The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, January 27, 1912, Image 7

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VALDOSTA TOON VALDOSTA, OA^ SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1012. LETTERS FULL OF GOSSIP FROM WASHINGTON News of Interest From the Capital of the States (By Robert Compton.) Waahingtbn, D, O., Jan. 23.—Tb* «tlr caused by v Postmaster General Hitchcock’s pronouncement In favor of government ownership of the Nation’s telegraph lines has only partially subsided. A feeling pre> The latest recruit to these ranks Is Miss Helen Taft, the studious daughter* of the President. Her activity Is with the Consumer* League of the District of Columbia, a branch of the National organisa tion whose object Is to eliminate “sweat shop'* and tenement made wearing apparel from stores throughout the country. She will shortly head the legislative com mittee of the local body. One of Miss Taft’s close friends, Miss Mar ian Oliver, daughter of the Assis tant Secretary of War, Is head of a mlssiop sewing school for young wo men v f'- Interested with her are Miss Miltfctttd Marshall, daughter of Capiat 'Marshall, U. S. A., and nee Leupp, daughter of Commissioner Leupp. be made in this con- law making the Fsuse of the American tble offense. The War officials are hopeful will lead state leg- ke up the subject and laws. MaJ. Gen. Leonard Wood, chief of staff of the Army, Is strongly in vails that before the dose of the present congress an attempt will be made by the Democrats and the In surgent members of both parties to force the president into some decla ration either for or against the proposition. Any way It Is viewed, the situation is ticklish for the president. An avowal for govern- , „ . . . . ment ownership undoubtedly would '"f UEOd for Mr « rtl ' l ”« pnrpo^u. : Okefenokee Swamp upon n„ anxious ANXIOUS DAY WAS SPENT IN THEOREM Waycross Hunters were Surrounded by Bears ON AN ISLAND IN THE HK VHT OF THE SWAMP THEY BEGAN TO FEAR THAT THEY WOULD NOT GET OUT ALIVE. The following story of experiences ths wilds of the Okeflnokee Swamp was sen*, out from Waycross by ths correspondent of the dally papers from that city: ’Cut off from escape by water be cause of tho presence of huge alii* favor of such national legislation. gators, and threatened on land by He contends that the flag should , , . . , ... „ „ „ , several large bears, a party of Way- never be used as a covering or as a drapery, and Is opposed to Its be- cross hunters, just back from ths alienate the big business interests opposed, whose aid is looked for in tho coming presidential campaign, while a negligible stand or an out and out avowal against the princi pal would cause a further breach between the Administration and the radical element of the party. While the president has thus far refrained from expressing himself publicly, *t is known that Mr. Hitch cock’s recommendation has caused him considerable embarrassment. He feels, it Is, said, that his Cabi net officer should have delayed until a more favorable time, that Is, when the political effect of the recom mendation would have been less likely to do Injury. At the White House it is given out that tho pres ident, . in his coming message to Congress, will merely forward the Postmaster* General’s recommenda tion without comment. The common practice on shipboard (lay on an island in Minnie Lake, be- to spread the flag over the chap lain’s table or desk during services Is condem n*d at some quarters as misuse of. the flag. This calls up tho question of Mr. Hitchcock’s future status in the cabinet A report that he wlll^rs- r-'siga when the affair ’ blows over/* or shortly before the meeting of the Chicago convention In June, la given considerable credence here. It lacks White House confirmation, however. Color Is given the report because of the understanding that there has been friction between the President and Mr. Hitchcock since the meeting of the Republi can National Committee here sev eral weeks ago. At that time Harry New, of Indiana, wa-* named chalr- mnn of tue commit! o on arrange ments, despite the vigorous protests of Mr. Hitchcock. Then Secretary Tillies, who is the President’s polit ical advisor, and Mr. Hitchcock dis agreed over the control of the Alabama patronage. The adminis tration sided with Hllles. But in the face of this apparent -upture, the President Insists that his relations with Mr. Hitcncock are of the friendliest character and that his cabinet status will und r- go no change. The President is mindful of Mr. Hitchcock’s valuable services, and is making plain his in tention to concede a point to pre serve harmony. Senator Porter J. McCumber, of North Dakota, is the latest public man to jdjtn the ranks of the auto mobile enthusiasts. Moreover, Jie tween Floyd’s and Billie’s Islands al most in tho heart of the famous swamp. “Among those on the trip were L B. Drane, Calvin W. Parker S. J. Stanton of Waycross, Roland Ccok, of Hazlehurst and Hyas Altman, of Braganza. 'they entered the swamn near Folkston, using canoes for the drives his pwn car, taking the stand J journey to the first island. No big that the employment of a chauffeur Is a .luxury not In keeping with Re publican flmplicity. MaJ. Archibald Butt, the Presi dent’s military aide, is one of the few Army Officers to escape the Sec retary of fer's order sending those •who havnj&Msn stationed In Wash ington forfmore than four years back to active duty, which meant, “back to the saddle." MaJ. Butt, besides being a general favorite in Washington society, Is too useful to the President’s social arrangements to be spared. . Representative A. W. Lafferty, of Oregon, is a member of Congress who {despises conventional attire He insist# on wearing a cap j^r or dinary purposes and declares he will never be cajoled Into adopting the "silk hat habit for dress oc casions." Qjie of his colleagues to agree wlt|^bim Is Representative Alabama, al- Thomas though Hi black som game was encountered until after Billie’s Island was passed. On enter ing Minnie Lake, ono of the many bodies of clear water in the .swamp. shot gnn in his right hand. When he came to tho surface the gun was gone, but he was holding to the cig ar as though his life depended upon the smoke. " "Another hunting party is being organized here to visit the same 'points again and endeavor to locate the hear that caused a change in this party’s plans, a numer of prominent state officials will make this trip, among them being Dr. 8. W. Mc-Call te, state geologist. It is probable that be will ljp accompanied by Hon. C. O. Elliott, |hief of the United States bureau 6t drainage Investigations, and’ Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, geologist or NortrffcCnrolina Their trip will be a combination or business and picas tire, but K they encounter as many bear and 'gators as the Waycross party the degree of the pleasure may be imagined." Don't forget to attend the Ma jestic Range Demonstration at our store, ou week, Jan. 29th to Feb. irsen-Forbss Hardware, Co. 0 Loolatfd Like Imitators. ra4jfrM»eculiar coincidence on the etreete. this morning was pre sented byVthe appearance of an old negro an-d a young white man, who happened “to be walking the streets, one a short ^distance behind the oth- The-*3fco’s leg had been brok en and badly deformed, being ibenl in a terrible manner. The young white man was evidently In the same condition. To have seen them watting up the streets one would have thought that one of them was trying to imitate the other, though as a matter of fact, both of them were deformed and probably did not notice each other. Drop in our store during otir Ma jestic Demontsartion Week, Jan. 29 to Feb. 3, and let us show you why some"antgator, of mndlum «1m were;the Great and Grand Mejeatlo seen but no one attached much tm- '» the beat on earth, portance to them. The guide aelected Wkn :.^ ortb one of the lalanda tn the lake ■) a — ely place tor gamp and the party landed. “Then the fun began, If fun It waa. Alligators became hnore numerous despite a few well aimed shots. How ever It waa not until a cross bear waa located that a few members, said lo have taken a sudden desire fur boating, noticed the else and number of alligators. The Joy at finding one given with every Majstle Range sold. Laraen-Forbca Hardware Co. RECORD OF A bear gave way to anything hut Joy. Doctors Could Not Help Mrs. when another bear was spied. And j Templeton—Regained ■0* officers of the Worn- n Temperance- Union to petition Congress flic of liquor at the They want a prohi- go into effect after ie Canal. President Taft is being impor tuned by Washington’s "Millionaire colony” to choose one of its mem bers Aambnssador to France as Rob ert Bacon’s successor. Tho candi date is Jonn Hays Hammond, the mining engineer, whose picturesque career has been filled with romantic Incidents. Since retiring from ac* tive participation in mining enter prises, he has devoted considerable time and money to politics. He It the organizer and financial backer of the National Republican Clubs. In the Taft campaign bo was men tioned as a likely running-mate. ~~As a mining engineer In South An rfca, he was an associate of the late Cecil Rhodes, and his life there waa full of torilLs. For his part in the famous lnt% the Transvaal, which later involved England In the South African war, he was sentenced to death, but waz pardon by President Kruger, j | 'Another Washington millionaire jj mentioned for the Parle poet le Lars Anderson, Minister to Belgium and a cousin of Representative Nich olas Longworth, of Ohio. Mrs. I Anderson, formerly Miss Isabel Per- ;klns, of Boston, has won feme as { ne of tne Capital's most lavish ntertainers. ' ' J - Washington society girls are this Winter evincing s healthy interest dvlc and philanthropic work.' ben, according to the story given by one of the party, a third bear was found. None cared to tackle the three at once and pone cared to risk cap sizing a canoe on a "gator." A hur rled conference was held and a l!t- affects a broad-brim tie maneuvering planned. A canoe 'was dragged to tho side if the f s1and not botherd by the gators, and was quickly followed by enough of Ihem to leave a good opening from the original landing place. Then with, all members paddling as thongh a huge prize awaited them at the end of the lake they mode a clean get-away. The only loss suffered was that of a hex of cigars and the canoe, which will he recovered by the guide on a inter trip. The presence of so many nlllgntors in that particular lake is a mystery to .the hunters, as such a con dltlon ia unusual In the awamp, al- *houeh alligators are common through all parts of the Okefenokee. Beara are killed frequently on the islands and in tb swamp hut few hunters have cared to undertake, even with several r,iina the killing of more than one bear at a time. Proceeding to Billie's Island. th«* party camped for a few days and hnd excellent luck. Only one canoe cap sized on the trip and about it an nmus’ng story Is told. One member of the party, whose name nono of those going will divulge, went under water smoking a cigar and holding his Health through Lydia E. Pinkham’s Compound. tmphny Organized t Company was or- 4ith the follow- wifa: , G. C. Morgan ( Morgan, vice-pres ident and MJ J. Paine, Secretary and treasurer. The home office of the company will be in this city. Mr. G. C. Morgan left for Louisville, Cin cinnati, Chicago and other points in the middle west last night to make contracts for the company. These gentlemen are good business men and their Hame and Trace attach ment will prove a good seller in the harness line. Souvenir Bet of i-Forbes Hardware ng demonstration tu s d, s w Hooper, Nebraska.—"I am very glad to tell how Lydia E. Pinkham *s Vegetable Compound has helped me. For five years I suffered from female troubles so I was scarcely able to do my work. I took doc tors’ medicines and used local treatments but was not holped. I had such awful bearing down pains and my back was so weak 1 could hardly walk and could not ride. I often had to sit up nights to sleep and my friends thought I could not live long. At my request my husband got me a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and I commenced to take It By the time I had taken tho seventh bottle my health had returned and I began doing my washing and was a well woman. Atone time for three weeks I did all the work for eighteen boarders with no signs of my old trouble return ing. Many have taken your medicine after seeing what it did fpr me. I would not take $l(X0l£jJlKrwhere I was. You have my periniWon to use my name if marshes of the lit will aid anyone.”—Mrs. Susie Tem pleton, Hooper, Nebraska. j ThePinkham record is a proud and peer- ! lesu one. Itla a record of constant vie- Petition for Charter. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To the Superior Court of Said Coun ty: The Petition of M. A. Briggs, H.H. Felder and O. W. Stokes, all of said state and county, respectfully show: 1. That they desire for them selves, their associates and succes sors, to be* incorporated and made a body politic under the name and style of M. A. Briggs Clothing Com pany for a period of twenty years, with tho privilege of renewal at the expiration of that time. 2. That the principal office of said company shall bo in Valdosta, said state and 'county, but petitioners desire the right to establish branch offices elsewhere. • » 3. The object of said corporation Is pecuniary gain to Pself and its shareholders. 4. Petitioners propose to carry on a wholesale and retnli clothing bus iness, buying, selling and dealing in all kinds of clothing, gents furnish ing goods, shoes, bats, trunks, bags, umbrellas, and all such articles and things as are usually embraced and kept in a general retail store and as may be profitably handled and sold in connection therewith; acting as general or special agents for other persons or companies In selling or handling any articles or class of ar ticles appropriate to the clothing business, or conveniently connected therewith; to make contracts to net as such agents, and to exercise all other necessary and proper acts which pertain to or may be connect ed with the clothing ibuslness. 5. The capital stock or said cor poration shall be twenty-flvo thous and dollars, with the privilege of increasing tho same from time time to any sum not exceeding, out' hundred thousand dollars, ana with like privilege of decreasing the same from time to time not b low the original capital of twenty-livo thousand dollars. Said stock to bo divided into shares of ouo hundred dollars ?ach. Petitioners desire the right to have the subscriptions to said capital paid in money or prop erty, to be taken at a fair valuation. That ten per cent of the capital has already been paid in. Petitioners desire the right to suo and be sued, to plead und be impleaded, to have and use a com mon seal, to mako all necessary by laws and regulations, to buy, sell and lease real estate, and to do ail other things that may bo necessary for the successful carrying on of «£ld business, including the right to borrow money, and to execute notes and bondd as evidence of in debtedness incurred, or which may •be Incurred in the conduct of the affairs of the corporation, and to secure the same by mortgage, se curity deed, or other form of lien under existing laws. .7. That they desire for salt} cor poration the power and/'authbrlty to apply for and accept amendments to their charter, In either form or substance, by a vote of a majority of Its stock outstanding at the time; they also ask authority for said cor poration to wind up its affairs, liqui date and discontinue its business at any time It may determine to do so, by a vote of two- 4 .hirds of lta stock outstanding at the time. WHEREFORE, Petitioners pray to be incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, with the powers, privileges and Immunities herein set forth, and as are now or may hereafter be allowed corporations of a similar character under the laws of Georgia, and subject to all of the restrictions and liabilities imposed by law. WOODWARD tc SMITH Attorneys for Petitioners, Filed In Office, this the 17th duy of January, 1912. PAUL MYDDELTON. Deputy Clerk, GEORGIA—Lowndes County. ’aul Myddolton, Deputy Clerk of the superior court of said county, hereby certify that the nbovo and foregoing Is a truo and correct eopy of petition for Charter now of file In said office. In witness whereof I havo here unto set my hand and seal on this th o 17th day of, January, 1912. PAUL MYDDELTON. Deputy Clerk. - Lowndes STATE 0] dbunl To the superior Court of Said 1 County: The petition of A. S. Pendleton, Philip C. Pendleton, Albert S. Pen dleton And William F. Pendleton, all of said county of Lowndes, and Charles I. Harrell, of the county of Brooks, respectfully shows: • First—That they derire for them selves, their associates and success ors, to be Incorporated and made a body politic under the name nnd style of PENDLETON REALTY COMPANY, for a period of twenty years, with the privilege of ranewal at the expiration of that time. 8econd—The principal office of said company shall be in the city of Valdosta, said state and county.'out petitioners desire the right to es tablish branch offices elsewhere. Third—The object of said corpo ration is pecuniary gain to Itself nnd its shareholders. Fourth-—The business to be car ried on by said corporation Is that of buying, selling, bolding and Coal ing In real estate of all kinds. In cluding timber and timber rights and privileges: the taking, holding and selling options on real estate, making loans on real estate, taking mortgagee, deeds and other forms of security therefor; negotiating and obtaining loans on real estate and charging commissions therefor; act ing as agents or brokers for prop erty owners In selling, .renting or otherwise disposing of real estate of all kinds, and cjmrglnicr commis sions therefor; *o own nmi nnemte o own nnd operate farms nnd to improve and develop real estate, nnd to own and operate manufacturing plants, nnd generally to deal in nil kinds of property, both real nnd personal. Including storks and bonds nnd stock in other cor porations. Fifth—The capital stock of raid corporation shall be twenty-five thousand dollars (I2B.OOO), with 4 he privilege of increasing tho same from time to time to anv amount not exceeding $100,000, nnd with a like privilege of decreasing the same from time to time not below $10,- 000. 8a!d stock to be divided Into shares of one hundred dollaia each. PotlMoners desire thq right to have the subscriptions to said capital oald In money or property to be taken at n fnlr valuation. That ten per cent of the capital has already been paid In. Sixth—Petitioners desire the right to sue and be sued, to plead and bo impleaded, to have and nse a com mon seal, to make all necessary by laws and regulations, and to do all other things that may be necessary for the successful carrying on of said business, Including the right to borrow money and to execate notes and bonds as evidence of Indebted nd bonds as less Incurred or which may he ln- nnnifiint A# Mui nffnlra ctirred In tb» conduct of tho ! attain of -.he corporation, and to neenro tho mine by mortgage, oocnrtty deed or Notice In hereby given that the following reiolutlone were adopted by the Board of directors of the Moultrlb, Fort Gslnee and Western Railroad Company at a mooting held In the city of Valdoata, on the 20th day of December, 1111: Rcaolred, by the Board of Dir- ectora ef the Moultrie, Fort Deluca and Weitern Railroad Co., that thin company'a railroad be extended from & point at or near lta terminal In the olty of Moultrie, Colquitt Coun ty, Georgia, In g eoutheoeterly dir ection through thu counties of Col quitt, Brookn and Lowndes, all In the state of Georgia to the city of Valdoata, In said loot named county. ''Resolved further, that the offi cers of this company be and they are hereby authorized nnd directed to advertise this Resolution, as pro vided by law, and .file a certified copy of the seme, together with the advertisements, In the office of the Secretary of Stats of the 8tate of Georgia, and to do nil each other acts na ere neceoaery or proper un der the laws, in order to make the aid extension end build the same." FRANK ROBERTS, President. W. L. ROBERTS, Secretary. PUBLIC SALE. By virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary tor aald county granted at the October term. 1911, the un dersigned na administrators upon tho estate of Honry Lundy, late of Lowndes county, deceased, will oell at the court house door In Lowndes . county, on the first Tuesday in Feb ruary, 1912, between the usual hours of sale, at public outcry, to tbo highest bidder for cash, the following described property to- wlt: Flf(y and four-tenths scree, more or less. In lot No, 219 In the eleventh land district of said coun- a ty and etato, known ea lot No, 3., In the surveying made by Z. R. Hutchinson tor C. I. Shelton. Com mencing on the northeast corner of Stopnoy Cowart's lot and running i south 33 chains and fin links to a stob, thence east 15 chains to a stob, thence north 33 chains and >5 links to a stob, thence west 15 cosine to starting point. Thle 3rd day of January, 1912. C. J. BARTON Administrator. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. 1. L. D. Hamilton, do certify that 1 am tho Secretary and Treasurer of the-poaaolldated loo A Power Corn er and that the forogolng Is a true and correct copy of the resolu tion Intvodueed - st-“ _ nual meeting of stockholders i Consolidated Ice A Power Con., held at Its office In Valdosta, on the second day of January, 1912, •“her form of lien, under «WI»fi Seventh—Thwv desire for said ror-: Iy poratlon the power ted authority to apply for and accept amendments I L. D. HAMILTON. Secretary and Treasurer. to I*, charter. In either form or sub-"J* ln 19 0 ® ce #tn d »* stance, by n vole of n maloritv of ■' pj^i Its slock outstanding at the time; they also ask snthorlty for said cor- f.cnvn to Sell. tory over tliq obstinate ills of woman—ills'! B ■ B. Myddolton, Administrator that deal outdespoir. / ^~ 01 the estate of Jnmes Richardson, It Is an established Su having In proper form applied to the fact that Lydia E. /W/A<v I undersigned for leavo to sell all the Pfnkham-a Vairate. Kl M SSSV’J real estate belonging to said James ble Compound has re* 7/ II i Rlcha . rd “ n ' ‘ tll » '* to c, ‘« »" c0 ”r ■t/iroHhMiriit/hth/**- II u II cerned to Bhow cauae at the next XT JZ ter » th,B r0urt whjr iald "m!! ! latrator should not have leave to ’*« 11 0**4 property after adrertlslng don t you try It If yon iaUI pr0 perty as the law dlrecti. > A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. needsucha medicine? poratlon to wind up lta affairs, llqul- GEORGIA—Lowndes County, date and discontinue Its business at 1, Paul Myddolton, Deputy Clerk any tlmg It mar determine to do to, | of the Superior Court of said coun- by a vote of two-thlrda of the stock ty. do hereby certify that tha fore- oiiiviandlng at the time. 'going la a true and correct copy of Wherefore, potltlonere prsr to bo the application of Consolidated Ice Incorporated under the nnmo nnd ■ * Power Company for amendment style aforesaid, w!‘h the powers, *o lta Charter, as the same appear* privileges and Immunities herein , on . *“ t”' 1 office, sot forth, and ss sre now or may j . Witness my official signature and hereafter ho allowed eorporallons l |e *eal of this Court this the 9th of elmllnr character, under the laws °1 January ,191L^ of Georgia, nnd subject to nil of -he PAUL MYDDELTON, Deputy Clerk restrictions and liabilities Imposed by law. WOODWARD A SMITH, Attorneys for Petitioners. Piled In ofllee. this tho 17th day of January. 1912. PAUL MYDDELTON, Deputy Clerk. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Paul Myddol-on, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of said Coun ty, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a true and co-reel copy of petition for charter now on file In nnld office. Tn witness whereof I have here- nn-o set my hnnd and son! on this, ths 17th dnr of January. 1912. PA UT, MYDDELTON, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. We~want you to call at onr atore during our Majestic Demonstration Week, Jan. 29 to Feb. 2 end get n Souvenir pet of Majestic Ware. Lar- sen-Forbes Hardware Co. PAUL MYDDELTON, Deputy Clerk Suporlor Court Lowndes County. To Be Sold. Under and by virtue of an order given In tho Ordlnarys' court at the January term 1912 will be sold be fore tbo court bouse door at Val- ' • doHta Georgia on the First Tuesday In Fobrurny next, during the legal hours of sale to the hlgeot bidder for cash the following described property to-*It: Seventy acre* of land, moro or less, lying and being In the county of Lowndes, State of Ooorgln, lot No. 331 in tbo eleventh land district, bounded ss follows: On the north by A. J. Strickland, on the east and south by Doll Moors and on ths west by O. C. Roberson, said land being the property of Msry Wetherlngton deceased. Signed, S. A. WETHERINOTON M. C. WETHERINOTON, .Administrator*. XT eofgia Fertilizer and Oil Co. Valddsta, Ga., Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE T t » • . ^ and all grades of complete Fertililizers. Importers of German Kainit, Muriate of Potash and Nitrate of Soda See Our Agents Before Buying H. Y. TILLMAN and JOE DASHER, Valdosta Local Agents T