The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 03, 1912, Image 3

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r she VAUWMA am Tiuuu, u. FEBRUARY 9, 1913. PRIMARIES 10 STATE The Various Conventions to Select Delegates WaHhlngton, D. C., Jan. 30.—Th* dates lor the various primaries and State conventions to seleot delegates to the national convention o1 the two leading parties are becoming known. Already provisions has been ma|de lor the election ol some or all delegates In a score ol States, and the dates or other conventions will lollow rapidly Irom now on. The list and primaries bo lar an nounced Include the lollowlng: Florida Stalle Republican conven tion, at Palate Ida, February 6, District ol Columbia Republican primaries. February 10. Georgia Republican convention, at Atlanta, February 14. Missouri Dpmoci*atlc State con vention, at Joplin, February 20. Oklahoma Democratic State con vention, at Oklahoma city, Febru ary 27. Virginia Republican state conven tion, at Roanoke, UTarch 12. New York State-wide primaries lor all parties under the new 'pri mary law, March 26. North Dakota .primaries nnder the presidential preference system. March 27. Alaska Republican Territorial con vention, at Noire, March SO. Wisconsin State-wide prlmarli on presidential preference basis, all partlek, April 2. , Illinois State-wide primaries, all parties, April 9. New York Republican State con vention, at Rochester, April 0, Michigan Republican State con vention, at Ray City, Aprrll 11, Pennsylvania primaries, all Rat tles, April 1*. Connecticut Republican State con vention, «t New HBven, Aprtl lOr Nebraska state-wide primaries on presidential preference basis, all parties, April 17. Illinois congressional district con vention, April 17. Oregon State-wide primaries presidential preference beats, all parties, April 12. Hlnols Republican Stata conven tion, at Springfield April It, Iowa Republican State conven tion, at Cedar Rapids, April 24. Tennessee Democratic primaries, April 27. Florida Democratic primaries, presidential preference basis, April 20. Pennsylvania Republican Stats convention. May 1. Ohio congressional district con ventions, May 21. New Jersey State-wide primaries, preeldetlsl preference basis, ali parties. May 28. South Dakota State-wide pri maries, presidential basts, all par ties, juna 4, Welcome to Cardinal O'Connell. Boston, Mass., Jan. 29.—Thous ands of Catholics of Boston and vi cinity abandoned tbelr customary vocations today ,to y participate la the biggest demonstration In {he history of the Church In this city— the welcome home to Wlllla, Car- snd who hpd taftaUm within (w.nty ^l° al Of tli^-ggrtOB' ft Why Boy Scouts, four hours of the wedding. The arcncicWse. Later In the week a the cen(*!i"'Uon*iO?u_. _ I dvio reception and elaborate rollg- ert Jfii from San lous ceremonies are to be given |n Australia, honor of the new member of the Sacred College. MEMORY OF MARTYR KING. Various Leagues in England Ob serve Annlversay of Charles 1. London, Eng. Jan. 30—Two hun dred and sixty-three years agb to day Charles I., of England was be headed hy bis rebellious subjects at Whitehall and, following their time- honored custom the various Legiti mist anid Laeoblte leagues and or ders throughout the country ob served ibe anniversary of the day by bolding memorial meetings and services and by depositing commor- stive wreaths at tba base of the statue of Charles L on Trafalgar square. To prevent a repetition of the of fense of a few years ago, when some too arden admirer of the martyr King had placed a wreath with a seditious Inscription at the foot of the statue, every wreath and floral had to be first submitted for spproval to the . Commissioner of Woods and Forests. National Guard Meeting. Charlotte. N. C., Jan. 30—The North Carolina National Gnatd As sociation began Its annual me ting at the Selwyn otel In this city today with Major R. T. Daniel, of >V*'.doo. presiding. The meeting will last tao days and will be devoted to the discussion of various matters per taining to te mill tie service. Sea the list of satisfied Majestic Range users la this paper. ATLANTA IS SUFFERER OF DIVORCE EVIL City Trying to Live up to Comparison With Reno Atlanta, Ga., ,Jan. 10.—It •••mi today /that Atlanta 1• trying to lit# up to the comparison somebody re cently made between thli city and Reno. When Judge Rendleton and EIH» begun the divorce court grind tbla morning, It marked tbe opening of two separate divorce court* where oe had previously sufficed. There were 101 caaese on the double dock et, and before the afternoon verdicts had been granted In SO cases. But the comparison with Reno doesn’t end there. Atlanta Is aleo going Jo have two prize fighting rings where she has had only one before. So successful has the box ing club of Harry Staten proved, and a rival organization Is making preparations to enter the field, so that Atlanta will have the sport twice every week instead of once as at present. The divorce cases today include some very sensational proceedings. One girl-wife appealed for separa tion on the grouhd that her hus band, ,a young man of 22 years, had developed a mania for fiulcide, and was continually making her mis erable by trying to kill himself. On one occasion, she testified he bad chloroformed himself. On anoth er he* had ,cut an artery In his /wrist and tried to Bleed to death. On another she had only prevented him from shooting himself by drag ging ithe gun out of his hand. Another unusual divorce was that granted D. V. Stevens, aged 79 years from a young woman whom he had married a year or two ago, GIRLS GET READY FOR THE LEAP YEAR Plans Being Laid for Conven tion of Bachelors and Maids at LaGrange WARM WELCOME FOR THE GIF OF HOY SCOUTS The Hero of Mafeking Reaches New York Nrnr York, Jan. *0.—When Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the hero of Mafeking and the founder and chief Atlanta, Qa. Jan. 20—Leap Teaf In Georgia will not be without re- aulta, matrimonially speaking. Thai le to nay. It wont tf the bachelor* and bachelor girl* of Troup county carry out a plan which they hare proposed. The plan Is to hold, ft ‘ ,c ° ut °* British Bpy Scouts, ar- bacheloT and maids convention it fives here from Kingston, JsmflAclip LaGrange, at which the unmarried ■ 0,1 the steamer Arcadian whl$h la - — — ■» — - »«"£,* SL’VZEZSZ !gta and adjoining states. | come Erieturtve arrangements have It Is said that Mayor John R. boen mlL $ e ( m welcoming, htm upon Edmundson has promised to pro, hta , n d for entraining him Bl<je, While Justices J. D. Gaffney i j uring bio visit to thW city. The and Robert L. Young will be on. principal object of GsJsijl Baden- •'the boy TRANSIT PRIVILEGES BEFORE COMMISSION Complaints Made of Abuses and Interstate Commerce Commission Hears. Washington, Jan, St.— 1 The Intar •tats Commerce Commlaslon today a a aeries of haarlnge In this city toAy with a view to arrlrlng at a satisfactory aettlement of the long-etaAng , ana atfflcult problem of transit privileges. GREAT WATER TUNNEL NOW ■ COMPLETED Opening |\of thejj Tunnel Under the Catskills & New York, Jan, 20.—Mayor Cay- nor, accompanied by the .ward of water supply and a number .)! I«vl- The question at Issue Is that of!led guests, went up to Storm King substitution of tonnage In tronalt. j today to tako part In tku cclobnftlon As a result of privileges obtained of the completion of the tunn >! work some time ago millers have been for the Catsklll Aqueduct under the eble to bring In gTalu from prodne- Hudson river between Storm King lug regions, mill It Into flour nnd and Break Neck, ship the flour to market on the bal-l The opening of the tunnel maiks ance of th* through rate from farm a most Important step In the nd- to market. jvnncement of the great Oatskll! Following the granting of this aqueduct ton^ird completion. 7 ho cmicesalon to milling interest, oth- carrying olj- aqueduct which will Per Sale. . A few good Tennessee driving and work homes at Ham Brothers' Stabla. 1-25 d« sw4. .hand to perform imarrlage ceremon- po—fij,. , onr .... .. . . , ,,. lea. Out rates on licensee will he ! , cout movement of whlcifho le the >* r ” *’' **,' * nv ® of Un "" J lv ® r ' given during the convention. The fatheT . HI. tour will lonlplx week. «« TSrioua It a charged, beneath Hudson river and, tbe and will take him to a number of *» the ,orm of BU . b ' lll,lflon of »«>->'»•*«'» country adjacent Mr <vn as ~"ge soon appeared. the Highlands, presout-,1 nn cx- Rotind Abont In Georgia. Itromely difficult problem. The tun* During hie stay In Nsw York Sir! 80 m&nr Gcot K'arm are living In' nol Is 600 feet below tho surface of Robert wm be royally entertained. F! ° r ' da t,ad 80 F,88,d i a ” a < b « 8,888 ar ' d ® rt ®" d " trom l '* 8 He will attend the eocond annual r e" M8n, « of Georgia that newa and tnous headland of the Hudson known meeting of tho National-Council of h, " torlca, ltema ot °"® *‘ at0 are of aa storm Kl »* “> <* "n ‘Wop- no Boy; Scouts of America which mor * than paM,n ® ,nt ® 88M ln ,h0 * hOT * 8al,8d »ok will be held here'February 9. and 0,b ® r ' An ItemWtt recently ap- Tha building ot the Catsklll on the following da, he will wit- IW ' r * d *" tb8 Trae-Democrat. of aqueduct, which Is to nfford the nese a demonrtraAlon of .coat actl- J» , ' aha "* 8 ° f ^ oni * «* a ‘ cl ‘ 8 ° f N ®* York na sinuate ! vltle. by more than.3,000 boy ,n i ttl,a aW8 > bttt a « ofhPr * ta,8 *> » a "W>X ot pure water for ages to re i 0n tbe evening of that day fo ’ ,0,,8: " A P 0 °r b «t lalenled girt cornel, ha, bee n pronouno.1 by engl- li the General will glva an Illustrated wbo w “ «‘™**>'n* to obtain fans near, *o be a greater undertaking lecture on “Scouting to Peace and *f d , , ortun ® *’ « 1tn . th * B “jf tandto « of tb8 Panania “* War.” He will also the Geo. | th8 , ’» ba ho “*' b0 * ,El raI v ^•. aB ’ wdn *‘ wi: ’ 8n "‘ ab8 '> t Junior RepubUc at Fre*vllle, N.Y., S' 88 ™ »d° tor the privilege of mak- <162.000,000, which I, In exxcese of in which be la greatly Interested. | ,n * 8 ™yon pbofde of the members the estimated coat Of the canal across There are about 300,000 hoy acontg tb * t0 a ’* l8 t b8 r In her the lethmns. The aqueduct will be and more than 0,000 scout marten •W 1811 ln I ' ran88 ' Th8 ' *«»> 8 r<>« a sixty mllea 1„ length, ln tbe United States alone end an' | ,a 0 d,ord contributed to tho encour-, It will carry thirty time* aa much . These crayon, of depart- water ae did the famoif. aqueducts now grace the country of Romo combined, t will nfford county commissioners have donated an( | w j]j the use of the court house auditor- tho ] ar geet cities lum during the last two days ln the | gtaitcs and Canada, present month. As yet the date for the convention has not been fixed. It le atated that the Idea of a Iget to gather convention with Jum tlces ready to tie the knote origi nated as a jeet, but later plans were projeetd. Whether or not these plana will fall through depends on the promoters. Those back of the movement are of the opinion that baehfulneal la the General will’ glva an the only reason why there are baeh- ' elore Jn the county of Troup at all. and tha* if the glrle are given the proper opportunity during leap year there will be a speedy ehanps la conditions. Speedy Skaters In Contest, Saranac Lake, N. Y„ Jan. SO — Morris Wood, professional champion skater of tbs world, and Edmund Lamy. who recently retired from tbs amateur ranks as undisputed cham pion of the United States and Cana da, met hers today for a aeries of fneoe to determine the professional championship of the world. The program of tha series extends over two days and provides for raea, at the. following distances: Two hun dred and twenty yards, quarter mile, half-mile, three-quarters mile, one mile and two miles. Subscribe for The Dally Times. girl was only twenty yean old. MUST BELIEVE IT. Wien Well Known Valdosta People Toll It So Plainly. Whan public endorsement Is made by a representative citizen of Val dosta, .the proof le positive. You must believe It. Read thla testi mony. Every backache sufferer, ev ery man, woman or child with any kidney trouble will And profit In the reading. M. A. Tolar, 311 N. Ashley street, Valdosta, Ga„'says: "Doan’s Kid ney Pills are certainly the best kid ney medlelna I have never known of and I take pleasure in endorsing them. I still use this remedy occa sionally aa a tonic for the kidneys ar,d I recommend It whenever I have an opportunity. My back was A- „ n i mmwk fluarantoo, Parisian sc lame and sore that 1 could hardly S „ K „ , nr nmnitrntl and Falling Hair, get around and It was almost Im- Foe« ot Saloon Active in Ohio. Columbus, 0., Jan, 29.—Tha Ohio Anti-Saloon League has made ar rangements tor a big mats conven tion to ho held In Columbne tomor row simultaneously with the visit of President Tart. The announced pur pose ot the demonstration la to Im press upon the Ohio constitutional convention tho Importance of anti- license provision In the state con stitution. Prominent prohibition speakers from several states will ad dress the convention. equally large number In Canada, j B rrernent. 7 which In a measure accounts tor <d r8,a * ,T88 the great Interest with which tbe borne, of Noble G. Jones, near Cap- an outlat to twelve rsitrvblrs ron- arrtval of Sir Robert la nwalted., | ,, <> ,a - In after years this young wo- strncted to hold the enormous flow From here General Baden-Pow'cll nl "n became th^tife of Woodrow of. wator from the various water- will go to Boston and thon to Wash- iWHioi presonfM *jnor of Nelw sheds of the Catsklll, and adjacent Ington, where V will nioct 1’rcel- Jersey and prospedtlvo President of hllla. The Athokan reservoir alone dent ITsft, the idcorary p-qaldent ,h8 Un / t8d States. Should Mr*. Wll- will haro a capacity of tT >,000,000 - sonj become ‘the first ladv of fhe 000 gallons, nr more than 'ho throe a. crayon a above ref- red to lakes of KMIar-'y combine! MONEY BACK DANDRUFF CURE. possible for me to turn ln bed/ 1 had backache and palm In my loins, and I knew that this trouble arose from my kidneys Nothing gave me relief until I began using Dean's Kidney Pills, obtained from Dlm- ciock’e Pharmacy. The contents of two boxee entirely cured me, and slnca then I have felt hotter than for years." For sale by all dealars. Price 60 cents. Fostor-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember tha name—Doan's— and take no other. Think of It dear reader, If PAR ISIAN SAGE Isn’t the moot Invigor ating and pleasant hair dressing you ever used—money hack. If It doesn’t hanleh dandruff, stop hair from falling and do away with scalp Itch—money hack. 60 cents at A. E. Dlmmock's and druggists everywhere. ’ f ' "PARISIAN SAGE as a hair grow- »r and scalp cleaner Is all right.’’— Mm. Dora M. Daniels, Williamson, W. Va. *’FfW PARISIAN SAGE cured me of terrible Itching of the scalp.’’—Mrs. C. P. Pope, Oxford, Ala. Sen na for turpentine woods horses. MIZELL LIVE STOC miles and CORRPOTON IN PORTLAND. j Men Risk Too Much. Life Insurance companies now are very careful about lsaunlg policies to active men over 36 years old-for the chaneee are that they have Im paired their health greatly by over work. Ot conrae, If steps are taken In time, this damage can be repaired. Mr. Evarett Neely, of San Antonio, Tex., says (n a recent letter: "My health failed lately owing to overwork, and as I did not get better after a month, I began taking Vlnol. P has given me a better appetite, helped me to sleep and built m? up In general so that I now foot like my former self. It Is a great pleae- Mayor and Aldermen ^re Arraign ed Before the Supreme Court Portland, Mo., Jan. SO.—On com plaint ot tlx citizens Oakley O. Cur tis. mayor of Portland, and five al dermen of the city appeared ln tho supreme court today to answer to charges of allaged corruption ln the city last month. The action against the elx olficlols Is brought under the raw corrupt practices act in Matno. The proceedings under the com plaint do not constitute criminal ae-, uro *° recommend Vlnol to everyone tlon, tho only penalty being tho In- j wbr needs a strength renewer" validation of the municipal election ‘ Fvery man, woman and child who and the dcharrlng of the convicted! 18 l’ 008 health, weak, nervous and Persons from holding oflloe for .a run-down, ought to know that Vlnol time. jin exactly the right thing to build Should the supreme court sustain them up and make them strong the chnrges, however, the compla!nP again. It Is made from fresh cod probably would he laid before the ,lv8r « a "d tonic Iron, without any May grand Jury and If the defend- and •* delicious to take, ante were then Iddlcted and convict. I guarantee Vlnol to do Jnet whnt we they would he lluble, nnder the'"” *> d *lve the money back If It provisions of the new law, to flnoj dc8a n0 *-- A. E. Dlmmock. end Imprisonment. Look. Lbok. ldiAen, Listen? Aro Here. ?-■■■ We hav* one 30 hors* power and one 40 horn power touring cars which art dandles, with completo outfit; top, fall set of lamp*, wind shields and tooli. Theca cars hava just' been over hauled and are in tint class condi tion and are aa good as naw. Now If yon want a bargain sea VALDOSTA OARAGE CO., lit West Hill Av*. Phone 133, Valdosta, Oa. 1-IT d aa* tun tha *w St. If you want to know anythlni 6 or * ouees nr will core any about mules and horses phone da at case of ehllle end fever. Price 16c. <>ur expense MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO., Advertise In The Daily *rtmee. I In old Grlfflth Stabla. LOST SUITCASE AND DIAMOND. Man Who ITad Taken It by Mistake Sends Dag Hack tn Waycnaa. Waycross, Jen. 29.—A mistake fn suitcases at a Waycroee hotel yes terday caused a traveling man who makes thla city headquarters, an nn- eaay day. Tbe eultcu* taken hy mistake contained, .among other tblnge, a diamond stud valued el 1100, and when the owner failed to locate hie suitcase he began to mak* we hurried Inquiries. The party get ting the suitcase also got his' right ease, which mads It hard to locate the missing bag. However, the man making the mistake fonnd It out while In a neighboring city nnd promptly sent the suitcase to the Waycross hotel. The Impression that there hat) been a robbery came to an end upon Its arrival. IOWA WOMAN WELL AGAIN Freed From Shooting Pains, Spinal Weakness, Dizziness, by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. •Ottumwa, Iowa "For yeare I was |almoat a constant sufferer from female ^■trouble in all its druntlful forma; ahootlnjr pains all over my body, sick headache, spinal Weakness, dizziness, depression, and everything that was horrid. 1 tried many doctors in different pnrt3 of tho United States, but Lydia E. I’lnkham’e Vegeta ble Compound has done more for me thtd all the doctors. 1 feel it my duty to tell you these facts. My heart Is full of gratitude to Lydia E. Plnkham'a Vege table Compound for my health."—Mrs. Harriet E. Wamplrr, 624 & Ransom Street, Ottnmwa, Iowa.' Consider Well This Advice.. No woman suffering from any form of fomahrtioublos should lose hope un til shotozA given Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound a fair trial. This famousremedy, tho medicinal In gredients of which nro dorived from natlvo roots and herbs! has for nearly forty years prayed: virtuoof Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vegeta ble (.'omiiouml. If you want special advice write to Lydia II. I’lnkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Hass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held ln strict confidence. Gas and Wind in your Stomach After vating la earned by tor- meatlig, undigested food. Bloat’s Vegetable Bitters puts what yon eat when It be longs. Digests your Mod, r*> llcvcs that heavy, uncomfort- ‘Me feeling and strengths the digestive organs. w KeEnaLE Bitters Whenever you suffer from headache, tadlgeation, bilious ness dyspepsia and kindred trouble, take one or two tabto» ■peonfula of SLOAT-a VEGETABLE BITTERS Bold everywhere this paper Georgia Fertilizer and Oil Co. Valdosta, Ga., Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE and all grades of complete Fertililizers. Importers of German Kainit, Muriate of Potash and Nitrate of Soda See Our Agents Before Buying H. Y. TILLMAN and JOE DASHER, Valdosta Local Agents