The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 09, 1911, Image 11

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miv ■ vi.ihw.ta i’imkm FREE DEMONSTRATION FARMING WITH DYNAMITE BACK TO FARM TIDE STOPPED Low Prices and Scarcity, of Labor is Cause PROMINENT RAILROAD HAH SAYS THAT THE MOVEMENT FROM THE CITIES TO COUN TRY HAS BEEN CHECKED. A Slip In the Toi Suit to Tb« city court reoess until taraor^# , morning when It will bogle the business that docket unattended to tug shadow* gathered yesterday. Two Interesting cue* were dedd- '* ed yesterday, the Hat one being the suit of K. M. Blnm* against the V. M. & W. railroad f*r |1,060 lor the loas of an automoMle by lire on the crosellng of the Mail between here and Kinder Lou. It la said that the Plaintiff claimed that the elevation at the croeelnk caused the accident Drawn from actual photocraph. Tan wontha later—flea.H worth of celery par aere. Come and learn the modern, quick, cheap and sale way to ase the giant force of dynamite to Remove Stamps and Boulders. Plant Trees. Dig Ditches. Break Up Subsoils and Hake Old Farms Produce Big Crops. RED CROSS DYNAMITE Will Be Demonstrated on the Farm ol ORRIN HIGHTOWER, 1 mile west of Valdorta on the Adel Road, December 16, 10 a. m. Red Cross Dynamite la sold at. Harley Hardware Co., Valdosta, Ga. j .On the Same Lorel. VALDOSTA'S COTTON MARKET. One hunarsd thousand dollars! paid for g dinner service In No v Th|< atT u 0reaUT Ahmd ot A n ^ forkl I Others In Receipts of Cotton, The user of L. ft H. Paint Is oaj It begin, to look now as If Val- Hhe asms laval as the purchaser —■ i doata will receive not loss than one- ha can't get batter paint, because third of all th« sea Island cotton mono bettor can be made; and Its.made in the United States'thle year, ■cost la tbs least because 4 gallons! The receipts | n thle city have al- -of'L. £ M. Paint and three gallons 'ready amounted to about 20,060 ■of Oil added thereto by the user at -a cost of about '61.60 per gallon, 1 fore; the end of the season, and'tl safciSr-»»■ *. - jfaarriiusrj-t'. iB. A. Our agents are A. E. Dlmmock. Write postal for “Money Saver Price List No. 00. Longman A Marlines, P. O. Box 3.870, New York. Foley Kidney Pllla. Tonle In action, quick in results. Tfffl cure any earn of kidney or blad der disorder not beyond the reach of madlelna. e need to say more. In- tgram Drag Company. Saturday, December 9, la when the reorganisation sals begins at -the Empire Store. 16-6eod3wl. Without •plates or harmful drugs of any kind Foley's Honey and Tar Compound stops coughs and cures colds. Do not accept any substitute. Ingram Drug Company. bales and the local buyers expect them to go ty fully 30,000 hales be fore; the end of the season, and'the REST AID HEALTH TO MOTHER AMD CHILD. Mrji. Winslow's Sootiiimo Svkcp has bees used for over SIXTY YKARS by MILLIONS ol MOTHERS for tbeir CHILDREN WHILE T8UT111NO. with PKKKUCT SUCCESS. II SOOTHES the CHILD, 80FTBNS the GUMS. ALLAYS allFAIN; CURBS WIND COLIC, and ia the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It la ab sotutrly hArmies*. Be aure and ask for "Mrs Y.Mn*l~v*» Soothing Syrup •• and Llfi. 1 ’wemy-fiveeentaa bottle. DjmoHb Edge KNIVES pected to run fromi 100,000 to 110,- 000 bales, so tne outlook Is that Valdosta will get about one-thtrd of the total production of cotton In this country. This Is due to the fact that the buyers here are the moat progress ive In this section of country. They en In touch with the spinners of New England and of the old world, and shipment* ar* mads from Val dosta directly to the mills wltaonl stopping at .ha porta. Most of tha cotton from Vsidcata has been shipped by Jacksonville, and this fact shows up vary plainly In th* receipts at Savannah. Here tofore that city has gotten nearly all of the sea Island cotton that has been raised, but the Valdosta factors have become powerful competitors of the port buyera. Not too big—not toff little—but made to stand the demands of the aveihge man.! Every part is so carefully fitted together that any blade opens easily with, the thumb nail. .They are sharp—very sharp— when you buy them. They hold an. edge and satisfy, you are always proud of your JVtmi0^£OQB Knife. ♦ FOR SALE BY Southe- „ Motor Supply Company. DUKES'S OLD STAND. Valdosta, - Georgia. Methodist* Greatly Pleased. The members of the Methodist church hero are greatly pleased at the action of the conference In send lug Dr. Scruggs back here for an other year. This action was expect- o<l, as the doctor has been here only two years and his mlnietry here baa been very satisfactory to toe church and th* conferance. He Is probably the most popular minister with all membors ot th* church that has been here In a number of year*. Many of tbo membors affectionately refor to him as "the blehop,” es they regard him as a minister ot that cal ibre. Dr. J. A. Harmon goaa to Waynes boro, which Is ora of th* boat charges in th* conferance. H* hud served his time here and under the rules of the conference he had to move. He wee very popular In Val dosta and his many friends here wculd have bean glad to have had him return her*. H* did an exxcel- lent work an presiding elder of the Valdosta district. Hake Your Room New Mantels, Chairs,’ Wood-word, and small rooms, can bo quickly paint ed by any one with a small coat ot our Home Finish domestic Paint, In all colors—16 to 86c. Makes all Interior wood-work bright and new. Get It at A. E. Dlmmock, Valdosta. "L A M. Paints for Houses." "Actual cost 81.60 per gallon. Write postal for “Money savor price list No. 60." Longman A Martinet. F. O. Box 1870, New York. A prominent railroad official who recently made a trip through South east Georgia said yesterday that the much heralded “back to th* farm’ 1 movement has been given It* moat serious sot-back by the scarcity of labor In the country diltrlcta and the extreme,y low cotton prices that bare prevailed this year, says the Morning News. Thle railroad official, who for per sonal ronton does not with hit name used, declares that existing condition* will hava th* affact ot bringing to the city a groat many who this year on the farm were un able to make both ends most. This, he said, la to be deplored, but the remedy will not be found until the pendulum of prices swings back and the farmers are alble to get their cot ton picked and get reasonable prices for it after It Is picked. “You can always notice,” he stiff, "that when we have a season Of poor cotton prices or any other ser ious condition such as labor scarcity In the country, ‘a beck to the city' movement follows You can't blama. a man for moving to the city when on tha farm h* can’t make a living. Therq is always a living for a man In the city, and frequently, such at thla year for Instance, th* tame can not ha said of tbo country. “I talked with on* farmer who this year was fust able to equeese out a bare living, and at the end ot the season does It look reasonable that thla man will want to take a chance at farming next year? Of course there are a lot of people who are contented with Juab) but these are very few^ ' "I noticed that a this year’s cotton crop is bolls.' The farmers don't to get labor enough to pick the col ton, and th* prevailing prices are noj good enough to make the farmer* put forth any special effort to get their cotton picked. Much of th* cotton has fallen on the ground apd it will scarcely pay th* fanner* to hare it up and ginned. The prices ar* low enough for tbo bast, and it will hardly pay th* farmers to gath er up thlg that has fallen on th* ground. "Th* farmera generally, I think are dissatisfied with conditions Not only have they gotten very low prices for thalr products, but they have had to pay exorbitant prices tor what they bought. The pres ent condition* are certainly not at tractive enough to Induce the farmers to stay on their farms. Those who have mors than th* ordi nary amount ot optimism and those who ar* bound to the farm becauat of prapei ty or other tie* will prob ably *iay where they art, bnt a groat many will In the nest two or three mom La come to th* city. You can depend on thin." IN THE which resulted In the destruction of his machlneby Aiw. The ca«M. an to an abrupt end through hit" /nlaslon that ho was running the Ynscblne at an Illegal rate of speed when the accident oc curred. According to the Georgia laws automolMle* are not allowed to go over six m/lea an hour over rail road trowing* and they must be un der thorough control of the driver. In Mr. Simms' evidence yesterday. Col. Wilcox,* who waa attorney for the road, asked him how fast ha waa going when he approached th* croee* Ing. “Oh, I waa going seven or eight mils* an hour,'' th* witness remark ed. • 7b* law was read showing that be was violating the law himself end that he could not recover damage* for the accident On motion* plaintiff the case waa dismissed. The other case that waa tried ye*, terday waa one of W. L. Fender against'Marlon Curry, n trover suit Involving a buggy which Mr. Curry attached and which Mr, Fender claimed to be his property, though In pogaeselon ot another party. Th* case brought on a hard fight between the lawyers and the verdlot was giv en m favor of Mr. Curry. It Helps! Mrs. J. F. Daniels, of Sip, Ky., writes: T was so sick for 3 or 4 years, 11 had to hire my work; done, most ot the time. I had given up hope. When 1 began to fake Cardul, I knew, right away, it was | helping me. Now, I am better than ever before in my life, and Catdui did it" The Woman's Tonic Cardul has helped thous ands oi weak, tired, worn- out women, back to health. It has a gentle, tonic ac tion on the womanly sys tem. It goes to the cause of the trouble. It helps, it helps quickly, surely, safe ly. It has helped others. Why not you? It wilL Tty It Oet a bottle today! S or 0 dose* ot “<00“ will our* an) as* af chill* and fever. Price Sle EFFICIENCY. What Twenty-Uve Cent* WUl Buy. It will buy a can of Home Finish Domestic Paint, for pslntlnc about the house, or It will buy a can of L. A M. Carriage Varnish Paint, alt colors, suitable for painting a baby carriage; or it will buy a can of La A M. Varnish to mako old furniture perfectly new; or a can of L. ft M. Plano Finish Varnish Stain for staining and varnlahlng, (at th* earn* time) the floor of a room, any hohsahold article. It will bay many ether email eane of useful paint made by Longman ft Martinet and told by A. E. Dlta- mock. Valdosta. "L. ft M. Pare Paints for houaea." “Aetual coat 81.00 par galloa." The Reorganization Bale At the Empire Store heglne next Saturday, December t, end.laetp up- U] January I, .1818. 18-teodSwi. A sack of Capitals flour free to each customer who makes a 81" j 9 purchase during th* reorganisation Mle at th* Empire Store, 131 V Ashley 8L 12-SoodSwl. How Many Men Know How to Keep It at Par. Thousands; yea ton* of thousands of man, grow old 10 years too soon. If you are a man and realise that your efficlonoy 1* on tha wane and that you are losing money and hap- liincaa in consequence, get a 60 cent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets to £ke two after or with oach three days; then take one each meal regularly until you fell well and vigorous , MI-O-NA stomach t&bets disinfect, tone up, restore elasticity to th* stomach and Intestinal canal end end Indigestion. They do more They Increase the nutrition of the body and in case of narve exhaus tion, sleeplessness, night sweats, bad dreamt or any condition that re quires • restorative they aot with astonishing rapidity. They can be found at A. B. Dlmmock and helpful drugglslc the world over, drugglet* the world over. DOOMED Application for Clemency. It Is reported that th* prison com. mltalon decided on yeeterday by a vote of two to one to commute th* eentenoe ot Tom Jackson from hang ing to Ilf* Imprisonment. The cat* now goes to Gov. Slaton, who will dtcid* It between now and Friday, the day set tor the execution. An application also want before the prison commission for a commu tation ot the sentence of Tom Pow ell, who |i gervlng In the prison firm *t KlUtdgevflle tor kllUIng young Fotom. ll to nadarstood that the prison commission refused thla application. “Beat on Earth." This to th* verdict ot R. J. Howell Tracy, 0., who bought Foley’e Hoo ter east waa tha worst I have aver teen, and looked Ilk* a sure cae* of consumption. Her lungs were sore and ah* coughed almost Incessantly and her vole* waa hoarse and weak. Foley's Honay and Tnr Compound ate said railroad brought relief qt once and lee* than ROCKEFELLER MAY APPEAR. Washington, Dec. 6.—John D. Rockefeller and Rev. Fred D. Dates, manager of Rockefeller’s charities have ibecn Invited by the Charmlng- Btanley Houeo Steel Investigating Committee to appear before the etoel committee Monday to reply, It they care to, to the charges made by Merritt Brothers, of Minnesota, con cerning the 820,000,000 of property, which the latter declares Rockefel ler got from them In an unfair man- John White & Co, LOUISVILLE, KV. XitiUlabidl687 HlfhcttmarkctprJctpald ft FOBS sad HIDES. Petition for Railroad Charter, GEORGIA—Ware County. To Hoa. Philip Cook, Secretary ot SUta:— The petition of Alex K. Seaioma, E. T. King, Albert H. Bsaaoma, John O. Sesaoms, Go*. W. Dean, P. N. Hur ley, F. L. Parker, W. W. Lambdln, Leon A. Wilson, H. Murphy, and the city of Waycroas, Ware County, Georgia, shows as follows! 1. That they, their associate*, he allowed under the laws of tha forth in this petition, and at may successors and assigns end all per sona who shall become stockholders, detire to form q railroad corpora tion in accordance with the laws of the State ot Georgia governing such matters. 2. Tho name of th* railroad com pany which petitioner* dsslra to have Incorporated Is to b* th* Waycrmw A Western Railroad Co. asm* not being tho name of any ex- [sting corporation It said stats. I. The length ot said rallraad, as near at can 6>* estimated, will ha shout aoveaty (70) miles. 4. 8*14 road will run from tho elty of Waycrota, In laid county of War*, Jn a weaternly dlrsetloo through th* counties of Ware, Clinch and Berrien. In said State, to the towa ot Mltltown in said county of Berrien, and tbenco continuing In a westerly direction through tha coun ties of Berrien and Lowndes to Ha- hira in Lowndes county, or Adel in Berrien county, Georgia, or tome point on the Georgia Southern Florida railroad between said two point*. 6. Petitioners dealr* to be Incor porated ai aforesaid tor and during the term ot 101 years, with the prlv- .eg* to be continued thereafter, un der th* tow* of force st the expire- Goa of said parlod. 6. Th* principal effle* sf the pro posed corporation to to h* located la tha City of Wayeroa*. Im War* county, Oaorgta. 7. Th* amount of th* proposed capital stock ot *ald company to three hundred and fifty thousand Il3b0.000.fi0) dollars. In share* sf 1100.00 each, all of Mid stock to bo common atock of equal dignity. 8. Petitioners do intend. In good ralth, to go forward without delay to secure subscription* to tha capl tal itock of said company and to construct, equip, maintain and oper- ear*.” ...... _ . .. Petitioners show that they have three bottle* effected a complete glv* 4 week* notice of their Intention , to apply for a charter for said rail road company by publication accord ing to P'W , WHEREFORE, they pray to be Incorporated In accordance with the foregoing under the law* of tho »:ate of Georgia. _ (Signed) Ales K. Kenaoma. E. T King. Albert H. 6*w-emi. Geo. W. Been. P N. Harley. F. L. Parker. W. W. Lamhdto. L. A Wllaoa. H. Murphy. W. B. 8lrm*ne. and John. O. Ke»»oma, Petitioner*. WILSON. BENNETT A LAHDDIN A ttornaw for petition*!*. DOOMED We will cell oor 06c value Dress Goods during th* raorgantoatten Mto at 10* yard. Th* EMpfre Store. Ashley >tr**t. 12-5*od3wl Notice i tlon of The Georgia Alabama Western liatlroAd Company Notice to hereby given that alter due publication according to law, application will ha mad* to the Sec retary of State for a Charter u specified and set out In the petition hereto attschod. GEORGIA—War* County, To Hon. Phil. Cook, Secretary ef State: The .petition of E. H. Beck, T. A. Rosier and F. B. Walker, of Barnay, Brooks county Georgia, W. W. Wobb L. M. Stanhcld and Robert Barfield, of Hahlra, Luwiuleo county, Georgia, J. E. T. Bowden and G. W. Dean, of Waycrosa, Ware county Goorgla, J. Frank Harris and John A. Ken nedy, 0 t Favo, Thomai county Geor gia, roupectfully show* ag follow*: 1. That they, their aaboclatos. suc cessor! and assign* and person* who shall become stochUoldcre de sire to form a Railroad Corporation In accordance with the laws of Che State of Georgia' governing auch matters, pursuant to tho provisions ot the Act of the General Aiv-.aibiy of Goorgla upproved December lath 1802. (Code and Section 215!l-217»’ Section 2677-2580, Code 1910.) 2. The name of th* Railroad Co., which petitioner* deair* to hav* Incorporated to to u- The Georgia Alabama and Western Railroad Co., Tho same n ot being the nam* of any existing corporation in said But* ot Georgia. I. Tha* th* lngth of Mid Rail road a* near as can b* animated will b* about 160 mil**. 4. Bald Railroad will oommence at Mllltown, Berrien county Georgia, and run westerly to near Blakely, Early county. Georgia, to tha Hue of the State of Alabama, 6. Said Road will traverse through th* following countie* connecting th* towns of Mllltown, Berrien coun ty. Ga., Hahlra, Lowndes county. Ga Barney, Brook* county, Ga., Pavo^ Thomas and Brooks countlca, Qa., htoiga, Thomas county, Ga., Cooildg* Thomas county Ga.„ Through part* of Orady and Mitchell counties, Ga. near Babcock, Mlllner count,Ga., Col quitt, Miller county, 0*., Blakely, Early county, Ga. 0. Th* amount of the proposed capital stock of said Company is 6200,000.00 with the privilege of Increasing Mm* to 88.OOp.COO, the shares to be of 8100 each, all of Mid atock to be common atock ot equal dimity. 7. Thr* petition* daelr* to b* In corporated aa aforesaid for and dur ing tho term ot 60 years, with th* privilege to be continued thereafter under th* law* of force at th* ex piration of Mid period. 8. Tho prlnolpal office of tho pro posed corporation la to bo located In the city of Waycrosa, Ware county,. Ot, 0. Petitioners do Intend In good faith to go forward without delay to secure subscriptions to th* capital atock of Mid company and to con-: truct, equip, maintain and oper*W| said railroad. ... 19. Petitioner* show that they hav* given 4 weeks notice of their Intention to apply for a Charter for Mid railroad company by publica tion, according to law. Wharofora they pray to he incorl porated In accordance with th* fore going under th* tows of th* State, of Georgia. (Signed) E. H. Beck, T. A. Rosier P. B. Welker, W. W. Webb, L. M. Stanfield, Robt Barfield, J. B. T. Bowden. O. W. Doan, J. Frank Har ris. John A. Kennedy, petitioner*. PROCLAMATION. State f Georgia, Executive De partment, Atlanta. Whereas, Th* Hon. Hok* Smith did, on th* 16th day of Nevemoor, IP 11, resign the office of governor of this state, thereby creating a va cancy In the snld office: Therefore, I, John M. Slaton, president of the sonata, exercising the esecutlvs powers of th# govern ment provided by Par. 8, Section 1, of th* Fifth article of th* Constitu tion of this state and tow* In pur- suance thereof, to llano this, my proclamation, ordering a spatial election tor governor to fill the va cancy so occasioned, for the nnex- plred term, to be held on th* 14th day of January, 1012, under the tow* of the state governing general elections. I also convoke th* gee- era! auembty ot Georgia In extra ilon, at th* eapltol of this state, oa th* 24th day of January, 1012, at 10 o’clock a. m., to receive th* returns and declare th* result ot said special election, or to elect a governor la case no penon shall :«■- celve a majority of th* whole num ber at vote* east at auch special election, as provided la th* Consti tution of this state. la wltaeaa whereof I have here unto set my hand and eaused tbo great seal of th* stats to b* affixed hereto, this 20th. day of Nov. 1011. JOHN U. SLATON, President of Sennta, Exercising the Executive Pewers ef the Oovern- meat. Attest: PHIUT COOK, Secretary at State. DOOMED