The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 09, 1911, Image 5

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Tho nature of the report! about the organizations was not disclosed. "THE MAN OE MYSTERY” CASE TO BE AIRED DANGER OF Aft EXPLOSION. Atlanta Mika had to be Very Oars* ful for Half and Hour Yesterday Atlanta, Dec. For the nerv ous spare of half an hour last night, a smouldering match end or cigar ette stump thrown Into the Innocent looking gutter anywhere within tit ty feet along the Pryor street front of the Kimball House would have Mown several people Into kingdom ” come, exploded a couple of automo- Second Trial ot Famous X/S* “ “ - " insurance Swindle Case -“tSSTS down along the sidewalk, gestlcula- THE CASE INVOLVES THE IDEN- ting, and begging of every passing TITV OF A MAN WHO IS SUP. smoker that he be careful as he POSED TO BE DEAD AND Vttlu * d hto “»■ Where he threW h ‘ S niu'ch. BIIIUED. , q<| le {rouble started when a well ■■ known AtWnffnn, who had left his big automooile standing In front of S». Louis, Mo., Doc. 4. The cele- ^ hotel came back and got to fool- -brated case of George A. Kirnmel, i n g with the carbureter when it “the man of mystery,i* to have wouldn't crank off. Ife managed to airing in the courts again this pet the carbureter open in such a week. In the federal court here way that the contents of a fifteen- today tho suit brought iby Kimmei’s gallon gasoline tank began to leak Jieirs and other interested parties out under the car and streamed into to recover the amount of a policy the gutter, forming a thick scum on held by the massing man in the New the top of the stagnant water. A York Life Insurance Company was match touching the surface would called for trial. This will be th© have sent the. flame back like a train second trial of the case, in the of gunpowder to the auto tank, and firm trial the Jury disagreed, being what would have followed goodness unable to determine to their own only knows. satisiucti^n whether Kimmell was. He was afraid to leave bis auto dead or alive. Since the first tria» long enough to get help from a gar- there have been gome new and in- age. and was in a pitiful plight tereat-ng developments and it is be- when a friend came by and went for lieved that the present trial may a policemaa, who stood guard over - solves the mystery that has the’dangerous gutter until a garage tho people oi half a dozen States man came, for nearly fifteen years. The Kirnmel cave is among the most singular in this country, in* volviug the identity of a man sup posed to be dead. George A. Kim- j uiei was born in Miles, Mich., ■REPORTS AT, WANTS LODGES PROBED. Judge Pnrker Also Goes After Pistol Tofcers. „ , , . . Waycross, Ga., Dec. 4.—In his 1807. Alter his education . . * ’ . . T charge to the grand Jury today Judg* in the public schools he entered the employ of hi* uncle, Charles A. Johuaon, as a bank clerk. Later ho engaged in real estate and mve.t- Jurymen tQ lnve , tlgat , m«U la Omaha andl attU later he any rBportB rece ived of any T. A. Parker said be bad heard var. iuos things of organisations having lodge rooms or homes here and in , _ , any reports the* — became cashier of th. t^rmer s State „ whatever of lew. Beak at Arkansas City, Kas. any He n'd 'birds and animals" formed organl- ™ Preeldent of vanou. colors- and not , iempt reg ard- tloae which owed money to hi. un- ^ of what name the order took . . cle's hank end other banking Jnstl- tutlone In July, 1898, while cashier ait Arkansas City, Kimmell went to Topeka to have some ibdhili redeem, -ed. From Topeka he went to Kan. .gas Clfr. Reallytng he could not reach Kansas City before the close KEPT MONET IN TOOL BOX. Thief Left Hammer and Sew, Bat Took Uie Coin With Him.' Atlanta^' Oa., Dec. 5.—The men -of backing hours, he telephoned his wb0 k c~jf his money- bidden under hank correspondent to have 9580.80 a sto neln the areplaodjo badontfar 4bt over to the Midland Hotel. a | 0 ,oM JTvr -“W 1 «Wie»-WWndB >to ■prer .t hides hers away In an old stocking, handed him the currency, Most people have lamed that banka Immediately after he left the hotel, are safer. Rut occasionally some- and from that hour he esnever been tody ‘akes the old chance and looei olive, according to the declaration j. j. Lee, of lngleside, kept his of his relatives and intimate no- money la an old tool chest on his eualManccs. I back porch. There wai over 9300., The Kimmell family attempted to j c f It In gold. The thief left the -collect Insurance after the aeven-, hammer and saw. year period, after which a missing man Is presumed to he dead. Kim. The Reorganization Sale at the Ilia me!, three months before Ms disap-1 ptro Store tvaranco, had taken out Ineurance' Begins Saturday, December to tho value ot about 926,900. At end lasts until January 1„ 1912. Wo the time of. hi* suit, Ktmmel owed have sold thousands of dollars' nearly 945.000 which haa since been j wdrth of S«ods since we put on our made good. bankrupt sale, but we bought an In the meantime the Insurance othcr bl K ,ot ot merchandise at comiJfty discovered a man In the tacrlnco P r, «' and we are "°» In a asylum for the criminal insane at 1 '°? ltloa *° crter as Broat or Brt '- Ucr Matteawan, N. V., who claimed to be ' n,ucs th8n w0 dld in our ba ”l<r.ip' Kirnmel. He bore the name of An- Ba drew J. White. In the coure of In- . N ° w we aro f olnK t0 ^organize In January, or In other words, wc mean to open up a brand new lino f goods then, hence our reason for ter view the man gavo a number of ntartllng facts about himself pur posing to prove that he was Klm- puttlng on this sale at these mel. According to his original story tremely low prices la to sell ever/- he hart been assaulted by footpads thjn g „ e have on hll „ d RO In Kansas City and the attack had „ nave nothing but absolutely left him mentally irresponsible and now goods when we reorganize in time he was unaware of his January. THE EMPIRE STORE, 135 N. Ashley St. Second door from 10c store. 13-5deod3twlt own Identity. While i n this condi tion, he declared, he had committed crimes which led to his imprison ment. * , 1 1 Several years ago the Insurance company proceeded in earnest to try to lcgrlly establish the man’a jdenti- Arrcsted for Fighting. The police officers last night ar ty by inducing friends and ro’.atves rested a negro named Yancy WI1 to visit the convict at Matteawan. lip ms on a charge of flghtfng a /o- Many of these witnesses declared the man It Is Yancy has convict was tho George A. Kirnmel b°en do ..«? officers for some whom t v **y had known Intimately. time and that there Is another war- Mr?. ,Tu!la Kirnmel, the mother, and ,nn t out for hfs arrest, rf ho had Mrs. Edna K. Bonslett, the sister, bpp n content to keep out of a row, sifter (studying the convict carefully, be mI Pht have escaped tho first Aonouncnd the man as an Imposter. char *»® against him. As It is, ho . | will have to answer^for both. Ends Winter’s Troubles. ! To jnanv, winter Is a season of Progressives Active in Milwaukee. treub 1 *. The frost-bitten t°e* and Milwaukee, WIs., Dec. 4.—The Sneers, chapped hands and lips. Milwaukee branch of the National e TbTs^’ nuf such’trou* Progressive Lehgue has completed before Bucklen's Arnica arrangements for Its first mass * (.rial con/Ince*. Oreateet meeting to be held In the Audito- hea’ ' ,fi bo'fis, piles, cuts, Hum tomorrow night. Prof. Charles ^» brc .» r^ma and sprains. h Men .| am of Chicago, and Georgo Only S'ic at DlmmocK * Pharmacy, . , v , " ' ” W D Dunnway, I- Drug Co. ** Dccord, of N«w Jersey, will be tns Breakers. Ales t : thin* that Col. ——~_ r» —say of Wharton Mr *’ 8 - **• Cannon and children BsrkJr was he wae a pipe hav e to Waycross to spend a dreamer. few daya with relitives In that city. CONFERENCE Interesting Information Regarding the Churches. SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS THAT WERE READ OUT AT l'HE CONFERENCE AT BAIN. I11UDGE YESTERDAY. Tho following stallsllcal question* an.l answers were read before ihtr Joulh Georgia Conferenie at the] meeting at Bainbrldge , yesterdayi They give many Interesting facts id short form: How many local preachers'! Answer, 190. How many members? AM' 87,645. How many infante have been ha tlzed during the year?/ Answ< 1,311 How many adults have been bnj tlzed during the year? Anew' 2,835. What 1b the number of Bpwor| Leagues? Answer, 165. What la the number of Epwoi League members ? Answer, 6,0 What is the number of Sum schools? Answer, 664. What is the number of Sum school officers and teachi Answer, 459. What is the number of Sun' school scholars enrolled during year? Answer, 47,107. What waa asseaaed by the conference for tho auperannui preachers and the widows and phans of preacheraT Anawer, 6 760. What haa been collected on foregoing account and how can 1| applied? Anawer, paid claim j <14.915. What haa been contrlb' mission*? Answer, foreign, 442.90; domestic, 921,209.06. What haa ’ been contrlbnti church extension? Answer, £96.86. What has been contributel American society? Answer. 9 What haa been contribu the support of the presldln'i add thw preacher* ' " ' ding eiders? Answer, What has been contributed tor the support of bishops? Answer, <3,840.80. What Is tbe number of the hs'isea cf worship and the coddles? Auswer, houses of worship, 74l| so cieties, 700. What Is the value of the houses of worship and what Is the indebt edness thereon? Answer, value of houses, $1,945,785.60; indebtedness, <178,701.12. What Is the value of parsonages end what la the amount of lndootctl. ness thereon? Answer, value, <40,- 602.0; Indebtedness, 918,084. Tho value of tho nine parsonages 'n the ten districts of tb e Jurisdic tion of the conference was placed at 141,500, with an indebtedness el 13.014. low ready to show you one of the (fctejines of CLOTHING that has ever been brought to Valdosta. If you need anything for the coming fall and winter we can save you money, as we are going to guarantee Style, Quality and Price. : : : INS’ ALL WOOL SUITS FROM $10.00 TO $20.00 Shoes sold in our city Frco! Free. Wo will give away absolutely free two 42-ploce dlanei ono to each person who buys tho second and third largest aino.iat of gooda of uh during our reorgani zation sale. We will determine who 8 entitled to these dinner sets by reeplng and giving a correct record of each purchase made during this sale. THE EMPIRE STORE, !2-5eod3wl. 135 N. Ashloy »t. News From Cecil. Cecil, Ga., Dec. 6—•Several of our boys - went over to* Savannah last week. They report a nice time. MiM Pearl Black, of Sparkn, Ga., visited relatives here las* week. Mr. R. E. Wells, the machinist the Cecil Ginnery and Storage ,appeued to the misfortune cf getting his arm broken last week. Ho is getting along nicely and will soon be able to go hack to work. Dr. F. W. SchanuBs and daughter visited In Barretts Sunday. Miss Ethtd Schnauss returned to school In Tlftou Monday. Miss Aggie Graddy, who has been »n Behoof at Tlfton, Is at home for a few days. Mr. Jesslo Moore visited h!s broth , Mr. Robert Mooro, here iaaf week. 1 Mr. A. Dixon went to Valdosta last week on business. Prof. Duggln, who has been teach ing school at this -place, returned home Saturday. Mr. J, D. Mathis, of Albany, vlo- lied relatives boro Tbauksglvlng, Th© Laugh was on Dr. Scruggs. Report* from Balnbridge Indicate hat the members of the Methodist Conference had a hearty laugh yc 3 tfer- day at the expense of Dr. J. H. •Scruggs, occasioned by a little piece of pleasant repartee on tho part if Bishop Morison. Dr. Scruggs ha| read hl s report of his year’s work n Valdosta and after finishing It bL usually. remarked: “Bishop, mf, oeoplo at Valdosta seemed to want me to come back another year.” j an(1 w m bo “l tee no reason why their wislj should not be gratified,” retorted the Bishop, "since no one else is &sk4 Saved Hls Wife’s Life. ”My wife would ha» e been in her grave today,” writes O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., “if it hud noi been for Dr. King’s New Discovery, She wiis down In her bed, n<H able to got up without help. Sho had a severe bronchial trouble and a dreadful cough. I got her a bottle of Dr. King's New Diwcovery, and sh6 soon began to mend, and was well la a short time.” Infallible for ooughiand colds, Its the most ta k ed off remedy on earth for desp-rate lung trouble, hemorrhages, lagrlppe, asthma, buy fever, croup and whoop log cought. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Dimmock Pharmacy, W. D. Dunaway, Ingram Drug Company. To be Married at Olympia. Mr. II. IL Hamlin, fo|morly of Val lOBta, but now a resident of Live Oak, Fla., wae in the city thi# morn ing on his way to Olympia, Ga., where, he is to ho married In the moral A at 10 o’clock to Mias Fena Dickinson. The ceremony will occur at the home of the bride’s parents witnessed by relatives and Intimate friends. Th* father of the prospective Hog Killing Red and Black Pepper, Sage, Borax, Saltpeter, Liquid Smoke for ? Curing your Meat. Syrup, Corks and Si Vinson’s Drug Store Formerly Vinson & Barnes Fresh Seed, Drugs, School Books and Stationery. 121 Patferaon St., Valdosta, Ga. ... , _ ^ hi, who resides In the state ot in* for you." It la said that Dr.| MllxU .n, and „ edltor of B pap «r Scrubs took hi. soot while the tberet cam0 down u attcnd thc conference laughed hoartll, at h:. ; rercmony and <TIWctl t0 <pend , ome time In this c'ty and section. Child Dies of It* Bums. \ The little daughter ot J. M. Cot- \ Five pofils or sugar free to each line, of Adel, who wee so fearfully burned Sunday morning, died yes terday a little aft-r noon. The child was five years ot see customer wao makes s 96 P urchase during the reorganization sale a* thc Empire Store, 235 N. Ashley St., second door from 10c store. . Positions Secured -n, Tho Students Of The- SOUTHERN SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 10H West Mitchell Ktreet, Atlanta, Go. , After taking a course la Rookkeenlng, Shorthand, Typewrit ing. Rankin*. J eomauahlp, etc., at this loug-establlibed and rep- utable Ruulnesa Training School. OVER 17,000 HTCD'WIH IN fOSlTIONU, Purchasera o' Moor’s B'isincsn College, which wa. founded 46 years ago. Under Us present management 21 years. Ranking bo.iirtmcnt eautppeii with Addlnr Machines, ate. Large Ty .ewritljg Department Ilxpcrlonced and capable faculty. In ezlsteate taught. The famona Graham- d, the ayWem which la adopted for expert ntnry bookke ping which make* expert ae- Rezt tysi PltmnniC Shoi work The 201 countanta. flDENCE OF MERIT of this school Is more than doable that ot ollege Id ihla section, which Is a most lip The patn any other Busina ntfleant fact. Enter at Once. Write To-day for Catalog. Addreat A. C. BRISCOE, Pres. Or L. W. ARNOLD, Vice-Prea. Atlanta, Ga. Prof Thos. I-. Bryan, well-known Educator, in with tbe Southern