The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, August 26, 1911, Image 7

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Here’s ^ toYoar Good Health and Plewme Come—follow the wrow 'til you join the merry throng of (folate, pleated men and women who have quit seeking for ( the one best beverage because they've found it— Real satisfaction in everyglass—snap and sparkle—vim i and go. Quenches the. thirst—cools like a breeae. J Delicious—Refreshing—Wholesome M L Sc Everywhere v THI COCA-COLA CO. yov A,1 “ u - ^ *- ••Cola” Coci W HY pay more for Hay, Grain. Flour and Feed elsewhere when you can get the very best grades right here ? We can prove this statement, and you can save the money. Try Us. H. F. Tillman Grain Co. Phone 103 S. Patterson St. if0.31 P VERY man enjoys recreation and sport of ^ some kind. There is nothing more conducive to real manhood than shooting. You know that any man who is a marksman or hunter derives more pleasure from this than from anything else. W E don’t have the game to hunt that our forefathers did but what enjoyment we lose in this respect is more than made up by superior equipment. want every sportsman and every man who appreciates good lire arms to see our stock of shot guns and rifles, enjoy showing them just as much as you do seeing them. Hardware Co. VALDOSTA, GA. Fell In Well on Jug of Liquor. The Atlanta policemen capture blind tigers occasionally, as la wit nessed by the case of Patrolman Turner. He leaned up against an old board fence, felf through it into a disused iwell, and landed on a jug of corn whisky. The negro owner, hearing the crash, made good hi* escape from the nearby shanty. mil Spring It makes the bloodr red and healtny; la the appetite and takes away the tired feeling. It is highly recommended for Rheu- and all conditions aria- impure blood. Your It by DRUG GO. DruggkU. ■* . . . GEORGIA Champ Clark Threw Down the Challenge THE ISSUE WHICH HAS BEEN fORMED WILL RAGE WITH UNABATED FURY UNTIL NO VEMBER NEXT YEAR. Wanted to Marry, But Could Find no Preacher THEY FINALLY FOUND BEV. GRAHAM FORESTER AND JIB TIED THE KNOT FOR THEM GOOD AND STRONG. Republican Leader Says They Bungled Things SPEAKER CLARK SAYS THEY MADE GOOD AND PEOPLE WILL JUDGE BETWEEN THEM AND PRESIDENT. Savannah, Ga., Aug., 32.—Mr. and Mrs. Jamas F, Collins, nro now Waahlngtoa Aug., 22—"The Pres ident has raised sn Issue which will rage with unabated fury until the enjoying their honeymoon In Jack- close of the polls In November, ’ Bonville, although It looked for 1912." | time os If they were not going to be When Speaker Champ Clark married on Sunday at all despite threw down this challenge In what the fact that they were very anxious now regarded as one of the most to do so. Mrs. Collins was formerly brilliant and militant speeches of Mies Minnie Anderson, a young laay bis entire career, It meant not only with many friends in Savannah. She that the Democratic fight for lower and Mr. Collins aro both ardent cost of living was to be one to a Baptists and they determined they finish, but that Champ Clark him- wouldn’t get married by any one ex self was the man beet qualified to'cept a Baptist manister. lead that fight. ‘ j Mr. Colling came up from Jack- Republicans as well as Democrats sonville on Sunday and without apparently realised this, as was evt- thinking that there might be s dencod by the fact that when the scarc’ty of Baptist ministers here, speaker’s nsme was mentioned In started out to fine one. They first connection with the presidency, the went to the home of Rev. John S. big Missourian was cheered to the Wilder, Pastor of the South Side echo. | Baptist church who 1s known as the To those In the galleries, too, marrying parson, beeiuae of the there was a significant meaning to many ceremonies he performs, but this wild demonstration; It meant'they found him away <n bis vaca- that Champ Clark of Missouri, who ^ on - They then went jo the home etarted life as a poor barefoot eoun-;°f H eT - Vf. T. Granadi, Pastor of try hoy plowing corn on * rocky the Duffy Street Baptist ehurch, and hillside In Kentucky, had entered, found be was on his vacation. home oP ureh and Ion. They Lee Pastor but tot perform thought #ung Ptor ’.hen der to to get the First school their tale E dent oi allls came he man an on the last leg of a Journey to the' Then they went to White House. And to the ears of W. L. Pickard, Clark’s friends In the crowded ot the First Baptist chamber the din of applause also (found he was on his. sounded sweet, for to them It meant, then sought Rev. recognition at least of their cont(fn- j°f the 4th Baptist tlon that Champ Clark has become some reason he the biggest figure on the democrat- the ceremony, He lc horison; that the party has at 14 a runaway last found a leader who can lead all people liogan factions. ’ |get married It make* me weary," thundered’ divorced, but the Speiker, directly challengtog Baptist churcti, the leader on the republican Bide, was In session and\pi ’to hear peoffio talk about some-1 of woo Into the wl body wanting to destroy the Indus- Fred Wal’ls, the tries and prosperity of this land. It ’ the Sunday School. Is a lie. No sane mnn wants to In- to their aid Instanter. Jure any legitimate Industry In this H e carried them In country. That lg what I have eon- dltorlum of the churcl where Rev- tended for always, and especially Graham Forrester, Talbotton, since we carried the Houae and had who lg filling the ifclplt of Dr. the responsibility placed upon ua. Pickard,’ and thnt gonBoman noon Tt la our country as well as yours; 'spliced tho knot am . the couple our children must live here as well wont away married jrnd happy, as yours; wo have na great a stake They were very protr * > Jn their In the proanertty of the republic aa thanks to Mr. Forester »’hp felt of you have, and. In the language of the fen In hla vest pockrt and con- Tlm Tim. ’God bless tts every one.’ eluded ho had done a good day’s ’Another thing, they say wo are work, playing politics. Whenever any; man stands up and attempts to do! Mott’s Nervine Pills. —.. The great Iron and tonic retora anything for the benefit of tho t | v9 for m0T1 and WO men. produces great masses of tho people, he fa strength and vitality, bulM$ up the denounced by the 'Interests’ as n system and renows tho normal vlf- demagogne. and Is charged with r <> r Bale by druggist orihjf mall ..nil.. W.,» »- *1.00 per box, 0 hoxes for, *5.00 playing politics. But to stand up Bo)d on|y by V | nson and n a - nei- and advocate the cause of tho ’ln- I terests’ 1, the highest evidence of ; California Stand. Treat statesmanship. A. far as I am In- j g an Francisco, Cal., Aug , 22.— dlvidually concerned. I sprang from After tbo notable demonstration the lolna of the common people, hospitality given today no Eagle In God bless them, and I am one of attendance on the national ronven- them. I labored with my hands In t t 0 n of tho order now In session my youth, end would do; It again to- herc , lkely t0 roturn ho me wllb morrow If I had to do so; and I ; ,njrthlngr but praise for the city of unhesitatingly take my stand with San F ranc i, co and the fctato of Call- the consumers of the land as against fornla, I 14 was "open, house’ day on the •The Globe-Democrat sold that .' tonventlon cale ndir and pract’callf had come around to a tariff on wool eTeryt h, nK t h 0 way of solid and beranae I heard the bleating of Unnld rcfrefl hmont was dispensed 134,000 sheep !„ my district. I tell free , 0 the vl „ torB , Ten , !mJ . and y ° U W . « leJ'SelT 1 thS * allons ° f cholce wln « “<• «' M ' cry of 93.000,000 American dtlxens of Ca|lforn|a oran( , eS| „ p1il £~ for cheaper and better clothing. The oI|vcs cherr|eili BrapM . r X na and great desire of my heart Is to give aImond , were d)fltrlbuted wltb them som<? relief from their burden j av j gh han( j of taxation which they have borne __J for lo! these many years. I B or , do , e , of „„ sny Washington, Aug., 12—Represen tatlve Mann, the republican leader of the house, issued a statement to day attacking the Democratic record in this house at the extra session. He said the Democrats have given an Illustration ot how to bungle leg islation. Mr. Mann said that the Democrats prevented the passage of the amend ment for the direct election of sen ators by Insisting on coupling on an amendment to deprive the general government of one of Its necessary powers. They fought publicity In primary elect'ons until we strangled them Into yielding. They nearly de feated the Arlxona and New Mexico statehood bill, and they passed tho tariff 1)111 In grotesque form Ignor ant of consequences. Democrats Defend Record. Washington, Aug., 22.—Declaring that the record of the Democratic houae had surprised Its friends and dumbfounded Its enemies, Speaker Clark Issued an optimistic state ment today reviewing the record of the extra session. Speaker Clark says the Democrats have acted, rather than talked 1 . “The house. did Its best,” said Sneaker Clark, ’’to relieve the peo- Pastor p,e ot the 1,uri,en of taxation by a high tariff, hut President Taft lock ed the game.” The Speaker appeals to the coun try to say whether It will stand by Democratic tariff revision or by the President, who vetoed the tariff re vision bills.” ~ A Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Myrtek and the children of Mm. J. B. Adams, who died In this city lest Friday evening, desire to ‘ express their deep appreciations to their many friends and neighbors flrbo were so kind to them and to the deceased during her long Illness end after her death. The evidences of kindness will be appreciated by the members of her family as long as they live South Georgia Land m Agricultural Exposition TIFTON, GA., SEPT. 27-OCT. 7 Forty South Geor^a Counties hi One Great Aggrafatlon. Land, Agriculture, Stock, Poultry, Manufactures, Education, Roads, Woman’s Work, Music and Fun. | Aeroplanes, Baseball, Midway Attractions. Half Fare On A!! Railroads. ^ Fre^^nnspo^tlon Foi^AgricuItiiriiMD(hBWU^ For further information,’write H. B. LAYTON, Secretary, Tlfton, Ga. THE I»1I>8 WANTED Bridge to let a cross Suwanoochee creek, near Dayton. Lenth of bridge 170 feet, 8 Bpans 20 feet long and one 10 feet long, length dt pdat In center of water 12 feet, balance of post to be In proportion to make the bridge level. The albepers 2x12x20 feet long ono span 10 feet, the cap Bills 8x10x14 feet long, the post 6x8. These post cut to fit bridge. These post ehall ho mortis ed Into the mudsills and In cap sills and well pined or spiked with 40 penny spikes, and mnds'lls to be put 8 feet In the ground and braced from the mudsills td the cap sills, tho brace shall be 4x8. Flooring 2x6x12 feet long, all good heart timber. The banister 2x4. Banls- post 2x4x2 H feet high and mortised and tenanted or well nailed with 40 penny nails, there •hall hs a plank nailed to the han- Istcr at the bottom of post to hold the flooring down. The hutment to be Included In this contract finished for the travel, this to he paid for when completed Material to be all good heart stuff. REST AID HEALTH TO MOTHER AID CHIU). Mka.Winix.oWc Sooth i no Sykcp has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETH 1 NO. with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the OtTME ALLAYS ell PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, M ic the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is sb rolutely harmless. Be sure sad ask for “Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup,” and take do olbtf kind. Twenty*five cents a bottle. Misses Tlllle and Ellta Studstlil returned yesterday from a visit to Macon and Indian Springs. We moat cheerfully welcome the e||( Qf chnI> an „ r Prl0 o 26a Issue. We will meet the President and hla etand.pnt cohorts at the polls In 1912!” (Loud and pro- American Veterlnarles Meet. Toronto. Ont., Aug., 22.—Cone longed cheering on the demoeraHe Toett|on Hall £ the Unlveretty of A Peek Into Hla Poeket Toronto vras crowded with member* of the veterinary profession today, would show tHe box”of Buckien’a Ar- whcn thc forty-eighth annual meet- plea Salve that E. S. Loper, a ear- lnK of ,tm A,nc,l " ln Veterinary enter, of Martlla, N. Y., always Medical Association was opened to* Carries. "I have never had a cut, day. The convention will cohtlnue wonnd, braise or sore It would not four days, closing on Friday with a soon heal," he writes. Greatest big hanquet. The exhibition of healer of bnras, bolls, scalds, chap- surgical appliances and apparatus ped hand and lips, fever sores, skin used by veterinary doctors, which la eruptions, eexema, corns and piles, held In conjunction with the con- 25c at Dlmmoclfs Pharmcy, W. D. Mention, Is attracting considerable day tn Dunaway's, Ingram’s J>harmacy. attention. ‘ Manager Fawlks, of the Southern Bell Telephone Co., with hla wife and little son, have returned from Atlanta where they have been spend ing some t'mo with relatives. Instead of Liquid Antiseptics or Peroxide many puoplo aro now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to be dissolved In water as needeq. For all toilet and hygienic uses it la better and more economical. To cleanse and whiten tho teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. To disinfect tno month, de stroy discaso germs, and purify the breath. To keep artificial teeth and bridgework clenn, odorless ^ To remove nicotine from tho teeth and purify the breath after amoklni To eradicate perspiration and odors by sponge bathing. The best antiseptic wash known. Relieves and strengthens tired, wesk, inftamedeyes. lteals sorcthroat,wounds and cuts. 25 and 50 cts. a box. druggists or by mall postpaid. Sample Free. THE PAXTON TOILETOO..Roro*.M*Sk GEORGIA—Lowndes County. By .virnte of an order granted by the-Court of Ordinary of said coun ty, there will be sold at public out cry on tho first Tuesday In Septem ber, 1911, at the Court House in said county between the usual hours of sale, the following property, to- wlt; Ten shares of the capital stock of the Strickland cotton Mills. Bald sale will be made for cash only and will bo continued from day to day between the same hours until said property is sold. R. B. MYDDLETON. Guardian of the Persona and Property of Turner Knight and Ern est Knigbb GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To Whom It May Concern: W. B. Fender, Administrator of the estate of J. W. McPball, deceas ed, has In due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell eight ■hares of the capital stock of the Mlneola Mill Co., belonging to said estate and said application will b» heard at my office on the first Mon- ' iptember 1911. A. T. SIMMS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To Whom It May Concern: Miss Louise R. Coleman, having In proper form applied to mo for permanent letters of administration on the estate of her mother, Mrs. Sarah W. Coleman, lato of New York county, state of New York said letters to be granted to her friend J. D. Blalock, this la to cite all and atgiilar the creditors and next of kin of Sarnli W. Coleman to he nnd appear at my office within the time allowed by Inw and show cause. If any they can, why permnn ont administration ahoul-J not oc granted to J. D. Blalock on Satan W. Coleman’s estate. Mitness m’ hand nnd olll-'al ala- nature, this tho 7th day of August, ltll. A. V. SIMMS, Ordtnnry. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To Whom It May Concern: A. Palmer, having In proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of Walter Coleman, lato of snld county, this la to cite all nnd singular tho creditors and next of kin of Walter Colemdn to bo nnd appear at my of fice within the time allowed hy law and show came, If any they can why normanent administration should not he granted to A. Palmer on Walter Coleman’s estate. Witness my hand and official s g- nature, this the 7th day of August, 1911. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. PUBLIC SALE. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Under and by vlrtiis ot tho power and authority contained ’ll * -erUin deed made and created by Henry Williams on Oct., 19 1909, In favor of the undersigned, will be sold on the first Tuesday in September next before the court bouse door In said county, to the highest bidder fo- caah, and within the legal hoars of sale, the following described prop- eity, to-wlt: All that tract or pa: cel of land situated, lying and being !n the western part of the elty of Valdosta, In aald county and state, and being part ot the Lamar place, fronting 50 feet on the north aide or Lilly street, and running back. 278 teat, according to Hutchinson’s survey; aald land being bounded on the north by lands of Geo. T. White; oust by lands of Mack Larkin; south hy Lilly street and west by land of Perry Corbett; said land to lc sold as the propert of the said Henry Williams to satisfy an Indebt edness due and owing by him to the undersigned, the proceeds of said palo to be applied to the pay ment of said Indebtedness, Includ ing all costa of sale and 10 per cent of the amount, due as attorney's feea, and the balance, If any, to be turned over to the aald Henry Wil liams aa provided for tn said deed. This July 29, 1911, MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF VALDOSTA, GA. By D. C. Ashley. President. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To Whom It Stay Concern: R. B. Myddleton, having In proper form appliod to mo for permanent letters of administration on tho es tate of James Richardson, Into of said county, this Is to c'to all and singular tho creditors and next of kin of James Richardson to be nne appear ot my office within the time allowed tby law and show cauae, If any. they can, why permanent ad- mlnlstrat'ok should not he granted . n. v Myddleton on Jgmes Rich ardson’s eststetu" Witness-my Bknd and official sig nature, thlg JwflajStlR August, 1911. y y. glMH?, Ordlnatg. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To Whom It May Concern. Mrs. Oeeanna Force. Administra trix of the estate of William M. Forco, deceased, has In due form ap plied to the undersigned for Jtave to sell ell the land belonging to the aald estate or anv part thereof, and eald application will hy heard ai this" office on the first Monday In/lBept- ember, 1911. JB I A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndes County, There will be sold on the first Tuesday In September, 1911, within tho legal hours of sale, before the court house door In said county tJ the highest bidder for canh tho-fol lowing described proporiy to-wit: Twenty acres of land, more or less, In the north enst corner of iot of land number two hundred forty three In the 11th district of aald county and bounded on the north by lands of C. I. Shelton, on the enst by orglnnl line of said lot and lands of C. Morrison, on tho south hy lands of Riley Bergman and on the west by lands of Sophie Patrick. Said land levied on as the property of George Lewis; and In hla posses sion, to satisfy an execution Issuing from the Justice court of the 663rd district O. M„ said county In favor of C. I. Shelton against the said Geo. Lewis. This the 7th day of August, 1911. J. E. OORNTO Shrill. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Under and by virtue of an order regularly granted by the court ol Oi. dinary of Lowudes county. Go - -R'a, at the August term, 1911, will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday In September, 1911, be fore the court house door In said county, within the legal hoars at sale, to the higest bidder tor cash, a lease, for a term of six years, on all the timber, measuring twelve Inches and above two feet from the ground, altuahle for saw mill pur poses, on lots of land number .227 and 234 In tho eleventh land dis trict ot said county. This the 9th day ot August, 1911. MRS. ▼. 8. HARRELL, Administratrix ot the estate of William E. Harrell, Deceased. OEOROIA—Echols County. Whreas J. B. Corbett. Administra tor of estate of James M Corbett rep resents to the court In hla petition duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered James M. Carter’s estate: This Is; therefore, to cite all persons concerned; kin dred and creditors, to show cau-c. If any they can, why said tratron should not be dli from hla administration, i letters of dismission Monday In September, 1911. J. E. PARRISH,." Admin