The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, August 26, 1911, Image 8

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•A, UTDBSJflr ACGTJST M, Jtll. CONTRACT LET FOR SPLENDID STORE HOUSE Strickland Hardware Co. Will Occupy it BIG CONCERN IB ORGANIZED TO DO A STRICTLY WHOLESALE HARDWARE JIUBIXESS IN THIS CITV. The Time* aisled several days ago that a company with a capital ot 1X00,000 bad been organised bare to carry on a certain Una of busi ness. On yesterday a contract was made, which clinches matters and In the nest throe or (our months a new business house will go up hero to become the home ot this new enter prise. It will locate on Patterson ‘street opposite the new ware house of the Georgia A Florida road, and pn the old lot lorinerly occupied thy the residence o( Mrs. D. VI Baker. ' ». • The new concern will be the Strickland Hardware Company, composed of Messrs Corley Strick land, B. F. Strickland and Will Strickland. The business of the com corn will be conducted by Mr. Cor ley Strickland and his son Will. The concern will do only a whole, sale business, and It will be equip ped to do the most extensive busi ness of any concern between Savan nah and Montgomery or out of Macon. A contract was let yesterday for a handsome new building which will become the home ot this con cern. The sew building Is to be two stories high, 85 feet wide and did feet deep. It will be built by the Georgia A Florida road and la to be leased by this new Hardware Company. The new concern will have plenty of capital behind It and It will at once become one of the strongest fa -tors In the commercial life of Valdosta. It will increase this city’s hold upon the Jobbers trade of South Georgia and Florida. Cotton Damaged by the Rain. The heavy rains In Lowndes coun ty during the past two or three weeks have done the cotton crop a goed deal ot damage. The rains aro causing cotton to shed and .also liuplng the pickers from getting mi" In the fields. It Is said .today that several of the rains have beat the open cotton out on the ground and have caused much loss In that it Is also said that there has been a great deni of wind accnmpa- r.v'ng the rain and this has beaten down the cotton as well as c and has done Injury all around. FELLS NEGRO. Copt. Killed a Big Rattle Snake Mr. Charles K. Howell, while walking along a narrow path In Brooke county yesterday came upon a big rattle snake that waa stretch' ed out almost ncross his path. H< had hla bicycle and was pushing H 'along, going from one road to an other. \Vhcn he found the rattle snake he proceeded to kill It after which he mounted hla wheel and got away from there. Mr. C. D. Smith and son. of A1 tuny, were among the visitors to Valdosta yesterday of the O. 8. * F. Up His Command. Tuesday's Macon Telegraph had the folIcWlng account of some trou ble which Cspt Etheredge. of the G. 8. A F. road, bad with an ob streperous negro: ■'Chsrged with carrying weapons, threatening another abd Jnst gener ally making himself disagreeable on the Georgia Southern and Florida railway northbound "shoofly" train Sunday, Charley Mays, a negro, was arrested here by the sheriff’s depu ties and Is now In Jpall. "There were a number of ne groes on the train going on some kind of a pleasure excursion ’to point near Orovanla, and Mays boarded the train at Finley. It Is claimed by Conductor Etheredge that the man only paid his fare to the picnic grounds and therefore when he reached Orovanla he -was told-to got off the train. The ne gro refused, saying that h/ had paid his fare to Macon, and ho was com ing on through. Mr. Etheredge did not feet that way about It, and to press his argument the negro made m motion to draw his gun. 'Mr. Etheredge beat him to It, however, and pulling his weapon, foiled him with It, and the negro was put off the train. He arrived In Macon yesterday morning and oiler making .several threats,. It Is sjld.lho railroad detectives called up the sheriff's office, and, accordingly, one of the deputies went to the sa loon on Fill* and Fourth strode and arrested the 'bad' man. No weepons were found on him at tho time.” Dasher News. Dasher, Oa., Aug. 25—Tho meet ing here conducted by Rev. J. W. Haynes and Rev. M. L. Strong closed Sunday with eleven additions alter a week of very Interesting and Inspiring sermons. nev. J. P. Prevatt, of Bowling Green, Ky., closed hla ten-day course singing school here last .week. Messrs. Jasper Copeland and Charlie Wlaenhaker will leave In a few days for Bowling Green, Ky., where they wilt attend school. Mlssea Pearl and Lucllo Wacter, of Adel, returned home Monday af ter a delightful visit at tbs home of Mr. and Mr*. R. B. ’Wlaenhaker. Mrs. J, B. Cowart, of Fargo, Fla., Is visiting her mother, Mr*. A. B. Hlnsty. Mr. Richard Charleton. of Birm ingham, Ala., ipent ten days at the home of Mr. and Mra. I. S. Wisent baker. Mrs. J. Mllllnor. of Mosley Hall, Fla., left Sunday for homo after a short visit In and around Dasher. Mrs. L. 8. Shields and children returned home Monday, after two weeks visit at the homo of her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wlson- baker. Tho relatives and friends of Mr. J B. Fender are glad to learn that ho Is rapidly recovering from his operation. , Miss Essie Morgan, of Brooks county, spent the week-end with Miss Eva Wlaenhaker hero. Miss Nettle Mae Heater, of Val dosta, s|ient a fow days ot tho home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. King. Miss Ruth Zipporer. of Uke Park, lias been spending awhile with her cousin, Mtas Ruby Wlaenhaker. Misses Mnrle Knight, Jewel Dow- lln:> and Mr. Mac Dowling, of Re- mis, spent Sunday In Dasher. Among those who attended preaching here Sunday from Blan ton, Gn„ were Mlssea Pearl Blaek, Ida lain Dennis, Kate Howell and Messrs. John and Ben Black, Arthur McOleod and Ben Howell. Miss Mary Lee Allen, of Valdosta, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mira Louise Tourhton. Mr. M. C. Morgan, of nrooka county, spent Sunday In Dasher. J. J. DASHEK. R. C. STAPLER. Dasher & Stapler Want to Sell You Your Buggies, Wagons, Wire Fence, Disc Harrows, Hay Ties, Farm Implements. The leading manufacturers of the coun try are represented by this progressive firm, with a very large stock of brand new, standard goods. The stock was bought at the right time, in the right mar kets and in the right way. Their customers reap the benefit DASHER & STAPLER, 117 W. 1 till Avenue: . \ VALqOSTA. GA Petition for Charter, GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To The Superior Court of 8*14 County: The petition of C. L. Smith. *fr». Julia L. Briggs and Of H. Carter, all of said «Ute and county, respectful* ly shows: 1. That they desire for them- selves, their associates and succes sors, to be Incorporated and made A body politic under the name and style of Smlth-llrlggs Company, for a period ot twenty yeare, with the privilege of renewal at the expira tion ot that time. 2. The principal office of said company shall be in the city of Val dosta, said state and county, but petitioners desire the right to estab lished branch offices elsewhere. 3. The object of said corporation la pecuniary gain to itself and Its shareholders. 4. The business to be carried on by said corporation Is that of buy* Ing. selling, holding and dealing In real estate of all, kinds, including timber and timber rights and privi leges; the taking, holding and sell ing options on real estate; making loans on real estate, taking mort gages, deeds and other forme of se curity therefor; negotiating and ob taining loans on real estate and charging commlslons therefor, act ing as agents or brokers for prop erty owners In selling, renting or. otherwise disposing of real estate of all klnde, and charging comm* sion therefor; to own and operate farms and to Improve and develope real estate, and to own and operate manufacturing plants and generally to deal In all kinds ot property both reil and personal. 5. The capital stock of said Cor poration shall be six- thousand dol lars, with the privilege of Increasing the same from time to^tlme to any sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, and ^Itb a like privilege of decreasing the same from time to time, not below the original capital of six thousand dol lars. SaldBtfck to be devided into ■hares of hundred dollars each. Petltlonerspbslre the right to have the subscription to said capital paid In money or property to be taken nt a fair valuation. That ten per cent of the capital haa been paid. 6. Petitioners desire the right to $ifb and he aued, to plead and be Impleaded, to hav e and use a com mon seal; to make all necessary by laws and regulations, and to do all other things that may be necessary for the successful carrying on of said business, including the right to borrow money and to execute notet* and bonds a« evidence of Indebted ness Incurred or which may be In curred In the conduct of the.affairs of the corporation, and to secure the same by mortgage, security deeJ or other form of lien under existing laws. - 7. They desire for said corpora tion the power and authority \o ap ply for and accept amendments for Its charter, in either form or sub stance. by a vote of a majority of Its stock outstanding at the time; they also ask ’authority for said corporation to wind \ip its affairs, liquidate and discontinue Its busi ness at nn v trme It may determine to do so. by a vote of two thirds of Its stock outstanding nt the time. WHEREFORE, Petitioners pray to he Incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, wjth the pow er, prlv'legcs and Immunities heie~ In set forth, and ns are now or ranv hereafter be allowed corporations of Plmllnr epar*ct*r. under the laws of Ooorgla, and sublert to all of tho restrictions and liabilities imposed by law. Woodward & Smith, Attorneys for Petitioner*. Filed In offlre, this the; 24th day Deputy Clerk GEORGIA—Lownde* County. T, Paul Myddelton, Deputy Clerk o' th«* Superior Court of Lowndes cour.'y, do ce-tlty that *h c forego- Inc Is a true copy of tho Petition for Charter of th-> Smith-Driers Co., e* »he snme appears of flic In this oP* r, \ W'tnea* my hand and official sig nature and the *enl of this Court hereunto affixed. This the 24th day of August. 1911. . PAUL MYDDELTON Clerk Superior Court GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Annie Mao ColUhs, vs Mllca H, Collins, Suit on Divorce, superior court of Lowndes county, Georgia, November term, 1911. To Miles H. Collins: The defendant. Mlleg H. Collins is hereby required, In person or by attorney, to be and appear at the next term of tho superior court of Lowndes county, to be held t» and for said county on the 3rd Mondfi* In November, 1911, then and there to answer plaintiff In an action for divorce. As in default thereof, the court will proceed as to justice may appertain. Witness the Honorable W. E Thomas, Judgo of sa*d court, this GEORGIA—Echol# County, Whereas,. J. B. Corbett, adminis trator of James M. Corbett, repre bcntg to the court in hla petition duly died and entered on record, that he has fully administered or James M. Corbett's estate. This Is therefore, to cite all per* sons, kindred and creditors, to show cause. If any they can, why •aid administrator should not be discharged from his admlnlstratu end receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In September,' till J. E. PARR18H, OHjb- BARGAINS IN BOBBINET CURTAINS One Hundred Pairs, Six Designs, at $2.50 Per Pair By buying a very Urge lot of these beautiful Curtain*, we obtained them at a lower price than we have ever been able to get before. They are extraordinary values. Beautiful Pictures and Art Novelties. This line is something entirely new in this city, and the sales during the few days they have been on display ere an index of the instant favor they have met with. :: - s :: :: nans :: :: GIDDENS FURNITURE COMPANY, Valdosta, Georgia. Times Want Ads WANTED TO BOY—A vacant building lot In Valdosta, or will buy house and lot If suited. W. E. Nicholson, Ousley, Oa. 8-23d3wl. FOR SALE—Largo and Biuall farms In Thomas, Colquitt and nrooka eountlea. Fine pimply clay lands. Located near schools and churches. Wats Dr. J. W. Moody, Boston, Oa. ,| 8-19w4t. FOR BADS OR EXCHANGE- 85, 000 equity 1 ,In a 504 acre unim proved 1 'artndn Sumter and Wen- ster counties Georgia, will sell on easy terma.or will exchange for stock of mtoandlse, city property, bank stock Ir stQck In a prosperous real estate |ompany. Box No. 4. Cecil. Ga. \ 8 19 w8 OATS^^jX^AirE^-7G bushels ApplW^SHTtjJ, T. Yarn, Hfthlr/«f2,7 8-12-w4t T^nbood two-horse ' x/ext year. W. T. Ga./ 8 12 w4t >ur competent long Intendents at dif- Faldosta Oil Co., 8-7ewtf. FOR SALJ—1 steam evaporating syrup outfit rlf; 50 h.p. boiler, 15 bp. engine; howdr cane mill; 3 vats, all necessajy tanks. Ed. L. Thomas. 8-8wtf. j FOR v SALE—At real bargain prices: 1 25-ton Baldwin locomo tive; 1 S-horso Frick eniglne and bolter; 1 15 h.p. upright boiler; 1 20 h.p. portable boiler; 1 10 h.p. portable holler; 1 60 h.p. return tu bular boiler; 1 50 h.p. return tu bular boiler; 1 20 h.p. return tu butnr boiler; 2 15 h.p. return tu bular bolteri. All In good condition 14x14x10 Franklin air compres sor first claes condition; 1 100 h.p feed water heater, practically new Valdofta Foundry sad Machine Co. S-8swtf. FOR 8ALE OR TRADE—A fine blooded ib*y 8talllon, wo ght, I.O'ir pounds, age 7 yeare; price P. O. Bo* 252, Perry. Fla- 6 .1 iw tf FOR 8ALE—Two and a half lot* of land , eight miles ^northeast of Valdosta, with dwellings and gin house. Between 250 and 300 acres under cultivation, balance In the woods. Prices and terms reasonable A. T. Daaher, Valdosta, Ga. R. F. D. 0. 4. 7-22-sw 3 mot. LOST—Bay mare mulo from Madison* Fla. Reward for Informa tion or return to W. T. Staten, Val-. doeta, Ga. 8 12 dlt wfit! Afraid to Stay Alone. Cherry Valley, Ark., Mrs. Carrie Moore of this place says, “I was afraid to stay by myself. I had headache nearly all the time; my heart would palpitate, and my vital ity was very low. When I would lie down, at night, I had no hope 01 living until day. I tried Cardui, and now I feel better than I have for 5 years. I cannot praise Cardui enough for what It did.” Are you a woman? Do you need a tonic? Try Cardui, the woman's tonic. Your druggist sells It. Major W. L. Glessner, of the Georgia and Florida road, spent yes terday in this clt^. Major Glessner says that Valdosta shows more.sol id Improvements than any town he knows of. * Death of a Little Child. The eignteen-inonths-old-chlld of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, of Jackson ville, who have been visiting the family of Mr. E. L. Hopson, died today about eleven o’clock, after an Illness of three or four days. The remains will probably he carried to Jacksonville for burial. The bereaved parents have the sym pathy of the community. MONO HIM . rskjww* « Lort.S*(tit./tlwssyi 1 sow rv nounnivK FvnmvHtJi DROPSY I cure It—any kind curable, stop- shortness of breath and start th^ water usually In eighteen hours. If'you have dropsy send me $2.50- for one week’s treatment and if yom aie not satisfied I will Refund Your Money Address John T. Patterson, M. D„ . Dropsy Specialist. 445 1*2 Edgewood Ave>, Atlanta, Ga. A nice line of California grapes^ plums and peaches at James’. Tel— ,ei>lione 557. plenty of reed, money to loan on farm land* and city property on easy terms. Can and see us. Wood' ward and Smith. 4-7-d-tuesAfrl. w Sat.-tf. STRAYED—From my place, black gilt with blase face; (wallow fork In right ear, eprit In left ear. If fonnd, write me at Stephenton, Oa., knd get reward. R. W. How ell. 8-21wlt Clerk, of the Superior Court Robt. Myddelton, who la supposed te keep the records, says that there hes been rain every Aur during the past throe weehe. We have not kept up 1th It, hut we were under the tm- preeslon It had missed two or three days In that time. Nearing the close and all must go. Good as the best yet, to be sold regardless of former price or cost. Greatest values ever offered in South Georgia r ( One lot Slippers, must be sold /'Q' to somebody at - U wL Nice lot of Oxfords to select l 7Q. from, at - • • !aC Don’t fail to examine our Ox- OQ fords that’s to be sold at OI7C A few Stacy Adams left; d* 1 QQ remarkable values «P 1 ea/a/ One lot high grade shoes $1.69 and Slippers, go at very best Shoes, a none better to go Our very best Shoes, and $3.99 The world’s best work shoe for men. while they last at ‘ $1.50 to $2.39 Come, see and be convinced that this is the greatest Money-Saving Sale ever put on in Valdosta Your Dollars Count For More Than A Ever Before. WYONE SHOE CO. ace on the Corner” 44