The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, August 29, 1911, Image 1

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»I^ a - week 'Vrrin, THE 'VALDOSTA TIMES, VALDOSTA. GA„ MUESDAY, Li ASSOCIATION HAS MEETING Many Prominent Law yers to Gather at Boston THE MEETING PROMISES TO BE THE MOST SUCCESSFUL IN THE HISTORY OF THE NATION WIDE ASSOCIATION. Boston, Mass., August 28.—Many distinguished lights of the American Bar have arrived here already and others are expected to reach Boston during the next twenty-four hours, to attend the 24th annual meeting of the American Bar association, which will open Its three days' ses sion at Huntington Hall tomorrow morning. The arangemsnts are ell completed and there Is every reason to expect that the meeting will be one of-the most successful and In teresting In the history of the or ganisation. The first general aeaslon of the American Bar association will be held tomorrow forenoon and the most notable feature of the pro gram Is the annual address of tha President. Edgar H. Farrar, of Louisiana. The reading of various reports and the election of members of the general counoll will occupy the rest of the forenoon session. At the evening session reports of the standing committees wlil be received and considered.', . J _ At the general .session on Wodnes- aV" morning; • 1 Justice Htpry B, Brown,' • of thUnited ' States 1 preme Court, r’ctired. will' read paper upon thex’New Federal Judl- dal Code.” There will also be further reports of committees and It Is expected that some of these will suggest remedies and formulate proposed laws to prevent delay and unnecessary cost In litigation and compensation for Industrial acci dents and the prevention of such accidents At the evening session HUSSEIN ALI MIRZA. Shah of Parala, Whosa Father la Trying to Regain Throne. WESTERN STRIKE MAY BE AVERTED Conference is Being Held To day Between Employers and Employees. Chicago, Aug. 23.—The Industrial situation Is much .brighter today. T3»S threatened strike "oC the team sters and the glgahtle packing ouees are bolding conferences. The officials of the Hhrriman sys tem and the Illinois Cantral em ployee are also In conferrence. The Illinois Central's differences It It re ported are practically settled. Vice President Kruttecmltt, of the Harrlman line, denied emphatically that he refused to meet represents' MOTHER OF DEAD WIFE IS ON STAND Evidence of Beattie’s Mother- in-law Seems to Have Been Damaging to Him. Chesterfield, Va., Aug. 28.—De tective Sherrer was on the stand when the Beattie case was resumed this morning. The defense In the ci oss-examination, tried to break dc-wn the damaging features of the detective’s evidence. Sherer admitted having frequent ly discussed the case lArith Beulah Binford, the woman in the case. It is generally admitted that the de fense got nothing but damaging ev idence from Sherrer’s cross exami nation. The defense plainly showed sur prise when the state called Mrs. Owen, the mother of the slain wo man, as witnesses followjng Sherrer. The mother said her daughter did not live happily with Beattie for two months before her murder. The girl looked sad and had frequent Storm pn the Atlantic I ^psterday WIND BEACHES VELOCITY OF FATHER GUNN TO BE BISHOP OF NATCHEZ The. Brilliant Catholic Cere mony Will Occur in Atlan ta on Tuesday. Atlanta, Qa., Aug., 28.—Cere monies aa brilliant aa those which occurred In Westminister Abbey at tha coronaUon of King Oeorge will take place here tomorrow at the aoells of crying. Beattie could not hear her evi dence and told the counsel ''to make her talk louder." Mrs. Owen testified that Beattie showed no signs of grief when ha returned with hie dead wife. On cross examination many Ques tions and answers were unfit for publication. She testified that Beit- asked for water to wash hla hands. She identified tha bloody coat and trousers aa the ones worn by Beattie the night of the. murder. MYSTERY STILE OBTAINS, _ '-ee Island. mistrial In th. can of Mra.I »oget lito commnnlcatlon by wireless with Charleston also Mr. William B. Hornblower of New^ of th# unlons York, who was nominated for the ,. Genera , retrenchment,” said Mr. United State. Suprems bench . by j Knitt ™ ltti „ ha9 been necessary, but the late President Cleveland, will as soon a8 conimlons warra nt, the ’ deliver an address on the subject oT men wl „ be r e-employed." “Antitrust Legislation and Litiga tion.” Thursday morning Robert S. Tay lor, of Fort Wayne, Ind, will read a paper and th© annual election of of ficers will be held. The afternoon will be devoted' to an automobile tour by the members and their FLAME LICKED HIS BED. Before Douglas Man Awoke to Find Home Burning. Douglas, Ga., Aug. 28—The resi dence of D. B. LeFiles on the south end of Gaskin avenue was destroyed ladles and the annual dinner wllljthls morning at 12:30 by Are. The take place at the Hotel Somerset, building's contents were also de- In the evening. According to the stroyed. The family of Mr. LoFlles were out at Gaskin Springs campmeet- lng, and he waa alone at home. Hi wrs sleeping so soundly that he did not discover the fire untl" the fire alarm was turned In, and by that time the flames had enveloped at most the entire building and had reached the foot of the bed on hlch he war sleeping, and he nar- plans of the local committee of ar rangements, the members of the as sociation will visit Cambridge to morrow afternoon, to attend a re ception given In their honor by President Lowell of Harvard Uni versity. In addition to the regular general session there will he sectional meet ings for the consideration of var ious educational subjects *nd mat-jroviy escaped with hla life, tcre of practice and legal procedure. The house was roily Insured. The discussions at the general sea- j his loss In household goods wll! slons will Include the adoption of Quite a considerable Item, standnrd rules for admission to the bar and the conferring of the LL. B. degree, various changes in the pat ent laws, trade mark and copyright laws and other Important matters of partlcu'ar Interest to the legal fraternity. UUt TO POOL COTTON CROP. He managed to save his planing mill, which was located In a short distance of his residence. RICHARDS KILLED HIMSELF. Manager of Standard Oil Foreign Department is a Suicide. New York, Aug., 28—Alfred Vort- •On Richards, manager of the tor* Greensbore. N. C. Aug., 24—Con-, elgn department of the Standard Oil atderable Interest la manifested In the convention to be held here to morrow under the nusplces of the North Carolina and Virginia branch es of the Farmers’ Cooperative and Educational Union. The announced purpoee of the meeting Ig to discuss a plan for the farmer, of the two States to pool this year* tobacco crop. Charles S. Barrett, president of the national organisation, Company, suicided today by shoot- lng himself through the heart In front of the Hoffman cafe He was thirty-two yean old. DEAD UNDER ms BUGGY. Aged Methodist Preacher Killed When Boggy Overturned. Bristol, Aug., 22.—Her. John and Mahoney, an aged Methodist preach- Joel B. Fort, President of «he Ten- «r. waa found dead under hi, baggy neseee branch, will be among the Bear Telford thla morning. The prominent speakers of the conven- buggy overturned killing him tart failed here, and nothing' la known here of the extent of the damage there. There la a very large num ber of Savannahlans who formerly resided In Charleston find therejvas Mistrial .In Suit of-Mrs. Fetal against ‘ Ll/u Insurance Company Cordele, Ga., Ang. 28.—The Jury, after having'been out thirty hours (and hopelemly disagreed. Judge Stroller, In the dty court, declared mistrial In the case of Mrs. ed A. j. Finn, of Cordele, against the Southern State, Lite Insurance Company, of Alabama, which has oc cupied practically a whole week of the city court. The cult was brought by Mrs. Finn for the recovery of $5,000, the face value of a policy carried In this company by her late husband, A. J. Fenn, who Is alleged to have been accidentally drowned In the Apalachi cola river, at a point fifteen mile* south of River Junction, Fla., on! L"’ April 21, 1910, while en routo down j j cantB ' of the river in a small row boat , n ,Q Corg j a the comi>any of two other men byj the name of Land and Roberts, who resided near Tlfton. The body of J m ~|~ t 7 0 “’ ^ Fenn has never been recovered and : . It Is the contention of the Insurance ""torod-Mia J" company owing to conflicting. testl-| ' mony, that Fenn was not drowned at the time and place alleged In the . -g .. plaintiff’s petition. Upon the ver- ,._V; . * , v . diet In this case depended the out come of a similar suit brought by the plaintiff against the Greeneboro SIXTY MILES Alj HOUR YES-1 Sacred Heart church when Father TERDAY—SAVANNAH CUT OFF | John E. Gunn will he consecrated BY WIRE TODA^/ 3,-^Sud' jKtf.of yeter- iched ■er 8a- torce on gines windows, signs, 'street tamps and trees, put stl wire, between Sa vannah and Charleston out of com- mlsBlon and at an eshdy hour lsola ted that city and .Beaufort, S. C. mUe-a-min' vannah Is venting. Its . "... South of Savannati there Is but slight damage to wires, the storm's operations being confined to this city and the region south of here. - At 10:55 o'clock last night, when the local weather office closed, the barometer itood at 29.58 and waa tailing. rthfhj the locnl eommunlca- unable to go iln on account of the rough seas. JThc MolaWk, of the same line, was unable to leave Charleston. .. -v..-; • •» Tho Merchants and Miners’ Transportation Company’s steamerr Cretan, duo will be ablets of* on account.of ves sels In comtnuiE|fl^^BThe lo cal wireless Stailon rop^Hniisunlly heavy eeas rising euidehl Very htrb tldeaiare reported from "s-W Island. ^- | bishop of Natcbes with all the splen- I dtd pomp of the Roman Catholle churph. Gorgeous vestments and magni ficent jewels will figure In the cere mony, Including the golden crosier, the great amethyst and diamond ring, the pectorlal cross and Jewel ed mitre which for nearly a century have been a part of the historic vratlture of the bishop of Natchca, and which descend from one lncum bent of that high office to another. Th, consecration will begin at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and will last for a couple of houra. The pre siding prelate will be Archbishop Blank, of New Orleans. Among the bishops present will he Bishop Mtley of Georgia, Bishop Allan of Mobile, Bishop Shaw of San Anto nio, and Bishop Morris of Little Rock, Th4 vestment, to be worn by Father Gunn' are the gifts of the Sacred Heart pariah. They are very handsome, of the finest silk and stuffs, elaborately embossed with gold. The mitres, one of white silk with gold embroidered decorations and tho other entirely,of gold and embroidery are also the gift of the r igreftatlon. ) —— “ — v isslness; aprlfjfcnt -ouhf of tho-kll- ol’ty. ' a sudden sur- was born at .without Savannah, Ga., lands off the ei them. Heavy damage Life and Annuity Company, *f of 11,9 ** |* ared trlcts south of C Greensboro, N. C., for $10,000. The case has been hard fought and has attracted considerable at- Numeroua yet unheard tentlon throughout the enttje com- wa * severe in Sa ty, owing to numerous and 1 promt- m,nor damage, nent connections. In the case. SHOT COUPLE DEAD, MISTAKING THE GIRL A Love-sick Kentucky Boy Thought Girl was one who had Jilted Him. London, Ky., Ang. 28.—At • country church, near Oakley, this morning. Will Hurley and Mias Christy Hensley were shot and kill- I by Bart Allen. Allen mistook the girl for anol who had Jlltad him. Whan ha found out bis mht‘ WIVES ARE (.0 TCH- OFF-'TO CHICAGO. The Giant Wrestler Is Going to .. - fTnckle Hackenicmidt. Humboldt, IS., Aug. 25.—Neigh bors and frlsnda of Frank Ooteh, composing nearly tbs whole of the masculine population of Humboldt county, are preparing to turn out en masse tomorrow to give an en thusiastic send-off to the wrestling champion upon his departure for Chicago. Gotch will be accompa nied by hnlf a dozen of his trainers and helpers, who will assist In the (Inal work of preparation for the chnmplonshln match with Hacken- scmldt on September 4. Total Abstainers In Session Danbury, Conn., Aug. 28.—Dan bury Is entertaining for two days the forty-second annual convention of the Catholic Total Abstlncnco Union of Connecticut. The dele gatee attended high mass In St. Peter's church this morning, fol lowing which the business sessions wers formally opened In the opera house. The roll call showed an at tendance of more than 300 dele gates from all parts of the State. MR. AND MRS. TOM S0PWITH Young English Aviator Now In This Country With His Wlfo. Photos by American Vrooo Association. AVIATORS WILL FLY FOR $50,000 PRIZES Two Score of World Famous Aviators Have Gathered at the Boston Meet ', ; -Boston, Mart, Aug., 28.—Attract ed by‘a prise list totalling nearly $60,000 In cavil, some two-score of th« moat noted aviator, of America and Europe have gathered hero to take part In the second big lying maat to ha conducted under the aua- picet of the Harvard Aviation So ciety. The meet waa formally Inaugur ated on the arlatton field at Atlan tia City today and will continue for NEWS EVENTS FORETOLD FOR COMING WEEK Maryland Primaries Will be Held on Tuesday POLITICAL CONTESTS FOR GOV. ERNOR BETWEEN STATE SEN ATORS—SEASONS OF FAIRS IN SEVERAL STATES. Washington, D. C„ Aug.,' 28.— Both political parties In Maryland' will hold their State primaries Tuesday for the selection of candle datos for the State offices to be fill ed at the autumn election. Interest centers chiefly In the spirited con test for the Democratic guberna torial nomination between Stator Senator Arthur P. Gorman and State senator Blair Lee. Phllllpa Leo Goldsborough wllj_ respire tha Republican nomination for gover nor without opposition. Republicans of Alabama *111 bold a State convention In BlrnShgham *, „ Thursday to aelect a new Ststa committee and chairman add to con- aider the State representation. In the next national convention. The Republican candidate for congress the late Alexander Mitchell as representative of the Second dis trict Is to ba nominated by the.con- grcsalonal committee at a mcctln to be held Monday in Kansas C; •• - • . A' conference of State railroad commlmlpners Is to bp held Tueu- dny 'In Lincoln. Neb., to (license methods .jit obtaining,physical rstv- actlon of . railroad property. Tuesday fa the day fixed for -the consecration of Rar. John E. Gunn, as Roman Catholle bishop of Not ches, Miss, The ceremony Is to taka place In Atlanta, with Arche bishop Blank, of New Orleane offi ciating. Governor Baldwin of Connecticut, former Jostles Brown, of the United an entire week. One of the.big m>t „ SBpreme Court _ and Baron events of the program will be a (tJobIlla> th „ JananM ; ambassador cross-country flight of 180 > miles, t „ nnltBd matPa , are a thB for which a ensh prlzo of 910,000 ha. been offered by a Boston news paper. The route of tho contest Is to be formed from Boston to Nnshua, N. from Nashua to Worcester, (Mesa; from Worcester to Provid ence, R. L, end from Providence, to Boston. TO ADDRESS SUFFRAGETTES. not. Howard Anna Shaw to be the Speaker In October. Idlnlsvllle, Ky.. Aug. 28.—Tho committee In charge of tho program for the convention of the National American Woman Suffrage AssoclS' tinn to be held here In October an nounces that among the notable speakers at the gathering will be the Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Carolyns Bart- Bnntn Rosa Terminal Rate Case, Santa Rosa, Cal., Aug., 28.—The taking of testimony In the pants Rosa terminal rate caae, which bee been a matter of dispute betweenjleft Crane, of Michigan; Mrs. Don shippers and the railroads for a long H Hocjter. of Baltimore; Miss time, was begun here today by Com- ‘‘cy Johnston, the novelist, and mlealoner Franklin K. Lane of'the M '"" M. Carey Thoman, president of Interstate Commerce Commission. Mrs. Morse and Keeping Ncai ^-Atlanta, Aug. prisoners at the Itentlary are now presence of their Mrs. Charles W. living here most her husband’s In Is now announced w'fe of-pol. Chrlstopl ' late prffident of the lees. Is on htr way HOY LEAPED ELEVEN STORIES TO DEATH Hryn Mswr College. CALIFORNIA STATE FAIR. Many Exhibits Are to Re Shown mt Sacramento Next Week. Sacramento, Cal., Aug. 25—On the ere of the opening day of tho California State Fair, all Indica tions are that It will be far better than any of Its predecessors. Dur ing the last week, end particularly the last three days, exhibits of many kinds have been arriving end the fair grounds present a lively appear ance. Tomorrow has been set aside tton. | Allen committed' lolclde. Busy Week for : John, N. B„ Aug, ’88. Laurie- came y to begin a waal the Maritime Provind to this city the' eduled for addre Ilfax and New Scotia, Charlottetown, Pi • Moncton, I * Jumped From Pulitzer Build ing in New York to Foot ‘ of Brooklyn Bridge. Na* York, Ang, 28.—Fearing ti women'a day. and suffragists deportation on acount of hk having ,r0 ” •» ««*• ot » h9 • u ‘» ar9 *° »*- consumption, Morris Oraenbury, II t * n ’ ___________ : yearn old, Just arrived from Europe, I ARRESTED FOR MURDER, leaped from the tenth Door of tho' Decatur, Ala, Aug, 28.—Hugh «fi-| Pulitzer bhlldlng to death In tha Boggs, a meat dealer of this dty, notable speakers scheduled to ad dress the thlrtjl-fourth annual meeting'of the American Bar asso-' elation, which will begin Its seeslons In Boston Tuesday. The season of fairs and exhibi tions wjtl reach Its height during the week. In addition to a doxen or more State fairs In various parts of the United States the week will see the opening of the annual In dustrial. Exposition In Milwaukee, the Canadian National Exhibition In Toronto and the Provincial exhibi tion In Quebee. British Columbia and other sections of the Dominion, The political csmpatgn in Canada Is expected to be continued vrtth In creased energy on both sMes. Sir Wilfrid Leurler will carry his cam paign Into the Martinis Provinces, while Robert L. Borden, leader ot the Opposition, will conUnue on tbs plntform 'n Ontario and Quebec. The statne of Steuben, which has been presented to Germany by the American Congress. Is to he formsl- Jy dedicated in Berlin Saturday. The statue Is to be dedicated In (he presence of the Emperor, the American ambassador and many oth er notables, and the function will be {made a picturesque and literary ceremonial. Other notable events of the week In the foreign field will Include the greet German naval review at Bwli- en.nnde, (he annual meeting of the Pritlah Association fer the Advance- mint of 8c!ance, which will meet In Portsmouth, and the beginning ot the festivities In eslehratlon ot tha centennial of the Royal Frederick* university at Christiania, Norway. At tbs last-named event tbe United States -will be represented by a dele gation of wetl-known educators. '* Manhattan entrance of Brooklyn w *» arrested bare today and locked V t * ms> /an the ahawira a$ train# 4mn1lf(ata Crossed Channel Two Times. Bonlogne, France, Ang, 28.— bridge- Ha turnad a dozen somemaults, up on tbe charge of being Implicate, Mareh Poorpe crossed the English ed In tbe killing of J. H. Turner,' channel In an aeroplane last night. •PI ibarely missing an automobile party, ago* ;,i ■' ]' >a | | Ga, several weeks He recroraed It this morning arriv ing bora safely. I JyriH