The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, August 29, 1911, Image 7

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w SHB VALDOSTA SUM. VALDOSTA, OA, XUKSDAT, AUGUST 20, 1011. 1 m i VALDOSTA IS THE BUSIEST CITY OF ALL Immense Amount Build ing Material Comes Here STRUCTURES TO GO UP IN NEXT FEW MONTHS WILL MAKE AN ENTIRE CHANGE IN CITY’S SKY LINE. (From Saturday’s Dally) Most of the shipments that are coming to Valdosta these days are for building material. It Is coming here almost by the train load^'and almost all of the available space along the railroads is being filled up V'ltli stuff to go Into the various Im provements in this city. There is almost everything in the building material line included In the shipmemnts which are coming h« re. There are car loads after car loods of stone to be used for curb ing and there are car loads after car loads of brick to be used for paving. There are many cars of lime, cement and sand to be used In the various Improvements which are being made here. There are many cars of marble, granite and artificial stone for decorating the many buildings which are be ing contemplated In this city. There are many cars of ordinary brick and the finest pressed brick to be used In the handsome struct ures which are to go up here during the coming fall and to finish the v\-rk which Is now being done on o’her buildings. There are many cars of coal and v'cod to be used In the various fur naces and heaters of this city, all of which look forward to an era ot hnMness activity during the coming winter. MMtbln the next few months the map of Valdosta is going to under go a change which will be entirely out yl keeping with the present ap- ALBANY MAN WAS VICTIM OFT It was Believed There That he Killed Himself HE WAS WOUNDED WHILE OUT IN THE WOODS NEAR DUB. LIN, GA., AND DIED IN A FBW HOURS LATER. HORSE RACES FOR VALDOSTA THIS WEEK Some Fast Roadsters will Compete for Prizes MANAGER VICK, OF MOULTRIE, IJAS A STRING OF HORSES WHICH ARE TO GO ON THE SOUTHERN CIRCUIT. ihfancP. Most,of the old struc tures are to be torn down and places are to be built up’. The old Jail Is marked for de struction and a splendid new Jail Is to he built here. Work on the splen did new hotel will begin next week and will be pushed to a speedy com pletion. It will be the handsomest structure In Valdosta and will give no entirely new appearance to that section of the city. Just beyond there, on the opposite side of the street, the splendid new lome of the Strlckland-Tlllmnn Hardware Company will be erected. This will be the most modern whole sale house In Southern Georgia, 210 fort long, 05 feet wide and two stories high, built to accommodate tho heaviest class of good.-? and to b rt almost indestructible In con struction. Altogether, tho outlook In this clty has never been so bright ns It Is today. Valdosta has always looked like a city. It has always been clean, active and up-to-date, being abend of mo3t small cities In the Albany, Ga., Aug. 25.—That B* Manager Vick, of the Trotting A*. P. Buchan, a prominent Albany coelution Is on tho ground, the track business man who shot hlmsolf at 1 , has been put in splendid shape, Dublin late yesterday, deliberately • and everything is in readiness for took his own life is indicated by tll ° races beBln tbIs after- fact g brought to light hero today. Buchan was secretary and treat- noon at Pine Park. So far there hav© been entered eighteen horses for tho meet, and urer of the Star Brand Shoe Com* j g O0 j prospect of two or three more puny, and wa« held in high esteem. coming In before the date for the in business circles here. An audit* commencement of the meet, or has been at work on the book*; The ® ven t has been well adver- ol tho company all thi. woe*. Hav-| ' lsed l r ° m Dous^ to M^on. and , from Thomasvill© to Waycross, and in B heen .ummoned alter allied xlfton t0 Lake CUy , and mnny ln . shortages ln Buchan’s accounts qulries have been received from were discovered. t parties deeirlng to attend. Dublin is the old home t*f Bu-- A car loa© of fast horses from chan, aud it is believed he went| Corde,e and Vlenna wI1 b ® ln Bun - day night, and * get down to work j early Monday morning. There arc several already out at the Park be- there in the hope of securing the money with which to cover the al leged shortage, which- will, from present indications, be not less than $3,500. H« was confronted with the alleged 6hortago Tuesday, and left on the first train for Dub lin. It It alleged that tho money was lost ln speculation. Mrs. Buchan received a telegram last night stating that her-husband had been shot "while hunting." A later telegram stated that Mr. Bu- lng tried out each day. The citizens of this city will miss a great treat If they fail to go out and witnesa these races. Remember the ladles will be admitted free each day, and th e managment hope 8 for a good at tendance from them. The street car people say there wll be no trouble, nor delay ln their handling the crowd. The races will be from three thirty to about elx chan was dead, and further advices I o’clock each day. Mr. Twiggs Clyatt’s well-known horse from Brooka county came ln yesterday and will enter these races. Our locnl sportsmen Cjj they will have some entries for tl race B that will be a bu: received today clearly Indicated that It was a case of suicide. Besides his wife the dead mm leaves three children. He was 83 years old. E. W. Pickard, president if the Star Brand Shoe Company stated^out-of-town wiiu today that any shortage would beT’*-* VT.Z I be cared for out Qf^AHy FF-OONEY^ WEDDINi surplus, which he sraiW was am- ■ « r pie for the purpose. How Bnthati Died. Dublin, Ga., Aug. 25.—R. P. Bu chan, of Albany Ga., died late yes terday afternoon at the home of his Miss Susie Pardee Was Married to Mr. Ezekiel W. Coney Tuesday. A marriage of much Inte&jrijr In Valdosta was announced this week bv Mr. William Augustus Pardee as mother, Mrs. J. R. Baggett of thlsi h&yln * occurred last Tuesday at city, from the effects of a bullet; Northfleld, Mass., the contract ith. The work which Is to be done hero during the coming fall will put her In the class of cities of 25,000 people. Its sky line will be splen did to look upon. Its thoroughfares ore going to pulsate with business, and If tho merchants here do not do the greatest business they have ever done before It will be merely b«- (1‘ cause they do not take advantage ^ /- ef t hove. opportunities which they In the City Court Today. The regular Friday morning ses- **ot. of the city court was held this looming, but there were not many eases. Priscilla Adams, who was ar rested on a charge of stealing some fancy work from the residence of Judge Walter Peeples, plead guilty to the charge and was fined $75 or twelve months on the chain gang. Walter Strickland, of Lake Park, plead guilty to carrying a pistol con cealed and was fined $50 or six months on the gang. 1 Light SAWMILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES; STEAM ANO GASOLINE ENGINES. Try LOMBARD, AC S^ TA WOOD.IRON AND ATttlT fired through his body near tho he«rt an hour previously. The only word he snoke after fir ing the shot were to Homer Bagget, Ms stenbrother-ln-law, and wero as fo’lows: 'TeH my wife my Insurance pnnerg are In the safe." Tho wound was made while he is In the woods, a mile and throe-, ouartors from the cltv. Th© onlv ©yo-w’fne?* was Baggett, who ran to n nearhv te’ephono, called a physi cian and then hastened back to tho wounded man. Buchan was nlncod In an automo bile and carried to the home of his lng parties being Miss Susan E. Pardee, of this city, and Mr. Eze kiel Wimberly Coney, of Hawkins- ville. The bride wns spending some time at thnt place with her sister, Miss Bessie Pardee, who holds a respon sible position there. The groom w ent on to that place and the cere mony wns performed there. Mr. W. A. Pardee, of Valdosta, was also among those present. The couple will be at homo to thrdr friends after September 15. The bride Is a favorite In Val dosta, and an unusually pretty and winsome young woman. She Is gen- lly admired for her excellent mother. Ho died almost as soon traits of character and womanliness. ns her residence was reached. Late in the afternoon Buchan and Bngc-et, went Into the woods to practice with a pistol. After firing the pistol several times. Buchan walked n short distant away from Baggett and "hot himself. He was a native cf th'n county and a son of thr. late T>r. John Buchan, who practiced for many venrs In Reedv Springs districts, ten ml Vs below Dublin. The remains of Mr. Buchan will be Interred In Northvlew Cemetery In this city tomorrow morning. The groom Is one of the lending young men of Hawklnsvlllo and is rromlnont socially. It was while the bride was visiting her sister, ?»rs. Merritt, of Hawklnsvllle, that tho couple met, and their acquaint ance ripened Into the tender cord which drew them to tho marriage altar. Pongratulatlons and good wishes f»om mnny Vnldosta friends will bo extended tho happy couple. — OtLTINO. fACHlNU. lACIWu. ... %ombau> .mom worm , augwiaaa. A M?»«onlc Lode© for Nankin. ,The Masons of Nankin are circu lating a petition, securing the sig natures of members of that order praying tho Grand Lodge to estab lish a Ma°onle lodge there. The petition Is addressed to the most worshipful grand master, Hon. Oortre M. Napier, and will be for- arded to him at Monroe when completed. It will bo aome time before the lodge can he Instituted, as th© near est. lodges to Nankin will have to approve the movement before the Grand Lodge will Issue (he charter. Some of the Masons In Nankin be long to the lodge In Quitman, while others have their membership else- her© and still others are holding demits on account of being so far f*om the lodge. These members will put their demits Into the new lodge and with those that transfer their membership to It the new lodge will start with a good charter roll.—Quitman Advertiser. MN=srs W. C. McDonaTd, B. S. Brfnser, C. B. Tomlinson, A. Living ston. Jr., and A. Livingston the third of Madison, Fla., were among tho vlsltorii to this city on yesterday. - TIFTON FAIR IS ATTRACTING MUCH ATTENTION That City W# he Taxed to Care $Jr Gpwd INTEREST HAS BRjSr WORKED UP BEYOND THE BORDERS OF GEORGIA AND^J^NT^ OUT SIDERS are coaoNa (From Friday’s Dally.) All the real estate men ln South Georgia will not bo ablo to take car© of the crowds from North Geor gia, tho Carolinas, Tennessee, Ken tucky, Virginia, North Alabama and the Middle West who will visit, the South Goorgia Land and Agricultu ral Exposition with |i view of buy ing land in Sout£'-G|prgIa. Therefore a big convention of real erlato dealer* and! lind owners ha been cklled tbJijAjn Tlfton on the first day otr'tha^Bmk^P 11 * Septem ber 27, the renl tate dealers ' and toad owners of South Georgia. At this organization wilt t and ways and means will Be devised to meet the buyers and take them to different counties In South Ceorgla, to provo tUat tho land Is what It Is claimed to be. These real estate men are Invi ted to stay through the exposition and meet the people, show them the exhibits: to distribute literature about their counties and accompany those who want land to their re spective counties and settle them in South Georgia. This la the purpose of bringing all of the real estate men of South Georgia to the expo sition and j keeping .them here ns much of the ten \,dpypf. M possible. Tlfton feels that «he(;wjll receive her share of the hwefibafliy holding the exposition - ' at her own doors, hence the adoption of the broad and liberal policy concerning this mat ter. This is a /South GsorglA [We£ to assist/as host It la expect ed that ►len.. thousand. people will More Than 300 Children’s School Dresses Received Prices from 50c to $1.25 You Should See Them Before You Buy J. L. MATHIS CO. The Ready-to-Wear Store Valdosta, Georgia Farmer Needs EWc It Is Free! It tells how you can have telephone service in your home at very low cost. Write for this book today. A postal will do. Address Farmers Line Department Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph Co. 33 South Pryor Street, Atlanta, Ga. dffi come from outside sections looking tor land. ' ^ It. will be difficult for a real es tate man to talk hla county without exhibit to show the visitors and thus the counties Imperatively need exhibits at this. Jjlg South Goorgia Lend Show, to get the fnil mcasur© the splendid opportunities tho Exposition will offer. Thre© Rig Rattlers In n Bunrh. Mr. A. L. Cooper, of the Ousloy district, wns In the fity today and ‘-'I of an experience which ho hnd h rattlesnakes yesterday which calculated to send cold chills down one's bnrk to think of It. Ho was out ln the, field nbout 3 o'clock In tho afternoon and was trvlng to locate some Jturkey* which were feeding on the^odg© of his field and ruining his plnder crop. Whllo standing near the edge of tho field he heard th© rattle of a snake nnd looked down ln front of him, about eight feet off and he saw threa •)Ig rattlers within a few Inches of each other. Ho proceeded to hill all three of them. Ono of them measured 4 1-2 feet In length, one of them 5 feet and the other 6 feet, ad ton rattles an4>ll seven. Either on© tir,} would hav© produced bite. Monltrlettea nenrl k 8n«ke. Several citizen* of Moultrie were stopped on their ,way f them er one lakes by Its \v HIS LIFE AT CLYATTVILLE Started the Smoke and Other Negro Got Him TWO QUARRELED AT A PICNIC, HUT WERE SEPARATED. THEY MET NEXT DAY AND SHOT IT OUT. (From Saturday’s DallyJ^ Tho ClyattovlIIo district rang up again yesterday wPh a murder scrape, adding another negro to Qio list of those who havo died a violent death in that district. This time It was Walter Smith who passed In his checks, and a ne gro named John Williamson is said have been the slayer. Th© coro- ’s Jury Investigated tho killing and decided thnt It wns a case of voluntary manslaughter. And the Jury snld so In tho verdict which in rendered. It seems thnt th© trouble between Smith and Williamson stnrtcd at a along the' pfrn,c thn l,ny hcforo ' They were DENTISTRY -AT- ONE-HALF PRICE Come to the best equipped office in the South, where you will get the best work with the least pain, ^ Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff, Formerly United State* Army Dental Surgeon. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA Jreat Tonic McRee’s Blood Purifier Is th© greatest of all Spring Tonics. It makes the blood rich, red and healthy; in- ernsc© the appetite and takes away the tired feeling. It la highly recommended for Rheu matism and all conditions aria- lng from Impure blood/ Your druggist sella It Manufactured by VALDDSTA DRU6 GO. Wholesale DruggiMi. VALDOSTA - - - OEOROIA in a good notion of killing each streets of that city the other Jay bjr * peculiar rol.e, being iMued, 0 '^ wh * n mcn . _ . tnrof 1 nnn nlnnnoil the rnw. When from the weeds, and which sound- ( fered nnd stopped the row. ed“ m mu‘ch mir* mu. "butI" 1 ® , l oth ” f tho,,, none of tbe men wer. willing to C*t » bnl mon,l and wore closo to th. not... th. re»u!t MX. mfit that th. ana*, u not looetefl. - |*gnl». Th. Koultrt. ObMfSr Ulnt.l * e i ,r ^r ,\ 7 TI tbn tht. i.. goo* *igt> that th. i',.r . , weed, ought t 0 ho cut down. nrh*.,«» " hc *» n " hoot " 1 weed, on «h, atreeta ot a thrlrln*;^ 1111 ™" 0 " flr ® " ^ town It*. Moultrie getrai tall that *molre of battle cleared away, cltlzena can.hear rattleenake. In *“ » "'W* tor a coroner-. them It I* UOC* tor aomethlng to b. done. A Peek Tnto His Pocket would show the box of Bucklen'a Ar nica Salve that E. S. Loper, & car- enter, of Marllla, N. T., always cnrriea. u l bare never had a eat. wonnd, bruise or sore It would not soon heal," he writes, greatest hosier of burns, bolls, vcald^ chap ped hand and Up* fever sores, skin eruptions, ecxemn* corn* and piles. 25c at Dlmmock’s Pharmcy, W, D. Dunaway**, Ingram** Pharmacy. was Jpry, and Coroner Solomon summoned to the scene. Deputy Sheriff Parrish also went 1 down to try and arrest the slayer, i bi t he had pulled out for parts nn-j krown. From what the deputy \ could learn he did not think the car© was a very aggravated one any wav. The coroner's Jury evidently thought that In framing tho verdict, j i Mr*. M. A. T!rtWi and children bare returned from Atlanta where they .pent ,ereral week*. Mr. j Brfgga returned earlier tn tb. wee*. ’ Bargains in Farm "’ST Home. Seekers’ Opportunity Backed by inducements of natural wealth that few sections of our country can equal and none can excell. .■ We have several farms near pavo and Barrack, Ga ranging from one hundred acres to three hundred uufififty acres fine' lands as any in the state; in good community, fine'dchool!. Will sell at from $10 to $27 an acre. Any one desiring a good home farm location will do well to investigate these (arms. No tuch bargains offered anywhere, and when this is sold there will be no more such bargains. For infermation write WEBB BROTHERS, Hahira, Ga., or if you want to see any or all of the lands, notify us when you can come to Hahira, and we will take you to see the lands. WEBB BROTHERS, Hahira, Georgia. _