The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 03, 1912, Image 5

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ii THE VALDOSTA TOOM VALDOSTA, FEBRUARY 8, 1818. BURGLAR HAS BEENJAUGHT 'Officers are Sure Th^t They Have Right Man ERNEST BUTLER IS ARRESTER FOR FISHING TROUSERS FROM ROOM AND STEALING WATCH AND MONEY. (From Thursday's Dally.) The police officer® have a negro named Ernest Butler, a son of Wal ter Butler, In prison here on a charge of stealing a watch from Mr. Tood at the Taylor boarding house two or three weexs ago. Chief Dam-pier believes that Buit- ler la the negro who has been fishing articles from rooms through windows >by the use of a long pole. Readers of The Times will recall that a large number of robberies have occurred i n this manner. While the occupant of a room was peace fully snoozing in hla bed, some thief would go to his window and lift out his trouser^ and otb«r articles of clothing and would rolb them of all the valuables i n the pockets. Two or three weeks igo Mr. # Todd’s trousers were secured from his room by the use of a long pole. A gold watch was taken from the pockets together yrith some money ana the trousers* were thrown down In the yard. It happened that Mr. To'dfcPs watch had a monogram engraved on it and the number of the watch was regis tered with on e of the jewelers here. This made it easier Jo identify the time piece. Officers Walker • and Presley found the watch in possession of a negro named Will Scott and when Will found that he wa* about to be -'arrested he stated that he bought it . from Ernest Butler. Chief Dampler set out find Ernest Butler and finally located him. .The negro admittedihe sold the watch .to Scott, but denied that he •told it. He said that he bought the watch from a negro boy, but he did not know what the boy's name was. This is an old story which the police officers hear every day or so. The officers believe that they will get other evidence against Butler before the time for his trial. Will receive two car loads of 1,200 to 1,400 pound mules Wed nesday, January 17, and we bought them to sell. MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO., A Successful Enterprise, The Valdosrta Buggy Qopvpany has closed another successful year and 1/t Is said to be the only (buggy factory In the South which li still running full time and which is hav ing a demand for all of the vehic les It can make as fast as It can make them. The concern was organized sev eral years ago by Messrs Haven- hot to and Upson and they have worked hard to give character and quality to their Valdosta vehicles. Their business has grown steadily until now It is ono of the strongest concerns in thl§ city. Their factory hag material on hand for about 1,500 buggies and the vehicles are finished through out at their own works. Every thing Is made there an-di every thing that goes into them is care fully inspected attd tested before It Is put to use. It Is for that reason that <the Valdes** buggies aye pop ular and are in such great de mand. PERSONAL MENTION. (From Thursday's Dally.) Farmer Ed W. Ashley came in this morning with a buggy load of good spring radishes and other veg etables. Ho Is the first man to bring them to town, or, at least, he is the first to remember the edltpr with a bunch of such truck. Mr. J. C. Dukes, of Dawson, Oa., it spending a few days In the city with his brother, Col. C. H. Dukes. Sheriff Gornto and Clerk of the Superior Court R. B. Myydelton have gone to Sylvester, Ga., to serve as witnesses In the superior court there. Be sure to see the Indian club drill Friday nfght. Those taking pprt are Jesse Whitaker, Wilbur Tabor, Isaiah* Williams, WUJIe Col- yer, Taylor Andrews, Eric McIntyre, Tom Cranford, Dan Smith, Frank Roberts and James Cranford. Watch J 3 sse Whitaker do fancy sttints Friday night in the contest between Thomasville and Valdosta. Mr. Fred Mitchell left yesterday for his home In Detroit, Mich., after spending some time at Lake Alcyon and with Mr. Wilfred Lane in this city. ' Miss Pearl Lewis and Miss Caro Lewis will entertain the Married Lndies' Bridge Club tomorrow af ternoon at 3 o’clock. Isaiah Tillman and Taylor An drews are stars on the horlsontal bar. Don’t fail to see them Friday night. Mr. George McGhan and his son, of Pensacola, Fla., are In Valdosta, making arrangements to move back to this city. Mr. McGhan said this morning that he had visited nearly every town ln the country east of the Mississippi river and as far North as New York, but that Valdos ta stands head and shoulders above all of them In business, In appear ance and prospects. He says It- feels good to be here again. Mist Edna Covington has gone to Birmingham, Ala., to visit friend*. Miss Covington Is very popular In this city and wat the recipient of much social attention while here. SKRINERS ARE BOUND FOR THE VALDOSTA SAND Alee Temple Will Wel come Imperia Potentate Driving hdrnes and saddle horatr. Pe us. We’ll make the right prices and terma. -1UZEIA. JAVJLBTOCK CO. d*sv t( In Old Orlfflth Stahl?..' mo BUNCH FROM SAVANNAH WILL THEN COME TO VALDOS TA ON PILGRIMAGE FOR CER EMONIAL SESSION. (From Thursday’s Dally.) -•'be Savannah Morning Neve, ot Tuesday telle of an imposing pilgri mage which the Shrlners are to make to Valdosta when the Imperial potentate, Hon. Frank Treath, ot Farago, N. D., conies to Georgia next month. The Morning News •aya: ‘‘Alee Temple ot the Mystrls Shrine le preparing to welcome to Savannah the Hon. J. Frank Treath, ot Forgo, N. D., Imperial potentate ot the Mystic Shrine, who will ar rive the latter part ot next month to be a guest ot the temple. "Elaborate preparations are being made by the Savannah Shrlners to give proper welcome and entertain ment to the head ot the order. The program will be grouped around a pilgrimage ot Alee Temple to Val dosta, where a ceremonial eesslon will be held, and the return to Sa vannah for another ceremonial sua sion and the traditional banquet. "Many candidate* are ln watting to take the trip across the hot sands and th'e eesslon will be the most In teresting one, apart from the pres ence of the Imperial potentate. Com mittees which have been appointed already are active in preparations for the events. Following the visit of the Imper ial potentate will be another event ot great Importance to the Tenlple tor which elaborate preparations an lng ipade. _ This la tho trip Mr. Small Takes Col. D. B. Small has taMn coarse of the offlee of deputy eltpk of -.he Federal court ln this tin and PERSONAL MENTION. busily engaged ln t< If with the affairs of (From Thursday's Dally.) | Mr. B. H. Roberta he* returned office^ 111 * from Atlanta where he baa been buying stock for hla stables here. Angeles for TtelmperUl will be given his first expert.',ice ln tne court room next ll*ek when ■ A representative of the South- Judge Shepherd, of Florida, will } eastern tariff Association has been come here to hold She oquri. ' | ln VUdosta this week and the Mr. Small la receiving every as-; promise % made that thl» city la to distance poasiblejrom the retiring gPt gooi redudtlon ., in , u Insurance clerk, Mr. Roy B. Po*elt, who has . , been at the office every day .misting rAteB « * th# ,mpr0 ” d In tranaferlng the affaire of the of- *™ "erhttn* machinery which the fee to hla successor. j city has Installed. The new rate It la- understood that Mr. Powell will give tne city a saving ot about will return to the active practice of 85,000 a year Is the Item of lnrar- law In Valdosta and that he will ance, or about enough to pay for hang out hie shingle befor? long, j n llret class auto truck. His experience In the Diit-d Mates Mr, W. E. Stevens came over court will be worth muen to him -n from Mllltown end spent Tuesday lu Ms olfiee, and hla frlendr are confl. this city. Mias Bessie McLeod, of Quitman, was among the visitors to Valdosta o n Tuesday. Mr. C. E. Watte, of Camilla, was among tlio visitors to Valdosta yea- terday. Mr. R. n. Alien, of Mllltown, was among the visitors to this city yes terday. t Mr. W. E. Bates, of Waycroas, ■pent yesterday In Valdosta. . . .. . „ _ Judge W. E. Thomas, who Is hold. Serelon of the Shrine on May S. Roan AtlM , when a determined. e«orf will be , , hocked , Jury ln thlt dty thl( muds to put E. A. Cntti, put po- ; w ;„ k bjr teI1In the Jury Ju , t eIactly tentate of Alee Temple, on the Im- , vtmt „„ tho , |ght of , t „ Don’t forget the contest Friday nigh-, between the boys ot the Thom- ashllle High School Atbletle Asso ciation and the Vnldoata High School boys. Come out and root fer the home team. Thla la the first contest of Its kind ever held lu thla cl‘y and a large crowd should ho out. Mr. T. D. Seale, principal ot the High School, has been training the boys, who have many new atunte tor this year. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Zlpperer, of Dasher, Oa., announce the engage ment of their daughter, Clyde,, to Mr. Harry Wlaenbaker, ,of Lake Park, the marriage *0 take place at their home on the afternoon of Feb. 14 at 3:80 o'clock. •'<' Subscribe for The Dally, Times. If yon went to knot! 1 anything about mules and hopes phone ne at ur expense. MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO., . In old Urifflth Stable. dent that he will get a tooii practice. DON’T DELAY REGISTERING ANOTHER DAT! See the list Range users t of satisfied M In thla Vimfj pertal Divan, by having him elected as Imperial outer guard. “An Impoalng delegation Is to he carried to Lob'Angeles to repre sent Alee Temple on this oocaelon and to lend to the Importance of the effort the Arab Partrol of the temple la to go along In full num bers. "In order to do thte • special train will he required and -arrangements are now under way to secure thla. Over a hundred Shrlners are already pledged to take, the trip to accom pany the delegatee, who are E. A. Cutts, R. L. Golding, A. S. Gucken- helmer and J. Edgar Chancellor of Columbns. - The plan la to have the train luxuriously appointed and make the trip an eventful one. A stop Is to be made at Grand Canyon. In or der to help defray the expenses of the .trip the temple has bought out the Arcadia Theater for a week, during which tlrrJ. benefit perform ances will be gtacn. fhej proce< •!» of wfi ildc-’J ‘ralJJ-L. that Jurors In Atlanta have some Ideas that -do not accord- with the Ideaa of Judge Thomas, who wea brought up In the healthy atmos phere ot a good 8outh Georgia coun- j ty. The editor of The Times was In Atlanta Tuesday end the first man he met wea an old North Geor gia friend who was trying to gnt Judge Thomas’ address so as to write bom e letter congratulating him upon the ronst which he had handed- to the Atlanta Jury. Miss I.ucy Stulbhe. of Eatonton, Ga., spent lost night In this city with Mrs. Fred Brown , being on her way home from 8tockton. Mr. George SI pi peon has moved his law office from Tlfton to Val dosta and la today opening an offlee In the Strickland building. Mr. Simpson comes to VaMosta to take advantage of the Increased oppor tunities which sre offered In this eltj'Xand he will receive- a warm wolepme from tho member* of the local bar and from the publlo gen- SEEDS SEEDS Seed Irish Potatoes, Va., Two Crop, Early Rose, Bliss Triumph, or Red Bliss. Maine Bliss Irish Cobbler, N. C. Peanuts, Spannish, Large and 3mall Burt Spring Oats GARDEN SEEDS OF ALL KIND Make your hens lay by using Oyster Shells Gravel, Bone, Meat Scraps, and Egg Forcer. T. M. VINSON^ (Formerly VINSON & BARNES) 121 N. Patterson St. Valdosta, Ga. Sea Island Cotton Seed Direct from the Sea Iilands of South Carolina, grown under ideal climatic condition!, and selected with great care. Renew your seed and increase the length and quality of your staple. PRICES $1.50 PER BUSHEL Write for pricea on lots, also for our illustrated catalogue on all Vegetable, Field and Farm Seedi, W. H. Mixson, Seed Co., Charleston, S. C. For Sale. A few good Tennessee driving and work homes at Ham Brothers Stable. 1-26 d6 tw4. First La Grippe, Then Branch if*. That was the case with Mrs. W. 8. Bailey, McCreary, Ky. “My wife was taken down with a severe at tack of la grippe, which ran Into bronchitis. She coughed as though she had consumption and could not sleep at night. The first bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound gave her so much relief that she continued using It until she was p*r- manetly cured. Ingram Drug Co. See us for turpsntlne mules and woods horses. MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO., A Genuine \Bonifide Cut Price CLOTHING SALE HERE’S THE PROOF MEN’S SUITS AT HALF PRICE In order to clean up all broken lots, and not carry over any odd suits, we placed on sale today over 200 men’s hifeh grade hand tailored suits at HALF PRICE. These suits are all this season’s styles and patterns, and many of them just the color and weight you want for Spring wear. These suits are positively offered you at less than manufacturers cost There is a reason, ccrne and let us explain and show you why we do it. $30.00 Men’s Suits $15.00 $20.00 Men’s Suits $10.00 27.50 Men’s Suits - - 13.75 18.00 Men’s Suits - - 9.00 _ 25.00 Men’s Suits - - 12.50 15.00 Men’s Suits - 7.50 22.50 Men’s Suits. - - 11.25 12.50 Men’s Suits - > - 6:25 Don't Hesitate. Don’t Wait. Come Today and Get First Choice. TERMS None Sent C. O. D. None Sent on Appro val. None Charged at Above prices. DAVIS BROTHERS. "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY”