The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 09, 1911, Image 10

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OA SATURDAY DECEMBER 0, j b1ju Pneumonia -Leaves Th System a W*-ecl Unless thoroughly cuml. i mi; monia is likely to leave tin: a wreck and a drilling mark U. consumption. VICKSteSALYi. b the new theory of admini. tf-ring • cure, a positive permanent cure through inhalation and absorption ITie healing antiseptic yapors are inhaled with each breatb f acting di rectly upon the lungs. At smt Jraobt's er W ml 2 Sc 50c. $1.00 enemy meet ft I th* d*Uar sit* Ce. Oswald Wilkinson, LAWYER. Butenville Georgia Collections, Litigate Cases. Make a specialty of attend to my Own Business. Gas and Wind in your Stomach BANKERS ARE Three Ships Loaded with AmericanjbBankers STORM IN THE CARRIBEAN SEA THREATENS TO DESTROY THE SHIPS ON WHICH THEY ARE CRUISING. After vating I. caused by fer- niontlig, undigoatod food, float's Vegetable Bltterg put* what you eat where It be- longs. Digest, your food, re lieve. that heavy, uncomfort- hl e feeling and atrengtha the digestive organa. 5(%00> w Vegetable Bitters Whenever you suffer from headache, Indigestion, bilious ness dyspepsia and kindred trouble, take one or two table- apoenfula of BLOATS VEGETABLE BITTERS Bold everywhere this paper circulates. New Orleans, Dec. 6.—Six hund red members of the American Bank- ira‘ Association, aboard three Uni ted Fruit steamers, were caught In errifle hurricane which Is raging in the Caribbean sea and the Gulf of Mexico, and the keenest anxiety is folt. Wireless communications have failed and It la believed the wireless masts have been swept away. The government was asked to send a cruiser in search of the miss ing ships and the station was or dered to keep a strict watch for the distress signals. Many of the bankers were ac companied by their families. The hurricane ifl causing great havoc to shipping. It has been learned later that the bankers' keet Is safe, though the storm Is fearful. The wireless Is again working all right. The prices of tropical fruits are expected to rise as a result ot the hurricane, which is sweeping Costa R’ca. It Is reported that $60,000,000 damage ha3 already been suffered by the banana crop. Buy One of Our BUGGIES 6 or 6 doses or "666” will cura any case of chills and iever. Price 25c. Indian Runner *DU,CKS. Lay more eggs and product more moat than any othor towal. Quality ot both la unaurpamd. Oat a' atart add you will alwayt kocp thorn. Thoy are the moat talked about blrda In the world today. A few (or aalg at 11.60 and 13.00 each. Ain thirty White Leghorn hena at 31.11 aach. Thoroughbred Ringlet Barred Rock egg* 31.00 and 33.00 per 13 egga H 4 ■* 1 ’ Thoroughbred White Leghorn! eggo nt 33.00, 33.00 and 31-10, per He«a •' !' HiVlilUJ HUNT’S POULTRY FARM. Phone 519."“ V«lSSTCS. A MOTHER'S GRATITUDE. Many a Mother In Valdoata Will Appreciate the Following. Many al atrong men and many a healthy woman baa much (or which to thank mother. The care taken dur ing their childhood brought them paat the danger point and made them healthy men and women. Chil dren are generally bothered at eom e period yrlth Incontinence of urine, and inability to retain It la oft-tlme called a habit It la not the chil dren'* fault—the difficulty lies with the kidneys, and can be readily rlgbted If taken In the proper way. A Valdoata mother ahowa you how. Mr*. W. J. Guldens, 1014 Oak St, Valdotta, Ga., says: —I can confirm all my husband said In April 1308 when he publicly told ot the great benefit which Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Dlmmock’, Pharmacy, brought my eon. They toned. up hts system, completely ridding him the pains In hli back and strengthening his kidneys. Ho al ways complained before w* gars him Doan's Kidney Pills, bnt not after using them. This splendid kidney remedy should be known by all.” For sale by all dealers. Price 60c. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole agents for the United State*. Remember the name Doan'l— and take no other. WE GUARANTEE IT WILL PLEASE YOU “HOME MADE!” You Know! Our Harness are “Home Made” Too I SADDLES, COLLARS, WHIPS, ETC. Just Received a Large Ship ment of MITCHELL Wagons Come and Let Us Show Them to You.—"Best on Earth.” & Harness Co. Free! Free! We will give away absolutely free a 326.00 oak china cabinet to the person who buys the nrgest amount of good, of u* dur- nc our reorganisation sale. We vlll determine who la entltlad to hla china cabinet by keeping and {lying a correct record ot every pur made during thla sale. THE EMPIRE STORE, 136 N. Aahlay at Carey’s Roofing WORTH THE MONEY EVERY TIME We have’juit added to our other lines n full stock o( Carey's Roofing, in all of the grades. Brick, Lime Laths and Shingles Rough and Dressed Framing All grade* of Flooring, Ceiling, Siding and Finish always on hand. Out of town orders given prompt attention. A full stock of all these lines on hand at all times. We give you what you want, when you want it Prompt delivery ia our motto. Get our prices before buying. Dasher & Varnedoe Valdoata, Ga. Phone 334. Worth the Attention of People Who Wish to Preserve the Hair. Hava your own brush and comb at home and at hair dreaaera. Never use a brush or comb In pus- 11c place., they'are usually covered with dandrutl germs. Wash your hair brush one* wash with soap and warm wateh to which I. aded n disinfectant. Shampoo tho hair'one. a week with pure soap and water. Use PARISIAN SAGE every day, rubbing thoroughly into scalp. PARISIAN SAGE Is gua.-aut isd by A. B. Dlmmock to destroy dan- druff gtrms and abolish daadruff, or money back. To atop hair from falling and scalp from. Itching, or money back To put life and beauty .n r dull faded hair, -.r money back. Prim 60 eonta. f £ DOOMED Mrs. Smith Want* a Name for Her Percolator, Mr*. Gertrude 8mlth, of this city, bae closed a contract with th* Ha'm- IIn A Russell Mfg. Co., of Worces ter, Mas*., to manufacture her tea and coffee percolater, which ehe has recently patented. Mrs. 8mlth offers 310 la gold to th. person who furntihaa th* moat appropriate name for her percola ter. Thla percolater fakes th* place of a high price percolater and cn& be used In any ordinary coffee or tta pot, and n nam. la wanted in keeping with the device. All names should be sent to th* Montlcello Drug Co., Jacksonville. Gin., by Jaanary 1.. Cored In Hla Ow B Home Tovm Raymond, Ga.—Mr. J. T. Sholnutt a merchant of thla town, tolls th* way for hla follow townsmen to be eared ot kidney end bladder ail ment* an be himself was cured. 1 -I have used Foley Kidney Pills with great satisfaction, and have found more relief from their use than from any kidney medicine I have naed, and I tried almost all kinds. I can cheerfully recommend them to sufferer* ot kidney and bladder trouble." Ingram Drag Company. SENATE NOT IN SESSION. The House Met'at Neon and There Wore Some Lively Time*. Washington, Dec, 6.—The senate was not In session today. The Houas met at noon. The government was attacked a misleading by the chsdr- man of the committee ot appropria tions. Diplomatic recalls were de manded by Repreeentatlves Berger, Socialist, on toount of Russian paan- port trouble. . The Lorlmer investigation was resumed by the senate commit**. The senate committee discussed ad ditional anti-4rust legislation. Th* Democrat* on house, ways and means committee discussed tariff plans wlthost taking a definite more. House of Jones. Jones painted hi. house last year. It looks dull, dead, no life to It. Smith painted his house ten years ago.' It looks clean, nice and don’t neet repainting, because he used L. A M Paint and added thro, quarts of cl to each gallon. Th* oil gave life and preserved It Besides—adding the oil reduced Its cost 40 cents a gallon lass than other paint. Thirty-five years us* in N. A. A' S. A. Our agents are A. E. Dlmmock. Writ* poetal for "Money Saver Price List No. 60." Longman A Martinet, P. O. Box 1378, New York. Gem. M^yes Said to be I1L Saa Antonio, Dec. «.—Reports nr* conflicting as to whether Oea. Bernardo Reyeo, who is nnder bond accused ot plotting tn th* United States to overthrow th* Mexican gov ernment has,left the country, u re ported last night At Gen. Reyes- Vesldenc* It Is said that he Is 111. The border Is being watched to see It h* trio* to croo* Into Mexico. 86-inch percale* during our reor ganisation sal* at Ic. THE EMPIRE STORE. It-BeodSwI. The Great Ancle’s The Great Health Teacher and Demonstrator ot Ando’s Great Pre scription and Ando’s Great Oil, la now la our city, and will make hla headquarters at the store ot C. S. Bondurant, where he would be pleas 'd to meet all the people of Valdosta sad vicinity and demonstrate and explain to them the great merit a.nd the wonderful cures effected by the uto of these Great Remedies. Ande’s Great Prescription and Ande’a Great Oil have never been hau- died or sold by any of the drug stores In ValdOBta before. These Great Remedies are Just now being Introduced Into South Georgia for the ilrvt time, and are now offered to to* people as an absolute, positive, perfect aud guaranteed cure for catarrh. Indigestion and rheumatism, acting specifically on th* liver and kidneys, curing backache and purifying th* glood. Ande’s Great Remedies are nut offered as a cure-all, but they are offered to tbo people as as an absolute, perfect, positive guaranteed cure for the above named diseases when tsken and used as directed. Tbs cures resulting from the use of these Great Remedies are most wonderful, speedy and remarkable. They are th* greatest medical dis covery of the generation for the above named diseases, and this notice is simply given to Inform the people that these Great Remedlss can now be had at Ibe store ot C S. Bondurant, In Valdosta. Call For the Great Andes’ DROPSY I cur* It—any kind curable, stop shortness of breath and start th* water usually la eighteen hour*. It you have dropsy send me 33.60 to- one week’s treatment and If you at* not satisfied I will Refund Your IVl ,nev Address John T. Patterson, M.D. Dropsy Specialist. 446 1-3 Edgewood Are., Atlanta, Qa Light SAWMILLS LATH AND SHIN6LE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES. STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Try LOMBARD, AO SS? ,A - WQOP.IROH AWPSTtrt? « DOOMED Dimovb Edge SILVER PLATED KNIVES AND FORKS TfivjtiiBiaa means a quality that satisfies in service and that gratifies in appearance. It means in silverware, or anything else, that class and style that you want. EXm Silver Plated Knives FOR SALE BY Southern Motor Supply Co. DekleOld Stand Valeosta, - Georgia.