The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, January 06, 1912, Image 3

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VALDOSTA ' ' / ■ TIMES, VALDOSTA, QA^ iATURDAY JANUARY «, HI*. JACK SLATON WILL RUN FOR GOVERNORSHIP Atlanta Dope Says Joe Brown Will not Run COJk W. I. WEST, OP VALDOSTA, IB Also PROMINENTLY SPO KEN OF AS A STRONG PROB.V BUiITT. Atlanta, Ga., Jan, 3.—Tho talnty that ]Hon. John H. Slaton •will be in the race tor governor, coupled with the certainty that gon. Joseph M. Brown will not be candidate to succeed himself. Is causing speculation already as to ■whether or not outer proposed can didates from toe Joe Brown side will not voluntarily withdraw from the arena. In order that the whole Joe Brown strength may be swung uinbrokenly tor Mr, Slaton. Several other , prominent Joe Brown supporters have been men tioned. Joe Hill Hall, of Bibb coun ty has said he would run positive ly. Hon. W. S. West, of Valdosta, Is seriously considered. So Is J. R. Smith, 4'ho has been Joe Brown's successful campaign manager. With all these men, or even two or tnree of them In the race, the Joe Brown leaders argue, It would probably be an easy matter for op posing factions to settle' on one man—say Murphy Candler—and heat the Held, But with all the forces of the Joe Brown side be hind one man, John M. Slaton, It Is believed, with the present Indica tion here, that It would be difficult If not Impossible to beat him. The m en who make Georgia .poli tics are discussing these posses of the situation. In common sense from both .sides of the fence. It looks now much as If things will narrow , before the rebl .fight comes, to a two man fight, with one can didate on each side. It Murphy Candler can be persuaded to run, he wUI be the leader of the other, . How Is the time to buy a good horse or mule while they are fresh atB. R. Roberts new stable On E. Alley. a 1 t dlt wit TO OPEN CULTS SECRETS. Sensational Revelations Expected From the "Son Worshippers.'' Chicago, 111., Jan. *.—Sensational revelations concerning "Rev." G. Ottoman Zar Adush Hanlah and his temple of “sun worshippers” are ex pected tomorrow, when the esse In volving the custody of George Lind, say, the U-year-old heir to the mil lions of the late W. H. Lindsay et Philadelphia comes ip la sour; far settlement The boy was placed la the “tem ple” of the "sun worshippers” by his mother, who Is said to be known among the cult as “Vadah.” Charles R. Lindsay, an uncle of the boy, located him after a nation wide search and had him removed from the temple. Detectives employed by the uncle are said to have learned many of the secrets of the “inner circle” and will tell the court of the weird doc trines and rituals practiced by the cult, particularly the service known Rhythmic Exercises,” ALLEGED HERS TO BE GIVEN A HEARING Not a Victim of Lynchers. Editor Valdosta Times:—I see In your, paper of the thirtieth a list of lynchlngs that have occurred In the United States during the past year. In the list given to Georgia I see that Ben Smith Is put down as navlng been lynched near Swalns- boro. If you will allow be space, I will correct that statement Ben Smith was killed in a fight with the marshal In Summltt, Ga., and the man he shot Is living and Is well now. I went with the sheriff to the scene and helped him hunt all night and I am the man who found hint I” the swamp the next Young Men Held for Holding up Atlantic Coast Line Train Ready for it Savannah, Ga., Jan. I.—Before United Statea Commissioner W. S. Hewlett, George H. Hill and Henry Eckatorm, of Baltimore who are confined In the Chatham county jail will be given a preliminary bearing tomorrow on the chargee of holding up and robbing the Atlantic Coaat Line train at Hardeevllle, 8. 0., re cently. The defendants will be represent ed by Twiggs and Gaxan. It I* ex pected that the defense will be based upon the alibi which the defendants are In hopes of establishing through the evidence of Mrs. M. W. McFall, Hardeevllle. with whom they boarded while there. In s recent statement Mrs. McFall mads the as sertion that she was positive that both men were In their room at the hour the robbery occurred. , While very little of the evidence In the possession of the post office Inspectors has been made public It Is the belief that the proaecutlon will depend upon the Identification of the men by the ciew of the train, and the articles found In their room, which are alleged to be the masks worn by the robbers and char red parte of the mill ba-s. District Attorney Alexander Akerman, of Macon Is expected here tomorrow to conduct the prosecution. Inspec tor Berry of the post office depart ment has arrived from Atlanta. Inspector Knight, who, with MEN TO PLEAD SUFFRAGE. St. Louis Suburb is to Have a Men Symposium on Subject, St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 3.—Cabanno. ons of tbe . s.tburbs it St. Louis, Is to be treatol tomorrow night to s men's symposium of woman's suffrage' Tbe affair Is to be held In tbs rsssmbly room of the public library. AU tne speakers win be men, bnt the women have been Invited to hear the speeches, B. 1C. Grossman, ntwly married sad an ardent suffragist, will Preptda and Introduce his brother suffrag ists, among whom will ba both bachelors and benedicts, ) Included among tha speakers will be a prominent clergyman, a form er Judge of the municipal court and a well known representative of organised labor. NOTICE. All privileges are reserved over he Banks' mill pond for fiah and game culture. R. T. BERRTHILL. Leesee, 1-2W4L MUltown, (la. Mr. Venter Rudd left yesterday to enter Sparks Collegiate Institute. mprnlng, he having fallen dead acros* hi* gun, dying from wounds j Spec , offlcer 0odl)0 i,i, 0 f the At- j *" lantic Coast Line, and Inspector received In the fight with Mr. Cana dy. toe marshal of Summltt I make this statement of facts that the people of Emanuel county might not ho charged with s crime that they did, not commit ny. J. : 'COLEMAN. Do not allow your kidney and bladder trouble -to develop beyond the reach of medicine. Take Fol ley’s Kidney. Pills. Thsy glT*-qull>k results and stop Irregularities wltr surprising promptness. Ingram Drag Company Kentucky Horses and Moles. . C. Patterson will return on Thursday with s car load of Ken tucky horses and males. It you are going to bny an animal for any pur- nose he sure and see him. l-2sw2t. \ PLANT Your Garden Now. English Peas, Cabbage, Turnips, Beets, Lettuce, Mustard, all of a new crop. W. D. DUNAWAY Phone 15 — Valdosta, Ga. Barry, made the arrest la alao here preparing for the hearing. Dr. J. H. Hill, of Baltimore, father of one-sf the defendants has been here since a few days after the arrest of his son. ONE TIGER FOR EACH DAY’. Atlanta People Were Evidently Thlrpty Dijrlng Poet YJeWV. Atlanta. Jan. 8.—With one blind tiger for every day In tho year. It looks as if Atlanta people must have been terribly thirsty during 1811. This, almost exactly, consti tutes the number qf city cases dock eted for violation of the liquor law during that time. Tbe detectives prosecuted 333 blind tlgsrs during the put year. SEST ADD HEALTH Tl MOTHER AW) CHIU). Mas. Winslow's Soothing stnv, bss beta _.wd for over SIXTV YEARS t,y MILLIONS ot MOT1IBKB lor Ihclr CJULUKEN WHILE TUUTHINO, with PERFECT SUCCESS. II SOOTHES 111* CHILD. SOFTENB'h* SUMS. ALLAYS sll PAIN; CUKES WIND COLIC, sod is 111* best remedy for DIAKRHIEA. II I* *b sololrly hermlrs*. Be eare end ash for “Mre Wlnspw'e Soothing Syrup." and uhe oo otbcl UmL JwentySv* cents a bottle. PETITION FOR CHARTER. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To the Superior Court of Said Coun ty: Carey’s Roofing WORTH THE MONEY EVERY TIME We have just added to our other lines a full stock of Carey's Roofing, in all of the grades. Brick, Lime Laths and Shingles Rough and Dressed Framing All grades of Flooring "Ceiling, Siding and Finish always on hand. Out of town orders given prompt attention. A full stock of all these lines on hand at all times. We give you what you want when you want it. Prompt delivery is our motto. Get our prices before buying. Dasher & Yarnedoe Valdosta, Ga. Phone 334. Streams Arc Out of Their Banks. Tbe continued rains hare had the effect of maklhg tbs rivers and 1 rise higher than they have bean in s number of years. The Wlthlaeoo- choc river Is spreading sll < the surrounding country. It Is about up to the bridge at Bine Springs and would be Impassable at Rocky Ford If It had not been for the changes that were mads In tha road there sometime ago. The reins last night and today will have the effect of Increasing the water supply In sll of the small streams and It Is very probable that the river will rise higher than It Is at present. Lofton Succeed* Jailer Dagger, John Lofton, of Lake Park, has been appointed jailer <by Sheriff Gornto to succeed Jailer Dugger, whose term ot office expired on the first of January and who will move out of the Jail as soon as the weath er breaks. Mr. Lofton and hla family wilt move In as soon ns Jailor Dugger moves out. Jailer Dugger has held the position for one year, the time for which he was appointed and has been a very faithful official. , H. Roberts new stables on B. Alley Is the pises to buy a good horse or mule, fresh from the mar ket and cheap. 1 3 d It w2t Racon-Sopthcrlsnd Wedding. Washington, D. C„ Jan. 3.—Socie ty In the national capltol was treat ed today to the first notable wed ding of the year. The marriage was that ot Mtsa Mary Southsrlsad, daughter of Rear Admiral william H .S. Southerland, V. 8. N„ and Mrs. Southerland, and Mr. Louis Bacon, of Boston. Go to B. H. Roberta new stable i E. Alley, If yon want a fins horse or mule. 1 3 dlt wit- Scrgeant-at-Aras Found Dead. Albany, N. T„ Jen. 3.—James AcMason, the senate sergeant*!- •rms, was found dead today In s lotel here. The petition of G. O. Morgan and H. J. Paine off Lowndes County. Ga., and F. H. Hewlett', of Fulton county, Ga., and John Cave, ot Hillsboro, county, FIs., respectfully aaowa: First—That they desire for them selves and ihe associates, and their successors' and assigns, to be lacor- porated under the name and style of “The Hewlett Company.” Second—That the terma for which petitioners desire to he in corporated Is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the expira tion of that time. Third—Tho capital stock ot said corporation Is five thousand dollars, divided Into shares of one hundred dollars each, twenty Hi cent.,, of which Is deSIrt tbs' capital stock, fron^&e to an amount not to^Oceed of twenty-five thousand dollars, And the right to similarly decrease said ctpltal stock to an amount not less than th# original capital stock of one thousand dollars. Fourth—The object of the pro posed corporation Is pecuniary prof it and gain to Its stockholders, and toe business thsy desire to carry on is tbe manufacture and sals of certain patented device known as "The Hewlett Hams Tug and Trace Attachment,” same being register ed In the United Btatee Patent Of fice at Washington as* Patent Num ber 833,010, and Issued on the 33th day of April, 1310; also the baying and sailing and the manufacture ot all kinds of harness and ‘ harness hardware end attachment* and any and all kinds of article! used In the manufacture of harness and saddles, and also to do a general harness and saddlery business. Fifth — Petitioners oik tor the right and privilege to form and en ter Into partnerships with Individu als or other corporations In or out of the state of Georgia, to carry on any of the business sf^Kjald, nml generally to do all such matters and things aa are Incidental' to, or con nected with, or necessary to, cither or all of the different kind of busi ness aforesaid. Sixth—They desire to' have the power to sue an be sued, to nlesd and be Impleaded, to make by-laws, elect such officers as they deem nec essary, and to have a corporate seal. Seventh—That the principal of fice and place of business of sold corporation shall be In the city of Valdosta, in said county and state, but your petitioners ask that thsy have the right, and that the same os conferred upon said corporation, to have offices and agencies elsewhere in this state and In any other stats or territory ot the United States, and ■o carry on any or sll of tne busi ness above described In such places, le or out of this state, as may be deemed proper and necessary for the Interests of said corporation. Wherefore, petitioners pray that tnat they be Incorporated under the name aforesaid, tor the term and objects aforesaid, and with tha rights, powers, privileges and capi tal stock aforesaid, and that they have all. the rights, privileges and Immunities enjoyed by corporations under the laws of Georgia, and lie bject to such liabilities as srs fix ed by law. S. M. VARNEDOE. Petitioners’ Attorney. I, Paul Myddleton, deputy clerk of the superior court ot Lowndes connty, do certify that the above Is a true sad 'correct copy of petition tor charter am appears upon the min utes of said court. This 8th’day of December, 1811. PAUL MYDDLETON. Deputy Clerk 8. C. L. Co. Ga. Petition for Charter. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. The petition of the Georgia A Florida Turpentine Cup and Metal Company, a corporation under the law* of Georgia, with Its principal office and place of buslneas In Val dosta, Ga., respectfully shows: First—That on the list day of October, 1911, petitioner was duly Incorporated by an order of the Su perior court of said county, far the ten* of twenty years, for the pur pose ot engaging In the business sf manufaetartst, selling and dealing In turpentine saps sad galvanised metals, and etker kinds of business set out and deserlksd Is srlglssl petition tar charter. Second—That by the ardor et the court afereslad, petitioner’s author- Ised capital stock was fixed si <330,000, all iommon, divided Into shares ot 8100 each, but It was granted tho privilege of Increasing Its capital stock from time to time, by a majority vote of tbe stock holders, to a sum not exceeding 3100,000 and to similarly decrease the same to any amount not below the original capital stock. Third—That It has been duly or ganised and la now doing business under Its charter. Fourth—That It dealres an amend ment to Its charter reducing Its capital stock to 310,000, all com mon, divided Into aharee ot 3100. each. Fifth—That at a meeting of pe titioner's stockholders, held at Val dosta, Ga., where Its principal of fice Is located, on the 17th day ot November, 1011, a resolution was passed authorising the President to apply In the^name of the Com] for an amendment to Its charter creasing Its capital stock to the sum of 110,000, all common, di vided Into shares of $100.00 each, as aforesaid, and s similar resolu tion was passed by Its Board of Dir ectors at s meeting regularly held at said time and place. Sixth—Petitioners attaches here to a certified copy from the minutes of the resolution aforesaid, show ing that this application for amend ment has been authorized by proper corporate action. WHEREFORE), petitioners pray that after publication of this appli cation once a week for four weeks, as required by law, an order passed amending Its charter so as to decrease Its capital stock from the amount authorized by Its char ter to the sum ot 310,000 sll com mon, divided Into shares of $100, each, B. K. WILCOX, Attornej) for Petitioners. Copy of Resolution. Resolved that the President of this company bs and he Is hereby authorized and directed to apply for and obtain, in the name of tho Company, an amendment to the nun* soil real estate Improved or unlm- y Sf proved, to encumber by mortgage r IE. Wn, security deed or otherwise, tor charter-decreasing,.its capital atoek from I 50,000, the amount authoris'd under Its char ter, to tha sum of $10,000 of come mon stock, divided Into shares $100.00 each. Valdosta, Ga., Dec. 20, • tho' Ge'orgin’&^Florhla' Turpontlno Cup and Metal Company, do hereby certify that tho above and forego, Ing' Is a true copy of a" resolution S ussed by the stockholders and card of Directors of said Company as the same appears upon the min utes. B. O. LA8TIN0ER, Secretary. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. t, Paul Myddelton, Deputy Clerk of said connty, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the petl tlon of the Georgia A Florida Tor- penttns Cnp and Motet Company for an amendment to Its charter as the asms appears of file In this office. Given under my band and the seal of the Court hereunto affixed, thle December 10, 1811. PATH. MYDDELTON, D. Clerk. PROCLAMATION. State f Georgia, Executive De partment, Atlanta, Whereas, The Hon. Hoke Smith did, on the 13th day of Novemoer, 1911, resign the office of governor of this stats, thereby cresUng a va cancy In the said office: Therefore, I, John M. Slaton, president of the senate, exercising the executive powers of the govern, ment provided by Par. 8, Section 1, of the Filth article ot the Constitu tion of this stats and laws In pur suance thereof, do Issue thin. proclamation, ordering a spatial election tor governor to fill the ya- cancy so occasioned, for tho unex- plred term, to be held on the 10th day of January 1013, under the laws ot the state governing general elections. I also convoke the gen eral assembly of Georgia In extra session, at the capltol of this stats, on tho 24th day ot Janusry, 1011, at 10 o'clock a. m„ to receive the returns and declare tho result ot said special election, or to elect a governor In csss no parson shall "ir. celve s majority of the whole num ber ef votes cast at such-special election, a provided In the Consti tution of this state. In witness whereof 1 have here unto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state to be affixed hereto, this 20th day of Nov.. 1011. JOHN M. SLATON, President of Senate, Exercising tbs Executive Powers of the Govern ment. Attest: PHILIP COOK, Secretary of Stats. PETITION FOR CHARTER, GEORGIA-Lowndes County. To th« Superior Court ot Said Coun ty: The petition ot Ewell Brown, L. M. Stamm, w. C. Willis, W. I-. Fender, A. A. Parrish, all of Lowndss county, Q«. ;~8. R, Patten, J. H. Bos tick, M. W, Bargeron, W. L. Patten, R. L. Patten, R. C. Woodward, J. T. Wilkes, sll of Berrien county, Geor gia, respectfully shows: FIRST-That they desire fol themselves, their associates and suc cessors, to b* incorporated and made a body politic as a benevolent insti tution for tbs promotion ot Chris tian education under the same and style ot South Georgia Baptist Edu cational Corporation, SECOND—The term for which pe titioners ask to be Incorporated la twenty years, with tha privilege of renewal at the expiration of that period. THIRD—Tbe location and princi pal office pf said corporation shall be In tbe city of Valdosta, Stats -and county aforesaid. FOURTH—Said corporation Is not organised for pecuniary gain to Its stockholders but la purely benevol ent in character. FIFTH—Petitioners desire the right to establish branch ofilces lu this state or elsewhere whenever and whereever the holders of a ma jority of stock of said corporation may so determine. SIXTH—Petitioners desire the right to buy real estate with or without Improvements thereon and to erect or Improve Improvements thereon, as may be necessary for the conduct of Its business, and to real estate Improved or unlm the purpose ot tho corporation. 8EVENTH—Petitioners desire the right to no and be sued, to make and pass all necessary by-laws and regulations and to have all other rights Incident end necessary tor the successful promotion ot said busl- EIOHTH—The capital stock ot said corporation shall be fifteen thousand (313,000) dollars, wltn the privilege of Increasing the same to on* hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars by a majority vote of tbs stock holders, satd capital stock to be divided Into one thousand five hundred (1,500) shares at the pas value ot ten ($10.00) dollars per share, tbe stock In said corporation to be paid for In cash or In proper ty, labor, or service the value ot said property, labor or service to bo fixed at a Just and fair valuation by the Board of Directors ot said corpora tion. NINTH—Ten per cent of the cap- Ital stock of said corporation will be paid Into said corporation before It exercises any ot the rights, privil eges or immunities conferred by this charter t/nTO—Petltlonfra dctlro power and authority to apply for and copt amendments to Its charter qj either form or substance, by a ma jority of its stock holders, and that thsy bs authorised to wind up, liqui date and discontinue the business oi said corporation st any time a two- thirds majority of tbs stock-holders may determine. WHEREFORE—Petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, with all ths powers, privileges and Immunities herein set forth, end as now srs or may hereafter be allowed a corpora tion of similar character under tbi laws of Quorate. PATTERSON ft COPELAND Attorneys for Petitioners i# Flled In office thle December 1st, R. B. MYDDELTON OEOROIA—Lowndss Oounty. I herdby certify that the above Is a true and correct cosy of the orlg Inal petition filed by the petitioners therein on the 1st day of December, 1011. This ths 1st day of December 1011. Otven under my hand and official seal. R. B. MYDDELTON Clark Superior Court, ' e*ib< i-wNt> -J hcolileiiS PETITION FOR CHARTER, OEOROIA—Lowndes County, To ths Superior Court of Said Coun ty Tha petition of J. J. Coppsgs, of Grady County, Os., D. C, Ashley and Y. Blltch, of Lowndes county, Ga, anil ths Valdosta Investment Com, puny, a corporation ot Lowndes county, Os, respectfully shows: First—That thsy dsslre for them selves, their associates and success ors to be Incorporated and made s body politic under the name and style of COPPAGE INVESTMENT COMPANY, for the period ot twenty years. Seoond—Ths principal office of said company shall be In the City of Valdosta, said stats and county, but petitioners dsslre ths right to establish branch offices within this state or elsewhere whenever holders of a majorty of the stock may so determine. Third—The object of said corpo ration Is pecuniary gain to Itself and Its shareholders. Fourth—Ths buslneas to bs carried on by said corporation Is buying,own ing, selling, dealing generally In any and all klads of lend, reel estate, Im proved end unimproved, timber sad timber Interests, to buy, lease, rent and sub-let farms and other real es tate, to Operate s general farming business, Including truck farms and dairies, to buy, sell snd deal gener ally In any snd sll kinds of personal property, to buy, sell, operate, lease saw mills and shingle mills, and whatever business Is kindred thereto In the manufacture of Umber or any kind of timber Interests, to bny, sell, Issss snd operate tnrpentlss farms snd to employ such means as nuy be usual snd necessary to the success tnl operation thereof, to form part nerships with other firms, parsons immmBSBsemmj: or corporations for any of tha shove enumerated puposes. Fifth—The capital stock of said corporation shall be fifty thousand dollars, with ths privilege of Increas ing the asms to one hundred thous and dollars by a majority vote ot the stock outstanding, said stock to be divided Into shares of one hun dred dollars each, ten per cent, of whleh has been actually paid In. Pe titioners dsslre the right to have ths subscriptions to stoek te be paid In money or property to he taken at a fair valuation. Sixth—Petitioners dsslre ths right to borrow money snd to execute notes, mortgages or other evidences of security for said Indebtedness, also the right to loan money and take security therefor; they also de- sirs the right to apply for snd ac cept amendments to Ita charter of either form or substance by a vote of th« majority of Its stock outstand ing st the time; they also desire tho right of renewal when and as provided by the law* of Georgia and that it shall have all such other rights and powers as are Incident to like corporations or permissible un der tbe laws of the state of Georgia. Wherefore petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the name snd stv’c aforesaid, with the powers, privileges and Immunities herein ret forth and as srs now or may here after be allowed a corporation of similar character under the laws of Georgia. J. J. COPPAGE, D. .0. ASHLEY, J. Y. BLITOH. VALDOSTA INVESTMENT CO. PATTERSON ft COPELAND, Attorneys. OEOROIA—Lowndes Connty. Paul Myddelton, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct copy of the application for charter for Coppsge Investment Company ss the same appears on file In this office. Witness my official signature this 8th day of December, 1011. PAUL MYDDELTON, Deputy Clerk. PeUtlon for Charter. GEpRGIA—Lowndes County. To the Superior Court of Said Coun ty: The petition of M. M. Blanton, S. L, Dowling, J. A. Dasher, J. E. Gornto, and John F. Smith, all of thi county ot Lowndes and State ot Georgia, respectfully shows: First—That tkoy desire for them selves, their associates and succes sors, to bo Incorporated and made a body Politic undor tho name and style “Valdosta ~ ’ " for: t bo nd—The prim •aid Company shall/bo In the dty of Valdosta, sald.jst ylato and county, , ^Jeslre the right to establish brapii& offices within this stats or elsewhere, whenever tho Stockholders or s majority of them, may lo-fthtermlno. Thjytf—The object of said corpor-. atloi) Ja pecuniary gain to Itself and lti/War* holders. /Fourth—The business to Ibo car ried on by said corporation is the buying and selling* trading and generally dealing In, all sorts ot live stock, particularly horses snd mules, as wall as to deal In sll sorts sf farm Implements, veblcklcs of all sorts and such other things ss srs usual and customary In such business aa described. Fifth—The capital stoek of said corporation shall bs lira thousand dollars, divided into shares of ons hundred dollars each, with the right snd privilege ot Increasing ths capital stock to the sum of twenty five thousand dollars by a majority vote of ths stock holders, snd with the privilege of decreas ing ths tapital stock by a majority vote of the stockholders to sny amount not fees than tbs' original capital stock of five thousand dpt- lars. The whole amount of said or iginal stock of five thousand dol lars has already been paid In. Sixth—Thsy desire for them selves, their associates and succes sors the right to buy, sell snd hold real estate snd personal prop erty suitable to ths purposes of tho corporation, and generally to do all other things that may be neeeeaary for the successful operation of sold business. With sll such right, pow- privileges and Immunities as are Incident to like corporations or permissible under the laws of Geor gia. WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the name snd style aforesaid, with ths rights,' powers, privileges and Immunities herein set forth, snd as era now, or may hereafer bs granted corpoTui tions of similar character nndsr tha laws of Georgia. WHITAKER ft DUKES. Attorneys for Petitioners. Filed In office this 18th day of December, A. D., 1811. R. B. MYDDELTON, Clerk. OEOROIA—Lowndes County. I, R. B. Myddelton, Clerk of tho Superior Court of atld county, do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a true and correct espy of tho ap plication for charter of "Valdosta Horss and Mule Company”, us ths ■sms appears on Ills In this office. Witness my official signature sqd the seal of said court, this the 18th day of December, 1011. R. B. MYDDELTON, Clerk Superior Court Lowndes Connty, Os. MU4NV M/t .«•$»*. «*r MEM i