The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, January 27, 1912, Image 6

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mm ran valdosta times vaunmta, ojl, Saturday, JANUARY 87, UU, GEORGIA—Lowndea County. Petition for Amendment to Charter. To tbe Superior Court of tald Coun ty: The petition of Conxolldatea Ice ft Power Co., respectfully ebowe to tbe court: FIRST—Thet It l» e corporation organised end extotlng under the laws of the State of Georgia with authority to do a roneral electric light and power buelneee and gen eral Ice. cold storagft and fuel buelnen. etc., » will appear from Its charter of record In the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Lowndes county, Ga. SECOND—Petitioner shows that the amount of capital stock authoris ed by said corporation Is 1100,000, but the came to Inadequate for Its purposes and It desires thst Its char ter be emended so that It may In crease Its capital stock from time to time by a majority rote In amount of Its stock outstanding to a sum not to exceed 1*50,000. THIRD—Petitioner further shows thst Its charter allows It to lasuo bonds not to exceed $100,000, but petitioner desires Its charter amended so as to allow It to Issue, sell and dispose of bonds on Its property not to exceed $250,000. same to be for not more than thirty yeers nor to bear more than six per cent Interest and to do seen acta and things aa may be neces sary to put said bonds In circula tion FOURTH—Petitioner further de sires that Ita charter may be futher amended so as to allow It to ongage In the construction, maintaining, running and operating or a gas plant or nlanta and systems of gas worka, to buy, lease, sell construct, maintain, run and operate gas plants and systems of gas works of eltt % natural or manufactured gas, and lo manufacture and furnish gas either natural or manufactured In and throughout the city of Valdosta or other cities, towns and communi ties and to the residents thereof, for llijitt, fuel, heat, power, domes- tic uta end for gas purposes gen erally and for any and all other purposes whatsoever, and to do all such things as maw be necessary In the construction, maintaining, run ning and operation of such gaa plant and systems of gas worka FIFTH—Petitioner flies here with a certified abstract from the minutes of the meeting of the stock holders showing that the above ap plication for amendments hare been unanimously authorised by taa stockholders of petitioning corpora- ular annual tlon at the meeting y, held at Its office In Valdosta. . on tbe second day of January, P, Petitioner amendment i allowed. ) ICE ft POWER CO. VARN, Preside! ft cor . . Fool ■ Court of on too 1908, aa .same court on the > ol February, 1010, chang- hame to Consolidated Ice ft 1 Company, and for other pnr- the amount of capital stock $100,000, and, i, the amount of bonds al- 1 to be Issued and sold there- r cannot exceed $100,000, tha asms to be for not more than thir ty years, and not to bear more than pep cent Interest. V Be It resolved by the directors of thg said Consolidated Ice ft Power Company, In annual meeting duly and regularly assembled, tnat the said charter as amended of the said Consolidated Ice ft Power Co., be and the same ahall be amended aa FIR8T—That the said charter as amended be amended so as to allow Increase of the capital stock time to time by a majority In amount of the stock then outstanding to a sum nor to exceed 1 '$350,000, and that the said char ter as amended he further amend ed so aa to allow the Issuance and sale of bonds on Its property to a sum not to exceed $350,000, toe earns to be tor not more than thirty yearn and not to bear more thap six per cent Interest. SECOND—Do It further resolved directors of the Consolidated ft Power Company, In annual duly and regularly aasem- _ that the said charter as amend ed ha further amended to as to al low the said Consolidated Ice ft Power Company to engage In the construction, maintaining, running and operating of a gaa plant or plants, and systems of gas worka, to ' buy, lease, evil, construct, maintain, run and operate gee plants and sys tems of gas works, tor either nat ural or manufactured gas, and to manufacture and furnish gas. eith er natural or manufactured. In and toroughout the city of Valdosta or other cities .towns, and communlr tics, and to the residents thereto, for light, fuel, power, domeetle use and for gaa purposes generally, and for r.ny and all other purpoaeses -whatsoever, and to do all such things as may be necessary In the construction, maintaining, running operation of such gas plants id systems of gaa works. THIRD—Be It further resolved said Consolidated Ice ft apply at cnee to the of Lowndes County, for authority to amend Its a accordance with this res end that the necessary ap- be thereafter made to the Commission of the Bute of the neeanary authority sell and dispose of ind bonds hot to ex- each, as tha Company Imue and sen, af- heretnbefore t been duly •$• Court of sr.-co.> pi Mori that th© ft “SSfJ PUBLIC BALE. Uftler and by virtu© of a power contained In a mortgage mftdft by O. T. Patteraon an<j Company to tbe undersigned, Hunter, Pearce and Batt©y, dated Februrajr 9, 1911, and recorded in tbe office of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court of D©cfttur county, Georgia, Book 45, pftgoft 552-556, and recorded In th© office of the clerk of th© Superior court of tlrady county, Georgia, book num ber 6, folio 350, and recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior court of Lowndca county, Georgia book 24„ folios 493-497, default made In payment of principal and in teract secured by said mortgage, we the undersigned, will cell at tbe door of tbe court houw» of Decatur county, Georgia, at Balnbrldge, public outcry within tb© legal hour* of sale on the find. Tuesday, being the sixth day of February, 1912, the following property described In toe aaid mortgage, to-wit: One twenty barrel turpentine ©till, worth, nrm, cap and all fixtures con nected therewith, one steam pump, one buggy, all toolH, dip barrels, atlll, wood, hoop iron, batting, glue, ©plrlt barrels, etc. four two-horse wagons, one grey horn© mule about eight years old, two black horse mules about nine years old, one mouse colored mare mulo about thirteen years old, one roan horse about eight years old, also all goods, wares and mer- chandlne of every kind and descrip tion contained In the comm'ssary of the an Id G. T. Patterson & Com pany, all of the foregoing described personal property being located on lot number fifty-six (56) In the 19th district, Docatur county, Geor gia. Also all that certain lot of land number fifty-six (56) In the 19th district, Decatur county, Georgia, containing two hundred and fifty (250) acres more or less, being the same purchased by W. A. Powell and M. A. Shaw from R. H. Ed wards by doed dated January 2, 1908; And will sell at the door of th© court hous© of Gnady county, Geor gia, at Cairo at public outcry with in th© legal hours of sal© on ta© first Tuosday, being tbe sixth day of February, 1912, the following described property In said mort gage , to-wit: All of that certain tract or par cel of land situate, lying and b©lng in th© town of Whlgham, Grady county, Georgia, being a part of a lot of land number thtrty-ono (81) In the 19th district of said county, bounded aa follows: , Commencing at the Junction of ..... the Atlantte Coast Line railroad i its ftn( l Magnolia street, thence norta on the western boundary of Magno lia the branch, thence east on the southern boundary of said U branch to ft j point * “ . tins of —Coast Lina railroad property, .thence west on the south line of salil-rnllroad property to the stsrtlOk polnhSnaking one-half (1-1) acre, more Or lea,. Alao all that tract or parcel of Inntl starting at the uortheaet corner of the lands of the Atlantic Const Line railroad and thence south Jo the land owned by Ben Wooten, and thence east on the north line of the laid Bon Wooten's land one hundred end Itrty (140) yarde, end thence nor'a to the branch, end thence west on the oald branch to a point that would run aouth to the com mencing point with an even degree from the commencing point to B Wootdn'e lnnda so that the weeth line will be e etralght line fro tho commencing point north to tl branch and being two (3) scree more or leei, and being In the town of Whtghnm, Grady county, Georgia, nnd being a part of lot number thirty-one (3t), 19th district, for- meily Decatur county. Alro a certain tract or parcel of land commencing at the Junction soutbout corner or $1. n Harrison's land nnd n. W, Wooten's land, hounded ronth parallel with Ben Woolen', land, eaat nnd north by lands owned by the Bank of Thom- nevlllc. west by M. B. Harrlaon'e Inna, said to contain one (1) cere, seventy (70) yards square, with the privilege of running a road through arid tract, laid tract situs- tod at Whlgham and being a part of lot number thirty-one (31) tn the 19th dtotrlct, formerly Decatur, now Grady county, Georgia, eeld de scribed tract of land being the tame aa that purchased by W. A. Powell ft Company from J. T. Ham ft Company. December 33, 1905, u per deed recorded. In the office of the clerk of the superior court of Ora- dy county. Georgia, January 11, 1908, book 1, folio 41. Also the following turpentine leaees: "• I.exse from Wm. Herring to T. Patterson ft Company, dated November 9, Itll, covering seven ty-seven (77) acres la Orady county. , 3. Lease from O. H. Herring to O. T. Patterson ft Company, dated September 14, 1511. covering thir ty-live (35) acres In Grady county. 3. Lena* from Gooden Fortner to O. T. Patterson dated February 37, 1911, covering slaty-two end one-half ((53 1-3) acne of lot number elghty-eeven (ST) end for ty-four (44) eerie of lot number' seventy-two (T3), both la Orady county. 4. Lease from T. A. Maxwell to O. T. Patterson dated February 35, 1511, covering lot number twenty- seven (ST), 15th dtotrlct Orady county. Least from Link Taylor to O. T. Patterson dated February IT, 1511, covering elxty-two and one- half (55 1-5) terse In Orady connty. 5. Lease from Qua Fortner to O. „ Patterson doted February 5T, 1511, covering slxty-Uve (51) ucret In Grady county. T. Lease from J. H. Walden to O. T. Patterson ft Co., dated Octo ber 55, 1511, covering sixty (55)! acres In Orady connty. 8. Lease from Ira Neal to G. T. Patterson ft Company, dated Octo ber 23, 1511, covering slxty-elx (55) acres In Orady county, 9. Lease from salllo Weston to O. T. Patterson ft Company dated March 5, 1911, oovarlng lot num ber thirteen (It) In lltb district Grady county, 10. Lease from Amoo Thomas to J. W. Lane, dated December It 1905, and covering twenty-flye (35) acres In Grady county, 11. Lease from Nancy McNair to J. W. Lane, dated January 1, 1510, covering one hundred twenty-flre (125) acres In Orady connty. 12. Leaae from M. M, McCord to J. W. Lane, dated October 9, 1509, covering two hundred (200) acres, In Orady county. 13. Lease from O. D. Mills to G.T. Patterson, dated October 5, 1910, covering lot number one hundred thirty-three (133) 19th dtotrlct Grady county, Georgia. 14. Lease from T. W. and 8. D. Jones, dated October 6, 1910, cover ing lot number forty-nine (49) 19th dtotrlct, Orady county. 15. Leave from Mrs. Hattie Hand to O. T. PatterBon dated September 30, 1910, covering one hundred fifty (150) acres In Grady county. 16. Lease from R. M. Walden to G. T. Patteraon dated October 5, 1910, covering lot number eighty- seven (87), 19th district, Orady county. 17. Lease from C. H. Johnson to G. T. Patteraon dated February 35, 1911, covering thirty-live (35) acre*! Orady county. 18. Lease from W. E. Daraey to G. T. Patteraon dated October 5, 1910, covering fifty-eight (58) acres In Orady county. 19. 1 grass from J. D. Johnson, J. W. Johnson and C. F. Johnson to O. T. Patteraon, dated October 15, 1911, covering one hundred forty- four (144) acre* in Orady county. 20. Lense from O. C. Thomas to O. T. Patterson dated February 4, 1911, covering slxty-sla and two- third (66 2-3) acres In Orady coun ty. 21. Tgrave from 8. O. Robison to O ,T. Patteraon. covering sixty (60) acrea In Orady county. 22. I .cnee from Cato Jones to J.W Lane, dated May 21, 1908, covering two hundred thirty-one (231) acraa In Grady county, 23. Lease from O. P. Brownlee to O. T. Patteraon and Company dated September 33, 1911, covering two hundred (300) acre# In Grady coun ty. 24. Lease from G. P. Brownlee to O. T. Patterson and Company dated September 23, 1911. covering' lot number flfty-two (52) tn 19th dis trict' Orady county. 25. Leaae from B. P. Trulock and N. Z. Trulock to J. W. Lane dated May 16,1906, covering lot number fourteen (14) in 16th district, Ora dy county. , 26. Lease from O. B. HoET.vy to O. T, rSursem a%d Company dated September 31, 1911, covering one hundred (100) acres of lot number one hundred forty-live (145), two hundred twenty-five (225) acres of lot number one hundred and ala, (106), one hundred acres of lot num ber seventy (70,) twenty-flye (26) acres of lot number fifty-one, twen ty-live (25) acres of lot number ninety-four (94), fifteen acres of lot number one hundred and eleven (111) ell In 19th district, Orady connty, 27. Lease from O. B. McElyy to D. T, Patterson and Company dated September 21, 1911, covering one hundred (100) seres of lot number one hundred and forty-fire (145), two hundred twenty-five (325) acrea of lot number one hundred and ala (106) and one hundred (100) acrea of lot number aavanty (70) all In 19th district, Orady county- 28. I.ease front T. R. Fewall to J. W, Lane, dated November 16, 1909, covering one hundred twenty- flye (126) acres of lot number one hundred and thlrty-ala (136) In 19th district Decatur county, and all of lot number one hundred end thirty- five (135) In 19th dtotrlct. Grady county, except ono hundred (100) acres on the eastern side owned by McElyy. All the above leasee being now in the hands of Hunter, Pearce and Bat- ley, subject to Inspection for furth er Information. All of the raid property above described will he sold aa tho prop erty of the ealu G. T. Patteraon and company. Term* caab, purchasers paying for tltlaa HUNTER, PEARCE ft BATTEY Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained In a certain mort gage executed by J. W. Leng to W, 8, Retire on the 3rd dey of November, 1910, and recorded In the office of the clerk of the su perior court of Lowndee county, book 22, page 671, the undersigned pill sell on the 13th day of Jan uary, 1912, at public sale, before the court house door In eeld coun ty, within the legal hours of sale to the hlgnest bidder tor cesh, the following property, to-wit: One hay inure about eleven yearn old, named "Minnie," and one open Bike buggy, for tho purpose of pay ing a certain promissory not*, dated November the 3rd, 1910, payable on November the 15th, 1511, and mada and exacuted by the tail J_. W. Long. In favor of tha said 8. McRee, (or one hundred end fifty (5160) dollars ss< principal, and ntlpulatlag to pay Internet from dote at th* rat* of eight per cent per Annu% and ten per cent ee at torney's fife If collected by lew or through ( an attorney at law, the total amount, due on said mortgage being one hundred and fifty (5160) dollar* (Ska principal, and fourteen (114.) dollars as Interest, togetaer with tha coat of this proceeding as provided In sold mortgage. A con- 1 veyance will he executed to the pur chaser by the undersigned as au thorised In the Mid mortgage. This the 3rd day of January, 1515. W. 8. MaREE Petition for Charter. . I Petition for Charter. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. tloEORGIA—LOWndes -County. Florida*TnrpemUns Cu\ S^Xtal j To Court of s «'<* Co “- Company, a corporation under the iV . law* of Georgia, with Its principal! The petition* of M. M. Blanton, office and plac* of business la Val- $• r», Dowling, J, A. Dasher, J. fi. dosta, Q»„ respectfully shows: . I Qornto, and John F. Smith, all of First—That on the 21st dey of !**•• pf Lowndes and Stats ol October, 1911, peUUoasr was duly Georgia/r^psetfully shows: Incorporated by an ordte of tho Su perior court of said comty, tor th* term of twenty years, for tho fur- poM of engaging la th* bualacaa af manufacturing, selling and dealing In turpentine cupa and galvanised metato, aid other kinds of kualaaaa •at out aad described In origin: petition for charter. Second—That by tho order ol court sforeaiad, petitioner’s au Isad capital stock wm fixed 550,00b, til common, divided into share* of 5100 sack, hat it was granted tba privilege of Increasing Ita capital stock from time to time, by a majority vote of the stock holders, to a sum not exceeding $100,009 and to similarly decrease the same to any amount nOg below tba original capital stock. 8 First—That they desire for them selves, their associates and auccee- •ora, to ha Incorporated and made a body politic under tba name and style ol "Valdosta Horae and Mule Company" (or th* period of twenty year*. Second—Tbs principal office ol •aid Company ahall be In tbe city of Valdosta, said state and county, but petitioners desire the right to establish branch offices within this state or elsewhere, -whenever the Stockholders or a majority of them may so determine. Third—The object of said corpor ation la pecuniary gain to Itself and Its share holders. Fourth—The business to be car ried on by said corporation to the buying and selling, trading and generally dealing in, all aorta of mules, h well aa to doal In all aorta of farm Implements, veblcklea of all aorta and such other things as are usual and customary In such business as described. Fifth—the capital stock of aald corporation shall be five thousand dollars, divided Into shares of one hundred dollars each, with tha Alright and privilege of Increasing of ne at Val- ganlzed and la now dolog busl under Ita charter. j*- Fourth—That it deslreafcn Amefiife ment to Us charter reducing Its capital atock to $10,000, all com mon, divided Into shares of $lM., each. Fifth—That at a moating of tltloner'a atw kholdera, h*J dosta. Oof, where Ita pr| flee Is located, on the I1||r ul«y(.ol! the capital stock to tho sum November, 1911, a resolution was;twenty five thousand dollars by a ‘ majority vote of the stock holders, and with the privilege of decreas ing the capital atock by a majority vote of the stockholders to any amount not less than tbe original capital stock of five thousand dol lars. The whole amount of said or iginal stock of five thousand dol lars has already been paid In. Sixth—They desire for them- •elves, their associates and succes sors tbe right to buy, sell aad hold real estate and personal prop erty suitable to the purposes of tbe wMVRyynRR nctttlnnera nrav corporation, and generally to do all WHEREFORE, petitioners pw otbar th | nga that may ba neMuary that after publication sf this appll-, / or the successful operation of said cation once a week for four weeks, buB | ne ss: With all such right, pow- as required by law, an order be i . .. __ , d ©mending tt» charter so « n S2Z2f^S lfkf riZIf l?. SJ ..Mass 45a -tmvk fmm are , i nc, l J? nt to Ilk© corporation© or permissible under the law© of Oeor- NEW S POT EED IRISH ATOES are here ready foi Onion Sets, M Radish; Nasturtiu - Sprjj sale; also English Peas, istard, Beets, Lettuce, riband all seeds for a B|,Garden. W. D. E PI ± Hjnaway. ONE 15 passed authorizing the President to apply In the name of the Company for an amendment to Its’charter de creasing Its capital atock to -the sum of $10,000, ©11 common,”di vided Into ©hare© of $100.00 each, a© aforesaid, and a similar resolu- ectors at © meeting regularly held at said time and place. Sixth—Petitioner© attache© • here to a certified copy from th© mpnutes of the resolution aforesaid, show ing that, this application for amend ment ha© been authorized by .proper corporate action. to decrease its capital atock from the amount authorized by Its char ter to the aum of $10,000 all com mon, divided Into shares of $100. a K. WILCOX, Attorney for Petitioner* Copy of Resolution. Resolved that ths Presldi this company he and be to authorised and directed I for and obtain, In th* nami, Company, an amendment to tbj ‘after gls. WHEREFORE, petitioners prey to ha Incorporated under the nam* and style aforesaid, with tha rights, powers, privileges and Immunities herein sat forth, and aa are now, or mty hereafor 'bo granted corpora*- tlons of similar character under the lawn of Georgia. WHITAKER ft DUKES. Attorneys for Petitioner* lied In office this 18th day el ipsny, Company'* cjpttAl. .•ISMwIlsil Oi'iMteW V';|T R.'b: MftoDEUTON, Clerk, amount Authorised “P d ® rlt:i eh»*. ij JORQIA—Lowndea County, I. B. Myddelton, Clerk of tho W * nW *“*”* of Superior Court of said county, do $100.00 each. Valdosta, Oa„ Dec. 20, 'll hereby certify that the foregoing la © true and correct copy of the ap- . n re v -ft a currcv-L wjiy ui tuo l rmorWa^urpe^UM Ptlcsitloxx for. charter of "Valdosta the Georgia Cup and Metal Company, do hereby certify that the above and forego ing Is a true copy of a resolution paeaed by the stockholder! and Board of Directors of said Company m the asms appears upon ths min ute*. B. O.' LA8TINGER, Secretary. GEORGIA—Lowndea County I, Paul Myddelton, Deputy Clerk of aald county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing to n true and correct copy of the peti tion of the Georgia ft Florida Tur pentine Cup nnd Motel Company for an amendment to Ita charter as the lame appears of file In this office. Given under my hand and th* senl of tbe court hereunto affixed, this December 20, 1911. PAUL MYDDELTON. D. Clerk. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Thg appraisers appointed to net apart ou*. of tho estate of J. Z. Wt- aenbaker'x estate a year'e support (or bla widow, Mra. Augusta C. Wls- enbaker, and minor cbtld, havlllgl made their return! under hauli and seals to tho ordinary, all per sons concerned are cited to show cause before me In the Court of o* dlnary for aald County, on the first Monday In February, 1912. why •aid application for twelve months', support should not be granted, and the return of tho appraiser! setting apart the same he made the Judg ment of the coort. Witness mV official algnntnre, this 4th day of January,' 1911. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndes Count/. To All Whom It Mar Concern: Mis. Unite Lord, hiring In proper form applied to mo for per manent letters of administration on the estate of H. E. Lord, late of •aid connty, this to to clt* all and singular, the creditors and next nf kin of H. E. Lord to be and appear at my oflle within ths time allowed by law aad show ennae. If any ‘.hey can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Mr*’ Llx- xle Lord on H. B. Lord'* estate. Witness my hand and official signature this 2nd day of January, 1912. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndee Connty. To All Whom It May Concern: H. Mattox, haring In proper form applied to m* for permanent letters of administration on the es tate of Elijah Mattox, late of aald connty, tbit to to cite all and sin gular the creditors and asst of kin Elijah Mattox to b* and tpnear my office within the Urns allow ed by law, and show cause, If any they can, why permanent adminis tration should not ba granted J. H. Mattox oft Elijah Mattoc'a ertate Witness my hand and official signature this 2nd day of January, 1012. A. V. SHOD, Ordinary. Horee and Mule Company", aa the name appears on fllo In thin office. Witness my official signature nnd the seal of sstd court, thin tho lltb day of December, 1911. R. B. MYDDELTON, Clerk Superior Court Lowndes County, Oa. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. By virtue of nn order of tho Or dinary's Conrt, of the first Monday In January, 191$, will bo sold be fore the court house door In the city of Valdosta, Lowndee county, on the first Tuesday In February next, for cash, to th* highest bid der, the following described prop erty, to-wll: All the real ostate belonging to the estate of Mra. Lucy Stubbs, constating of three hundred and sixty (360) acrea of land, ly ing and being In the Hahlrn district of Lowndes county, Ga., bounded as follows: On the noyih hy lands of W. H. Dent, on tho east by lands of J. H, Stubbs, on tho south by lands of Mary Howell, on the west by J. W Parker. 8a!d property sold to satisfy all debts against the estate and distribution among the heirs. ' FRANK STUBBS, 1-5 4tw. Administrator. LADIES Chicken Chowder lay. We guarantee (results. Phone us your or ders. Also for Horsei/Cow and Mule Feed. Seed Pea Nuts. Phone 103. H.F.Tillman Grain Co Telephoneand Ond Opt! Whatwas fhe weather Whit itthe market price of cotton myleam left town icre any freight for me wanttobuy e<$s isTtheimeeting The telephi tions for thou: It will do this ari^ cost of a telfpfy small; the saving. Our free book|( it Write for it to< inswers these ques- )f Farmers every day. lore for you. The on your Farm is [great. tells you all about lay. Address Farmers Line Department SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE ifj^r & TELEGRAPH COMPANY 33 south Pryor St. AtlanCu. Ga. r- JOE WISENBAKER. j‘|, » Joe Wisenbakeit Hay, Grain, Feed and Mi Flour, Rice, Sugar and* \ P. A. HUNT' j & Co. a Products Q>ffee Our Mr. Wiienbaker, for a number of ^ears with Mr. A. H. Dukes, hax gone in business for himself and will be glad to have hii friends call on him at his new place. We expect to do business on cash basis aad at the smallest profits. Give us an opportunity to figure on your wants. Joe Wisenbaker & Co. Phone 800 Valdosta, Ga. 111 S. Patterson St. A. S. Pendleton Co’s Old Stand. wV' i