The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 20, 1912, Image 3

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IBB VALDOSTA TIMES, VALDOSTA, GA., TtMSDAT. FERCABY 90, 1019, page three. SOUTH OFFERS MILLIONS FOR MEAUAISERS Great Stock Raising In terests to be Encouraged SOUTHERN RAILWAY TO START OUT A “DAIRY INSTRUCTION CAR" TO HELP OUT THE BIO INDUSTRY. Washington, Feb. 16.—"The South offers over $100,000,000 yearly to live stock raisers who will locale In that section and supply the demand for meats. The South consumes more meat per capita than any otb- ®r section of the country. Fifty Southern cities are offering over $22,000,000 yearly to dairymen who •will supply their demand for dairy products/* These startling statements are made In an unsually attractive booklet devoted to stock raising in the v Southeast which has just been Issued by the Southern Railway sys tem for distribution among stock men and farmers of the West and North(west In an effort to Induce them to move Into this region and take up the raising of cattle, horses, r.itiles, sheep and hogs, thereby en riching themselves and keeping In the South the vast sums now being paid dther sectlonn for meat and dairy products. Attention Is also given to the great opportunities for profit In raising poultry. So Important to the interests of the people of the South does the Southern Railway feel the lire stock and dairy lnduntry, that In addition to advertising to th# outside world the great field open for profitable development in this direction. It Is row operating a “Dairy Instruction Car" over *ts* lines in the states served by it for the purpose of giv ing all possible information to the people at home about raising live stock and the production of milk, cream and butter. This booklet is filled with splen did illustrations of stock, forage crcps, ideal dairies and pasture lands, and live reading matter telling of the exceptional advantages awaiting the practical dairyman and stockman in the Southeast. The wld Q circulation which this h&ndnome booklet will be given by the Southern Railway and affiliated lines should prove an effective boost for the South. . 1 Tts oftensaid tomaI(g.asaIe "Ifejust as . good as , | LUZIANNE Let no such argumentpre- . vail,to wean, „ __ |. .you from JKS'ff your fri " <l 'IyZ!ANNE '.COFFEE rTHiRmr-ljaiosGr UkrtMMusfe SMART SET IN ATLANTA WERE Ipnocent Remark About Dresses Caused it LENGTH OP DRESS TO RE WORN IN AMATEUR PERFORMANCE WAS CONFUSED BY READERS OF THE PAPERS. A Warning Against Wet Feet. Wet and chilled feet usually af fect the mucous membrane of the nose, throat and lungs, and grippe, broncMtta oh pneumonia may result. Watch carefully, parttcu larly the children, and for the rack ing, stubborn coughs give Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It soothes the Inflamed membranes and THE CASE AGAINST BOGGS. It ha$ Been postponed Until The March Term of Court. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 16.—The case against Hugh Boggs, the young ma n hom Decatur, Ala., who is In jail here under indictment, charged with the murder of J. H. Turner, a well-known negro hackman, last August has been postponed In the superior court, until the March term. The case was continued by Judge Charlton at the request of Col. R. L. Coldlng, the attorney for the defense, with the consent of the so licitor general. Boggs was Indicted jointly with J .W. Worley, a young man about the same age who was sentenced to life Imprisonment for the murder after trial last fall. The Sound Sleep of Good Health. * Is not for those suffering from kidney ailments and irregularities. The prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills will dispel backache and rheu matism, heal and strengthen sore, weak and ailing kldqeyg, restore nor mal action, and with it health and strength. Mrs. M. F. Spalsbury, Sterling, 111., says: “I suffered great pain In my back and kidneys, could not sleep at night, and could not raise my hands over my head. Btit two bottles of Foley Kidney Pills cured me. Ingram Drug Co. ACTOR DIED OP WOUNDS. TIGHTER ON THE BORDER, Uncle Sam Puts up a Stronger Guard on tlie Rio Grand. El Paso. Tex., Feb. 16.—'The American patrol of the border was strengthened today by Company K, of the Texas National Guards. The situation of the Mexican side Is tense and an outbreak is feired. Centenary of Henry Wilson. Boston, Mass., Feb. 16.—Today witnessed the centenary annlversa ry of the birth of Henry Wilson, the “Natick cobbler," who waa vice president of the United States dur ing the first two years of the second administration of President Grant. Wilson was a native of New Hamp shire, but resided In Massachusetts during the greater part of his life. He was of gypsy or Indian blood ard his original name was Jeremiah Jones Colbalth, which he had chang ed to Henry Wilson by legislative enactment. Though not a man of intellectual grandeur, Wilson was an able writer and an eloquent speak er and lent valuable assistance to the anti-slavery cause. Mark Abbott Was Shot by George Stone, Also Well Known. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 16.—Telegrams have been received this morning by members qf the theatrical colonoy here bringing the Information that the actor, Mack Abbott, who was shot night before last In New Tork by George Stone, the burlesquer, has r* of his wounds. Goorge Stone, who killed him, Is a brother of Fred Stone, of the firm of Montgomery and Stone, well known throughout *he country. Montgomery & Stone are coming South again this year, and will he In Atlanta at an early date. Atlanta, Feb. 16.—A perfectly in nocent scandal is agitating Atlanta in connection with the approaching Kirmees charity entertainment ii hlch a great many of the city’s young society buds are going to take part. The local newspapers, to stimu Kile interest in the entertainment, announced in their columns that so- and-eo and so-and-so, naming certain ch.arming debutantes, would dance in short dresses. Somebody asked how short, and the response was “About eight Inches! ’* \ Eight-Inch skirts being a little shorter than even the average hal lo* dancer wears, “Interest” waa un doubtedly stimulated. In feet, In terest bordered on excitement. Further Investigation developed, however, that the authority who bad said the skirts would be “abjiil eight inches," meant not that they would he only eight inches long, but that they would bt "about eight Inches from 'the ground.” This in formation, which would doubtless be a sad disappointment to some peo ple, has not yet been made public In Atlanta, and the public bere ]a per fectly willing yet t6. pay its rtoney to see just how short those skirts will be. YOUNG CARSON TRIES SUICIDE, BUT FAILEfi Doctors Were on the Spot With Their Stomach Pumps and Brought Him to. Atlanta, Feb. 18.—Charlie Car- eon, a young white mam 23 years of age, lost his nenr# .completely when he was sent to the city stockade a short time ago to eerre thirty days for fighting. He bad never been ar rested before, be aald, and had the idea that being sent to the chain- gang would disgrace himself and Ms family eternally and forever. The stockade doctor had ] scribed strychnine tablets as a ton ic for the young prisoner, who was not very strong, and Carson, Instead of taking the tablets as they were given him, hid them, one by one, until after two weeks he had nesu- mulated what he thought would be enough for hie purpose. Then he swallowed the whole lot at once. But the Grady Hospital interne, who are constitutionally opposed to letting anybody commit a peaceful suicide anywhere within twenty miles of Atlanta, were Johnnie-on-the-spot usual with their stomach pump, and spoiled the young prisoner’s Job. Carson has recovered sufficiently to say "D—n meddling doctors.' We Beg to Announce T O our friends and the publsc, we are now in a position' fo supply your needs promptly and have a full line of die following. Oats, Brand, Cotton Seed Meal, Flour, Hay, Mixed Feed, Coffee, Rice, Corn Meal, Hulls, Sugar, Hen Feed, Corn, Shorts, Grits, Meat and Lard. SPECIALS THIS WEEK, No. 1 N. C. Seed Peanut* and Texas Burt Seed Oats. Let us figure on your your wants and see how much a dallar will buy. JOE WISENBAKER & CO. Ill South Aahley Street He Won’t Limp Now. No more limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. “I had a bad sore on my Instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Buchlen’s Arnica Salve," he writes "but thi© wonder ful healer soon cured me." Heala old, running sores, ulcers, bolls, burns, cuts, bruises eczema or plies. Try It. Only 25c at Dlmmock’s Pharmacy, W. D. Dunaway, Ingram Drug Co. See us for turpenune mules and woods horses. Prices and terms are right. MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO.. In Old Griffith Stable*. TRIEB TO INTRODUCE A NEW STYLE IN ATLANTA Young Man Wanted Revolver Strapped to his Belt ana was Pulled for it. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 17.—Do the dead come back, and if so are they actuated by the eam 0 Jealousies and paasslons of love and hate that moved them In corporal life? These questions, which have long; Interest ed psychologists ar e beginning to in terest Georgians In a purely practi cal way. Within the past six months there have occurred In this state two well authenticated cases In which the ghost of a former husband or sweet heart has come (between the woman and her second mate and separated them. The first was the case of Mr. and Mra. Bolivar Dent, at Knoxville, Ga., who were driven apart, they say, by the ghost of Bolivar Dent’s dead 'brother, who had been engaged to marry the young woman at the time he died. The second cas© comes more re cently from Macon, In which George W. Mann, a well known Confederate Veteran, got a divorce from his wife after testifying that »h# left him because she waa haunted by the ghost of her first husband. The two stories are to a great ex tent parallel and are corroborated, ao far as it If possible to obtain oorroboratlon of such things, by thoroughly reliable people. Subscribe, for The Dally Times. First La Grippe, Then Bronchitis. That was the case with Mrs. W.S. Bailey, McCreary, Ky. “My wife was taken down with a severe attack of la grippe, which run- into bron chitis. She coughed as though she had consumption and could not sleep at night. Tho first bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound gave her so much relief that * she continued using It until she was permanently cured." Ingram Drug Co. Tift Voters Ballot March 14. TIfton, Ga., Feb. 16.—Tift county will hold Its primary for county offi cers on Thursday, March 14th, that being the date fixed by the execu tive committee. Candidates were assessed nominal ly to cover th© expenses of a pri mary, and a new registration must be used, -the lists closing March 7. In Close Quarters With a Rattler Mr. H. F. Barfield* of Hahlra, was In town today ai^d’told a Times n porter of an experlencs yrhlch l ■sna-tfu mtliPliwr^*3?fi£ti a r*«l snake yesterday.. They were engaged In sawing log with a cross-cut paw, and Mr. Barfield-instructed his son to push down the grass on his (the boy’a) side of th© log so it would not tangle the saw. The little fellow did ao and patted th© grass down on a big rat tlesnake which Ink colled beflde the log, and which tho lad did not see until his hands came In contact with It. The snak© wns numb with cold and made no effort to strike the boy or to escape. Only Its torpid condi tion kept it from biting the boy. Th© experience was one which for a tima unnerved Mr. Barfield and his aon. PENNSY. TRAINS WERE IN COLLISION TODAY Four Workmen Killed and Ten Injured in a Re ar-end Smash in Indiana. Fort Wayne, Feb. 17.—The Penn sylvania Limited, No. 5, westbound, crashed Into the local near Larwill today. Four railroad workmen were kill ed and ten were Injured. No passengers were seriously hurt. Wood’s Seeds For 1912. Our New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, and tells all about the bert Garden and Farm Seeds. Every fanner and gardener •bould have a copy of thia cata log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it give*. We are headquarter* for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, So]a Beans and all Farm Seeds. Wood’s Descriptive Catalog mailed free on request Write for it T. W. WOOD Cl SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, V&. < Almost Lost His Life. , A. Stld, of Mason, Mich., will never forget his terrible exposure to a merciless storm." It gave me a dreadful cold." he writes, "that caused severe pains in my chest, so It wa© hardd for me to breathe. A neighbor-gave me several doses of Dr. King's New Discovery which brought great relief. The doctor said I waa on the verge of pneumon ia. hut to continue with the Dis covery. I did so and two bottles completely cured me." Use only this quick, safe, reliable, medicine for coughs, colds, or any throa or lung trouble. Price 60c and $1*G0. Trial foottl© free. Guaranteed by Dlm- mbek's Pharmacy, W. D. Dunaway, and Ingram Drug Co. Reliance Fertilizer Co. A. H. Denmark, Local Manager. Office Rear Wyone Shoe Co. FERTILIZERS AND Fertilizer Materials i ' .. ..... - Factory Savannah, Ga. Warehouse Valdosta,Ga THUNDERBOLT MARSHAL CLEARED OF MURDER S. V. Toomer was on Trial for Killing a Negro Woman While Arresting Her. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 17.—S. \ Toomer, former deputy marshal of Thunderbolt, a suburb of Savannah has been acquitted It 1 - the superior court here of the charge of murdsr* ing Jennie Butler, a colored woman, last August, whll© attempting to ar. rest her. Toomer was arrested and the grand jury failed to Indict him but. a subsequent Jury Inconslderlng the case brought in a true bill. Th© trial was particularly Inter esting because of the fact that the defendant marries tie principal wit ness whose testimony practically caused th© “no bill’to ba brought In when the case was first investigated nnd under the law, &he waa not per mitted to testify. Col. H. L. the attorney for the defense »e< ired practically the same testimony through the de fendant's slster-ln-law, Mrs. Kate Curtis. Y. C. A. Meeting nt Hannibal. Hannibal, Mo., F*‘b. 15.—A nura- . r of religious workers of wide rep- ifat/on are on the program for ad dresses at the thir’y-flfth annual convention of th* Mi^ourl Y. M. C. .. which met here oday. Subscribe for The Dally Timas. Dyal-Upchurch Building, Jacksonville, Ha. Shipments made to any part o( State. Let ui have your order,. Nice dock. Well graded and manufactured. NEW YORK OFFICER TO COME FOR YOUNG BOY Son of a Real Estate Agent Runs off From Home and is Caught in Savannah Savannah, Ga., Fob. 17.—It la ex pected that an officer '.will bo sent from New York to take In custody Arthur Wagner, 16-year of age, who waa arrested here on board the Steamship, City of Savannah, upon its arrival from New York, for hav ing ran away from homo. The boy wag arrested at the request of his father, B. Wagner, a real estate agent, through tho New York de tection Bureau. Th© boy had $194 In his posses sion, this bsing the remainder of $240 he saya no took from his fath er. Arthur gays h© ran away be cause his parents forced him to go to school against hlg wishes. Arrested for Larceny. Jim Jones, a negro, was arreHtod at th© Georgia Southern and Florida depot thlg morning on an indictment from the last grand Jury charging him with larceny. He was placed In Jail and will be tried later on. 6100 Per Plate was paid at a banquet to Henry Clay In New Orleans in 1842. Mighty costly for thos© with stomach trou ble or Indigestion, Today people everywhere use Dr. King’s New Life Pills for thess troubles as well as iver, kidney tnd bowel disorders Essy, safe, sure. Only 25 cents at Dtmmock’s Pharmacy, W. D. Duna way’s, Ingram Drag; Co. * It has cost a lot of money to pro duce the best class of stock on the farms today, and every farmer realizes the importance of having the best. It is just as important to have the best flower* and vegetable* and they do not cost any more than the other kind. We sell seed* that will grow, that have been tested, and that are the best on the market. A few cents spent at our store for flowers and vegetable seeds will make a great difference in the looks of your home this summer and the good things on your table. It is a pleasure to watch them grow and to care for them. See our assortment before you buy. Ingram Drug Co., Valdosta, Ga.