The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 09, 1911, Image 4

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luvenir in Watch Fob*, Etc., Etc. It’s to Your advantage to deal with us Send for full list of Premiums fand ‘Souvenirs H Souvenir Offer Expires Dec725 or, mc-mb(JM which fori natloiwwl The Special Florida'* Leading Mail Order Houie. Jacksonville, >sc»rj DENTIST It at the door* also of the'five other men accused. i/SK--c/ 1 '' ' ! i:«11 o u c < I. Dec. 5.—President • GdWPT>f the American Federa tion of Labor, leaves for Washing ton tonight He declares that he* Is j being "shadowed” by two detectlvos i of William Burns' agency, but he** had no fear/for all of his acta werej i open. pers, "organized labor stands for [ 'I ptncd and advancement. We are <. not a band of bomb throwers. All j ONE-HALF ROYALLY ENTERTAINED. , and Mrs. Culpepper in Honor of ! Judge Cornelius and Wife. Somerville, Ga., Dee. 4.—A moat gnlflcent entertainment wai glv- by Dr. and Mrs. Culpepper anksglvlng evening from * to 11 lock in honor ot Judge and Mr*. jW. Corneltue, who were recently Come to the best equippi office in the South, where you will get the best woik ViT, .Tw5TtlY'hom© frat thy’scejjftof luty, elaborately decorated lrf eV- ;reena, palms and many large pot probet e^er undertaken. Lightning Kills Fei In 1906 l’chtnlng killed D.B. SMALL, Valdq|ta. Ga. ALBERT HOPKINS MARSH oftora .■of ,u!fer- rub'e and ithen com- k Bitten, frit. Ilvar. lend blood Je at Dlm- Dnnaway. FREE! FREE! Handsome souvenirs and premiums l)</i Hhi Clothes Brush, Watch Fob, Pocket Mirror, and many others. f’fcemiums also given besides the Souvenir.' Handsome Nickle-Plated, Mother of Pearl or German Silver Pocket Cigar Lighter, Safety Razor* Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gold Watches ther Blind Tiger Raids ade Followed by Tragedy NEGRO WHO GAVE THE TIGERS JjlMBS AWAY WAS KILLED AND NOW ■&IB OTHERS AHE ARRESTED AC. ' i CUBED OF THE MURDER. Adrian. Ga.. Dec. 5.—During the Ife hummer, the town authorities hero , declared war on the blind tlgere l doing business in and around Adrian, and Arthur Wells, a promi- Ij'nsut negro, gave quite a lot of evi dence on the men accused, many of whom subsequently were convicted and Bent to the gang. . Several times since then this negro been shot at, and ordered by negroes to leave, but he did it, and Saturday n lght was murder ed here, and the crime was not un covered until eariy this morning. The sheriff of Emanuel county “Cracker Jack” For early crop, at BONDURANT’S wag telegraphed immediately and iea soon on the scene with deputies and bloodhounds, and swore in a lot of men here. Five negroes were arrested, accused of the crime, Jesse ,—bones,* Tippy Lewis, Jack Bryant, a ; . Doc Thigpen and George Thigpen. Excitement is very high, and as it is clearly a race trouble, starting when the white prosecuted the negro blind tigers last summer. Tom Brown, a negro j n whose r<;/ house the killing occurred and whom the town authorities had locked In tant 1 eeaoeoeeeeeheeeerrrr r r r rria n ar- Jail since the crime was discovered, confesed the crime, and placed Drug and Seed Store Ashley Street, Opposite Court House. Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff, Formerly United States Army Dental Surgeon. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. Valdosta, Moultrie & Western Railroad ^ Amyls and Departure of Trains at Valdosta. JP ;. (Central Standard.Time) No. 4' ARRIVES m. (Dally) from Morven, Berlin, leaving Monltrl* 6:30 a. m. connects with A. C. L. to Savannnb and Montgumary; O. ft F. to Madison and Auguttai O. S. & F. to Macon and Atlanta. No. 4.—1:10 P. m. (Dally Except Sunday) Leaves Moultrie 1:15 p. m. connects with all afternoon trains on A. C. L., G. S. & F. and Q. A F. railroads at Valdosta. DEPARTS No. 1,—1:10 a. m. (Dally Except Sunday) Arrives Moultrie 10;30 a, m connects with A. C. U, oast snd west; O. A F to Augusta; O.S. A F. from Macon and Atlanta. No. 1:10 p. m. (Dally) Arrives at Moultrie 6:30, connect! with South Georgia Railroad north and southbound ut Morven and with A. B. A A. and Georgia Northers eallroade north and South at Moultrie. M. J. CHAUNCET. 0. A. E. M. WEEKS. T. A. Valdoita, Ga. Valdoita, Ga. O. a DOUGHERTY Traffllo Manager. Valdosta, Ga. : FARM [LOANS : For cheapest interest, quickest money and easiest terms on farm loans come to see me. We are showing in our Window Velvet Finish Brass Goods In handsome Christmas and wed ding gifts. Come take a look. W. D DUNAWAY. PHONE 15. not a band of bomb throwers, cf the talk about Burns’ person be ing In danger at the hnnds of organ ized lnor Is nonsense.” J. B. McNamara SIgs Confession James McNamara’s brief confes sion, written with a fountain pen and bearing evidences of a man little skilled In letters, was mads public today and Is as follows: **I. James McNamara, defendant, havii? heretofore plead guilty to the crime of murder, desires to make tsia statement of fact* and this is fie truth. "On the night of September Jo, 1910, nt 6:46 p. m., I placed in the ink alloy portion of The Times building a suit cnee containing Six teen Bticks of eighty per cent d;na- mlte, set to explode at one o’cack the next morning. It was ray tentlon to injulre the building scare the owners. ,1 d’d not fh to take the life of any one sincerely regret that these tunnte men lost their lives. If giving my life would them back I would gladly In fact, ]n pleading guilty to der |n first degree, I have my life in the hands of the dat< (Signed- J. B. McNAMA A. Tt is probable the only i1tten statement of the ease that wt ever h© made by the writer or his nother John J. McNamara, who plead guilty to dynamiting the Ilewwellii Iron Works. plants and ferns, the color scheme being pink and white and was car ried out In ©very way, even to the delicious cake and punch and the many 'burning candles. The guests were received by Dr. and Mrs. Culpcppper In their aristo cratic and graceful manner and corted to the punch bowl in the rear hail, which was presided over by Miss Katherine Milner, of Kentucky, and Mrs. S. A. Sweat. In the parlor several Interest ng games were enjoyed, one, a guess ing contest on swing, was ate, five Jtouples having answered elovenof tb© twelve questions. Next the married gentelemen were called o n to describe their wives’ wedding dress and the ladies to tell how they proposed. The young men were asked to describe the young lady they wished to marry and the ud* young lady to describe the young man whom they wished to marry and the manner of proposing. Miss Johnnie Smith, of Bun-B©li Institute, recited a very amus ng piece: “Trouble in do Family,” which caused much laughter. Then Mrs. Cornelius, who is a very fine elocutionist, gave “Zlngarclle,” In a most pleasing and attractive manner, showing her great literary talent and ability. Mrs. Culpepper was handsomely gowned In beautiful grey silk and lace and entertained in a most queenly manner, she being a woman It is the belief of the Stije offl-; wh08e graces and gifts fit her for dais that the McNnrnarna wil «lvej th0 p i ace . Delicious refreshments the grand Jury valuable ’[formal! were 8e rved and all left expressing tion concerning tb© "men up lgher. j thelr de«p appreciation of the un it is believed that this wlljconstl- funded hospitality of Dr. and Mrs. tuts one of the greatest (rimitttl Culpepper. information ta to why your neighbor* cow i» giving so much rich milk, and Mr*. Jones’ horse looks so sleejt and t fat, and Mr*. Smith’* hen* are laying *o many egge. They ire using our feeds. Phone 103. H. F. Tillman Grain Co. ’hone 103 S. Patterson St Those preaent were: Judge and Mrs. B. W. Cornelius, Col. and Mrs. It. O. DIck©rson, Dr. and Mrs J. T. Colwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. WaldruP, IHMII U 1U 111l» wiiuic w-'uuisa wiw - __ „ - _ . v.,x.a chance** of death by lighting are Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Peagler, Judge less than two In a mtlllfn. The and Mrs. John T. Dame, Mr. and chance of death from livcf. kidney Fleming Dame. Mr. and Mrs. Reliable Responsible Whiskies NOT Substitutes.. Lewis’ ‘'66” $5.00 3.20 $12. Blum’s Monogram Bottled In Bond or Blend lack and Blue, 'em W tskev 4.00 3.00 11.50 8.50 Pabtic Accountant and Auditor j AUGUSTA, GA. J Ail Cohukscial Accounts Auditrd , Bank Examination • Municipal and County Wo«k a SpaciAirv or stomach trouble Is vostlf greater, but not If Electric Bitter*be used, as Robert Madsen, of W( Ion. la., proved. Four him up after e'sht moot! lug from virulent liver yellow Jaundice. He pletely cured by E They're the beat at 1 n-rve and hldrey remi purlfcr on earth. Only mock's Pharmacy. W. I incram Drue Company.' S. A. Sweat, Mrs. W. A. Ecord, Mist Mona Speck, of Bowl ng' Green, Ky.; Mr. G. A. Olbbs. Mias. Katherine Milner, of Henderion, | Ky.: Mr. Gordon Carroll, Miss Lillie , Sweat. Mr. Arthur Howell, Mias! Johnnie Smith, of Bun-Bell; Mr. W. | VT. Culpepper. M|«s Ruby Mattox, Mr Harry Cornellua, Mlaa Clara Smith and Mr. Folka Huxford.. EXPRESS PREPAID CHAS. BLUM CO., Inc. Capital Stock $200,000, fully paid Cb *• Blum, Pres. Car Minor, Sec. & Trea Long Distance Phone 188 517-519 W. Bay St