The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 24, 1912, Image 3

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ENIT BLOCKS ERE BURNED'IN HOUSTON TODAY If weak, you need Cardul, the woman’s tonic Cardul Is nude fro n gentle herbs, acts In a natural manner, and has no bad results, as some of the strong drugs sometimes used. As a med icine—a tonic—for weak, tired, worn-out women, Cardul has been a popular success for over 90 years, FLAMES WERE DRIVEN BY A FORTY-MILE GALE AND SWEPT OVER A LARGE AREA OF THE CITY, DOING DAMAGE B8M. MATED AT FROM TEN TO FIFTEEN SI ILL ION DOLLARS— THREE CHURCHES AND MANY COMPRESSES AND FACTORIES INjg^^m OF THE FLAMES AND WERE QUICKLY ^ Be ready when croup attacks your child So sudden, so treacherous, is this disease that we say to eveiy parent be ready when , aroup attacks your child. Never be without luch was Accomplished by Retiring Members UCK5SS2SALVE Houston,Vt^W^^Wenty blocks of buildings were ^figd by the Are <n the fifth ward Ria morning and the loss Is from ten! to fifteen million dollars. i The flames were swept by a fifty tailo gale, which awept them aereral blocks wide through the hjart of the “residence and manufacturing section. ‘Twenty-five hunikta people are homeless, I" f Fully 3,000 people are out of em ployment as a result of the destruc tion of factories, cotton compresses hnd lumber yards. The city hall was threatened by the fire and threP'cfiurches were burned. The East Houston rice mill, Dew- bros syrup mills, Houmi and Lig gett, lumber plants, the Houston planing Company, Rogers Grain Company, the Houston pencil fac- The Early Report of the Fire. Houston, Feb. 31.—Fire swept the homes of many working people near the 8outhern Pacific track In the Fifth ward early this morning. The loss Is nearly one-half million dollars and 300 people are homelese. After It waa thought that the I Are waa under control. It started up again spreading until It has nearly It Is for ontward application, It quickly loosens and expels the phlegm through Inhalation and absorption, and this saves the child’s life No drugs to take—they but help dog up the breathing organs’ and thus prevent the immediate relief the lungs require This special, yat simple method of cure has won a great reputation on account of Iti miraculous effect. It is an honest reliable cure for Coughe-Colds—Croup, ABtlima—Catarrh—Bronchitis and many other throat and lung troubles. As is evidenced by the immense number of very strong and most grateful leii-s voluntarily written by those who eay they have been positively cured by it. MweJsrlsJtr. At rear DnaU’s sets IbH. Ifc., Me.,LOO VICK'S FAMILY a,dour, ..... Illlllllllllll The Woman's Tonic I Mrs. Lula Walden, of I Gremlin, &, C, followed I this advice. Readier let- I ter: “I was so weak, I when 1 first began to take I Cardul, that it tired me to I walk just a little. Now, I I can do all the general I housework, fora family of I 9.” Try Cardul for your I troubles. It may be the I very remedy you need. g swept a square, mile and has travelod a mite. 4 4 estimated that the leas la now from five to eight million dol lars. The Houston Co-opemtlre Manu facturing plant, the Harold Lumber plant anj yards, the Cleveland cot ton compress, the McFadden com press, both full of cotton and St. I Pntrlck’i church are among . the 1 VALDOSTA \ TIMES ’ COAST LINE HAD 3 WRECKS AT ONE TIE Its Streak of Bad Luck Came at a Blow WRECKING TRAIN HAD THREE CALLS AT ONCE, FREIGHT TRAINS BEING PILED UPON THE TRACK. The Atlantic Coast Line got all three of Its wrecks at the same time yesterday and It wus-difficult to de cide which one ho clear up first. Railroad officials will agree that ‘"wrecks come In trinities and they always ‘ feel that after the third wreck there la some hope for a pe riod of freedom from accidents. The Pennsylvania railroad, which boast ed of not having killed a paasenger o- had a serious accident all last year, had three wrecks last week, and people were killed In each one of them. Yesterday morning sbont -10 o’clock freight train No. 211 wan wrecked over near Thomaavllla, crossbar between two wheels under one of the freight ears broke and caused the wreck. Several ears were plied np on the track and the wreck was not cleared until about 10 o’clock last night. About the time this wreck occur red the wrecking train was clearing up a wreck down near Live Oak, Fla. When this train went back to 'Wayeross to start ont to clear up the wreck near ThomasvlUe, a mes sage was receives stating that wreck haii occurred’on the road be tween Thomarrille and Albany and that several coal care were plied np on the trhek. It was (finally decided to send the wrecking! train to that wreck first and let It. come on from thereby TbomaavlHe and clear np the one be- plac ® illd c,t J- T1 "»t aceountg ror the delay In clearing the | wr ®ofc between^here and Ellit no Injury was done any persons, but the lose In dol lars amounts to a good deal. SET FAST PAC[ FOR NEW BOARD PAGE THREE. THE VALDOSTA NORMAL COL LEGE OWES MUCH TO THE LOYALTY AND ENTHUSIASM OF THE OLD HOARD. The board of councllmen whlclf took charge of the city’s atfalrs at the meeting on Monday are going to have hard work to Improve upon what waa done by tbelr predecessors and especially by those members who stepped down and oiit at the meeting Monday. Chairman Jones, of the finance committee, made his report to the council and severed hla connection with the city, after having served as long or longer than any other man who has been on the board of conncllmen. Mr. Jonea has looked afLer the finances and he has had a job on hla hands. It Is to his credit very large measure that the city showa up aa well In financial matters as it does. Mr. Jones Is a very accurate man, and, though pro gressive, Is a stickler for economy, Mr. Jones was not a candidate for re-election, . his retirement being voluntary. Chairman Peeples, who was chair man of the fire and light committee, has alto served the city several times as councilman and he has always been for progfioa*. Councilman Peeples was also a stickler for look ing after the city’s Interest in the expenditure of money and he al- days demanded the very ibeit for the money spent. Mr. Peeples la ths father of Valdosta”! up-to-date fire department, and It la hlg progressive .work In that department which prob ably made critics and enemies among a large element which usual- Prevent Distress After Meals.,- ' Two dr thrt!o, , ’Dlg&tlt” tablets af ter bating wlln prevent or quickly re lieve that full uncomfortably feeling —try it. If \ It falls, your money will be refunded. "Digestit" J» a certain quick Relief and. permanent remedy for all stomach upsets—re lieves Indigestion i Instantly. A little tablet easy to swdllow and absolute ly harmless—SOc. Ask at A. Dlmmoek. We want to show yon our mules and good driving horses. They ere for sale. , MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO., In Old Griffith Stables. Pearson Melon. Ingram Drag Co. and he retired from a place on the boerd to look after hla own privets affairs. He waa always an advocate of progressive steps and he was among the first to advocate any movement that would pat Valdosta .further In the lead. Chairman Dekle, of the water woiks committee, did a great deal to improve that eervloe and to "ex tend the system to more remote parts of tl%.clty. He did a great eld* to ays terns nee the work St the plant and to give Superintendent Ciunrterman a great deal of valu able assistance. Mr. Dekle also re tired voluntarily from the city’s ser vice on the councjlmanlc board. Chairman Clark, of the street com- mltteee, and the «econdjg!s.n on-the financj cflsmtfttve,- had very difficult 1 ly oppose wdvanrefl stev-r TJjeHTSb-|-dutle» to perform during the past (Hfasterent 'df the bfg new ! auto ‘*0 yea™ and it Is difficult to ap- truck, in trying to pay a compliment, predate all that he has done unless to Mr. Peeples by naming the newi one e°"'d go-hack and see Just what machine after him, did him really a | conditions were two years ago. The bad service, for It gave hie political, sidewalk paving hag been extended, opponents en-opportunity to charge most of. the streets have been grand- hlm with giving the machine hla own Paving has been extended on Hill name hlmaelf. The Times reporter avenue and Patterson street has knows some things and ho happens been t put In splendid condition, to know that Chairman Peoples was Nearly every street In town baa been more surprised at the name on th# ****<1 "P ®o that permanent work BLAKELY - HAD HER HANGING BANDITS FIRED ON THE TRAIN machine than any one else. Tho«e poopl© who criticised him for buying the auto truck mlgh re member that other small cities are following Valdosta's lead In this matter and that all of them will have these new trucks In a short while. Chairman Peeples merely wanted Valdosta to set the pace. The pace makers are usually the ones that have to face the winds of opposition. Chairman Jenkins, of the sani tary committee, was one of the most can be done upon them without trou ble, and Mr. Clark has biased the way for more permanent work. The first act of th e old council waa to assist the Valdosta, Moultrie and Western road In coming Into Valdosta. That council helped the Georgia and Florida road to get into the city. That council also got behind the new college project fo* Valdosta and by the assistance whicn it gave to our representatives in the legislature, made that college possi ble. That council also started the Charlie West and Wil liam Sims <Paid, the Penalty of ’ onf Blakely, da., Fib. 31.—Charles Weal, tht Jakln desperado who kill ed the marshal of the town, and Will Sims, who murdered Freeman Spence, were executed simultaneous ly hero today. Both negroes made statements on the gallows, We«t ad mitting hla guilt but Sima protesting Innocence to the last. Sims' neck wee broken but West hung for over halt nn hour before the attending physicians pronounced him dead. Engineer Drove Passen ger Train by Them a^ of Sixty Miles an "hour. The bodies were out down at 12:40 A large crowd surrounded the Jail enclosure during the execution and after the drop fell they tore down the stockade In their eagerness to see the gruesome spectacle Inside. West’s crime caused race trouble several months ago. active members of the old council | Whltoway In Valdosta, a movement which hac since been taken up by Canton No, 9 Cotton Planter A Fine, Light, Strong, Simple and Accurate Planter, one of those Kind that ” Always Work Right. The bed wheel and aeitetor move in opposite directions, thorooehlr sen. anting the need and dropping It uniformly. The lend rsn bo cntirelr dosed without stopping me planter. The wheel hss a detachable rlnt snait esn be operated either ss a concise or open center wheel. The droppin, mechanism —i bo thrown in or out ol scar by a loot latch. Th. soars aro encased to keep out dust. Can alto be used as a Corn Drill. and Albany, Amcrlcua, Waycroaa other cities In Valdosta’s class. Th e new council ia composed progressive men and anybody can forecast a progressive administration from them. tre* writhes W. Evans, Danville, Va. "but I know now it wns indigestion, as Dr. King's New Life Pills completely cured me.” Best for stomach, liver, and kidney trouble*, constipation, headache or debility. 25c at Dim- mock’s Pharmacy, W. D. Dunaway, and Ingram Drug Co. CANTON PLOWS CANTON PLOWS CANTON PLOWS CANTON PLOWS Just received,, two cars of turpen tine and farm mulea. The price* and terms are right MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO., In Old Griffith Stable*. Larson-Forbes Hardware Co. AO Kindt of Up-to-Data Vann Machinery Penitential Curtain Falls, New York, Feb. 21.—The Lenten season was ushered In today with the customary apectal religions ser vices In all the Catholic and Episco pal churches In observance of Anh Wednesday. The day likewise mark- d the end of the winter social sea son In the metropolis. The exodus of society leaden to the warmer cll- e of the South, as well as to the resorts of Southern Europe, Is on In earnest and for forty days at least there will bo little doing In the ranks of high society. Rapids, Mo. Fob. 21,-—Ban dits attempted to hold-up the Fast Mall, westbound Chicago and North western,. train near Bertram early thin morning. Engineer Mansfield hustled the train by the robbers at a rato of six ty miles an hour, opening the valve and sending out hot steam, making the bandit, scramble down th, em bankment Th« engineer was shot through the arm a* he passed the red light In n fuallade of bullets. A posse Is puraulng the bandits. Rocky Ford Calorado Cantaloupe Seed, Ingram Drug Co. - 2 13 w4t Ingram Drug Co. 2 13 w4t Tt has cost a lot of money to pro duce the best class of stock on the farms today, and every farmer realizes the importance of having the best. It is just as important to have McXOUGHTOX’g GIG IS UP. Shocking Sounds. in the earth are sometimes heard j the best flowers and vegetables arid they do not cost any more than the other kind. We aell seed* that will grow, that have been tested, and that are the best on the market. A few cents spent at our store for flowers and vegetable seeds will make a great difference in the looks of your !J, hue Mario hi. Lrnrt Appe., home th j, iUminer and the good th j n „„ , ab]e before a terrible earthquake, the 1 There Is no Hope for Illm. ( . ■ - _ ' * warn of the coming peril. Nature't Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 21.—Thero | a ‘ 11 11 a P ,caiur ® *° Watch them grow and to care for them. That dull pain now no -human court on earth that.See our assortment before you buy# can atand (between Dr. J. W. Me-' Noughton and the gallows. Ilo is under sentence to die for having poisoned Fred Flanders. He has ap-l warnings are kind, or ache l n the back warns you the Kidneys need attention If you would escape those dangerous maladies, dropsy, diabete* or bright's, disease. Take Electric Blttera at once and sea backache fly and all you best feel ings return. "My son received great benefit from their bee for kidney and bladder trouble,” writes Peter Bon- Ingram Drug Co., Valdosta, Ga. piled to every court from tho super-1 lor, through tho court of appeals, I dy, South Rockwood. Mich, "It Is certainly a great kidney medicine. Try It. 50c at Dlmmock'a Pharmacy W. D. Dunaway and Ingram Drug WITH THE BOXERS. Promter .Edwards, of phla, ha* started work un arena In the Quaker City. Phlladel hla new Tommy Barns says be will r»- turn to Australia and take Porky Fylnn. After disposing of Porkando” ho will be ready for Jock Johnson. Horses and Male*. I The kind yon want, the price will salt yon at Ham Broa. Stable* _ - _ _ i it d« t w4t w - D> Dun * w,r ’ ln *™“ Bobby Dobbs, the veteran colored boxer of this country, who has been living In Europe for a number of years, is still fn the ring, although yean of ago. He Won't Limp Now. Mo more limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Oa. "I Mad a bad sore on my Instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Buchlen's Arnica Salve,” he writes, "but thi* wonder ful healer aoon cured me.” Heals old, running sores, nlcers, bolls, burns, cuts, bruises eczema or piles, TfJ It Only 2Ke at Dimmock's through the Georgia supreme court, on up to the supreme court of the United States, and evpry appeal has been turned down. MORE RIOTING TODAY. Soldiers has to be Called to Pat STOVER GASOCINE ENGINES Lawrence, Ha*., Feh. 21.—Rioting occurred early this morning when pickets attempted to apoak to girts on tho way to work In the mllle. Soldier* were hurried to the scene. The mills are still badly crippled. ’• ltromra.iu»intl •adaire.’ Mto STOVER’S GOOD ENGINE-1 to 60 kfi. Steam Engines, Bolters and Saw Mills Lull,. (U.|!, tad Psb,Ii| Htfil, * ificlrily % Mallary Machinery Co. — . »«« oo-TT acre*, si aeon, 00. Minnesota Retail Merchant.. Duluth, Minn., FOb. 21.—Oovor- por Bberhan, of Minnesota, Presi dent Louis W. Hill, of the Great Northern Railway, and President John W. Lux, of tho National Gro cers’ Association .head the 11,t of nehednled speaker, at the annual eonventlon of the Retail Grocer* and General Merchant*’ Aieodatlon, which asaeiphlod In *ht» 'city today ,for n two day*’ aemrion. Several hundred merchant, are in attend ance from nil over th# state. Oar* ■nlshment laws and the peddler evil pro two of th# Important analects ijlsteB for discussion. /1L Tom WntMB Melon flood. Digram “ Cq. 2 II w4t —5 Bales Instead of 3 Means 15c. Instead of 9c.— King’s a. WO INC ISPOKTSaf teste, tea* Latest Uwnum? jjspWS**®® JsrtFi Virginia Grown SAMPLES PROM 1000 REPORTS 9 W. PENNINGTON. W. N. UVU dROnr msst Cotton Seed. 6 Aero Bag FREE •f mm ty saat hr SSte VuoSu UM ?5£sra Rifts wart hr m. i. ■.■cmxjuT. ■We Sell On 9 Months Time—That Shows Oar faith-