The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, December 09, 1911, Image 8

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DECEMBER 0, Mil, THE VALDOSTA TIMES. VALDOSTA, OA, SAT DAT, COAT SUITS AND DRESSES The policy of this store as is very generally, known, is to never under any circumstances, i regardless of how great the loss, carry over a single Coat Suit or Dress. So beginning MONDAY, DECEMBER, 11, 1911 We will put on sale every Coat Suit and Dress ini our store from $35 and above at ONE-HALF Price I $35.00 Coat Suits and Dresses at $17.50 $45.00 Coat Suits and Dresses at $22.50 $40.00 Coat Suits and Dresses at $60.00 Coat Suits and Dresses at $20.00 30.00 THIS IS SPOT CASH TO EVERYBODY v W. M. OLIVER, Formerly Oliver & Grimes P. S.—Remember our CUT PRICE sale includes everything in ready-to-wear, ladies’, and childrens Coats and Millinery. k PRETTY IIA6E YESTERDAY Varnedoe 4bopeland at * Presbyterian Church a whit. a.tin pillow preceded the bride, who entered on the awn ot her father. They were met nt the alter by the iroom and hie beet man, Mr. O. H. Duke., and the lmpreaalre ceremony wee performed by Jamlaon, at Maoon, united by Dr. George Bltaer. The bride wore a becoming oomt •ult of brown chamola cloth with hnt, glovee and ehoew to match, and carried a ahower •bouquet ot bride roiei and Idle, of the ralley. The brldeemalda wore white cloth gowns end white 'bearer hate, end carried bouquet* of pink rpeen tied with pink tnlte. The mnlde of honor wore di of pink tlaeue, trimmed with baby Irish lace and pink mesaallne. They wore black velvet poke bonnota ana carried bouqueto at pink roue. The ring bearer wore a dainty white dree, with white aceMsortee. Immediately after the ceremony the young eouple left on the Geor gia Southern train for points in Florida. On their return to Val dosta they all! 'be at home to their frlpnde at the realdence of the hrldr's furcate, Mr. and Mri, D. C. Varnedoe on Lee street. The bride li n very popular and attractive young woman and the groom li one cf Vildoita’i lending and popular lawyers They were recipients of , great manT Hndaome and beautiful pres ents, Including illver. cut glau, china, etc. CEREMONY WAS ' BY Da JAMISON, ASSISTED BY DR. GEORGE BITZER. (From Thursday's Dally.) The Presbyterian church wan the •cone ot e beautiful wedding yester day afternoon when Mlu Wynelle Varnedoe, and Mr. Jamea Buford Copeland we re united In marriage, the event being one thet held the Interest of n large circle ot friends end relatives of the two famlllu. The church wu simply 'but charm ingly decorated with southern smtlax, palms; ferns and rhrysantbemums. The organ loft win n bower stately palms Interspersed with pink end white chrysanthemums. The corners of tho’church wera banked with feme and palms and the chandeliers wore draped with emllax. Just preceding tho ceremony Mr. Lloyd Jones ung "Because" by Ouy d'Hardclot, and the wedding march was played by Mrs. Lloyd Jones on the organ, accompanied by Miss Hal ite Varnedoo on tht violin. The bridal party entered the Shurch In the following order: First come the ushers, Mearns (Jor dan Cranford, James Johnson, Ran dal Walker and E. K, Wilcox. Ths bridesmaids and groomsman followed entering singly, one going down the right and the other, the left able. They were Mtas Julie Good win. Mian Clyde Thornes, Mr. Welter Daria, Mr. Bryns Davis, Mbs Lillian Rob- •rht Mbs Charlie Jones, Mr. George Patterson and Mr. Jams. MeCnckln. Th« melds of honor. Misses Vir ginia Varnedoe and Rachel McRee’r\ 11 A p rv seme next, and little Sarah Craa-i I I II II IVl H II ford, having the wedding ring onl 1- ^ ^ ^ 1TA 1 CHESSNCTT—D] Save IS cents per pair on chose by buying from J. L. Mathis. Son ot Cat. end Mrs; E. P. S. Den-, mark wu Married' in Savannah . (From Thursday's Dally.) The marriage ot Mlu Constance Cheanutt and Mr. Reiner Lane Den mark took Place last evening nt 8:30 o’clock at the home ot the bride's parents, Mr. snd Mrs. J. R. Cheanutt, The ceremony was a quiet one and was witnessed only by members of the family and e few friends ot the bride, but wu followed by • recep tion to which inrltetlonn were gen eral. Very cordial tnhersst surrounded the wedding'u both the bride snd Mr. Denmark have numbers ot warm friends. Many exquisite flowers ueed In the decoration of the rooms guvs the occasion rare beauty and made a very lovely setting for the wedding picture. Only white flowers were used In the Bret drawing room where tho ceremony took piece. Vases ot white rosea tilled the man tel, delicate and exquisite^ among soft ferns Palms were grouped In tho last window, and at each elds of the white prle Dleu In the center big chrysanthemums war* placed on low stands. The wedding mnslo was Rosenfeld'a orchestra snd the wad, china and hogany. Mr. and Mrs. Denmark left last night on their wedding trip. The bride wore for the journey a becom ing tailored gown of dark bine chif fon broadcloth, the corsage and sleeve, embroidered with red and ths coat strapped with braid In military style. She wore a email French hat of Iblkek faced with bine with feath er trimming In harmonising tones; The marriage le an Interesting one in the younger society eet. Mlu Ghee- nntt b the only child ot Mr. and Mrs J. B. Cheanutt and sines her debut hu been prominent socially. Mr. Danmark, although originally from Valdosta, Os., hu been idem rifled during )>!■ professional life with Savannah and le e member of the Arm ot Hitch and Denmark. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Denmark will be nt the Do Soto—Sa vannah Morning News N stalk Rev. A. L. Johnston Accept* Cell. Rev. A. I.. Johnston, of Louisiana, hue notified the members ot the nap tint church here that he will accept the call to the pastorate here and that be will come here about the flrat of tho new year, as he desires to give Ms congregation there am ple time to secure his successor. He Is secretary of the educational hoard of Louisiana and also desires to give that board an opportunity to secure e men to take hb place. Dr. Joheton'a acceptance ot the pastorate here came In a letter lo Col. B. P. 8. Denmark, who b chalr- mai) of the board of deacons of the Baptist church. The members of the ehnreh are very much gratified nt his acceptance and they all be lieve that hb ministry here will be very succeufnl. ding march from "Lohengrin” an nounced the bride's approach. She had no attendant and was met by Mr. Denmark sa she entered with her father. The simple ceremony wu performed by the Rev. Rock well 8. Bank pastor ot the Indepen, dent Presbyterian Church. [ ( The brlde'e gown was exqoMtely made of white satin eharmeuaff with tunic ot chiffon cloth delicately em broidered around Its border ns It opened over the paneled front and fell away from the train. The train, hung from the shoulder*, was charm ingly finished with sprays of ornngo blossoms between narrow puffs of chiffon doth held by embroidered bends. The collarleu bodies wu covered with ro*e point bee partly rolled with embroidered chiffon and the short sleeve* were entirely of laeO. She woiw an exquisite veil ot point applique, fattened with wreath of orange blooms, and car ried a French bouquet of UtUes of the valla# end small Whit* roe* buds. Many (orate called! after ths eere- mony to offer congratulations. The wedding glftnjwhlch were un usually handsome wire arranged la a room on the necotll floor, and In cluded much that'wds rare sad beau- ^Attrnctlv* prieu cutters and disc harrows. DASHER A STAPLER. Company Organised Yesterday. The flrst meeting of the ntock- helders of the 8trlckland-Tlllman Hardware Company was held at the Merchants’ Bank yesterday after noon and the company was perma nently organized with the following officers: C. Strickland, president I!. Y. Tillman, vice prealdent, and W R. Strickland, secrotary and treasurer. Tho big concern will bo ready for business as soon as Its building la completed. The building la now under course of construction and the walla are up above the second story It will be one of the largest con cerns In South Georgia when It la completed. WEDDING BELLS AT OLYMPIA — Miss Fens Dickinson and Mr. If -If. Hamlin Harried Y< A quiet but vary pretty homo wed ding occurred at the residence of Mr. snd Mrs. E. c. Dickinson nt Olympia yesterday morning, when their daughter, Miss Fens Dick inson, and Mr. H.’ H. Ham lin, wore joined In the holy bond* of matrimony In e ceremony performed by Rev. Mr. Henry of that place. Ths ceremony was witnessed by friends and relatives pf ths contrast ing pertlu end among the wedding guests war* the parents of the groom, from Eton Repldn, Mleh. The wedding march was played by the sister of the bride, Mlu Men* Dick inson, and the ceremony was simple but very pretty. The bride wore a gown of corona tion purple velvet, with a black pic ture hat, trimmed tn white plumes with white shoes snd gloves, and looked unusually pretty. The parlor and hall were decorat ed In green and white, chrysanthe mums predominating among the decorations. After the GEORGIA—Lowndes Cpunty. To AityWhnm It May jfonoern: Mattox having In proper - ferm appUod to my tor permanent ' letters of adralnintmtion on tho es tate of EllVbeth/ Mattox, late tf acid connty, thJs/la to clto all and singular the crJDItors and next of kin of Ellxabera llattox to be and appear at my /fflceVlthln the time allowed by law, and show cause, If any they caf, why pefmsnent ad ministration/should not \e granted to J. H. Mattox on EUxaDeth Mat tox’s estay Witness/ray hand and official sig nature, this 7th day of December, ltll. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary Lowndes County. DOOMED Engine Got Off the Track. The Georgia Southern and Florida paaunger train jjilch wu due bore nt an early honr this morning, nr- rived about live honr* late, the de lay being due to an accident to the engine up about Cyloneta. It wu reported here that the en gine got off the track and It took three or four hour* to get It on again. Th* trains for Jacksonville and Palatka were delayed until that trntn arrived. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To All Whom It May Concern: J. J. ^Iddens haring In proper form applied to me/for permanent letters of Administration on ths es tate of MolfU Gtd/ene, late of raid county, this |V 0 /lto all and singu lar the credltorVyind next of kin of Moisey Glddtns to. be and appear at my office within/tnV time allowed l.y law, and show crump. If any ther can, why permanentVdmlnlatratlon ceremony j should not t/ granted\o J. J. Gld- llght refreshments were served, and, ^ lllB on Mojsey Glddlns’ selnte. tho couple came to Vpldo.ta on the | Wltneaa/my hand and dfficlnl slg- afternoon train, leaving this city last JJ! night for Eton Rapids, Mich., where they will spend gonjo time, return ing to Live Oak, Fla., which will be their future home. The bride’* going away dress wae a tailored suit of King’s blue with hat to match. The brldo resided In Valdosta for about two years, and she made many friends during her stay in this city. Tho groom is a young man of good character, well educated and made many friends while living here. He is in the automobile butt ness at Live Oak, and Is doing well. The couple were recipients of large number of beautiful wedding presents, a(testing the esteem In which they are held. ■talk Attractive price* cutters and dl«c harrows. DASHER L STAPLER. A heavily loaded scaffold .at the new hotel fell this morning, creating considerable excitement, but not se riously hurting anybody. The scaf fold was piled high with brick which rrttled to the floor below, carrying a workman with It. Employes from every part ot the building ran to the scene, but with the exception of a slight cut on one man's head, no body was Injured. nis 7th day of December, A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary Lowndes County. GEORGIA—Lowndes ^County. of Moses Hyman>Aaft applled/o me for a dis charge rhqm his /guardianship of Moses HyiwK^: tj/s is therefore to notify all perhmft concerned to filo their objections}^ any they have, on or before th/flnVMonday In Jan uary, 1012, n/ct, els^E. W. Lano will be dtsriyTrged from^hls guard ianship as Ordinary Lowndes Countyj. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Whereat Mrs. Matt la R. Stevens, administrator of J. 0/ Stevens, rep resents to tntocourt/n her petition duly filed anO entered on record, that she has Kll/ administered J. Stevens' estajr this Is therefor* to cite all persmiV concerned, kind red and credits, fo show cans*. If any they cany why skid administra trix should /ot be discharged from her administration. an<krecelv* let ters of dltfnisston on th\ flrst Mon day in January, 1912. A. V. SU&MS, Ordinary Lowndes County. DOOMED