shouse, of Madison, Ga, are expected In the city Friday, to he the guests of Mrs. 0. Bryan and fami ly. Mrs. Perkins will be pleasantly re membered as Mias Rene Bryan. Mr R. H. Covar and family have re. turned to Augusta, after spending several months In this city. Mr, Covar was connected with The Times composing room, but had to give up hit position on account of his health. Miss Lillian Harkncsg, of Jackson, Qa„ who taught at Cordele last year, will be connected with the Valdoeta schools next term. She will take Miss Woods placo in the seventh grade and Miss Wood will succeed Miss Cook In the sixth grade, Miss Cook having resigned. Miss Julie Winn Varnedoe has gone to Waycroa* to spend a week. t Last night was one of the hotteet nights of the year In this city. There was not a great deal of breese and many people were complaining of the heat today. A Peek Into nta Pocket would show the hop of Bucklen’s Ar- nlra Salve that EL 8. Lopor, a car- enter, of Marllls, N. Y., always carries. “I have never had a cut, wound, braise or sore It would not soon heal," he writes. Greatest healer of burns, bolls, scalds, chap ped hand and lips, fever sores, skin eruptions, ecsema, corns and piles. 2Re at Dlmmock'i Pharmcy, W. D. Dunaway's, Ingram’s Pharmacy. Varn & Burnett have dluolved partnership to take effect July lat, 1911. J. B. Varn will continue the business with tho same line of goods hut will be Just scrota the street In the large new building erected by the Georgia A Florida railroad. We ank our customers for past pat- :e and the successor, J. B, Varn, llcits a continuance of the lame. Varn A Burnett. J 7-l-u-sat-lt. w 4t. Williams' Arnica and Witch Hazel Salve. 8ure cure for cold In the head. Ca tarrh and all akin eruptions like Pimples, Blackheads. Rough Skin, 8unburn and Tan, 2»e per box by mall or from our agent Williams Mtg Co., Props, Cleveland, O, For elty and tt la extremely necessary for all of onr customer* to call and settle at one*. Tare ft Burnett ,1-1-d-snb-U. V ti. AGED VETERAN SUES IS WEALTHY FARMERS He Alleged That They Con spired to Frightenjhim off and Buy His]Land. Memphis, July 11.—John Miller, an . aged confederate veteran, sued fifteen weethy farmers of Tipton county for fifty thousand dollars, charging them with being member* a night riders gang and with threatening hla life. Miller alleges that these farmers entered a conspiracy td frighten old farmers to buy their! .valuable lands for nominal prices SHORTER'S MIGHTY npiete ordlng College Started out to College In Six Moi Atlanta, Ua. July 11—. to local architects, Shorer Col lege, at Rome, Ga., has uuccrtaksn a work never before txijyl 1 -ti in the south, lu the construction of en eutire college plant within six months. It seems that the undertaking will be pushed to a successful con clusion in time for tne fall term. It Include* the erection of fire buildings, 60 by 200 feet, in the belt atyla of workmanship, abso lutely fireproof, furnlahed with every convenience and comfort that modern Ingenuity can suggest. J. big part of the work will be the moving of the college pharapherna- 11a, planoes, school furniture, gym nasium apartaus, furnishings ,of the shops, art department, lal torlee, library, etc. They been moved from the old Shi buildings, stored In warehoj end will be moved again into! new buildings. An .interesting feature of girl’s dormitories, will be tho that each hall will h*T( sitting room, and a kttohj •when the girls receive' from home preparations GREEKS They Chased a Negro screw and Shot Savannah, July 11.—Thl or today Investigated the shooting of a negro by a Greek In Yamacraw yesterday. The shooting, which oc curred close to the vicinity of the celebrated Yamacraw riot of twen ty years ago, waa caused by the stealing of a sack of money belong ing to Alecos Carampelos,' a Greek, by a negro. The negro fled as soon as h-t got the coin and Celos started to chase him. Charles George, a friend of Celoa, Joined In the chaee, and when .they caught the negro In the heart of Yamacraw hla friends tried rescue him. Emboldened by the gathering of the black clane the negro began fighting. Charles ran Ms hand down Into the negro's pocket snd rescued the Back of coin and when the negro broke away he •hot at him three or four times and Is confident he hit him. The police wore attracted by the scene and nrreated the Greeks. They are now looking for the negro who la believed to have been wounded and for thle reaeon It la fexpected he will be easy to find. Honest Medicines Versos Fakes. President Taft's recent message suggesting an amendment to the Pure Food and Drugs law in its re gulation to Prepared Medicines, does not refer to such standard medicines as Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and Foley Kidney Pills, both of which are true medicine* carefully compounded of Ingredients whose ■medicinal qualities are recognised by the medical profession Itself as the best known remedial agents for the diseases they are intended to coun teract. For over three decades Fo ley’s Honey and Tar Compound has been a standard remedy for coughs, colda and affections of the throat, cheat and lungs for children and for grown persons, and it retains today Its pre-eminence above all other preparations of its kind. Foley Kid ney Pills are equally effective and meritorious. For s a!e by the Ingram Drug Company. Bharpshootera' Tournament. Monroe Va., July 12—Teams and Individual marksmen from many states faced the targets here today at the opening of the eighth bien nial tournament of the Central Bharpshootera' Association of tut United States. The tournament wil continue four days and at its con clusion several thousand dollars In cash rlzes will be distributed arnorg the winners. Judge Zipperer does not claim to have the best corn field In South Georgia and he Is not exactly boast ing of his crop, but he said this morning that he expects to make for ty bushels to the acre, which la some corn. He did not plant selected or prolific corn either. Covington and Stovall were led at lambs to the slaughter, but they opened not their mouths. WILLIAMS’ KIDNEY PILLS. Have you neglected your kidneys! Have yon overworked your nervoua system and cauaed trouble with your kidneys and bladder! Have you pains In lolne, aide, back, groins and bladder! Too frequent a desire to pass urine. If so, Williams’ Kidney Pllla will euro you—at druggists. Price 60c. 8old only by If tnton ft Barnes Plenty of ready money L, loan on farm lands and city pkoperty on easy terms. Call aud seel ua. Wood ward and 8mlth. J... 4-7-d-tueaftfvl. w Sat.-tf. 6 or t dotes of "(61" will cur* any ease of Chills and Fever, Pries 15c. N. L. WILLKT SEED CO, Augusta, Ga. FREE FARMKHt) LITERATURE Write for Wlllet's 1911 Seed Cat alogue; WUIet’s 1911 Complete Poul try Industry Book; WlUet's Inoeetl- otde* and Spraying Literature. OUR SEED SPECIALITIES Forage Seed, Sorghum* Cow Pee* Velfet Bean*, Soy Bean*, Pea- ruts, Millet, Heavy FlJ^d &qd*, Cot ton Seed, Corn Se-Y*' and'' drain Is. 'Jr ROOF" FIRE-PROOF ORNAMENTAL It greatly reduces fire and Insurance coat, makes per fect water joint, never out of order from expansion and , contraction,adds remarkably to the appearance of struc ture, and pays for itself in repairs saved. If Interested to a roof write na for samples, price* and illustrated catalogue No. ^ AGENTS WANTED —For— Georgia and Alabama. fE. H06AN&H.H. MERRITT 127 Pear St. Phone 203. Contr ctora for House Painting, Wall Tinting amt Hard Wood Finishing. Wall Papering I, Oar Specialty. J. K. WALKER ATTORNEY AT LAW Rooms Not. 21 and 24. 4th Floot New Strlokland Building. Valdosta i-i Georgia New Grist Mill | have pul in a first-class grist mill in Valdosta in the building formerly occupied by the Star Laundry, oppoiite the Atlantic CoattjLine freight depot, and am prepared to give you better meal than you can generally get else where. My equipment is a modern one. The corn will be thoroughly cleaned before going into the mil), and every effort will be made to turn out the very best and sweet est meal. Bring your corn and let me do your grinding. JC McFADDEN X X 7E HOLD up Red Meat—the YY chew for men. Always good—better now than j ever. No spice to make your tongue sore—no excessive sweetening to ' make you spit yourself away and ruin ’ your stomach. Just high-grade North 1 Carolina tobacco, properly sweetened bj a perfect process. Sure J you ’re bom? it’s the real thing in good chewing. Get busy today and find out for yourself! Cut out this ad. and mail to us with your name and address for our FREE offer to chewers only. Name t Address Made onlybyLllPFKRT Scales Co., Winston-Salem, N.G TOBACC The entire household revolves around the telephone. Neigh bor*, friends, market, doctor and store can be reached in an instant by the home having telephone service. The Rural Telephone provides this home necessity and pleasure at very low cost, to peo ple who live in jthe country. i It is proving a paying investment to thousands "f-Jarmeja^ Write, today, for our free book. It tells ,jou how you may have telephone service in your borne. Address Farmers Line Department SOUTHERN HMX'i^bEPHONE At Mcfltel. COMPANY 33- South Pryor SL. Atlanta, Ga. will give you the practical thing and it will be of a dignity and style that will please you. We’ve got the equipment; we’ve got the experience, and we’ll deliver the job on time and in perfect order. Give us a chance to figure on your next big job. Our prices may not be absolutely the lowest, but when you get the work you will be satisfied with it and you will know that the price is low measured by character and quality. t Southern Stationery & Printing Company ALBERT HOPKINS MARSH Public Accountant and Auditor AUGUSTA,-'GA. Accounts Audited Correspondence Systems Installed Solicited.