The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 24, 1912, Image 6

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THB VALDOSTA TIMES, VALDOSTA, OA, VETERAN LANG MET DEATH ON THE HIGH ROAD His Horse Ran Away and Threw Him Prom Buggy HR HAD BREN TO LUDOWICI TO BEK HIS WIFE WHOSE DEATH IS EXPECTED AT KVKIIY MO MENT. Ludowici, Ga., Feb. 21.—Veteran J. Lang, chairman of the Liberty County Board of Education, was thrown from his buggy today and in* stantly killed. Mr. Lang was killed ab^ut a mile from Walthourville while driving to bis home from Ludowici, where be bad been at the bedside of hla aged wife, whose death in momentarily ex pected. Mr. Lang’s horse became frighten ed* throwing him out against stump, frscturlng hb» skull nesr the right ear and causing instantaneous death. Mr. Lang was a Confederate veter an, a native of Tattnall county, «but bad lived In Liberty since the war. He la well known for his public spirit and genial nature. He has for many years been an active mem ber of the Board of Education of Liberty and bis work In th^ capacity TESTIMONY OF FJVEWOMEN Prove* That Lydia E. Pink* ham'* Vegetable Com pound I* Reliable. *111 bo greatly mined. H. la iunrlred by hla wlf* and nln. children, Mr». C.- J. McDonald and Mr*. Henry Hny of Ludowici, Mr*. Beth Lyon* of Waukesha, Wl*,; Mr*. Tom Orlcc, of Savannah, Mr*. T*dl. Bike* of Mlddlebur*. Fla.; Mr*. Emma Phillips of Walthour- ▼lilt, and two sons, Nathanlat L*n, of Jacksonville, Fla., and Jo*h Lan* of Walthourville. The Interment will he In the Wal thourville Cemetery at 9:20 o'clock 'ifil* alteration. ** C - ' { NEWS OF^A DAY AMONG PEOPLE DF Evsrything Ready tzr Auto Truck Showing FIItE CHIEFS OF MANY TOWNS TO VISIT SAVANNAH TO SEE HER NEW FIRE DEPARTMENT IN ACTION. Savannah, Feb. 11.—Everythin* In now In readiness for the gigantic demonstration which will be given by the local Are department wltn automobile apraratue with BaedviUe,Ore.—"I can truly reeom- ill 0HVHI1I1H11 C3TQCII 3I1( mend Lydia B. Pinkham’e Vegetable Wllinlllinil _ „ ,] — larm Seeds me a well woman after (offering three years." — Mr*. Mary Boa art, Reedrille, Oregon. New Orleans, La. — " When passing through the Change of Life I was troubled with hot flashes, weak and dizzy spells and backache. Iwasnotfltfor anything until I took Ly dia E. Pinkham’e Vege table Compound which proved worth its weight In gold to me." - Mm.oA8- TON Ulondeau, 1541 Po- lymnia St, New Orleans Mishawaka, Ind.-" Wo men passing through the Change of Life can take . nothing better thaa Lydia b I E. Pinkham’s Vegetable th* Compound. 1 am reeom- . . . . 7ncnningittoallmyfriends which It has Just been equipped, f 0 r because of what it has the benefit of the Are chiefs of the S^'^RulSSst. Boath ’ Flre cMM * ,rom nl<:ltmon, ’ Mishawaka, Ind. 'lo New Orleans hayi been Invited. Alton Station.Ky.-“For It I* expected that ono hundred Tie- month* I suffered from n. E g flremen will be here. Many of *•« '.he city t night. A could not live. Lyaia E. parade of the an tom or lies and * few Pinkhom’s Vegetable horse-drawn machlnee, which are :.«id¥wantotherauffering ,n re * PrV0 held In Hardware Comp^&^a-jdece, thonee- omen toknow about it” the morning, followed bv * denon- curing a cant book and prising bars Mr*Emma Bailey, Alton gtratlon and conteat. In the after- 1 Delaem, NaDsk.°—“1 was passing noon * ^'W®* W " 1 b ® h * d ,h ® through Change of Life and felt very Cnslno, Thunderbolt, bad. I could not^elcmji and ^was very To Decide Sunday Law. Wood’s Se For 1912. Our New Descriptive I it fully up-to-date, end i about die best I AT, FEBRUARY 84, 1018. Every farmer and gardener should have a copy of this cata log, which has long been recog nized as a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it given. We are headquarters for Grass and Clot Potatoes, Seed Soja Boons Wood’s free on request FIVE SPARKS STORES ENTEhED Burglars Get * Practically Nothing, Taking Only Money. Sparks, Fab. 21.—Some tlma dur- the night,''.Here were live stores In tM* place opened by 'burglars. En trance was first secured by breaking glass window at 'he Sparks nervous. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound restored me to perfect health and I would not bo without It”—Mr. F. M. Thorn, Delsem, No. Dik. The question of closing the fruit at doors and windows of McPhauI Brothers’ grocery store, P. N. White hurst’s shoe store, G. W. White hurst’s store, the postoffice and S. M. McCranie’s grocery s’ore. Noth- CHIEF OF POLICE IS no BY RECORDER .Savannah’s Chief and the Po lice Court Judge are at Outs Over Matter. Savannah, Feb. 31—Just whst will bo the outcome rf me difference wLlch has arisen betweri Chief of roliee W. O. Austin ani Judge Jno E. Schwars, recorder of the local police court, which waa evidenced for the flrst time when the court 'Imposed a line of 925 npon the head .of the police department for con tempt In not complying with the ol der of the court. Is problematical It Is generally believed that the rapture had Its beginning In some other way than that which brought about the trial. Both officials re main Arm' In their decision, and It la likely that city counell will tako - cognisance of It tonight at the reg ular meeting. The contempt proceed ing* against the Chief remitted <n hla failure to deliver to the attorney Physicians of Tlirre States, Columbia, 8. C., Feb. 21.—Tho Tr!-0tate Medical Socloty, embrac ing North and South Carolina and Virginia, met In this city today and waa called to order by the president. Dr. J. Hdwell Way, of Wayneayllle, N. C, The taro days’ program pro vides for more than one hundred papers and addrerse* dealing with subjoota of Interest to the mod lea. profession. Stands and other places of business j| n g was stolen but IF.20 from Mc- on Sunday, which haa brought about Cmnle’s grocery store, 93.10 at the. a controversy between the mlnlstsm postofflee, In cash, and a faw pennies and those who favdr an ’’open 'city" | from tho other etores. These are will probably be definitely decided al] the article* that-hare been found at the meeting of the city coindl missing. No trace of the burglars tonight. The police committee com- has been located. gallon at a meet- conference with 'he the Savannah Min- last night. The made to conncll to- matter definitely set- One car 1 toad of driving and woods horn's received last wipk. Seo th MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO., In Old Griffith Stables. Wisconsin Library Workers. Janesville, Wla., Feb. II.—Jason- Title la entertaining for thro* days he annual convention of the Wis consin Library Association, the tweaty-fliM annual meeting of the organisation and tho largest. In point of attendance In the history of the sesoclatlon. Cities, towns and colleges throughout th* state ar« represented. '• Georgia Rattlesnake melon seed, 'ngr-- a Co. 1 13 wft Y. M. O. A. Prospering. Now York, Fob. 21.—One of th* moat Interesting features of tho bi ennial convention of the Young Mena Christian Association In New York State, which met at the local hradquartera here today for a wo- (Jays' session, consists or the reports of officers and committees showing the remarkable growth and prosper ity of the organisation. According to these reports the total member ship In this state now exceeds 60,- 000, while the association owns 50 buildings with an aggregate value exceeding $10,000,000. Is Organized, am county of of Ohio, of tho "organized meeting hold Hannon Cluh ex pect to get busy at once In th* In terest of their candidate In th!? sec tion and expect to "wake things up” before tho national convention Ml*. Many Invitations Rent Ont Invitations have been lent ont lo practically every port In tho world to which Savannah ehlpa cotton, to cotton dealers to attend th* oele- bratlon which will he field at the Savannah- Cotton Exchange Sa’nr day night In honor of Savannah’s record In reeelVtng two million bales of the staple, ttjs not ex pected, of course, that any of theso will attend, hut 'hey will be Inform ed of Savannah’s accomplishment. Special Invitations have been sent to Judge Emory Speor or the Uni- States District Court, Judge Walter Charlton of the superior court. Judge Davla Freeman of the city court and Mnyor Tledeman. Sev eral of these officials will probably called npon for Impromptu speeches. The banquet will be en tirely Informal. -A tempting menu haa been prepared. It la proposeu to make the occasion a memorable on*. Tho Sound Sleep of Good Health. Is not for thore suffering from kidney aliments *nd Irregularities. The prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills will dispel backache and rheu matism, heal and strengthen sore, weak and ailing kidneys, restore nor mal action, and with It health and strength. Mrs. MJ F. Spalsbury, ’ “ , .*reat could Foley Kidney Pills will cure any is* of tor Charles Cowans, colored, 943.91, which the court ruled belonged to *•••«» kidney or bladder trouble .. v ._, not beyond th# reach of medlc'ne. the negro after exon era. lag him of No m(dlQlnt can d0 mor e. Ingram th* charga of robbing R. R. Hobbs jjrug Co. of $61 Sunday night. The case has aroused a mild ate- nation In 8arannah, n« the recorder and chief of police. have been warm friends for several year*. Alpha Delta Phi MeeUag. Springfield. Mao.. Pah. It.—The Alpha Delta Phi fraternity, four!- •d at Hamilton College In 1931, be gan It* eightieth annual convention hero today a* the guest of the Am herst chapter. The meeting will last thre# days and will bare as speaker* President Benjamin Ide Wheeler of the Unlvemlty of Cali fornia, President Harris of 'Amherst College, and Charles 8. Whitman, district attorney of New York City. Farmer* Meet at Satina. Rallna. Kaa.. Feb. 21.—A Urge slid representative attendance mark ed tho opening her* today of the an nual convention of the dine- Ion of the Farmer*’ Educational ttt-d Co-operative Union. The presence of severe! of the national officer* and well known agricultural educators promisee to make the meeting on* of the most successful ! n the history of the organization. Rocky Ford Colorado Cantaloupe sed, Ingram Drug Co. 2 13 w4t We have stables at Montgomery, Alt., Valdosta and Dongiat, Ga., Llvs Oak, Tallahassee, Mariana and Chip- Icy, Fin., and It taken Iota of mulct for us, consequently we buy cheap. 8ce ut. MIEELL LIVE STOCK CO.. In Old Orlfflth Stables. Show-. LOW SHOES ARE WORN DESPITE COLDWEATHER Atlanta Women Cling to Pumps and Low Cuts SHOE MEN DECLARE THAT IT TAKES A M1LLLNE21 TO KEEP UP WITH THE MANY FANCY THINGS IN SHOES. Atlanta. Ga„ Feb. 21.—The latest thing ln. # shoe8 will be cold feet;* if this present weather continues, and the craze for low shoes end puuips alio continues. These cunning bits of footwear are now being donned by Atlanta worn* en, though there is stin ice on the street about half the time. Leading shoemen say that the average size of footwear sold in Georgia cities is 3^ to4, and this lH about the smallest average any where outside of China. Atlanta women keep their feet trimly dresed, as the present style of short sklrtg reveals to the ven turesome eye of the public. The very newest fad is a revival of the colonial styles with their stunning buckle* of silver* nickel and bronze. A smart feature of these now co- lonlals is that the tongue and buckles are lightly fastened on and may be removed for the flat bow that will transform them Into pumps. The rihoe men aay It takes a milliner to keep up with the different iancy styles for shoe trimming this j^ason, but they declare that the feathered shoes, told of In the Paris dlspatclu ee, will scarcer ever become popu lar with American women. They would cost too much, and the style la foolish from an^Amerlcan point of view, they declare.” $100 Per Plate waa paid at a banqjuet to Henry LTay'/fl-Jtew Orleans ln\I842. Mighty costly for thos© with stomSch Trou- “Is There Any Freight for Me?” If you had a telephone on your Farm a con versation like this would save you a long and prob ably useless trip: “Hello 1 Is this the depot (or express) Agent?’’ “Yes.” ' “This U Mr. Johnson on Rural Route No. 5. Is there any freight for me today?” “No, it hasn’t come yet” “Thanks. I will call ybu tomorrow.” If you want to know how to have a tele- E hone on your Farm, at small cost, write for our ee booklet Address Fanners line Department xS; SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY 33 South Pryor St, Atlanta. Ga. If it is Machinery you want, we have it Write us for catalogue, prices and terms. MALSBY COMPANY ;41 Soofh Forsyth St, ATLANTA, GA. We tell the fbnowing well-known goods: American, Hench & Dromgold, Oeiser ‘‘Peerless,” and Smith, Myers & Schnler Saw Mills in all sizes and capacities; Erie Ciiy, Oeiser "Peerless,” and Houston, Stanwood & Gamble Engines and Boilers in allslzes; Challoner, and Perkins Shingle Machinery; Band Saws, Edgers, Grist Mills, "Peerless'’ Threshers, Planers, Steam Feeds, and various other Machinery, Repairs and Mill Supplies. We can furnish yon tho best Machinery on the marketed at the same time save you money. -We have no branch house. > JOHNS GIVEN THREE YEARS. ble or Indigestion. Toronto, Ont, Feb. 31—The 1st- «v®wwber* use Dr. King’s New Life •Ilia for these troubles ss well as pet models prdduced by 100 Amort' can automobile manufacturers have been Installed In the armories for he annual show of the Ontario Mo tor League. The; nzhlbltlon haa Its formal opening tonight, Lleuten- Oovernor Gibson officiating, and will continue an entire week. A Warning Against Wet Feet. Wet and chilled feet usnallv af fect the mneous membrane of the no»e, throat and liitigi, and grlpps, bronchitis oh pneumonia may result. Watch carefully, part'em larly the chllJren.and for the rack Ing, stubborn coughs give Foley’s Cement Show Opens In Chicago. Chicago, Feb. 2l.—Chicago’s llfth annual cement show opened In the Coliseum today and will laat one week. Th? principal attraction this year Is an exhibition of Thomas A. Edison’s concrete furniture. Bcsldea the Edison exhibit there are numer ous other new features, from the "poured home" to the "cement "gun.” First La Grippe, Then Bronchitis. That was the case with Mrs. W.8. Ballsy, McCreary, Ky. ’’My wife was taken down with a aevere 'attack of la grippe, which run Into bron- chlUa. She roughed as though she had. consumption and could not sleep at night. The flret bottle of Foley'* Honey and Tar Compound gave her so much relief that the continued using it until she was permanently cured.” - ^ < tegram Jlrug Co. Iver, kidney and bowel disorders Issy, safe, aura. Only 25 cents at Pimmock’s Pharmacy, W. D. Duna way’*, Ingram Drag Co. Eden and Kolb Gem melon seed. Texas Wain Stalled, Dallas, Texx., Feb. 31.—'Trains were stalled la Northwest Texas to day by one of tho heart cat snow dorms In years. Drifts ss high as a man's head were reported lo the panhandle country. At Amarillo, Tox„ street car* stepped and b’Jfll- ncm was almost suspended. The Sonnd Sleep of Good Health « not for those suffering from kid ney oilmen's and Irregularities The prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills will dispel backache and rheuma tism, heal and strengthen sore, weak and ailing kldneye, restore normal action, and with tt health and strength. Mrs. M. F. 8pa1abttiy. Sterling. III., saye: "I eultered great pain In my back and kidneys, could not steep at ntght, and could not raise my hands over my head. But two boxee of Foley’s Kidney Pill* cured me." Ingram Drug Co. Young Savannah Man Waa Convict ed of Crooked Doings Savannah, Feb. 11.—The lengthy story told by Amos C Johns, who •nww-aeratenaiL.In the superior court Today people kere c ji arge4 with larceny anw trust of $500 from the local agency of Swift and Company, Impressed the Jury of eleven so,little that a verdict of guilty (not guilty) was returned. He was sentenced for three years. Johns told a story of haying led a wild life and of being robbed in the tenderloin district of $400. He accounted for all of the other short ages. Johns was tried by a Jury of elev en men by agreement of the state and defense following th* announce, ment received by T ,J. Grlco, a Ju ror, that his father-ln-Iaw, Mr. Joshua Lang, had, been killed In a runaway between Walthourville and Ludowici. Our buyer live* In 8t. Louis and therefore li ready to pick up every bargain that preaenta Itself. MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO.. In Old Orlfflth Stable* One hundred and twenty-live head of good farm and turpentine mules elnd farm mules on hand. Terms and prices will ault you. , MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO., Eggs, Day Old Chicks and Ducklings. of quality, from the five greatest breed* known—Ringlet Barred Rocks, Single Comb White Leg-" horns, White Indian Runner ducki. Buff Orpington ducks and fawn and whits Indian Runner dueke. Our ehlchrtbd ducklings are hatch ed In a mammoth hot water Incu bator. Two thousand layiag hens on thle farm. Write for catalogue and price list No. 30. Hunt's Foul- try Farm. Valdosta, Ga. Clark or Wilson? Oklahoma City, Okla., Feb. 21 — On the eve of the amembtlng of the Democratic state convention, which will meet here tomorrow to select the detegates-at-large to the Balti more convention, all signs point to spirited contest for control be tween the supporters of Chanp Clark and Woodrow Wilson. - The name of no other candidate for the 5 or 6 uuees of ■■■96'’ will euro any Democratic nomination It likely to can* of rbltte and favor. Price 96c. figure In the proceedings. Men A Book Worth $10 In Gold Free An old doctor, retired from prac* tice, don't want any patients, has no medicine for sale. i« anxious for every man. DI EASED, WEAK INFECTED or UNFOR TUNATE to read his book abso lutely FREE. It may save you a t^ip to Hot Springs, to the Di vorce Courts, the Rheumatic's Chair, the Consumptive's Camp or the Suicide’s Crave. Send your name and address today. Book will be mailed you FREE postav-e paid. Address, Dr. A J. Whitworth, M ' C SH5: See ue for turpentine mule, and woods hones. Prices and terms are right. MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO.. . In Old Orlfflth Stables. Georgia Fertilizer and Oil Co. Valdosta, Ga., Manufacturers of HIGH GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE and all grades of complete Fertilizers. Importers of GermamKainit, Muriate of Potash and Nitrate of Soda See Our Agents Before Buying - H. Y. TILLMAN and JOE DASHER, Valdosta Local Agents