The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, July 18, 1911, Image 7

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TBl VALDOSTA JULY 101L, |\ ; • : ) ■ o VALDOSTA, GBORGIA. TplBSDAY Of Interest to Women SOCIAL AND OTHERWISE Social New* and Personal* for The Times abould be sent to Hre. Brantley; Office phone No. 5; Reeldence phone 668-J. * 4> MAINLY ABOUT PEOPLE • * lira C. B. Peepleg and Mrs. T. B. Convene, Jr., are spending some time at Indian Springs. Mrs. E. P. S. Denmark and her daughter, Miss Mary Estelle Den mark leave Monday for Brevard, N. C., to spend some time. Miss Almarine Lane will leave next week for Putman county to visit relatives. — Miss Lucy Twitty returned yeeter- day from a visit to friends in Al bany, Oa. Mrs. George Simpson left yester day for her home In Tifton, after a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mra J. B. Yarn. Mn. A. G. I<ittle will leave Mon day for Greenville, S. C., to visit relatives. * Mrs. Ernest Hyde has returned from a visit to relatives in Albany, Ga. Miss Ernestine Varn and Mrs. H. C. Dukes will leave Monday for Chautauqua, N. Y., to spend some time. Mrs. B. A. Deal and her daughter Miss Harriett Deal, will leave next week for Norfolk, Va., and Washing ton, D. C., to spend some time. * Mrs. L. M. Taylor and Mrs. W. H. Howard, of Milltown, were visitors to the city today. Miss Nettie Blnion, of Adel, Is the guests of Mra Bora Oxford for a few days. — r • - - ■ * Mrs. T. S. McKey, Mr. Julian Mc- Key, and Miss Clyde McKey left this morning for an extended visit’ to New York, Niagara Falls and other points In the north and east Mrs. C. R. Reid and children, Mamie, Charlie, Roland, Ellis and Annie Laurie, arrived in Valdosta from Macon yesterday afternoon. They will reside on Charlton street. Mr. C. Lee, of Birmingham, Ala., Is visiting friends in this city. provide these women with good homes and desirable husbands. Miss Edna Stansel had her fingers badly cut by an electric fan at the Singer Machine office this week, the wound being a very painful one. Master Charlie Quinn, of Spartan burg, S. C., but formerly of this city. Is visiting Master Willie Dow- ling on Adair street. .***♦,**♦*****♦**•!. 4* 4* * FRIENDLY COMMENTS * * AND CRITICISMS * * * ******** * ******** Mr. Hall of Bibb, says “A woman’s got no business practicing law. She ought to stay at home and raise babies.” The average business or profes sional woman no doubt, would pre fer to stay at homo and raise babies, provided, of course ,she could do so as the wife of some deserving man and desirable husband. But, accord ing to statistics, there arn’t enough men to go around, not even In cluding the undeserving and untfo- sirable. Thus It is that women who were not taught to be self-sustain ing and who feel unable to cope with men in the business world, too often consent to become the wives of dissolute men and the mothers of Inferior children. And the fact that the most immoral man has always been able to marry some good woman, has not helped to create a higher standard of morality In men. If women were taught to be self- sustaining and allowed to follow their Inclinations In the matter of earning a living, with fair compensa tion for their work, there would be fewer unhappy marriages and a notable improvement in the morale of both men and women. Moreover, the men who are opposed to women practicing law or competing with men in any of tho professions, should The people who say so much about our lax divorce laws say lit tle or nothing about our lax mar riage laws and the ministers and magistrates who Join togeher boys and girls of Immature minds and bodies, or worse still, youth with old age, run-away couples and ac quaintances of a week, a day or an hour. Fqw reformers attack the roots of evil, but employ their time in frantically lopping of branches. Their intentions are good but their mode of procedure is very bad. ***************** ♦ ♦ * FADS AND FASHIONS. * ***************** At this time of the year the selec tion of a suitable outfit for the sum mer outing is a matter of serious consideration. The best choice de pends In a great measure upon the place where one intends to spend the summer months. A fashionable seashore demands a different outfit from that which would be suitable for a more popular resort and, course, the same may be said as to the requirements m mountain aorta and In lake resorts. White serge Is an excellent ma terial for shore resorts or yachting and women whose summer plans in clude a sojourn on the eea shore will find it almost indispensable to provide themselves with one or two frocks of lightweight serrgo In white or in stripes of black upon a white ground. These frocks can easily be made at home or can be purchased for very little at the shops. The white silk serge, which Is found In many qualities In the fash ionable shops, may be made up on severely tailored lines or in dr< semi-tailored fashion, and a little heavy lace, Irish or filet by prefer ence, is often used as trimmings, appearing in the shape of a big col lar If in nothing else. Embroidered muslin may be used as a collar in place of the lace, and occasionally a model shows a collar of hemstitch ed chiffon In black or blight color, failing over a collar of the silk or a collar of striped silk in black and whit© or white and color. On the white serge frocks and coat B similar collars and trimming Ideas are exploited and plain one- tone satin In black or bright color Is^also used for relieving touches. An exceedingly chic little coat and frock costume of fine white serge falling low over a skirt band of black satin and black satin was also used for the collar, cuffs and sash belt of the Jaunty short coat, as well as for the buttons of the costume. Another modish white serge had big revers of hemstitched purplo chiffon draped across the front of the coat from the right shoulder to the left side of the high waist line. Big buttons were embroidered a purple cordellere defined the waits. But the best looking of the white serges and white black stripe wool ens are the more simply tailored models with color Introduced, but lightly If used at all. Some French models are stitched In silk of bright colors and have touches of the same color about the collar and girdle. Colored linen too Is used upon white serge, dull blue, bright brown, rose or green linen forming collar, cuffs and perhaps trimming bhnds. One good model In white serge had linen trimming In dull blue, and upon tblg blue linen were narrow bnndg of white linen set with linen of little black buttons. Collars and cuffs of white linen hemstitched In bright color are pret ty upon a simple, one-piece white serge frock, and a cravat and leath er belt may repeat the bright color of the hemstitching. The striped, serges require even less trimming | than the all white, trimming effect* New Fircless Cooker. A new flrelev cooker is made much like a refrigerator with a door that opens at the front and three shelves for foods. The box Itself is of sheet Iron, with an outer frame of wood. The top of the stove has * heavy sheet of galvanised iron on which the gas burners are mounted. The gas i B lighted 1 and left burning until all the foods to be cooked are heated through thoroughly and then It Is turned out, the hood la let down and the cooker does Its work In the usual way. The top of the stove may bo used like any gas stove, when the tireless cooker it not want ed. For Sleeplessness. A sufferer from Insomnia states that she was cured of sleeplessness by the simplest mean*, that of eat ing raw onion sandwiches Just be fore going to bed. Less disagreeable to some people 1 B another sandwlcn cure which has been vouched for by buttering thickly two thin slice* of bread, then sprinkle them with cayenne pepper. These sandwiches should be eaten just before getting into bed, and sleep Is said to quick ly follow. The hot water treatment Is ad vocated by many people. It consists of putting the feet into water a* hot ae can be borne before going to bed, also to drink a cup of very hot water. Good Things to Eat. Vegetable Jelly.—In place of the usual tomato Jelly, make a vegeta ble Jelly. Cook together a carrot, onion, cucumber, a beet and any other vegetables that you may have. Strain the liquor and color it frith simple vegetable coloring matter. Add enough dissolved ' gelatin to make a Jelly; pour the mixture into cups and when hard turn out on let tuce leave* and serve with mayon naise. Chocolate Cake.—Two cups milk, two cups sugar, two cups flour, two eggs (yoke In cake, white for frost ing,) one cup grated chocolate, four teaspoons baking powder, two tableepoonful melted butter. Boil thoroughly the chocolate, sugar, yolks of egg B and half of the milk; when cold add the rest. Bake In layers and put together with frosting. Scalloped Tomato—Butter a pud ding dish, season one quart of to- jmatocs, salt and peper to taste, sugar it desired. Sprinkle your^baking dish with buttered crumbs, hake until crumb* are brown. Raw tomatoes sliced may be used In layers alter nating with the crumb* and season ing. WHAT BECAME OF COLQUITT’S Rumors of Lynching De nied on Yesterday OFFICERS, HOWEVER, ARB NOT ABLE TO ACCOUNT FOll HIS ESCAPE AND THE CHASE IS abandoned. Death to the Flic*. “Many different kinds of fly-trap* are used in different parts of tho world. In Western Australia it declared that flies may be effectual ly destroyed by putting a half spoon ful of black pepper in powder on teaspoonful of brown sugar and ono teaspoonful of cream. Mix all to gether and place In a room yrhero files ar© trnblesome and it is sal a they will soon disappear. “Dr. Paul Freer of Manila tell* the writer that In Japanese hospi tals they take a whole potato and stick it full of toothpicks, put fly paste on the toothpicks, and hang the potatoes from the celling over- the patient’s bed on cord. The flies all gather on the potato. When It i* full they throw the potato away and make a new trap.” Fly Poisons. A ten-per cent solution of ordi nary formaldehyde (ask your drug gist) In a shallow dish of water sweetened with sugar will attrack and kill many flies. Dr. Hodge, speaking of thi* method, this year, advised using a teaspoonful of formalin to a teacup of water. As this formalin solution Is non- poisonoim to man, It may bo used readily, even about food. Tho files will not object to the presence of the poison in the sweetened water, and, eagerly drinking, will die close to tho dlPh where they may be be swept Tho fly committee of the Mer chants’ Association of New York es pecially recommends the use of this solution. • Where It l B used, there should be no other liquids In the room for flies to drink. It is especially effec tive early In the morning, when the flies first take wing. Cockroaches. powder made by thoroughly being achieved hr clever handling of * we °t chocolate and borax I* tho Ctrl pea, but a mere dash of “ ,d t0 effective agalnit (From Friday’, Dally.) The whereabouts or the fate of Will UcOrlff, tho negro who was the principal In the terrible .hoot ing affair near Deorun \ -eeday mornls<W» ^{ixouded In deep mys tery. All eorts of rumors are rife, but none of them seen capable of verification. It haa been reported time and again that McGrlff has been captured and lynched. A. fast as then report, are denied they bob up‘.gain. Deputy Sheriff Frank Rohberg returned to the city last night from the neighborhood of the killing, where hi haa been since the morn ing of the tragedy. He was In the thick of all of the excitement and woe himself at the head of a posse. Rehberg positively and emphatical ly dentes any knowledge of a lynch ing or of any knowledge of the ne gro’s whereabouts. He say. the nearest approach to a lynching oc curred at tho home of McOrlff’s parents. The searchers had been trying to locate the fugitive. Mc- Oriff’a father denied having seen him since the crime and later finder pressure admitted that his ipurderer son had visited the home the night after the killing. It was with difficulty that Rehberg pre vented the crowd from doing the old man violence because of the de ception. Rehberg Insists that to far as bis knowledge goes McOrlff’s brotfie’r Is the only negro who has been taken and that no harm was done. On tho other hand prominent cit izens of Deorun and Bridgeboro ex press It as their private belief that McGrlff Is dead. They point to the significant fact that all excitement has died' down and that no ono In the Immediate neighborhood of the tragedy seems Interested any more even Inclined to talk. One rumor has Is that after tho ofllcors were out of the way McOrlff was caught and literally .hot and cut to pieces. While all !g' mystery these persistent rumors lend thinking people to believe that there Is some thing back of It all. Sheriff Boyd who has not been to the scene of the killing since Tuesday, knows nothing.—Moultrlo Observer. Summer Medicine. In Summer, delicate women, overworked men and sickly children will find that Mashburn’s Hypophosphites enables them to get from the food they eat all the nourishment it contains. It brings into action all the vital forces.—makes digestion perfect and builds up the nerve tissues and give power to to the brain, It's about the only class of medicine recognized as a medi cine by doctors of all schools. Fifty cents per bottle. MASHBURN DRUG COMPANY PHONE 81 VALDOSTA, GA. Georgia & Florida Ry. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 25 1911 New Direct Line Douglas, Vidalia, Swainsboro, Millen and Augusta, and the Carolina*, Virginia, Washington, New York and all Eastern cities ,through Augiuia Close connection made at Augusta by Trains Nos. t and 7 Charleston and Western Carolina Railway to and£from the Spring am Mountain Resorts of North and South Caroline; ’'*• SLEEPING CAR SERVICE *! Between Valdosta and Augusta on Train. No*. 8 and 7, except Sunday; on Trains Noa. 12, 13, 14 and 15 Sundays. TRAINS LEAVING VALDOSTA. No. 4.—7:50 a. m. Dally for Douglas, Hazlehurat, Vidalia, arrlvtnc at Augusta 6:25 p. m. No 6—6:30 p. m., except Sunday, for Douglas, Hazlehurat, Vidalia, ar riving Augusta at 8:00 a. m. No, 7—10:22 a. m., Sunday, for Madison. No. 6—6:15 p. m. dally for Madison. No. 12—7:50 p. m., Sunday only, for Douglas, Hazlehurat, Vidalia and Augusta. No. 13—9:00, a. m., Sunday only, for Madison. Connection made at Hazlehurst with Southern Railway for Macon Atlanta, and polnta West. At Madison, Fla., with S. A. L. for Lira Oak, Quincy, Tallahassee and polnta West. ¥ T. E HARRIS, T. P. A. Valdosta. Ga. C. H. GATTIS, G. P. A., J. M. JOHNSON, Ticket Ag Valdosta, Ga Augusta. Georgia. For summer diarrhoea In children always give Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and rnstor oil, and a speedy cure Is cer tain. For aala by all dealers. A Nino Foot Gator, Wednesday while B. R. Strick land, J. J. Wtllaford, C. O. Belch er and others were seining In the Plsrola, they brought a nine foot gator to the bank In the seine. Has tily a^*ag llghtwood knots they attacker the animal, when he broke through the seine and escaped Into deep water. Hrwever, he came noar Iho bank again and tho attack was renewed. Mr. Strickland received a blow on the leg from the gator'a tall wtyoh came near knocking him but they hammered tho ant- until he wa» dead. The gator about nine feet long, which la as large as they grow In theso i.—Quitman Free Press. Use In the Dally Tima*. attered near where the roaches blckest, attracts them, and kills hat eat thereof. Another reme- to burn pyretbrum powder In kted rooms. The vapor la fatal ockroaebaa. There are a number of advantages in buying bom us. In the first place; you do not have to buy what we sell, but we carry a wide range of materials, so we sell what you want to buy. This Means Three Things to You The right materials means that your building will last longer, will look better and that it takes less work, which means less money to build it, and in many caics by getting exactly what is necessary for each purpose, that you will buy the best materials even cheaper than you would the other kind somewhere else. If you are thinking of building, let us figure with you before y°u decide, and if you have decided to build, let us give you an estimate before you buy. Larsen-Forbes Hardware Co. PHONE 525 110 South Patterson St. Valdosta, Georgi bright color Is sometimes added to tho white and black. A rather bright though deep shade of bln* la used with white tn certain light weight, striped woolen stnfft and silks and It makes op attractively. A touch or two of black add* to tho effectiveness of the Indtgo bine and white and sometimes plain bine la combined with the strip**. cockroaches, aaya Wallace's Farmer, j The powder la simply spread over, the pantry shelves, the roaches are attracted by the aweet chocolate, j but In eating 4t get the borax also, | and soon die. An even more effee-! tlve roach food la made by mixing! 1 to 2 per cent of phosphorus with! flour paste and spreading the result- j log paste on soft bread. The bread SHE DIDN’T DO IT She said she went to every store in the city to get it and couldn’t find U WEHAD IT. So you see she I I Mathi* fn Hai * 11 forgot it Don’t forget it. Lt iVAatniS Ave.