The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, August 26, 1911, Image 3

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▼ALDOftTA, OA., 1ATDBDAT AVOV0I M, 1911. 1 A. C. L. HOSPlTAIi CASE. An Interesting Point Involved In • Damago Salt. (Prom Tuesday’s Dally.) In rerertlng the decision In the case ot A. 8. Chandler Tarsus the POSTAL SAVINGS BANK. The Bank Will be Opened at The Postoffice Here September 1. (From Tuesday's Daily) The postal saVlngs bank will open at the postoffiee here on the first ot Atlantic Coast Line suit for <>»“-( September and will bo In charge of ages, the supreme court ha, sent to w H Moore. tho clerk of the Waycross a case that will be watch-j mQney order department , Depo(lIt , ed with more than ordinary Interest throughout the state and other states as well. It Is said that the case may In volve the hospital and relief de- Always Good-Better NOW Than Ever a, ^ Take the word of the man who has known the plug for a generation, and get next yourself to this delightful Partment of the Coast Line In such chew with no bad qualities. . a manner as will cause sweeping bad qua! No spice, no excessive sweei carefully selected Old North Carolina Leaf aged and perfectly sweetened. y *1?: NO HEART-BURN IN THIS CHEW v Cut out this ad. and mail to us, with your name and or ln)ury „ ’but changes. P ro P* r iy i The case brought by Chandler Is action to recover damages for the to a hand in the address, for attractive Free Offer to Chewere Only. Name shops at this point. Under the relief system ot the Coast Line men In jured or sick are attsnded at the hospitals free, and when accepting liade Only by LIIPFERTSCALES COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. such treatment the road holds non liability for suits In court*. Two HEAR EVIDENCE IN QUEER CASE A C. L. Sues to Recover Embezzled Money TtOAD CHARGES FORMER EM PLOYES OF HAVING CON TRIVED TO BEAT IT OUT OF A GOOD ROUND SUM. (From Tuesday's Dally.) An Important and Interesting ease was heard In this city today by Mr. J. N. Talley, of Macon, master in chancery. It was the hearing ot evidence and arguments In the case ot the Atlantic Coast Line Rail way vs. E. J. Jackson and Charles ■L. Brown for the recovery of $6,76t which the road alleges they embez- sled from It Thomas county. It is alleged that 3. J. Jackson was a road master of the Atlantic Coast Line and that •Biown was his clerk. They Ihsued certificates for a large number of cross ties, which, it la alleged, the road did not receive, the money for thorn having been appropriated tor their own purpose. It Is alleged that they bought "ierty with the money and the Tond Is mow trying to recover It. In the hearing this morning Messrs. Bennett and Branch, of Quitman, represented the road, while Mr. Fon- zlrcn Mitchell, of Thomasvllle, and Judge Griffin, of this city, repre sented Brown, and Messrs. J. R. "Walker and Theo Titus represented Jackson. The case was heard In the United States court room nnd was begun nt S o’clock this morning. It will probably consume a day or two In the hearing. Col. A. T. Woodward has returned from Aiken, 8. C., where he has been spending several days. He says there has been no rain In that section to amount to anything In the past three months. HEALTHY MOTHERS Women who bear children and re main healthy are those who prepare their systems in advance of baby’s coming. Unless the mother aids nature in its pre-natal work the crisis finds her system unequal to the de mands made upon it, and she is often left with weakened health or chronic ailments. No remedy is so truly a help to nature as Mother’s Friend, and no expectant mother should fail to use it. It relieves the pain and discomfort caused by the strain on theligataents, makes pliant and elas tic those fibres and muscles which nature Is expanding, prevents numb ness of limbs, and soothes the inflam mation of breast glands. The system being thus prepared by Mother’s Friend dispels the fear that the crisis may not be safely met. Mother’s Friend assures a speedy and complete recovery for the mother, and she is left a healthy woman to enjoy the rearing of her _ child. Mother’s Bf/VMJIHiC Friend is sold at JTI/AllElHw drug stores. LlhlUUI) Write for our free rwIrillU book for expect ant mothers which contains much valuable Information, and many sug gestions of a helpful nature. MADflELD REGULATOR CO, Allots, Cm. FENDER SUIT WAS SETTLED years ago the Leglelature passed an net that gave employes a right to sue for damages after seceptlng aid of the railroad relief department and It la on this act that Chandler based his suit In the city court of Waycross. The railroad Is represented by • strong array of legal talent, attor neys of Savannah, Brunswick, Jack sonville and Waycross being employ- The plaintiff Is likewise well The Suit for Alimony was Settled In a. Satisfactory Manner Yesterday (From Tuesday’s Dally.) The suit of Mrs. Mittle Fender against her husband, Mr. J. F. Fen der, for alimony, was settled yester day In a manner satisfactory to all of the parlies concerned, the settle-led. ment agreed upon being made tho represented by talent from Savannah Judgment of the court. (Macon and Waycross. The case was Mrs. Fender was represented In tried In Wayerose by Judge W. C. the case by Messrs Copeland and I Langford, of Douglas, acting In the Patterson, and Mr. Fender was rep-j disqualification of the city court resented by Judge Oscar Smith, Tholudge, John C. McDonald. Hg grant- basis of the settlement Is said to.ed that the law referred tat-by the have been the payment of 160 a'plaintiff did not apply to the case month to Mrs. Fender and also her In question and that even If suit doctor's bill as long as necessary. It Is said that Mr. Fender ha B al ready provided nnd contracted with a local physician to give Mrs. Fen der medical attention as long os she needed It and that he would pay the bill. It Is also said that he had set aside for her notes and property which brought an Income of from 655 to 660 a month, besides giving her several hundred dollars which she still has In the bank. This was done voluntarily - and before the suit was entered. It Is snld that the basts of the settlement yesterday was practical ly the ^ame as he had volnntanlly Hardy Christian... . W. R. Edmondson... C. S. Bondurant... upon and had already pro-‘W. E. Rouse > were possible under this law the law was unconstitutional. Several cases Involving the same points are pending on the hearing of this suit. It will probably be called sgaln next month. 6 or 6 doses of ’’606” will curs any ease of Chills and Fever, Price 65c. while the allowance which he had already 'made might expire In sev eral yearn, though he has stated to friends that he Intended to provide for her as long as she lived nnd as long as he was able. The News nt Ousley. Ousley, Ga., Aug., 22.—Mr. Fred Baines, ot Savannah, has returned home after n visit to relatives at Ousley. Messrs Qny Riser and Clower Winters oame over from Morvea and spent the week end with rela tives and friends Misses Sadie Cothran, Sarah Kemp and Pollle Lewis of Clayatt- vllle, spent last week with Mrs. Aaron Price. Mr. Barney Knight, of Perry, Fla. is on a visit to his parents. Rev. and J*. ^ KmberiJ Mrs. M. Knight. Mrs. O. M. Sims and children, of Madison, Fla., nro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. V. McIntyre. Mr. Roy Knight, Mr. and Mrs Sherrod Simpson, nnd Mr. P. Knight nnd family, of Brooks coun ty, spent Sunday with relatives. Mr. nnd Mra. B. W. Force an* daughter, Miss Julia Force, were the guests of Mr. John Mclnnts ana family during Camp meeting. Misses Telia and Lou Dees, of Dees, spent last week with Mrs. J. Mclnnls. Mr. King and sister, Miss Harris King, of Nankin, Oa„ were with List of Bills Paid by County Com missioners August 1, 1011. J. G. Cranford $125.00 Q. L. Hambrlck 8 00 5.00 00 85 that thsjB. A. James.., lent one. ® Simmons. — K. J. Zlpperer. J. K. Knight Consolidated Ice ft Power Co Smith ft Sons Mfg Co... . Isaae Godson C. S. Bacon... ... S. L. Scnterfit ... D. W. Freeman Armour ft Co M. Marshall Benton Adams J. W. Murray B. 8. Powell J. E. Buckhalter... L. A. Knight Hnhlra Drug Co Hardy Christian 78.80 Officers City Court W. W. Hall 29.66 Z. H. Taylor 76.00 6.00 L. C. Solomon 64.00 R. B. Myddelton 100.00 A. H. Dukes 219.75 Ulmer Wagon Works 13.25 A. V. Simms 6.00 from 10 cents to $100 will hs re ceived in one month. When $500 hns been .deposited, the depositor can buy a government bond for that amount, paying 2 1-2 per cent. In terest. i It Is one Qt'itho rules of the pos tal bank. t», the name of no de positor will he given out and that even n husband can not find out whether or not his wife Is n depos itor The money which Is deposited In the savings department will he kept In one of the local hanks, or tn all of them In proportion to their cap ita* stock, provided they become qualified to become a depository. ■hikers of Valdosta might see Postmaster Varnedoe and find our how they may become qualified to receive deposits from the postal savings balfkT' . The saving bank will enable peo- '*'> of small earnings to accumulate thstr savings and nt the same time ’o get Interest on them after thev have been on deposit for as much «s one year, thong,h no Interest Is paid for less time than that. Attack Like Tigers. In fighting to keep the blood pure the whits corpuscles attack disease germs like tigers. But often germs multiply so fast the little fighters are overcome. Then see pimples, bolls, eczema, salt rheum and sores multiply and strength and appetite fall. This condition demands Elec tric Bitters to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to expel poi sons from the blood. "They are the beat blood purifier," writes C. T. Bnd&hn, of .Tracy, Calif., "I have ever found.” They make rich, red blood, strong nerves and build up your health. Try them, 60c at Dim- mock's Pharmacy, W. D.. Dunaway's and Ingram Drug Co. I BROKEN IN FALL. Henry Harrell Dies After Lingering Several Days. Au*. 22.—With fractured ,11ng»f- " »K ntord, Fla., last fall from an engine Const Line, consciousness once, to talk. In an at- ve him physicians placed fIs cast about hts shoul- KIDNF.Y PILLS. Hnvir yea neglected your ktdneybf Have yon overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your kidneys and bladder? Have you pains In loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Too frequent n desire to pass urine. If eo, Williams’ Kidney Pllle will cure you—at drugglets. Barnes. PERSONAL MENTION. (From Tuesday’s Dally.) Mr. C. Fred Brown leaves today for New York and Baltimore to buy his fall stock of merchandise. Mr. Luke Lea, of Knoxville, Tenn., was among the visitors to Valdosta today. We are not sure whether he Senator Lea, though hla name la the same. A party consisting of W. T. Har gett, of Sylvester, 8. Y. Henderson, of Hnwklftavtlle, Robert Watson, of New York, nnd O. A. Park, of Ma con, spent Inst night In Valdosta at the Valdes. Mr. J. R. Brown, of Pine View, i.. was a visitor to Valdosta yes terday. Mr. 8. H. Oliver, Mlsa Oliver and Dorothy Oliver, of Cecil, spent yes terday In this city. Misses 8. A. ' Randall, Helen Erggs and Messrs. B. W. and 8. S. Brinson, of Madison, Fla., were members of an autolng party to this city yesterday. Mrs. J. W. White has gone to At lanta nnd Marietta to ■ spend two weeks with relatives and friends. Mr. R. S. Roddenberry, of Moul trie, was nmnnr the visitors to this city on yesterday. Messrs. J. H. Harden, of Audita, nnd J. F. Flowers, of Madlaon, Fla., were among the visitors to Valdosta yesterday. Mrs. 8. C. Mitchell, of Thomas- vlile, and Mrs. John Chisholm, of Valdosta, left several days ago for Atlanta and Ltthtn Springs to spend a week or two. Mr. Hugh McIntyre, of Thomas vllle, was among the visitors to Val dosta today. Col. Fondren Mitchell cams ova* from Thomasvllle this morning nnd spent the day In thlg city arguing a case In chancery court before' Mas ter In Chancery J. N. Talley, Valdosta has an opportunity of getting a game of football between Mercer University and the Florida Stnte College on Oct. 11th, It will be one of the hottest games ever played In either state and It would draw many people to this city, es pecially young people who are Inter* ested In foot ball. And It wonld be a good Idea for some of the foot ball enthusiasts of the dty to go after this game. Far be It from ua to kick on the weather or anything else. In fact, we are no^ kickers. 'We do not kick half no much na we ought to, oon- a’doring the fact that we have high Meals and like to see everything done In ship shape. But we feel very much disposed to kick on the weather man, who seems to be over doing the thing at the present-time. If we did not known that n short crop of cotton would bring more money ttyura big crop we might got upon our heels and say a fow things FARM LOANS For cheapest interest, quickest money and easiest terms on farm loam come to see me. D. B. SMALL, Valdosta, Ga. Just Received %■ Fresh Turnip Seed of all the best varieties, also Cabbage and Rutabagas. ¥ J ¥ *T need some of these seed now V I 11 I can get them by mai^ * ^ can get none better or fresher Send us your Mail Orders, enclosing 1 -2 cent an ounce extra for postage. „ Florida Liver Pills, by'mail 25c, postage prepaid. Vinson’s Drug Store Formerly Vinson & Barnes Fresh Seed, Drug*, School Book* and Stationery. 121 Patterson SL, Valdosta, Ga. * I. y^iMrs. E. M. DflVIno _|h. J. McMJlIan Jake Tillman Empire Printing Co... . National Office Supply Co. Ike Pltte Fry ft Gibson Rome Tent ft Awning Co. O. L. Touchton' 11.42 J. B. 16.65 J. R. Mlley ft Co. 7.16 J. N. Bray ft Son 622.21 . , . ,M. Marshall 24.26 friend, a few day. during camp, „, w1ey Co 10.00 meeting. Miss Francis Smith, of Quitman,, spent last Sunday with Mlsse* Leila,„ " jl ™T ' and Mamie Knight . 1 , rv, Mrs. C. O. Scruggs Ii in Florida " J’ J - rff ° ’ on a visit to relatives. C ’ ^ “ Misses Doom ’Bray nnd 8a!Ife] Perry, of Valdosta nnd Miss Phillip* Quitman spent Sunday with Arrested nt Milan, Ga. Deputy Sheriff Jim Jack Parrish went up the road to Milan yesterday i turned to get n negress who Is charged with through in their automobile, cheating and iwlndllng Jim Seward Converse nnd Miss Eulalte and little and some other negroes out of thing* i George Converse hsvo bean spend- on thla subject, but ax it l*,,we, will simply remark that we are baring too much rain, and let it go at that Mr. J. E. Culpepper, of Inverness, Fla., spent yesterday 1 In thle city, being on his wny to Macon to visit his family who are spending somo time In that city. Mr. Frank Cunningham, of Col umbus. Ga,. spent itreetteritay In Vnldostn, being on Ms wny to White Springs. FIs., to spend a few days. Mr. W. L. Converse with Ms wife nnd daughter, Mlsa Eulnlle, have re- from Atlanta , coming Mrs. A Big Investment Invest Your Money Where You Cannot Lose SOUTH GEORGIA BUSINESS COLLEGE *\v Offers Such a Chance to Young People No Better Investment Anywhe-^f—* m Fall Term Begins September 4th, 1911 Write for Catalogue and Particulars w. S. Park, Principal WE SECURE POSITIONS S:., Ruby Range With High Closet and Reservoir . of valus. by forging their names ta certain paper*. ®’ M I The woman was arrested nt that ® j place and the deputy sheriff went S- B# j after her and Brought her back to •* 5 thle city, arriving hero last night. 38.24 The charges against her will be In- | vestlgated by Judge Cranford later friends. Raved Her Own Life. Tecumseh. Okla—”1 heiicve,’’ eay* Mrs. Eliza Epperson, of tnia place, that If it hadn’t been for Cardul,, I would have been- dead today. Be fore I began using uardut, 1 suffered from pains In the head, shoulders, hack, side, limbs and the lower part of my body. Cardul helped me more than anything, and 1 am now tn nat ter health, since taxing It, than ror four years.” Nobody can deny that the best tonic for a woman to take, ts a tonic for women—Cardul. Flense try lb „ Ousley ft Co..., W. Lang 124.00 1.09 iO. P. Wethertngton 2.75. 467.03 1.00 6.26 lj. E. Oornto 841 50 |a. Converse ft Co 75 64 J T. DuPree 2.50 W. A. Sims 14-00 T. S. Wlsenhnker 6.80 J. K. Thomas 21.50 Timothy Roberts .7. B. S. Holmes C. Th Davts ; Larsen Forbes Hardware Co. •T M. Coon O. R. Ml'home H. C. Geiger Eeo. hraeneto Clock Co... . A. E. Dlmmoek B. H. Lawson Jno. A. Hodges H. D. ft W. L. Jones 8. L. Mllhonse. Mr. J. W. Moore, of Naylor, spent yesterday In this city. TO GET ift BENEFICIAL Eff LOTS ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE 5.00 126.00 1.70 14.00 76.00 2.10 90.47 45.00 12.15 2.60 10.00 13 601 SOLD BY ALL LEADING MANUFACTURED 6V THE (ALTON!# Col. R. O. Dickenson. of Homer-,„. ... nnlldatCTO vine, was among th. vle.tors to V^-.Tngrsm Ruegy ft Hanm* Co UM | S |Z£0NLY.S^ A BOTTLE dosta this morning. Ij. P. Coffee. In* some time In that dty. Mr. A. u. Vick, of Moultrie, la In Valdosta today making arrangement! to pull off some hone races here next week. He has gathered to gether about twenty horses that are going to be put on the southern clrcut and be proposes to bring them here for preliminary races before starting out on the circuit. Mrs. A. W. Stcbblna who has been visiting the families of Messrs Stanford and Portor, left this morn ing for her home In Seymour, Conn. Mr. J. B. Shelton spent Sunday In Brunswick where he Inspected the big government Dredge which Is at work In the Brunswick harbor- Children who enter the public schools will have to be vaccinated. As It Is only three weeks until school opens they should have this dono at once. At least those who have not been vaccinated should do Mr. M. A. Briggs with his little daughters, Georgia, Em-na, and Bu lalla, returned from Atlanta yester day after spending the summer there. Sirs. Briggs expects to come home In a few days. Mr. and -Mrs. J. F. Stapler, nnd * party which they chaperoned to Blue Springs, Fla., on a camping trip, haro returned to Valdosta after spending a most pleasant time there. Mrs. J. W. Howell, of Sparks, and Sirs. Frank Gibson and chil dren, of Quitman, reached the dty this morning on a visit to Mrs. W. 8. West and other relatives here. full Nickle Trimmed, Weighs Three Hundred Eighty-five Pounds, No. 8 and has Eighteen inch Oven L is a Perfect Bak er, has 12-gallon Heavy Copper Reservoir and is a thorough Quality Stove. This Great Range with a full $37.50 complement of Cooking Utensils Come in and examine it apd sixty-live other fixes and models of Stoves and 'Ranges. W. H. BriggsHardware Co. 129 N Patterson. THE STOVE HOUSE Valdosta, Ga „L