The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, July 18, 1911, Image 8

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Wl VALDOSTA no. VALDOSTi, GEORGIA, TUESDAY JULY 18, 1011. PRETTY GIRL MARRIED THE YOUNG PRISONER She Will Reside Near Federal Prison Until he Serves out Sentence. Atlanta, July 17.—A beautiful young Washington girl, now the wife ol Edward Valentine Lee, bat ter known u A W. Carmichael, !■ coming to Atlanta to lire during the Are yeara mat her huaband spenda at tbe Federal penitentiary. Carmichael la the young apend- thrlft who dazzled Atlanta by spend ing money lavlahly here after he bad absconded with $46,000 . from the battleship Georgia. When he was arrested In Buffalo the girl, still devoted to him, hur ried to the city and married him. It la reported, while he stood hand cuffed to thle detective, who was one of the witnesses to the cere mony. WEST VIRGINIA LAWYERS. Twenty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Bar Association. White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. July 15.—The West Virginia Bar A hi,Delation began Ite twenty-sev enth annual meeting here today . with a large and representative at tendance. The principal feature of (he opening session this morning was the address of tub president, W. W. Hughes, of Welch. The con vention will close with a banquet tomorrow night. EDUCATORS END SESSION, Convention of National Association Was Closed Today. San Franclaco, Col., July 15.—The convention of the National Education Asoctatlon was brought to a closo to day with the Anal BeBsions In the various departments. The majority of the delegatee have arranged to spend tbe coming week In visits to the Yosemtte Valley and other points of Interest In California. TWENTY - KILLED IN A WRECK. German Express Train Wrecked Re- tween Basle and Frankfort, Berlin, July 17.—The express train from Basis to Frankfort was wrecked at Mulhel mtoday. Twen ty people were killed and many were Injured. Underwriters' Meeting In .Winnipeg. Winnipeg, Hann„ July 16.—Sev eral hundred men of prominence In Canadian Insurance circles are at tending the annual meeting of the Dominion Life Underwriters’ Asso ciation, which began Its sessions In Winnipeg today. Tbs convention will last three days. France Keep National Holiday . Paris, July 15—-Too national holi day In commemoration of the fall of the Bastlle was observed today throughout the country*Tn the tradi tional manner. An nmisuMly large crowd went to Longchamps this after noon to witness the review of tbe troops by President Fatlleres. BIO BUNCH WAN JAILED. Four or Five Negroes Landed in Jail Hunday to Be Tried, (From Monday’s Dally.) Deputy Sheriff Parrish went to the city prison early Sunday morn ing and got tour or five negroes who were arrested Saturday night on varloua charges and carried them to the county jail and confined them there. Among the number was a negro name Shelly Usher, who was charg ed with stealing $5.00 from another negro. Three negroea, John Allen, Ed Johnson and a negro named Camp bell were arrested on a warrant charging them with jumping a board hill at Mtnaota, the warrant having been sworn out by a negro who resided at that place. A negro hoy named Day Thomas was also arrested and placed In jail on a charge of malicious mlschtof. AU these negroes were srrrated by the police officers Saturday afternoon and Saturday night Mr. Griffin Gets Tift's Wool. Henry Rain This Morning, took pises In Baxley Saturday be fore Judge O. B. Conyers and a new trial was refused. Taylor Is now In the Macon Jail and If nothing Is dons to prevent It he soon will he brought to Baxley to be reesntsnced to bang. Tbe cate, probably will be carried to tbe supreme court and a rever- eal'of the Judgment of the Judge of .the superior court will bg sought EDITORS DIPPED IN SENATORIAL CONTROVERSY Weekly Newspaper Men Discuss Resolutions A HOKE SMITH MAN OFFEREJ^ RESOLUTIONS CALLING UPON GOVERNOR TO TAKE UP SENA TORIAL DUTIES. Cartersrllle Ga. July 17—Politics precipitated a battle royal on tbo floor at the Georgia Weekly Press Convention Saturday and for a few momenta following a resolution call ing upon Hoke Smith to resign as chief 'executive of Georgia and go at once to bis duties ns senator from the Empire State of the South, tbe fur flew. Such contemptuoue words as 'Tit tle low politics" were used and feel ing demands for retractions were made. The resolution in question waB Introduced by W. Trox Bank ston of West Point, one of Hoke Smith's ardent followers, and ap plause which greeted bis paper Indi cated that a number of the delegates were of hla way of thinking. Tbe resolution follows In full: "Resolved, that It Is tbe consen sus of opinion of the members of the Georgia Press Association that mat ters now pending before the national Congress are of paramount Import ance, several Issues to be disposed of within the next few weeks affect ing the prosperity snd progress of the nation and the success or fail ure of the Democratic party for su premacy In the next presidential election. "Be It therefore reaolved that Gov. Smith, haring been honored by being elected United States Senator from Georgia, resign ae chief «xbb- ntlve of the Empire State of the South, and report for duty In Wash ington at the earliest possible mo ment If Georgia, the Southland De mocracy and the people ever needed representation In the Senate It Is now, mnd Smith can render such service as bin masterly Intellect, bis oratorical ability and logical pre sentations will command and thus serve the best Interests of his con stituency and the people who have placed this great resposibtllty on his shoulders. Now la the opportune time, Washington Is the place, and Senator Hoke Smith la the man to come to the Immediate rescue of a nation who loves and honors one or the Southlands brainiest men." Upon reading the resolution Mr. Bankston was Informed by President Hardy that political papere would be referred to a committee on that spe cial subject,' and that unless he mov ed a suspension of lules It would have to taka that course. .Mr. Bank ston Immediately moved a suspen sion of rules and further that his resolution bo adopted . A spirited discussion resulted In which the words 'Tittle low politics" were used by Clifford Grubb. A lively discussion followed In which many voices were raised and which caused the gnval of the presi dent to fall heavily, many times In an attempt to procure order. The resolution finally was sent to the ta ble. although politics has been the oue topic of the discussion here since the gathering ot the editors and notwithstanding that many of the visitors are working for Govern- or, yet there seems to he a well de fined opposition to the Injection of politics upon the floor ot the conven tion. TERRELL'S NAME STRICKEN. Vice President Sherman Today Re ceived Terrell's Resignation. Washington, July 17.—Tha res ignation of Joseph Terrell, senator from Georgia, was received today by Vice Prealent Sherman. Mr. Terrell's name wan stricken from the toll. CONJECTURES. Our best conjectures as to tbe tree spring of actions art very uncertain. Tbe actions them selves are all ws most pretend to know from history. That Oae- ear was murdered by twvnty- fnnr conspirators t doubt not. bat 1 very much doubt whether their love of liberty was the sole cause.—Chesterfield. OREENE AND GAYNOR MONEY REGOVEREO Government Officials get Hold ! of a Wad Which They \ had Salted Down Washington, D. C-, July 17re united States District Attorn* Marlon Erwin and Accountant E. I. Johnson have succeeded In recov ering for tbe government aboit $750,000 from tbe hidden assets ot Col. B. D. Oreens and Col. John F. Gayuor, tbe Savannah harbor con tractors who defrauded the govern ment of $2,000,000. This Is the full amount that the government Is likely to realise, and Is the result of twelve years ot effort. Most of the funds received were In bonds and stock. Over $200.00} wy A cash. I he assets were found W Nsw York, Philadelphia, Chicago and Denver. Some bonds were located In Paris, but they could not be recovered Over $100,000 baa been dug up within the last year. The compensation, wltji expenses of Messrs, Erwin and Johnson for their long search will amount to about $150,000. MARKET REPORTS TODAY. Stocks Irregular and Generally a Shade Lower. Now York, July 17.—Stocks are Irregular, generally a shade higher, later the market easing off. Cotton was easy at 1 point high- er to 7 points lower. Chicago Provision Market. Chicago, July 17.—Wheat wbb firm and a half cent higher, later reacting. Provisions irregular. Hogs 5 cents higher an<J cattle lower, i 1 MOTOR BOATS LONG RACE. All Arrangements Completed for the Race at Long Island. New York, July 16.—All arrange, ments hare been concluded for the power boat race which Is to be started Saturday afternoon from Huntington, Long Island, wfth Mar blehead, .Mass., as tbe ^bjpctlve point. The race will cover a dis tance of 240 nautical miles. The contest will he confined to boats of not less than thirty feet over all, and not exceeding, In the greatest length, forty feet on deck. Only bouts built and used for cruising are eTglhle. LABOR LEADERS MAKE NO APOLOGY fOR ACT Gompers and Mitchell Deny They Were in Contempt of Court in Buck Case. Washington, July 17.—President Gompers, Vice President Mitchell and Secretary Morrison, of the American Federation ot Labor, to day filed answer to Justice Wright In the District supreme codrt In the labor contempt case. The reply does not apologise to th« court for the alleged contempt In the Buck stove case as required by Justice Wright, but the reply denies that they are guilty of con tempt. The trial will be next^^j^ To Reorganise Editorial Association Detrlot, Mich., July 15—When the National Editorial Association meets for Its twenty-sixth annual conven tion here next week steps will be taken tor a complete reorganisation with a view to Increasing the mem hershlp and efficiency of the associa tion. Convention of Shoe Merchants. New York July 15.—Representa tives ot the shoe trade throughout the United States held a convention here today In connection with, American Shoe and Leather Fair I la being held this week In Madlion Square Garden. Campaign Publicity Bill. Washington, July- 17.—The sen ate Is today considering the cam paign publicity bill. The district convention of the colored Sunday schools, composed ot font counties will meet In Valdosta Wednesday for a session ot two or three days. The New York Federal grand Jury la trying to make It look as-If they ought to be called j the steel magnates. B ; V - -i- , NEW FIRE-FIGHTING MACHINE Chief Ballantyne, of Savannah Goes to See It Manufactured. Bavannahh, Ga., July 14.—Chief Ballahtyne, of the Savannah Fire Department will in t short time visit the factory of the American La France Flr e Engine Company at Elmira, N. Y„ for the purpose ot being on haqd when Savannah's motor-drawn fire-fighting aparatue Is built. He will also take a cou ple of members of tha fire depart ment with him so that they will thoroughly understand the ma chines. Savannsh Is to abandon all Its horse /drawn fire-fighting 'aparatue hut one horse truck for motor pro pelled aparatus. City council has entered Into a deal to this end by which It can pay for the aparatus for about the same sum yearly It costs to feed the horses of the de partment. The new aparatuB Is to costs $70,000 and Is to be paid for at tbe rate of $7,000 a year. THE REPORT WAS NOT TRUE Report Published ae to age Limit of Y. W. C. A. is Erroneous. Savannah, Ga„ July 14.—The of ficers of the Young Womens’ Chris tian Association who are In Savan nah ktate that the report published In several papers throughout the state that the organization had adopt ed a rule barring from the privi leges of the Association all women more than 30 years of age In untrue. It appears there has been some discussion of such a movement but the rule has never been adopted, Mrs Fred Wallis, the President of tbe As 80clatlon Is out of the city but those who represent her hero say that the rule has not been adopted and will not be. There are now In the Y. W. C. A home here several ladles over thirty and they say they are going to stay. Ready to Race at Windsor. Wldsor, Ont., July 14.—Everything is In readiness for tbe opening to morrow of the summer race meeting of the .Windsor Fair Grounds and Driving Park Association. The fea ture e T ent of the opening day will be tbe Frontier Handicap, 1 1-8 miles, In which are entered Plate Glass, winner of the Fourth of July handi cap at Fort Erie; Meridian, the Ken. tucky Derby winner, and a number of other of the - speediest horses of the year. The meeting here will last seven days, during which time five stake events will he decided. Rich Prizes for Motor Cyclists. Buffalo, N. Y., July 14.—With more than $1,000 In cash prizes and equal amount In medals and trophies, the national racing meet of the Fed eration of American Motor Cyclists, which was Inaugurated at the Fort Erie track today, promises to be the most Important meet of its kind ever held. Today’s program called for eight events, beginning with a five- mile novice contest and ending with a twenty-flee mile race for profes sionals. The meet trill continue over tomorrow. Maccabees to Meet In Cleveland Cleveland, O., July 14.—Arrange ments are practically concluded for the meeting here next week of the quadrennial session of the supremo tent of (he Knights of the Maccabees of the world. The meeting will be the first that the supreme lawmaking body of the order has ever held out side of Michigan, where the perman ent headquarters are maintained. Race for World's Sculling Title 8ydney, N. S. W„ July 14.—The rave between Arnst and Pearce for \h« sculling championship of the world, which was to have been rowed on the Paramatta Rtver tomorrow, hss been postponed until the end of July. DICKENS’ EPIGRAMS. When a man bleeda Inward ly It Is s dangerous thing for himself, but when he laughs In wardly It bodes no good to other people.—Pickwick. There are quiet victories, great sacrifices of self and noble acts of heroism done every day In nooks and corners and in Uttle households and In men’s and women’s hearts. — "Battle of Ufa" Annual Income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen six, result happiness; annual income twenty pound*, annual expenditure twenty pounds naught and six, result misery. The blossom In blight ed; tbe leaf Is withered; the god ot day goes down upon the dreary scena-Mlcswber. NOTES FROM THE LABOR ' WORLD. A union of garbage workers was recently formed In Sacramento, Cal. The city of Milwaukee, Wls„ has adopted the thumb-print system In paying off Its employes. The International convention of the theatrical stage employes was held at Niagara Falls this week. Twenty-four states have laws re quiring guards on dangerous ma chinery, and ample ventilation In factories. The Boston Domestics' Protective Union has decided to establish free beds for sick members at two Bos ton hospitals. BASEBALL NOTES. Louisville Is playing nice hall I and coming strong In tha American Association race. * First Baseman Tim Jordan, or the Toronto team. Is leading thn Eastern League In batting. Plttaburg fans claim that Hal Chase has nothing on Honua Wag ner, who la guarding hassock num ber one for the Pirates. Earl Mack, son of Manager Con nie Mack, of the Athletics, Is play ing with the Harrisburg Tri-State League team. Fielder Jones, former manager nr the White Sox, Is scouting for the St. Louis Browns on the Pacific coast. Bargains in Farm Lands -i • . , .. . Home Seekers’ Opportunity Backed by inducements of natural wealth that few sections of our country can equal and none can excell. We have several farms near pavo and Barwick, Ga. ranging from one hundred acres to three hundred and fifty acres fine lands as any in the state; in good community, fine schools Will sell at from $10 to $27 an acre. Any one desiring a good home farm location will do well to investigate these farms. No such bargains offered anywhere, and when this is sold there will be no more such bargains. For infermation write WEBB BROTHERS, Hahira, Ga., or if you want to see any or all of the lands, notify us when you can come to Hahira, and we will take you to see the lands. ' WEBB BROTHERS, Hahira, Georgia. Only One Drug Store jn This Section Allowed to Sell FULTON’S RENOL COMPOUND RJThe best remedy known for the cure of all kinds of Kidney Diseases. Q Call at our store or write us for booklet telling of this Wonderful Remedy and get the names of many people you may know who have been cured or great ly benefitted by it Fulton’s Kidney Remedy the Cure One Dollar the Price For sale only by VINSON & BARNES Drugg, Seeds and School Books Valdosta, Ga. BLACK’S BLACK’S Removal Notice We Have Moved to Our New Place (Store formerly occupied by L. C. Swindle & Company) Across the street from our old Stand Thanking you for your past patronage and hoping to solicit your future trade. Yours to serve. - \ J. BLACK Next door to M. A. Briggs Clothing Store i