The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 18, 1912, Image 7

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f./" i ( . -rr Sr VALDOSTA TIMES, TALD06T4* | * GA* tomdat, PT' 18, 1818.' £t***X±£±* ROUND ABOUT IN 1 »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦!♦*»♦ Columbus ms, organlxe lion's Club. SoTarsl Dawson mi Irlib potatoes and Bi aril Columbus Elks plan to build or buj a boms. f Few robins barb Deen seen about Moultrie this winter. The, Spent Yesterday Out in the Climates of the Two Countries Men- * Cold and Had to Walk Severnl tioal in Many Respects. r Milos Last Night, Recent Investigations of Palestine (From Friday's Dally.) jby tha^Jewishagricultural experiment f Four- fishermen who weqt down to etatjon at Haifa show so many stnj- Oeean Pond yesterday to spend tho* llarltlea between its climate and soil - tkgja OH A Jj 1 *-- that A« Min fltfltn nf rkltfAPnlt. 1 that they will loag remember. ’ ] came ae the climax Of- a rather d Pavo Is making a strenuous effort to get eleetrio lights. Thomasville Times-Enterprise: "A widow and widower were married In Colquitt county. Together they have twenty-four children etch be ing blessed with a doten." . / Moultrie live stock dealers believe there has been a larger number o f mules sold in South Georgia this season than but. Hi.HAD BAD.mCJt>—j--d , AIJSflTINB AND CALIFORNIA;'' agreeabls day which, they spent _ the lakes add Mb' thi marshes near that of the State ot California, -that It Is believed most ot the types of vegetation can be tucceeeiully transplanted to the FaetleiCoesb 0 There are three thousand listed species which grow wild In Palestine and almost the same number have been classlfled by botanists in call there hunting and ashing. The party consisted of Messrs. D. ] B. Small, Alexander Akerman, J. M. ! toraU. Many of the Palestinian Johnson and Dibb Sims, Mr. Aker-I frult * » re <Urc * d >’ «a c » u ' man being the guest of honor. fOTnla ’ “ th ® oU «' 1 ' 0meKr&n ; _ . ,, . . . .. ate, flg, date, orange and apricot. Two of the party were out hunting The „ „ j to bo one of in the rain all of yesterday morningt 1 t and lt h now oe- whH. two othere were out on the Mniveta ln California to rival lake fishing. The party intended to famou(1 „ return home later in the day When Both <K)untr|e , haTe a warm and they observed that the weather was] that aro „ m , lar , the 8ame turning colder they decided that they, d| ; crst of and TCgela tlon ■ CHENEY’S ■ EXPECTORANT CUR8* IN A DAY isffifffa .Ms Throat, Cinty’i Ofoulhlj would not wait for the night tral-n, a t . .. t . .. within a a mall area, mountains that but would telephone to the city and, up ^ tm ttoaBaild feet attltU( ,, get an aiitomo lie. (and t desert and arid regions. A machine waa ordered from one , h6 . borea of th , ^ Sea are of the local garages and it was sen !„ mIlar to tbe edg6> ot the faraou(l AO r^ T ^ eg r- u u- Death Valley of Okllfornla.-Now out about th. time he reached Lake p , Park, so the party procured « lan- Floridn Weights and Measures. The following table gives th Mr. and Mrs. W. R. JTeel, for- K siasas'iatssir* elt-“vr*? n § r S--» - «swssm res.: - PQ r 0re * .agreeable and a hard rain waa fall-j bushel weights pf products In Flort- | Moultrie Observer- “Many form-1 ln *’ w * ,l,# “ercury was dropping j da according to legislative enact- «o buck before j Applies, dried 24 Sdin..rt“.r hCaTr££ 1 “ sreen *a , .... .. ... ,•00 It continued to set badly until Barley 48 ism. now confronting them 1. bow to )t lnu> a , Daaher dlatrIct . Vhsn Bean,, shelled ; ,, the most from spelling In the „ beg „ a bop . <tep ind , klp . tn nt. j Beans, velvet event . season of warm weather I, ^ lt 8t0 pped running site- 1 Besns.’ castor comes on. as It now seem, probaole. ] ethw Th , negr0 cbluffeur »ld Beggar weed seed Many hundred dollar, worth of melt} tbat a , i naoIat8d w |re had become 1 Bran ... raised ln the county seem. In danger aked and that he dldn . t an)r cbufa nu t, ot being lost.” I . —. —... .. 62 20 64 chance to get It to move until lt was Corn ln ear, un’-iusked .. hauled to the garage. [corn, shelled 56 So the four fishermen got out of Cornmoal . 48 the machine, gathered up their bag-j(vtton seed, upland 32 gage, consisting of guns, fishing.Cotton seed, sea island .... 46 tackles and grips, and began a alow o,lavas 54 and painful Journey on foot to town, i Millet i ;... 6 0 They reached the city about 10.30 Oats 32 passed through Nashville In a couple | o’clock, colder than a frog and wetter * Onions 56 of private cars Saturday, and we. tban an)f fl Bb they caught during the j Peaches, green .54 have been told thar they went orej da y It took good nnralng and a hot,Peaches, dried, pealed 88 Nashville Herald: ''Persistent re ports continue in railroad circles to the effect that the Georgia A Florida la about to close a deal for the Og lesby road from Adel to Perry, Fla. The officials of the Georgia ft Florida the South Georgia aad West Coast Line Monday. If this deal goes through, the main line of the Georgia ft Florida will go south via Adel in- atead of Valdosta. Nashville will be the.main Junction point of the line, and 1*0 hops to get the shops some day.” fire to thaw them out uo that they , plums could get out and look after butlnes. Potatoes, sweet matters today. 1 1Potatoes, white (Irish) | Rye See B. H. Roberts for s good gelt mule. He has Just returned from the sorghum seed -i.,,58 Tennessee markets with s carload of j Turnips t?*5 4 good ones. 2-llswtf. wheat ...60 Feed Your Cotton What It Needs And feed it properly. That’s tho only way to get big yields and large profits. Apply Virginia-Carolina High-Grade Fertilizers liberally before planting. Also make, during cultivation, second and third applications of V.-C. Fertilizers, and you can be sure of results if your fanning methods have en proper. Our 1913 FARMERS’ YEAR BOOK or |C } tells you how to get more than a bale to tho Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. If you want to get good results from your Hens in the shape of feed them our combina tion Poultry Fe Mule Feed and Lanro Dairy Feeds butter.- PHONE 103. H.F.. your, horse Georgia feel good. Try our lerease yourgmilk and Arp You n Cold finffpitr’? Take Dr. KItik’b New Discovery, the beat cough, cold, throat a^d Inn/? medicine made. Money refunded If It falls to cure you. Do not 'jesitate —take It at our r!»k. First doae holpfi. J. R. Weils, Floydada. Tex as. writes: "Dr. Klngn New Dlscor crey cured my terrible cough and cold. I gained 15 pounds.” Buy It at Bergstrom ft Newberry's. Tnrram Drug Co.'s, W. D. Dunaway' Child Smothered to Death. When Mrs. W. A. Chossne went to take her six-months-old Infant from t'ne bed in Quitman yesterday she found It dead. The child was a large one for iti age and was apparently healthy the day before. It Is thought that lo some manner It was accidentally- smothered during the night, as to all appearances It had been dead several hours when the mother found It. It was several minutes after she took It out of bed before she could realize lt was dead and the shock to both of tho parents was very great. Dr. Klng*H New Discovery soothes Irritated throat and lungs, stops chronic and hacking cough, re lieves tickling throat, taste§ nice. Take ro other: once used, always used. Buy It at Bergstrom ft N»*w- b*rry*\, Ingram Drug Co.'s, W. D. Dunaway’s, adv. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Walker re turned last night from a threo days’ trip to 8t. Mary’s, Cumberland and Dungenness, where Col. Walker went at the Instance of a committee at St. Mary's to get a personal view of the harbor and the Improvements that are ne«ded there. He and his wife were given an automobile ride all over Cumberland Island and the great Carnegie estate. He says th It Is the most beautiful place ho has ever seen, millions of money being Invested by Mrs. Carnegie. There Is no beffer medicine made for colds than Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It act* on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, opens the se tlons, aide expectoration, and re- eloreg the syetem to a healthy con dition. For sale by all dealers, ad. 207 ^Patterson. Street ‘ Preachers to Go to Nashville. Nashville. Os., Feb. 15.—The preachers of the Missionary institute of the Valiiosta district will hold a mcetlmr ’here on Fehruar yl7 nn l OOver thirty pastors and many laymen are expected to attend. CABBA6E PLANTS, FARMERS Order your cabbage plants fresh and direct from our plant beds and save the middte man’s profit. Our plants are grown near the aea coast and are atrons and tough and will stand sevtre cold without injury. All varieties, prices ti.zs per 1.000 or s.000 for Js.oo, or 10,000 for tS.oo. Address all orders to The Meggett Plant Company MEGGETT, S. C. Have You an Automatic Eye Glass Holder with the Antoinette Eyeglass Holder and Reel combined? The glasses are attached to a chain which can be pulled out to a con venient length and STOPPED automatically. A simple pressure reels the chain back again and bolds the glasses when not in use—all chance of yonr glasses SLIPPING and BREAKING Is avoided. J. a MACKEY CO. VALDOSTA, OA. . Special Notice guaranteed.' Dr. L G. Youmans Over Vinson's Drug Store. WEBB BROTHERS THE LAND MEN We are advertising South Georgia farms extensively, and wc are _ expecting many homeseekers this season. ! Real Estate to sell tee us; we can sell it. If you have If you want to buy see us. If we haven't got what you want we will find it. We have several fine farms near Hahira and Pavo, Ga., which we will sell cheap. If you wag to buy town property we have it. We are in the land 'business, and wc are doing a land business. If you want to buy or sell Real Estate write or see WEBB The Land Men. BROTHERS Hahira, Gn., Pavo, Ga. MILLFORD OIL A PURE VEGETABLE PRODUCr A Wonderful Remedy, for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Coughs Colds, Sore Throat, Bums Culs, Bruises, Old Sores, Corns and Bunions, Itch and Skin Diseases. Use a bottle according to di rections and if yon are not Satisfied your money will be refunded. PRICE, Sdc. A BOTTLE IMILLFORD REMEDY CO. ' VALDOSTA, GEORGIA nr druggist « n't supply it. •r Osru-ktepsr tnd write direct to Lowest Prices ON Cabbage Plants, Genuine Appier Oats, Brooks County Seed Rye, Burt Spring Oab, syrup Barrels, Corks, Hydrometers, Sealing Wi ax. Perfection Pecan !^ut Cracker# at Bondurant’s Drug § Seed Stork, Opposite CourtJHouse, & VALDOSJA, GA. Valdosta, Moultrie & Western R. Arrivals and Departure of Trains at Valdosta, R. Departure (Central Standard Time) ARRIVAL8. No. 2 7:25 a.m.—Leaves Moultrie 5:30 a.m., connects at Valdoata with morning trains. (Dally.) . No. 4—3:10 p.m.—Leaven Moultr'o 1:16 p. m., connects at Valdoata with all aftornoon trains except A. C. L. weat- bound. (Dally except Sunday.) DEPARTURES. No. 1 8:80 a.m.—Arrives Moultrie 10:80 a.m., connects at Morven <V wlt'a South Georgia Ry. for Adel. (Dally except Sunday.) No. 8—2:30 p.m.—Arrives Moal'.rle 5:30 p.m.. connects at Morven with South Ua. Ry. for Quitman and Hampton Springs, at Moultrie with A. B. and A. and Ga. , Northern Ry.,(north and south bound; (Dally.- E. M. WEEKS. Ticket Agent. J- L. STANBERRY, Com. Agt. 0. B .LUCAS, Traffic Manager. DR. JULIEN C. PATE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Residence Phone 634J. Office Phone 767 Cenvene Bldg. Next t<e Dr. iiolti- «D°-rff All calls left at Vlnaon'a thug Store Will be promptly answered. GO TO j Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff D. W. FREEMAN PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Residence and Office 111 Ash lay (L Phene SOS. Calls left at Bondurant'a Drug Ulore will receive prompt attention. BISHOP & GREER, ARCHITECTS Strieklend Building, Valdoeta. Ga. dental surkon. 7o get tka beet work for the laaat money. lOOKI SET CF TEETH gS.OO. Gold Crowna $3.00 and op. Impression takas Is the morning and pates delivered In afternoon. TeeMh Extracted Without Pals. Valdoata, On. B. S. RICHARDSON W. H. NEWTON VETERINARY BURGEON. 80 Yearn 1s The Practice, flam’s Stable. n Phone *lh Fire Insurance, Tornado Insurance l«w. Tear p-opetty With Blitch & Richardson If yos west the I the beat of eaiEp nothing but tha|t Strickland Mil tenon street. >■ J. Hamp Sirman CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, PAINTING, DECORATING, RENOVATING, REPAIRING, 486 W. Gordon St. - - LOUIS R. BENZ VALDOSTA’S hOCUi ARCHITECT^ Offices 110.113 *V. HID Ava. Plana and specllcaUons furnished tor all klnda of building on akeri notice. PHONE Til. 6. II. McCardel, J. if, Thomaa. McCardel & Thomas Dealere In All Klnda of Real Batata. Special Repreeentatlvee ot the Na tional Co-Operative Realty Co. Valdoata, Oeargla. tig %