The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, January 16, 1912, Image 6

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5 TO TH*\- YALDOBTA TIMM, VALDOSTA, OA-, tODAT. JANUARY 16, 1813. HERO OF MAFEKING IS TO MAKE UNCLE SAM VISIT GENERAL BADEN-POWELL, WHO LEAPED TO FAME DURING) THB BOER WAR IN SOUTH AFRICA, IS PLANNNING A VISIT TO THIS COUNTRY IN THE INTEREST OF TUB BOY SCOUT MOVEMENT—SOME FACTS RHOARDINO HIS CAlUISR. IVashngton, D. C., Jaa. 1*—Offi cial and military circlea la the na tional captal are looking forward with nndlagulMd Interest to tlia prospective arrival here, toward the end of the month of Major Gen. asked to aurreader, hut he answer ed. "Ton aaa't taka na hr sitting down outside. Coma la and pet us." The bombardment was eoatlnuad day after day, but steadfastly Ba- dvn-Powell refused to surrender. When the shells came flying too Kohert Stephenson Smyth Baden- [ f "»t and furiously the baaleged men „ „ . ,, # .. . Mug holes tn the ground and made Powell, the hero of Mafoklng, who. " . . - , | them bomb-proof ban started from England to sp'jnd several weeks In the United States, visiting a number of the large ECAST OF .NEWS EVENTS COMING WEEK Conferences are to be Held ,T0 AND REPUBLICANS HOLD POW-WOW0 ATIONAL CAMPAIGNS PRESENT YEAR. B a (ten-Po well's force consisted of 600 South African rough riders, few Kaffirs and a handful of town resident*. His artillery conaiatel .only of a few old cannons that had cities In various part* of the coun try. One of the objects of his tour In the solidification of the Bor',- In Booth"Tfrl'ca" »fty Brout movement, of which he Is befora He wt> 870 father, Into an International organ- fPom Cnp# Town _ 144 mlle , aortl Isntlon. n f Kimberly and 860 mllea from Gen. Baden-Powell. who la con- nuluwsyo . aid not „ em aldered one of Great Britain's and pnwKt „ thi nrU . moat brilliant military men, wan kept extrem , !y bu *, „ born February 21, 1857, the son of. otbep pUc „ but Baden-Powell re- the late Rev. Raden-Fowell, of Ox ford and Langton Manor, and Hen rietta Grace, daughter of Admiral W. H. Smyth, of the British navy. Robert Stephenson, the bulldor of the first locomotive, wait his god father. He received his education at Charterhouse, and, at the age of Iff, Joined the Thirteenth Hussars, lie was made adjutant and served with that regiment In India, Af ghanistan, and South Africa. He served on the staff as assistant mili tary secretary In South Africa from 1887 to 1889, took active part In th* operations In Zululand and was mentioned for his bravery In dis patches. Prom 1890 to 1893 he vias assistant military secretary In Mal ta. Tn 1895 he was sent on special service to Ashanti, in command of the native levies, and for his emi nent services ho was decorated and brevetted lieutenant-colonel, fused to surrender. Always smiling, always ready with a kind word or a Joke, sharing the privations of hfai troopers as he did their dangers, he was their Idol. On October 81, Baden-Powell with his handful of men made a sortie, but was driven back by superior force*. The bombardment was con tinued by the Boers, hut without ef fect upon the spirit* of the besieged. On December 26, Baden-Powell again made a sortie and until February 18, 1900, two months after the be ginning of an almost continuous bombardment did the Boers make an attempt to storm the town. Al though weakened by starvation and reduced In numbers by slckntts, the British defenders repulsed the Boers with heavy losses. During the fol- owlng two months several other at tempts were made by ths Boers, but | In every case they were thrown Burins: the campaign In Matsblo- beck by the snllnnt defenders. Innfl, 1826 to 1897. Col. Brnlcn-Pow-I wn , on May 16 tbttt M a f 0 t,| n ^ w „ oil wns cblaf staff officer and for his anally relieved, after a siege of 217 bravery he was again mentioned In‘days. The bravo commander of the dispatches and was made brevot col- Mnfoklng ga.Hson -was promoted onet, Shortly afterward bo was major-genewi sad In that capacity mndo colonel of the Irfbgulnr ItoteO' took part la be anbeequent opera- Jp South Africa, and In 1897 he was -ions In the Transvaal. He was re placed In command of the Fifth Dra- peatedly men.loned In (ha dispatches goon 0 cards. ] ■ d vrna made Companion of the As 1lont«nant-colon«1, commanding Rath, tlio Fifth Bragoon Guards, he took) After the war he organised tha part In the early operations during South African Constabulary, and the Roer war, Bnydara, the lloer |SPrT ed Inspector-general of tha commander, shut him np In Mafo- cavalry and returned to England, king on tha morning of October 15, 1899, only Ihive days after tho dec laration of war. Cronja camo over from Ladysmith and drew tho line* closer about him. Joubort appsarol whoro he becamo the lion of socle- and extremely popular not only ■dth tha army bat with the people general He nerer married and oted bis spare time to outloor and added to the strength of ths he- sports and the writing of books on sieging force. After a terrific bore- hunting, scouting and various other bardment on October 22, he was military subjects. Closing the Beal. "What la tho price ot a hall-pint bottler" “A nickel," answered the drug- diet, handing tho desired article ncrose the counter, "But It Is free If X put something Into It." "Then put In a cork, plcnee,” re sponded the satisfied customer.— From Norman E. Macks National Monthly. SCOTT’S EMULSION IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD because it it made of the purest and beat in gredients, because it contains more healing, strengthening and up building material than any other Emulsion, and because it i« a perfect product of a scientific ally perfect process. Doctors ths world ooor recognise Scott’s Emulsion os the Standard propo rtion of Cod User Oil ai* DK^amxs u-n 'They Shook Hands After the i Trial at Savannah and Both Were Satisfied. Sarannah, Jnn 13.—When Marlon Stneath was acquitted of the cha-go or burglarising the store of his em ployer. William Sawyer, at Thun derbolt, a suburb ot Savannah, ter a preliminary trial, he turnel to his prosecutor, and, grasping his hand, remarked: "Well, Bill, tt'a hard, hut I don't bear you any til foaling." "Yea, I am aorry, but I couldn't help It," Sawyer replied, shaking Slnea'.h’a hands. The men loft the court room, probably better trlenda than ever. Slneath was arrested because of a coin found la hla possession after the robbery ot the safe In the atone was dlacoyered to he one elmllar to a cola that had bean In the sate. Tha proaeeutlon claimed that the coin was the particular one; but tha defense produced one of the mine coinage, and thaa, tha original own er of the cola alleged to have been "Tm," « _ la the eafe, coold not swear post- \ happier now than I waa on earth | lively which had baeo planed la the. with yon,*! “TeU me. John, what la it Uke In _________ heaven!" fljt-aj r_cu niti w wi..Hi■ .knw, "Heaven!" John replied, "t arn in, D. C., Jan. II.—Po les* and the move- prmldentlal asplranta will continue to contribute much of the import**. and Interesting news ot the week. 7n various States tha party leaden Twill meet to dlscuaa the prellmlnatf work of tho ap proaching cant]algn. In Alabama there will be 4.State conference ot the Republican; progresalve and at Fargo, N. B., tht Democrats of the Northwest have teen called to meet for a general pqr-wow. Consider able Interest attaches to'the Fsrgo gathering. The rtfemotera disclaim any Intention of looming »ny candi date for the prudential nomina tion, bnt aa North Dakota will be the flrat State to declare tta ptefr ercnce In the primage It le unlike ly that the campaign. managen will overlook the Fargo,fathering. In cidentally the meettnr. will serve to call attention to the f*t that North Dakota has a good for second place on the Demo<&tlc ticket tn the person of Oovernoritohn Bnrke. President Taft la tago to New Haven on Friday to atteffl a banquet of the Chamber of Cwnraerce of that city. The next day'he wilt at- tond the meeting of the.fale Cor poration, and that night tV will ad- dresa the New York City pr Asso ciation. Governor Judson Har|on haa speaking engagements for tn several Western Governor Woodro- for the presidential not nocfpted an engagement to a convention of Michigan ei Detroit. Hearings on tha resolution Intro duced by Rreprosentative Humphrey of Washington directing tha ap pointment ot a special comritttee to Inyestlgate the "Shipping Trust” will begin Monday before the House Com mittee on Rules. The first extra session of tha leg islature tn the history of Idaho will convene Monday In response to tha call of Governor Hawley. The aole purpose ot the session ,ts the rlvis ion of the revenue lawrfof tha State. One of the most Important con ventions of the week will be the an- nunl meeting ot the United Mine Workers of America, which will as semble Tuesday In Indianapolis, The convention will dlscuaa a new wage scale to he presented at the Joint conference with the operators. The present scale will expire April 1 and It Is believed the tnlners will de mand a general advance In wages, Other eventa .of the week will Include the Inauguration of Earl M. Brower na governor of Mississippi, the welcome of Cardinal Farley up on hla arrival In, 1 Now York from Rome, the opening and dedleatlon of the new Mnseun) of Art In Toledo, 0„ tho annual convention of the National Board of Trade tn Wash ington, the annual aaaalon of tha Tuskegee Negro Conference, the an nual observance thronghont the South of the birthday anniversary of General Robert B Lee, the annaul meeting of tho Western Golf Asso ciation In Chicago, add tha meeting ot the American Association tor Highway Improvement In Washing-' ton, D, C. Wheds waa John. A San FreaeMeo woman, whose husband had been dead soma yean, want to a medium, who produced to her satisfaction tha spirit ot bar dead husband. "My dear John." said tha widow to tkeaplrlt, "are yon happy now!” “I am very happy," John rapUad. “Happier than 'yon ware on and* with met" she asked. wsf the answer. "I na SIX DIMED WHEN THE Some “Joy-Riders” at Trenty, N. J., Came to Grief Early This Morning. , Trenton, N. J„ Jan. II.—Six peo ple were drowned when an automo bile skidded Into the canal and through the lee at BroekavlUe early this morn lag. Tha vlotonu were on a “Joy ride.’ J. J. kfead, Donald Reed, aon o a former supremo court Justice, Chester Ysncllffe, Jlargaret Kin. dtll. Annie Hsxel and an unldentl- fled girl. Virginia Fruit Grower*. Harrisonburg, Va„ Jan. 11 —Tho annual meeting and exhibition ot the Virginia Horticultural Society begin here today and will continue orer tomorrow. Too display of or chards and garden products Is the best erer bold under the auspices of tke society. Indigestion causes heartburn, sour stomach, nervousness, nausea, impure blood, ana more trouble than many different kinds ef diseases. The food you eat ferments in your sijmach, and the poisons it forsis are ab sorbed into your whole system, causing many dis tressing symptoms. At the first sign of indigestion, try EM Thedford's (Black-Draught! the old, reliable, vegetable liver powder, to quickly cleanse your system from these undesirable poisons, ALBERT HOPKINS MARSH Pnblic Accountant and Auditor AUGUSTA, GA. Cost Accounts Audited Bank Examinations Municipal and County Wokk a Specialty (Prickly Ash, P»k* Hoot and PoUkklnml p Prompt Powerful. Permanent Its beneficial «Ce ftabbon mm Oood remits srs ISwyqSddy S&i&ES jEfKSJSS P. P. P. Makes Ml ml pan blood—deuace the entire system—dean the Main—strengthen! digestion and nerves. A pocitive specific foe Blood Poison and ddn diseases. Drive* out Rheumatism and Stops the Pain; ends Malaria; is a wonderful tonic and body-builder. Thousands endorse it. F. V. UPPMAN, SAVANNAH, GA. DENTISTRY AT- NOE-HALF PRICE Come to the best equipped office in the South, where you will get the best work with the least pain. Dr. L, C. Holtzendorff, Formerly United States Army Dental Surgeon. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. Mrs. Riley Lan Goodwater, Mo., Sa yaan’twe Valdosta, Moultrie & Western Railroad Arrivals^and Departure of Trains at Valdosta , (Central Standard Time) ( ASitawav-Lsriiugui, 0111411 UUL cured; my heartburn In a few days, and now I can eat Witt distress.” Try it v Insist on Thedford’s Light SAWMILLS LATH AND SHINGLE MACHINES SAWS AND SUPPLIES. STEAM AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Try LOMBARD, AP gS? TA - 1.—7:30 a. m. (Dally) ..^1,:.»|»e t «nd Montgomery; Q. ft F. to Madison and Augusta; -j. S & F. to Macon and Atlanta. No. 4.—1:10 p. m. (1/auy Except Sunday) Leaves Moultrie 1:1k p. m. connects with all afternoon trains on A. O. !■.. U. S. A F. and G. & F. railroads at Vaidosta DEPARTS No. 1.—8:80 a. m. (Dally Except Sunday) Arrlvea Moultrie 10:lt a. m connects with A. C. L„ east and west; G. It V. to Augusta; O.S. * F. from Macon and Atlanta. No. 8.—8:30 p. m. (Dally) Arrive* at Moultrie 6:30, connects with South Georgia Railroad north and southbound at Morvan and with A. B. A A. and Georgia Northern eallroads north and South at Moultrie. U. J. CHAUNCET, O. A. H. U. WEEKS. 1. A. Valdosta, Ga. Valdosta, Ga. O. 0. DOUGHERTY Trafflla Manager. Valdosta. Ga Valdosta Professional Directory D. W. FREEMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Residence and Office 310 Ashley Gt Phono aoa. Calls left at Bondurants Drug Store will receive prompt attention. P. C. QUARTERMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Over Vinson’s . Drug Store Valdosta -:- Georgia DR. J. M. SMITH Practice Limited to the diseases of the RYE, EAR, NOSH, AND THROAT Office over Dlmmock'e Drag Store Valdosta, Ga. Dr. Dan H. Breedlove OSTEOPATH Office McKej DaUdlng. Office Phone 146. DR. W. M. PHILLIPS CHIROPRACTIC SPECIALIST On Nervoua sad Chreale Disease* 416 mad It 8trteklaad Batldlng Office Phone 171. ReMdenee HM . Valdosta, Qa. DR. J.F. BURCHETT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Thames Building Residence Phone 714 Office Phone >4 GO TO Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff DENTAL SURGEON To get 'the best work for the least money. LOOK! SET OF TEETH $3.00 Gold Crowns |3.00 and up. Impression taken In the morning and plates delivered In afternoon. Teeth Extracted Without Pain. Valdosta, Ga. DR. C. W. McCALLA . DENTIST. Office Over Dunaway's Drag Store, VALDOSTA. OA. All Work Guaranteed. DR. N. A. WILLIAMS DSN VIST. Office Over Dlmmock'e Drag Store. Phone 141 Dr. F. R. Parramore DENTIST. Over Dekle Hardware Ot. Phans 14. O. M. SMITH ATTORNEY AT LAW Rome 1* Strickland Building. Valdosta, , .j* Georgia* B. S. RICHARDSON HEAL ESTATE AGENT Valdosta, Georgia. W. H. NEWTON VETERINARY SURGEON 80 Years In The Practice Ham's Stable Phone No. 23. Valdosta, Ga. CURRAN R. ELLIS. ARCHITECT. Ellis Building—Cherry St. and Cotton Avenue. Macon !-! Georgia Hotels, Stores, Schools, Fins Resident*. Z. R. Hutchinson Consulting Engineer VALDOSTA -:- GEORGIA. WOOD! WOODI All ltintl» ot wood, pineo oak jawed any length. Large loads than ever and prompt de livery. Fat wood that will bum Phone* 3I6-500-L VALDOSTA COOPERAGE GO.