The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 20, 1912, Image 8

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l’ARK EIGHT. THE VALDOSTA TIMES. VALDOSTA, OA., TUESDAY. VEUUABY SO, 1912. AUSTRALIAN BOYS EN TERTAINED AT CAPITOL Four Young Men on Educa tional Tour are Taking in Sights in America. Washington, D. C„ Feb. 19.—For- ty boy*, sent to this country by thp Australian government on a educa tional tour arrived hero today and v.ero taken In charge by a vp<*olal committee of the Chamber of Com merce, which has arranged extensive plane for the entertainment of the youngsters. Ambassador and Mrs. Bryce will entertain the visitors during the three days of their sojourn tn the national capital and arangements for their reception at th® White House by President Taft have been made. On Wednesday afternoon the I cys, many of whom are clever mus icians, while others are singers, ac tors, or ocraibats, will giv© a ina- I'nee entertainment at the Columbia Theater. Arrangements have been made to give tho school children o\ Washington an opportunity to at tend the entertainment. CYCLONXTTA FARM HOLD. \V, A. and John W. Greer, of Ash- bum and Tifton liny. W. A. Greer, of Ashburn, and John W. Greer, of Tifton, have pur chased the Cycloneta farm from C.M Orr, of Macon. This farm was start ed twenty years ago as an experi ment farm by the Georgia Southern rnd Florida Railway, and was the first and only farm of Its kind in South Georgia, a monument to the foresight and public spirit of the men who built \hl# great highway. Rut when the wreckers took the road from the men who built It, the farm went with It. It was sold to George 1-1 Ober, of Baltimore; later to J.F. •Cobb, of Cordele, and about three years ago to Mr. Orr. The farm contains 1,000 acres, 700 of which are In cultivation, and 400 stumped. Thera Is a handsome residence and four neat cottages be- rides tho out-bulldlngs. A model barn, which cost $5,000, was burn ed a few years ago. With the farm, the 'purchaser* got about twenty head of atock and a lot of valuable farm machinery. The purchase price was leaa than $40,000,* about one-third the amount It coat. m The purchasers are not yet pr«- r pared to say what they will do with this valuable property, but It la probable that be cut into small farms and told to homo-aaak- era. ...FINAL CLEAN-UP. • • Of Men’s Three-Piece Suits ANOTHER BIG LOT ... TO GO AT ... HALF-PRICE T HIS lot includes a great many medium light-weights, just what you need for spring wear. Greys, Browns and mixtures, in all sizes. Several hundred suits to select from, therefore you get just what you want at Half-Price. This lot of suits are all stylish models and tailored by the best clothes-makers. Every suit sold un der our utual guarantee. . . . . ... Here Are the Prices That Save Money $10.00 Suits Now I $15.00 Suits Njjjtw $5.00 I $7.50 $20.00 Suits Now $10.00 $25.00 Suits Now $12.50 Come Today and Let Us Fit You. SEE WINDOWS DAVIS BROTHERS ONE-THIRD OFF ON BOYS’ SUITS. t NETHIRD OFF ■wit. Circua to (lire Prrformanc. Downle and Wheeler - , clrem will <jl*. th»lr Drat performance Ip Val- doata on Maroh 9th, and they aay that tier aro going to giro a per- formance a* good aa any that haa ever (been Been tn thla «;lty. Every one of tholr nctora will he here be fore ' the ninth and aome of them are coming In now. Their advertlilng ear will begin ' work of patting up the bllli In thin city 'tomorrow and will leave h?t» the neat day on lta trip through Florida and then bark north. When the new lemon open, the circua'will have everything compete- ly new # nil the'cage, and vehicle, will be newly painted and In perfect repair and will make a aplendtd chowing. They have many animal, that are off for the winter and will he brought back here early neat month. Many of their aelora are wintering with other companlea and will re turn aevernl daya before the ahow start. out. Mceers. Downle and Wheeler are so much pleaeed with Valdoata aa a wintering place that they are think ing aerloualy about making It their permanent home. REJECTED THE PROTEST. Supreme Court. Refuting to Deckle Against the Tnaa Law. Warhlngton, Feb. 19.—The at 1 prone court today rejected the pro tect agaln.t the atate law of Trial Irapoalng a franchise tax on foreign corporations. It was brought by Oaar-Scott and Company to recover money paid un der protest ae a franchise tag. The court held that the company eould not recover. Oswald Wilkinson, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Statesville, Georgia Office at Coen Horn. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. C. H. Mason and her little datlghter, Dorris, have gone to Moul trie and Sale City, on a visit to re lative* and friends. • • # Mr. Paul Bobblt and his mother have gone to Montgomery, Ala. ■pend some time with relatives^ see Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thomas reach ed Valdosta last week^rom Athens, Ga., and are spending some time here. Mrs, Thomas' father died on the ninth of thin month at Athena. • • • An error occurred In the an nouncement of Mr. J. W. Hagan for, County Commissioner In the dally edition of The Times last Saturday, his nanto appeared as "J. W. Mor gan. Tho error was made by one of our linotype operators, who read the name wrong. • • • .Mr. Be n Lan© came over from Dougins and spent Sunday with re latives in this city. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Adame, I«ake City, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Maaaey. Mrs. Adams had been to Macon to at tend the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Reynolds Crosland. who died in Louisville, Ky, last week. • • e Mr. George 81oat, Jacksonville, has been spending several daya in this city. e e • Mr. D. B. Johnson, of Jasper, Fla. ■pent yesterday in this city. • • • Mr. W. Brantley Daniels, of Mll- len. It spending a day or two In Valdosta on a vlatt to friends here. • • • Mr. A. Huber and wife, of Moul trie, spent 8unday In this city. • e • Mias Eulall© Converse will enter tain a number of her friends at a dance at the Valdes this evening In honor of her guest, Miss Marjorie Brown, of Columbus. • • • Dr. Austin and wife, of Berlin, were among the visitors to Valdosta yesterday. • e • Mr. E. H. Jenkins and wife, of Waycrosa, were among the visitors to Valdosta yesterday. TO DEVELOP NEW COTTON. Government Officials Will Experiment to Get Bol| Weevil Resistant. Ira W. Williams, a special agent o* the Department of Agriculture under Bradford Knapp, is in Val dosta today and expects to carry on experiments here In developing variety of cotton to resist the boll weevil. The Idea of the government Is to get a staple that will mature early that the boll weevils will not have a chance at It. They claim that at the present time the boll weevils are devastating the fields and that the future of sea Island cotton depends very largely upon de veloping a seed that will bring on nn earlier crop. Mr. Williams will have a p!e?o of land on Mr. H. Y. Tillman's place to carry on an experiment. He has been making experiments of this sort (n South Carolina and other states and will also do the name work tn Florida and Mississippi Professor I*wls la carrying or n similar Srork for the rfate on Mr. P. Coffee'* plaro. They believe that they will he able , to develop a cotton that mature at least thirty day* earlier than *oa Island cotton now matures WATCH YOUR HAIR, LADIES. Eternal Vigilance Is the Price of Luxuriant and Radiant llalr. If dandruff germs are devouring e nourishment that belongs to the hair It will soon begin to fall. Furthermore it will loose Its life and luster and will become dull, faded and even look slovenly. If you have any eigne of dandruff you ought to go right to your drug gist today and get a bottle of PARI SIAN 8AGE. Thla delightful and refreshing hair tonic I* guaranteed by A. E. Dtmmock to kill dandruff germs, stop falling hair and Itching acalp or money back. And It does just what It la guaranteed to do and that's why It* sales are so enormous the country over. PARISIAN 8AGE Is the favorite of refined women. One bottle prove* Its superiority. Hones and Males. The kind yon want, the price will suit you at Ham Bros. 8tables S IS d<t w4t PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. C, R. Ashley, Jr., haa return ed to Valdosta after spending a cou ple of weeks with her parents at Waynesboro, Ga. ' • • • / Mrs. Frank Cassells, of Savannah, Is spending several daya In Valdoata with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dim mock. • • • MaJ* Frank A. Dunn of Bruns wick, I* spending a few days In Valdosta. He thinks of locating here and making thla city his headquar ters. . • • • Miss Annie Laurie Jones of Bruns wick, Is spending a few days In Val dosta with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mc- Cardle. Mrs. M. B Lane and two children of Savannah, spent Sunday In Val dosta with Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Lane. • • • Mr. P. M. Parrish, of Adel, spent yesterday In this city. Mr. Frank Coburn, of Macon, spent yesterday among his fronds in Valdoata. Mr. Coburn spent his boyhood' days here and has many friends In this city. • • « Mrs. Rates and Mies Sue Villa Monroe, of Waycross, spent yester day in this city on a visit to Mrs. mil and the Misses O’Quinn. <• • • Mr. A. Barton Hepburn, C. Wil liams, and F. Tllden Hotsendorff, of New York City, and Dr. C. A. Holti- endorff of Fitsgermld, are guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Holtxendorff. The party wont to Blanton today on a hunting trip, • • • A-large crowd was at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon to hear the organ recital by Prof. Muagrove. I* declared to have h een one of tbe most delightful occasions the people bent bar* bad.^ ^ ^ Some thief broke Into the book- eggs in tbe Methodist library one day last week and took several cards and other pfecea of literature away. There m«4t be something good about' a thief who would steal 8unday school literature, but Superintendent Richardson thinks that If this par ticular thief knew how much incon- he or »be bad caused tbe stolen literature/would be returned. The worst part about the theft Is that the glass to the case was brok en in getting Into It. • • • Mr. Rohan Kelley and bride re turned to the city Sunday afternoon from Macon, where they have been, ■pending a few days, and will re-! aide a* the home of the groom’s I father north of this city. ' • • • Messrs, L. N. Caswell and J. C. Pope came over from Perry, Fla., and spent 8unday In tni* city. They wore accompanied home by Miss Lilia Mae Caswell, who haa been spending a month with relatives here. see Judge Thomas went over to Quit- man this morning ic hold a special session of court to grant some char ters and attend to other matters of that sort • • • Letters are coming to Valdosta every day from people In other towns who are anxious to move here. Thare is a great deal of building going on, but the demand for houses far ex ceed the supply. • • • A large crowd of people went out to Pine Park yesterday to *e e the circus animals and enjoy the beau tiful day. MACHINERY FOR SALE—One 11x16 Perleas engine and 'boiler mounte<j on wheels; one 4 Ameri can wire cable drive, belt feed saw mill with 30 feet of carriage and spring receder; two giant dogs; one duplex dog, eight feet of track, one 50-lnch Simonda Inserted tooth saw, with cut-off saw rig and fittings com plete. Also one 10x14 Perless en gine and boiler mounted on wheels one Hench & Dromgold wire cable foed sawmill, 30 feet of carriage and four head-blocks, 90 feet of ways, all fittings complete. All of. this machinery Is second hand but In good condition. If Interested write Malsby Company, Atlanta, Ga., or R. E. Lee Harris, Valdosta, Ga. 2 20 dlt w2t To The Voters of Lowndes County, I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Ordinary of our county, subject to the Democra tic primary. Having been a citizen of this county for 40 year* and hav ing never before asked for an office, I feel that I can with propriety ask your support in the coming election. I promise. If elected, to perform all duties pertaining to tho office to the very beat of my ability. Your vote solicited. Respectfully, J. C. KING, FOR COUNTY COMAUSSIOXER. The many friends of Mr. J. K. White announce him a candidate for County Commissioner from the Lake Park and Dasher di*tricts, subject to the democratic primary. Mr. White formerly served the county ably and faithfully in this position, and the people need him on the board again. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Tho friends of Mr. S. J. Carter, respectfully present him to the peo ple of Lowndes couuty as a candi date lor county commissioner from the Naylor and Cat Creek districts, subject to the democratic primary. Mr. Carter 1© a man of sound judg ment and ripe experience, and hla friends aolicit the support of the voters. * NOTICE. All persons are warned not to trade certain promissory note for $88.82 signed by J. B. Ryner, in my favor, dated about Oct. 13, 1911, and du e January 15, 1912. This note has been lost. J. J. LANGDALE, 2 20 w2t Administrator. FOR SALE—40 pofinds Watsott melon seed. Apply to M. J. Boyd. 2 20 w2t M._ A Book Worth IVien $10 In Gold Free An old doctor, retired from prac- tice, don't want any patients, haa no medicine for Sale, is anxious for every man. DISEASED, WEAK. INFECTED or UNFOR TUNATE to read his book abso lutely FREE. It may save you a trip to Hot Springs, to the Di vorce Courts, the Rheumatic's Chair, the Consumptive’s Camp or the Suicide's Grave. Send yonr name and address todav. Book will be mailed you FREE postage paid. Address, Dr. A. J. Whitworth. UtC £T‘ . If it is Machinery you want, we have it Write us for catalogue, prices and terms. dBm malsby company Sooth Forsyth St, ATLANTA, GA. — We seD the following well-known good*: American, Hench & Dromgold. Oeiser “Peerless,” and Smith. Myers & Schnler Saw- Mill* in all *lzes and capacities; Erie City, Geiser “Peerless,” and Houston, Stanwood & Gamble Engines and Boilers In all sizes; Challoner. and Pericins Shingle Machinery: BandSaws, Edgeis, Orist Mills, “Peerless” Threshers, Planers, Steam Feeds, and various other Machinery, Repairs and Mill Supplies. We can fnmlsiiyou tho best Machinery on the market vA at the same time save you money. -We have oo branch bouse. ■ ' shinglesj^th m ^ Fender Lumber Company PHONE 44. 601 West Savannah Ave„ VALDOSTA, GEORGIA We carry a full line of all kinds of building lumber. FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, FINISH, MOULDING. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS V .riety shop work of all kinds—Window and Door Frames and Screens a specialty