The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, September 02, 1911, Image 8

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TilMU, .■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a■'•■■■■■■■■■ S3 ■•■■■■■■■■■ ■■ aivnaii September a, mt. ■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ - mm m mm mm m m m mm «■■■■■!■■■■ P9 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■USMIII ■ ■ >(>VII»IUIIIIIIIIII||IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII||||||| ij To Young Ladies r|reparing For College ■! You naturally want to buy your going-away outfit from thefplace where you can get the best selection. CflWe make your *■ wants a Special study. tJWe have the biggest selection Everything that ladies and girls wear in this section of the State We respectfully invite you to let us fit you up for College.* T f Things You Ought to Have | Coat Suits from - $15.00 to $50.00 J Coat from - - 7.50 to 25.00 Extra Skirts, fall styles, 5.00 to 12 50.', Beautiful ICimonas. from - 1.00 to 12.501 \ ' j h A Few Necessary Things Bed Spreads, all sizes and prices. Sheets, Pillow Cases and Blankets Bed-room Slippers, all colors. Button Boots, tans and blacks, all prices. Short and long Gloves, all colors and prices, Silk Hose, all colors, - - 50c to $1.5W! Beautiful Underwear in Muslin and Knit goods. .— Swellest line of Trimmed and Untrimmed | Hats for Fall ever shown in Valdosta. Our pj Milliner will be here Monday, September 3rd, j | to take care of earlytrade. < ^ ' P ■■ ■■ ■■ »■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■»■*■■■■■- ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■*■■«■■■■■■■ ■ ■■■■■ b ■■irai ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■iiiiiib ■■■■■■■ a IllIBBIIIIBIIBIimiBlllllliaillllllllllla Judge Cranford Hu Drawn th© Jn« ron to Serve Monday Week. Llot of traverse Jury drawn for tho September term, 1911, of the etty court of Valdosta, to be held the 'second Monday In September, 1911, by tho Hon. J. G. Cranford, Judge of said court, this August 25, ion. 1. David E. Hughes. 2. Matthew Wright. 3. W. B. Llnebergor. 4. .TnmcR' A. Zant. K. Samuel S. Weeks. (5. T. H. McKoy. * r, Jas. G. Scruggs. J. C. Hunt. Thos. W. Willis. Hardy B. reek. Abblo L. Hall. L. N. Lin soy. Robt. W. Starling. S. B. Breedlove. Remer N. Carter. A. B. Burnett. C. S. Bondurant. Isom J. Pounds. * Roy Ulmer. W. E. Burrusa. R. Emmett Sharp. Henry Weeks. Euley P. Wetherlngton. H. C. Hunt. Arthur Wlienbaker. Barney Llnebergor. Remer Y. Jones. Bryant L. Mlley. Grovan S. Zelgler. Daniel E. Connell. Augustus L. Wlsenbaker. Ed A. Wlsenbaker. Willie D. Martin. Grover C. Mlley. 1 J.Maxcey Ashley. Wm, 8. Morris. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. 18. 10. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 32. 33. 35. 36. Not a Word of Scandal. „ Marred th© call of a neighbor on Mn. W. P. Spangh. of Manville, Wyo., who «ald: "sh© told m© Dr. Klnc’e New Life Pllla had ^ured her of obstinate made her feel like a new woman. LOSY—Retain title note for $225 Baptist Academy tbla morning at half past given by M. F- Touchtone and Mrs, i session at Mill* I flv « o’clock was wracked as It was M. F. Touchtone to 8. J. Douberly, I Train Wrecked at Ell Baton, The passenger train on the Geor- .-mmnm mm. t nta wUch left September 4. The Oaklawn will open It. *lxth town next Fonder, Sept 4, at 10 [entering Ellenton. The engine ran and due on October 1, 1911. , m on a piece ot track that had been O'* note has: MBs lost all persons The following !« the program: Iunderminded br tho ratna and one! 1 ''' 0 hereby waned not to trade for 10 .«. m.—Opening song and ! ade of the track gave war, the s - J - rtfebefly. Barrett, Ga. nrurer 1 engine turning turtle Into the dltcn. 9-5w2t. jgf. 10:10 a. m.—Introductory re. The engineer, Swent, received Blight, F0R aALB-Sbod horse cheap marka by president of board of injuries and tho fireman escaped. , or cggh Lar8en . Forbe8 Hardware trustees. | Tho water tender left the track and Co 9-2dtf.wod.aat. 10:30 n. m.—Addrens by Judge one coach wan derailed, giving the -J- W E. Thomas. Subject: "Past passengers a good ahape-up, butj FOR BALri^-Large and small A chievements atyl Future Prospects nono of them wore Injured. I farms of Our School.' j There were a doxen or more pun- Brooka counl 11:13 a. m.—A piano solo by ' congers on tho train and some ot lands. Local Miss Wells, teacher of music. 1 them secured teams end continued churches. 12:20 a. m.—A short talk by Miss their journey to Sparks, while oth- Boston, Ga. What I Hope imas, Colquitt and Fine pimply clay near schools and Dr. J. W. Moody, 8-19w4t. No. 4. J FOR BALE—IS buff leghorn hens 7 cockerels, neversl trio. Rhode Is land rede, and extra cockerels. F. P Crum, Phone 195, 313 E. North Sr. 8 26 d3t wfit i'.eui> ot ready money to loan uu farm lands and city property on easy term. Call and see us. Wood' ward and Smith. 4-7-d-tueaAfrt: w Sst.-cf. FOR SAL Smith, teacher of expression. Closing remarks by the president of tho board of trustee*. The cttlxena of Mllltown have en thusiastically and voluntarily agreed to furnish a picnic dinner on the school grounds at 12:80 p. m. A cordial Invltntlon la extended to the people of the various commu nities interested In Oaklawn Acad emy. JOHN E. BARNARD, President of the Board of Trustees. Is Cleaner Than Carpet. Pa'nt your floor around the bor der of the room with L. & M. Paint. Costa about 50 cents. It gives a bright varnish finish. Cover the center of the room with your home mado carpet rug*. Looks splendid. "L. * M. Paints for House*." "Actual Cost 31.60 per gallon." NOTICE TO THE FARMERS. W* have finished the overhauling kidney trouble, and ( ginnery and nre now ready -anas ner reel like n new woman.", , * . f Easy but sure remedy for ttimt«h,l‘“ * ln b0,h * hoTt » nd long cottnm 'Ivar rnd kidney troubles. Only 2t« Our gins are In (In* condition and at Thrimock-a Pharmacy, W. D. Due. away and Ingram Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs, Carl Hoyt have re turned from n visit to the Ptclflc coast nn’d nre spending n few days la this city with the family of Mr. '. H. Roberta. They will ge to He- -Wan. Miss., hot may return to itsplo cotton. Bring us your cotton. Valdosta Inter In the year and maka | M. B. A E. J. LINEBEROER. thto city their future home. J l-lswif. _ ju,^ JK .with competent glnners we nr* pre pared to turn out tho best staple possible. Ota located six miles south of Valdosta. W# can nerve yen promptly. | Our terms for ginning la, furnish the bagging and twine tree and charge 31 per 100 pounds for long Msny Washouts on G. & F. It was Impossible for trains from iho north, on the Georgia and Fior ds road, to arrive today, owing to tho washouts. There la a small washout near Bern)*, In this county, and fourteen small washouts are re ported between here and Vldalla. This Is the heaviest rain tho road has ever experienced and It has shown all tho weak places in the track. Repairs are being made to day. Trains nre running from here to Madison. Tho Valdosta, Moultrie and Wes- torn got a train through from Moul trie last night and the schedule was resumed today. The damage to the tracks wan not serious. The Georgia Southern and Flor ida was also running tralna nil right today. That road had ten (mall b-onke between here and Council, all caused by the Heavy GEORGIA—Lownden Notice la hereby given to ill per sons having demands against Joseph n Oriflin lute of said county, de- ccased, to present them to the un dersigned properly made out wltb'n the time prescribed by law, so as to show their character and amount, end all persons Indebted to raid ■denned are hereby required to make Immediate payment to na. J. H. SWINDLE, J. E. MATHIS. Admlalftmon of estate ot Joseph B. OR EXCHANGE— a 504 acre' uplm- Sumter and Weo- Stnnaell. Subject. "What I Hope rrs returned to Moultrie. Mr. Leon In Accomplish ns a Teacher In Oak- Fieh of Moultrie was In the wreck j lawn Academy." but h 0 came out unscratched. Ini'oved '•tm ” :S t 4 ' * T m .r An , ST? ,h b e ! Tho englne ” ,ald t0 »‘®r «^^«r*r”‘w.L**n on Prof. J. A. Lott, principal of t' 1 " ]> Inn flat down on Its aide like a 1 school. Subject: "What I Hope to I deed helve and It will bo a rather See Oaklawn Arndemy Becomo as; dlfliriilt task to put It back on thu a Power for Good." track—Moultrie Observer, m.—Recitation by Miss Ruth easy term* op will exchange for stock of merchandise, dty property, bank stock of stock In a prosperous real , estate company. Box No. 4. Cedi, Oa. i S 19 wff REAL EsfifE—Will buy and sell. 8mjJL' Band Co'. 8 28 d & w tf FOR SActl-l steam evaporating syrup ,.outfit, rf; 60 h.p. holler, 15 hp. engine; tower cane mUl: 3 vats, all necessary tonka Ed. 4 Thomas. $-8wtf. f' m m FOR SALE—At real bargain prices: 1 26-ton §aldran locomo tive; l 8-hone Frick qnlglne and holler; 1 16 h.p. upright boiler; 1 30 h.p. portable boiler;! 1 10 h.p. pcrtnhle boiler;, 1 (0 h.p. Teturn tu bular holler; f ,'*0 h.p. return tu bular holler; 1 80 h.p, return tu bular boiler; 8 15 h.p, return tu bular boilers. All In good condition. 1 14x14x16, Franklin air compres sor first class condition; 1 100 h.p. feed water hdXter, practically new. Valdosta Foundry and Machine Co. -3;: FOR SALE OR TRjtDE—A fine blooded bay Stallion, weight. 1,000 pounds, age 7 years; prlco. 81.000 Perty, P. O. Bos 363.3 , FU. 6 3 aw tf. FOR 8ALB—Large • residence lot next to Rot>t. BUck. ; O. M. Smith. t SI dftw tt FOR SALE*—Lots for colored Peo ple. Smith Land Co., 8 26 d&w tt DJjrmtJon and Assimilation. It Is not the quantity of food but the amount digested and ass mllat- ed that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamberlaln’g Stomach and L ver Tablets Invigorate the stomach and liver and enable them to perform their functions natural ly. For sale by all dealers. Patrons of the public schools, especially those living some distance away, sre trying to get the school board to agre© to hold one session a day, so as to save the children from having to hurry home, eat dinner In a hurry end rush back to school. It lg too hard on the lit tle ones who live a distance from tho school. They ought to be given two honrs for dinner or remain at school until two o’clock. As usually -stated, a sprained ankle will disable a man for three |or four week©, but by applying Chamberlain's Liniment freely as soon as the Injury Is received, ana observing the directions with each bottle, a cur© can be effected in from two to four days. For sale by all dealera. Turnip Seed, The new Prize Cabbage, “Cracker Jack” For early crop, at SOPMDUR ANT’S Drug and Seed Store Ashley Street, Opposite Court House. FOR SALE— 1 rwoj,n4 a halt lotaj ot land night miles northeast of! VaMonta, with dwellings and gin! house. Between 8io and 800 aeree under cultivation, ^helenee In the, wood*. Price* end term* reasonable Valdosta Turpentine Cup & Metal Company Strickland Building Valdosta, Georgia THE O’NEAL PATENT Every Cup i s Guaranteed not to Burst from Freezing; Also Fire will not Cause the Cups to Come Loose. ■ ■■*■«■■!■« ■8!BRB«V«ll0BflB ««■■«*■