The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 24, 1912, Image 7

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SHERIFF’S SALES. IsohaiA—Lowndea Count/. be told et the Court home i the county of Lowndee on it Tuesday In Unrch, ISIS, j the legal hour* of tele to the heat bidder tor each, to-wlt: all certain tract or parcel of land : and being In the 11th lanjt let of aald county of Lowndee, land being the weat halt of lot num- | bar 1I>S In aald dlatrlct, containing i 245 acrea more or leaa, aald proper ty levied on *a the property of the eatate of Lang Howell to aatlafy an execution laeued from the city court of Valdosta In favor.ot the Virginia. Carollna Chemical Co., and againat the aald Lang Howell, aald property being In the posaeaalon of C. F. Howell, administrator of the aald Lang Howell. Thla the 9th, day of February, 1912. J. E. GORNTO. Sheriff. GEORGIA—Lowndea County. WU1 be sold on the drat Tuesday In March next, at public outcry, at the Court House in said county, within the legal hours of *ale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property., of which the following la a lull and complete description: Six (9) two-horse wagons, known aa “Dixie'’ wagons. Levied on as the property of J. A. Campbell, to satisfy an execution Issued from the city court of said county in favor of Shadburn Brothers against J. A. Campbell, aald property being In the possession of the said J. A. Camp bell. This the 8th day of February, 1912. J, E. GORNTO. Sheriff. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday In March next, at public outcry, at the court house In said county, within the legal hours of salf, to the highest bidder for cash, certain prop erty, of which the following la a full and complete description: One shingle mill complete, con sisting of one hand feed shingle ma chine, one hand bolter complete, one v cut-off saw, a lot of sbaftlug, boxes and all necessary belting. One 25 horse power center crank engine, one 30 horse power return tubular boil er, on e timber cart, dogs and chains, said property levied on as the prop erty of John Lane & Son, to satlfy a n execution Issued hem the city court of Valdosta In and for said county in, favor of the Valdosta Gro cery Comiiany, against John Lane ft Son, Johp Lone and Tillman Lane, erty being In the posses- ;he said John Lahe. le 8th day of Feb., 1912. J. E. GORNTO.-Sheriff. ftGIA—Lowndes County. Ill be sold on the first Tuesday (arch next, at public outcry at /Court House in Bald county, bln the legal houfa Of sale, to | highest bidder for cash, cer- peisonal property of which the following i t a full and complete de- (ption. One flat-car, numbered and mark ka follows: MABRR No. ,102. -ild property levied pn as the prop erty of- Blountstown Manufacturing Company to satisfy ah execution In rem Issued from the City Court of Valdosta in favor of Southern Loco motive A Car Manufacturing Com pany against said Blountstown Man ufacturing Company. This February 8th, 1912. J. E. GORNTO, Sheriff. Petition for Charter. STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Lowndea. To the Superior court of Bald County: The petition of Dl Ingram, O. H. Jneberger and G. W. McCulley. all of said state and county, respect fully shows: That they desire for them selves, their associates and succes sors, to be Incorporated under the name and style of Ingram Seed Company for a period of twenty yeart, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration ot said time. That the object of said corptf- ration Is pecuniary gain and profit to -Itself and Its stockholders. That the business to be car ried on by said corporation Is that buying, selling and generally dealing In all kinds of seed, poultry supplies, stock food and remedies, and other lines of merchandise. That the principal office of said Company shall be In tha city of Valdosta, Lowndes county, Geor gia, bnt they desire the right to es tablish branch ofilces and agencies and carry on said business, or any branch thereof, In such place or places In and ont of sntd staid aa may be deemed advisable. 6. That the capital stock of said common, divided Into shares of 9t00 corporation shall be 810,000, all each, but they desire for eald cor poration the right from time to time, whenerer authorised by a ma jority vote of Its stockholders, to Increase said capital stock not to exceed 925,000, and to similarly de crease the same to an amount not below the original capital stock. They desire that aald corpo ration shall have the right to one and he sued, plead and be implead ed, have and cse a common seal, make all necessary by-laws and reg ulations, make contracts, Jiorrow money, execute notes or other evi dences of Indebtedness and secure the same. If necessary, by mortgage nr other form of lien: to buy, l«ne. hold and sell real es’ate, to lend or Invest tta fnnds In such way as It may deem proner, and generally to do all such other things aa may h» necesaary for the successful ew-ry. Ing on of said business. They desire for said corpora tion the power and authority to ap ple for and accent amendments *.o ite charter of either form or «ae- Btnnce, and to wind np, liquidate and discontinue Its business at any Ime by a majority vote of Its stock holders. , Wherefore, petitioner* pray to ue Incorporated under jthe name and style aforesaid, with all ths powers, privileges and immunltlss/Jsnal or ipddsnt to similar' .ops. end suhiect to alt restrictions and lia bilities Imposed by law. . E, K WILCOX, Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in office this 20th dny of lanuary, 1912. PAUL MYDDLETON .Deputy Clerk. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. I,' Psnl Myddleton, Deputy Clerk, „ of the Superior Court of said cor'.Tjf' ty. do hereby certify that the lotW. A going Is n true and correct copy of IT; the application for charter Of In- PETITION FOR CHARTER, gram Seed Company is the same ap- GEORGIA—Lowndes County, To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that S. G. Kasantas and R. F. Linebarger aa administrators ofthe estate of John Kasansas, deceased, have applied to tb« Ordinary of said county for leave to sell all the real eatate of the said John Kaxanias for the purpose of distribution among the heirs at law of said eatate. Said application will he heard at thg regular term of aald court ot Ordinary to be held In and for said county on the first Monday In March, 1912, and all parties are hereby cited to show .cause If any they have at aald time and place why said application should not bo granted. This the filth day of February, 1912. S. O. KANZANZAB, R. F. LINEBERGER, Administrators of the estate ot Joh n Kaianiae, Deceased. ORDINARY’S” ADVERTISEMENTS. PETITION FOR CHARTER, GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To tha Superior Court of aald coun- tyl The petition ot Robert R, Wright, M. C. Cason, Anthony Simon, Robert Ruahlng, P, H. Brown and A. J. Hall, all of said stats and county, re spectfully snows:- 1. That they desire for them selves, their associates and succes sors, to he Incorporated and made a body politic, as a social, charitablo. sod benevolent society under the name and style of “The Willing Workers." ‘ 2. The term tor which petitioners desire to be Incorporated Is twenty (20) years, with the privilege of re newal at the expiration of that period. 3. The location and principal of fice of aald corporation shall be lu the city of Valdosta, Lowndes coun ty, Georgia; but petitioners, desire tbg rlgbt to organise lodges at -Ah- er places In said county, and la oth er counties ot said state, and In oth er statei throughout the United States. 4. Bald corporation has no cap), tal stock,, and la not organised for pecuniary gain, but tor social, char itable and benevolent purposes sole ly. 5. Petitioners desire the right to receive by purchase, gltt or be quest, all property both real estate and personal, necessary for the pur poses of said corporation, with tbe right to sell or tucumher, by mort gage, lien, security-deed, or other wise, tho tame tor the promotion of tbe object of said organisation. Petitioners further desire the right to charge and collect a mem bership fee, and either weekly or monthly, duet from each member ot said society, and to expend all money that may come Into the hands of the treasurer of said BOciety, for the current expenses thereof, and for the relief and benefit ot sick and destitute members, and for the burial of tbe dead, In auch manner aa may be provided for by the by laws ot Bald organisation., WHEREFORE, Petitioners pra. to be Incorporated under tho nun... and style aforesaid, with the pow ers, privileges and Immunities, here in set forth, together with such oth er powers, privileges, and Immuni ties as are now, or may hereafter, he allowed a corporation ot similar character under tbe laws of Geor gia. WHITAKER ft DUKES, Petltloera’ Attorneys. Filed in office the 15th day of January, 1912. R. B. MYDDELTON, Clerk. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. I, R. B. Myddelton, Clerk of ths Superior Court of Lowndes County do hereby certify that the foregoing la a true and correct copy of the ap plication for chater of “The Willing Workers" as the sama appears on file in thla office. Witness my official signature, and the seal of eald court this the 16th day of January, 1911. R. B. MYDDELTON, Clerk Superior Court of Lowndea Conn- tha name of said amendment to ite Wherefore. Petitioners pray that their raid charter be amended, aa •et forth In the foregoing petition, end that-stn order be passed by the court, making aald amendment. In accordance with the lay la each eases made and provided, WOODWARD ft f$MITH, Attorneys for Petltlonera. Filed In office on this the first day of February, 1911. PAUL MYDDELTON, Deputy Clerk Superior Court, STATE OF GEORGIA — Lown.tos County. . 'jji I, Paul Myddelton, deputy clerk Jf the Superior Court of said county, Jo hereby certify that thsj above and foregoing is a true and correct copy cr the petition for amendment to charter of the - Farmers’ Tfnloiy Warehouse Company, aa ths tame appears of file In this office. Given under my h»nd end the seal of this Court, on tblp,. tho let day of February, 1912. PAUL MYDDELTON. Deputy Clerk. peaA on file In this office. witness my official signature end the eeai of the Court hereunto af fixed, this January >0, 1912. PAUL MYDDLETON Deputy Clerk. Year’s Support, GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Tbe report ol the appraisers ap pointed to set apart a year’s support to the widow of Lewis Payton, de ceased, having been duly filed: Thle Is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to ehow cause, If any they can, why said report should not be admitted to record and be made the judgement ot the court on the flint Monday In Mirch, 1912. A. V. 8IMM3. Ordinary. GEORGIA—Echols County. Whereas, W. M. Moore, and Frank Parrish, administrators ot estate of W. M. Moore, deceased, represents to the court In their petition, duly filed and entered on record that they have fully administered w. M. Moore’s estate: This Is, therefore, to cite all per sona concerned, kindred and credi tor!, to show cause. If any they can, why said administrators should not he discharged from their adminis tration. and receive lettera ot dtsmts- »lo n _on the first Monday In March, J. E. rARRIBH Ordinary. sio n o 1912. Year's Support. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Tha report of the appraiser* ap pointed to set apart a year’s sup port to Mrs. John Quincy Zippercr, widow of Marlon M. Ztpperer, de ceased, having been duly filed; This Is to cite all persons concern ed to show cause. It any thny can, why said report should not be ad mitted to record and be made the judgement of the court on the first Monday In March 1912. A. Y. SIMMS, Ordinary. Petition for Charter. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To th? Superior Court of Said County: The petition of the Southern Mo tor Supply Company respectfully shows: 1. That It |s n corporation ehsr- tcred by the aald Court on the 2<th day of July, 1911, for the purport of dealing In automobiles, automo bile supplies, and In all kinds of personal property and real, eatate, aa fully set out In Us charter, with Its principal place of business In Valdosta, aald county, and that It has been dulv organised and Is do ing business under Its said charter. 2 That It desires to change Ita corporate. name from the Southern Motor Supply Company to Smith Hardware and Motor Compnny. Petitioner embodies herein a certified transcript from the minutes of a meeting of the stockholders of eald company, held on January 2ft. 1912. authorising the •proposed change in name aa follows: “Re- solved. That the charter of the Southern Motor Supply Companv he to amended at to change the nerae to Smith Hardware end Motor Pom- nanv, and that application he made to the Superior Court of eald coun ty for the proposed amendment, and that the attorney for. th( company prepare and file the eald application at once.” T certify that the shove le e true and correct transcrip* from the min utes of a meeting of the stockhold ers of the Southern Motor Bnpply Company, held on Jannarv 2ft. 1912. O. M. SMITH. 8ecrelarv. Wherefore, petitioner prays tha*. the shore amendment to its ehart“r he granted, and that Its rnmocate name be changed from-Sonthem Motor Supply Company to Smith Hardware and Motor Company. Reanectfnlly submitted SOUTHERN MOTOR SUPPLY I'O.. Rr O M. Smith, Preetdent and Arty GEORGIA—Lowndes County. T eertlfy that the above and fore, rolng Is n true and correct copy ot the application of the Southern Mo tor Supply Company for an amend ment to Its charter, now of file In this office. In witness whereof I here hereun to set my hand end seal on thla 25th day of January, 1912. PAUL MYDDELTON. Deputy Clerk. STATE OF GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To the Superior Court of Said County: The petition ot tbe Farmers’ Union Warehouse Company, a cor poration under the law* ot Georgia, with It* principal plaoe of buslnese at Hahlra, In raid county, respect fully ehowe: First—That on November 16th, 1908, petitioner wae duly Incvrpo- rated by an order of the Superior Court ot raid county, for t term of twenty years, tor the purpose of en gaging In the bualnen ot warehouse men end other klnde of business, is •et out end described In the orlgl- cal petition tor charter. Second—That tbe fifth paragraph of the petition for charter provides, among other things, that tbe capi tal stock ot said corporation ahall he two thousand dollars, divided Into shares of five dollars each: that no one ehell be a stockholder who Is nbt a member of tho Farm- Edncatlonal and Co-operative Union of America: that no vtock- holder shall own more than twenty aharea and shall have bnt one vote. Third—Thet the said corporation has been duly orgnnlcod and Is now doing business under Its raid char ter. Fourth—That said corporation rte- •Ircs to amend Its charter by e'rlk- Ing the fifth paragraph of Ite origi nal petition, and by Inserting In Hen thereof the following words: “That the capital stock of aald corporation shall be two thousand dollars, di vided Into shares five dollars each, with the privilege of Increas ing the same from time to time, by a majority vote of Its stockholders, to any amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, and with a like privilege of decreasing the Same from lime to time not below the original capital of two thousand dollar*. Petitioner* desire the right to have the subscription,* to eald oapltpl paid In money or property »o he taken at a fair valuation. That the entire capital of two thousand dollars has already been >.t!d In.” Fifth—Petitioners show further thnt a mistake, wa* made In Its char ter, In that the charter epoenre to hare been granted In Echols coun ty. when the tame wae In tect granted In Lowndes county. Peti tioners desire that raid mistake he corrected. Sixth—Petitioners show further thnt at a meeting of the stockhold ers of Slid corporation, held et Ha- h-lra on January 11. 1912. and a!«o e.t a meeting of Its director* of Mid corporation, held at raid time and prratlon to apply for and obtain, 'n place, a resolution wae passed on- thortxlng the president ot aald ror. poratton to apply for and obtain. In PETITION for charter. GEORGIA—Lowndea County. To the Superior Court of Bald Coun ty: The petition of T. M. Slneath, R. A. Lawson, Turner Jones, I. A. Hodges, A. H. Denmark, E, * Smith, G. W. McCulley, and J. _. Webb, all of aald state and county respectfully shows:,, 1. That they desire for them- selves, their associates, successors and assigns, to be incorporated and made a mode politic under the name and style of Sineath-Lawson Com- panj. 2. The term for which petitioner! ask to be Incorporated la twenty (20) years, with tbe privilege of re newal at the expiration of that time. 6. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain to Itself and stock holders. 4. Th e principal office and place of business of said corporation ehali lie at Hahlra, In said state and coun ty but petitioners desire the rglbt and power, by proper corporate action, to establish branch offices and place: of business elsewhero in said coun ty, state, and In other states 5. The capital stock or said corporation shall be teti thousand (810.000) dollars, divided Into shares of on* hundred (9100) dol lars each, the full amount of which has been paid In. Petitioners, how ever, ask tbe privilege of Increasing aald amount from tlm* to time by proper resolution of the stockhold ers, to an amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand (625,900) dol lars, and tho right then of decreas ing the same to nn amount not Ices than the original capital stock ten thousand (810,000) dollar*. 6. Petitioners propose to carry on principally., a general mercantile and aepply buslnese, and desire the right and power under eald corpor. ate name to buy for cash or credit, dry goods, notions, shoes, groceries of all . kinds, tertlllWre, end fertlll- xer Ingredients, farm implements of every kind, pn!tunt*r*'b»Sgle« aIlll wagons, and to sell the samu a: wholesale or retail, and to buy and sell either at wholesale or retail all such other articles end things as are neually embraced In a general mercantile and supply business, and all such articles and things a* may be profitably handled la connection with said business. They also de sire the right and power of dealing In all kinds of farm products,'to gether with the right to erect and operate ginneries for (he ginning of cotton, or warehouse for the storelng ot cotton, seed, fertiliser, or other ar- Hntne* thaw JmIba !■ aJAIiI—*, ale A. be oer- . _ Is that tag, bolding, and fcal- . .... ... -Rate of all kinds. In cluding .timber and limber rights and primage*: the taking, holding knd telling-options on real estate, making loans on real (state, taking mortgagee, deeds and other forme vt security therefori negotiating and obtaining loan* on real eatate and charging eommleelone therefor; act ing as agents or broken for prop erty owners In selling, renting or otherwise disposing of real estate of all kinds, and charging commis sions thorefor: to own and operate farms and to Improve and develop real estate, and to own and operate manufacturing plants, and generally to deal In all kinds of property, both real and personal. Including stocks and bonds slid stock In other cor porations. Fifth—The capital atock of said corporation shall be twenty-fire thousand dollars (926,009), with 'he Privilege of Increasing the same from time to time to any amount not exceeding >100.000, end with a like privilege of decreasing the same from time to time not below $10,- 000. Bald stock to he divided Into shares of one hundred dollaia each. Petitioners desire the right to have the subscriptions to eald capital mid In money or property to be taken at a fair valuation. That ten per cent ot the capita), has already been paid In. Sixth—Petltlonera desire the right to ana and he sued, to plead and be Ijnpleaded, to hare and use a com mon eeal, to make all necesaary by laws and regulations, and to do nil other things that may he necessary for the successful carrying on of eald business, Including the right to borrpw monoy and to execute notes and bonds as, evidence of Indebted ness Incurred’ or which may bo In curred In tha conduct of tho affairs of the corporation, and to eecnre the erne by mortgage, security deed or “her form of Hen, under existing lews. Seventh—They desire for said eor- ,, poratton the power end authority is, jo apply for and aceept amendments to I's charter, In either form or sub stance, by a vote of a majority of Its stock outstanding at the time: they also ask authority foy said cor poration to wind np It* affairs, liqui date and discontinue lie business- at any time It may determine to do so, by a vote of two-thtr'de of the vtoek outstanding at the Urns. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be Incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, with the powers, privileges end Immunities herein set forth, and »* are now or 'may hereafter be allowed corporations of similar character, under tha laws of Georgia, and subject to all of 'he restrictions and liabilities Imposed by law. WOODWARD ft SMITH, Attorneys for Petitioners. Filed In office, thla the 17th day of January. 1912. PAUL MYDDELTON, Deputy Clerk. GEORGIA—Lowndee County. I, Paul Myddelton, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of said Coun ty, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing Is a true and correct copy of petition for charter now on file i n raid office. In wltnese whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal on thla, the 17th day of Jannary, 1912. v PAUL MYDDELTON, Deputy Clark Superior Court tides; they desire In addition tha right lo (buy and sell and generally to deal-In all kinds of live stock, an,] the rlgbt to buy and sell real aetata for profit or to take options On real estete with a view of buying or sell ing the seme, as well aa the right to act a* the agent ot-other* in th e buying, or eciilng, or otherwise dealing In real estate, or speh oth er property as tray be ------ died by said corporal WH ERLFORE, Petitioners pray lo be made a body corporate under the name and atyla aforesaid, en titled to tbe rights, privileges, and Immunities, and subject to tbe Ha il.: ties fixed by law. - WHITAKER ft DUKEB. Petltlonera' Attorneyi. Filed In Office thla the 6th day ot February, 1912. PAUL MYDDELTON. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court, Lowndes County, Ga. GEORGIA—Lowndea County. I, Paul Myddelton, Deputy Cleft of the Superior court of said coun ty, do hereby certify that th* forego ing Is a true and correct^copy ot th* application for charter of Th* Sln- eath-Laweon Company, as the asm* appears on file In thin office. - Witness my official signature and seal of raid court, this the Stb dny of February, 1912. PAUL MYDDELTON.. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court, Lowndes County, Ga. PETITION FOR CHARTER. STATE OF GEORGIA — Lowsler County. To the superior Court of Held County: The petition of X. S. Pendleton, Philip C„ Pendjoton. Albert S. Pen dleton end William F. Pendleton, nil of said county of Lowndee, end Charles !. Harrell, of the coanty of Brooke, respectfully shows:.. Flret—Thet they deelre tor them selves. their associate* and (assess ors, to be Incorporated end made a body politic under the name' and style of PENDLETON REALTY COMPANY, for e period of twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the expiration of that (Ime. Second—The principal office of said company shall be In the city of Valdosta, raid state and county, ont petition"* dee're the right to es tablish ore net- office* elsewhere. Administrator's Bale GEORGIA—Lowndea County Under and by virtue of an order from th* Court ot Ordinary at the •ptember Term, 1911, will be rail oofore the Court House door lo •aid county, on the first Tuesday ta March, 1912, between the legal hour* of sale to the Highest bidder for oesh, the following described property to-wlt: NInety-eIx (99) feet fronting tbe Atlantlo Coast Una railroad, running back Sontb seventy-nine (79) feet and being part of let No. 378 bounded as fol lows: On the North by Atlantic Coast Lino rlde-away, on the south by Mfa. Legett, on the seat by pub lic rot'd going to Btatenvllle and on the west by land* ot J. B. Wither*, end being part of the eetate of W. M. Force deceased. Said land sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said aside. MRS. OCEANNA FORCE Administratrix GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Tols January 4th. 1912. All parsons having claims against the estate of J, Z. wlscnbskor, de ceased, will file them with the un dersigned, properly sworn to, and all persons Indebted to said estate, will make Immediate payment to me. MRS. AUGUSTA C. WISENBAKER OEOROIA—Lowndes County. Under and by virtue of en order . tho court of Ordinary of raid connty, will be sold nt public outcry the highest bidder for cosh with- the legal hours of rale on the fire: Tuesday In March, 1912, at the Court House In said county, the fol lowing real estate, situated In the city of Valdosta, Lowndes county, Ga., to-wlt: On e end one-half acres ~ land situated In the western part the city of Valdoate, end bound- on north by lands of Mery Hagan eaat by lands of William ]ones, on th* south by lllll Avenuo and on the west by Cherry street. Thle the sixth day of February, 1212. R. B. MYDDELTON, . Administrator of th* estate of Third—Th* object of raid torpo- j* m e# Richardson. FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Lowndes County: I respectfully announce myself SI a candidate fsr the allies of ordinary of thle coup's, subject to tbs nomi nating primary. I will appreciate our rotes and support and promise r elected to devote my entire time o the duties of tbe office- I have ved among yon for tbe past thir- ocn years, and feel myself competent ’r. successfully handle the affaire of he office. It will be my aim to work or the Interests of tbe people st all Imes. Respectfully, W. J. DURANT FOR ORDINARY. To the Ctttsene of Lowndea Coun ty: 1 respectfully announce myselt a candidate for tbe office of Odl- nary of thla county, subject to the primary election. If elected, 1 promise a faithful performance of tbs duties of tbe office Owing' to my affliction with rheumatlcm, I am unable to per form tbe duties of trarellng wise- man, so long held by me. I have never been a candidal* before, end aik and need your sup port. My past experience lu office will enable me to successfully fill the poeltlon. Very respectfully, CLINTON GRIFFIN 22 d tt FOR ORDINARY. To The Voter* of Lownee Couuty: I take this method of announcing by name for re-election to the ot- flee of Otdlosry of Lowndee county, subject :o the action ot the (Coming Democratic Primary. I respectfully solicit the support of the many voters of the county and wish to return tbanks to my friends who barn stood so loyally by me In the past, and wish to so licit their continued frlendcblp and support, promising them, of course, a faithful performance of my duties in tbe future, as In the past, as > understand them. Very Respectfully, A. V. SIMMS. FSR ORDINARY. To the Ciuscns of Lowndes county: announce myself a candidate for Ordinary subject to the coming primary. I will appreciate the cup- port of the voter* and I premia* li elected to give the people ot Lown des county my whole time and at tend strictly to th* duties ot th* office. I highly tppreelate all pait favors shown me by the people of oui county. 1 hog to remain, Most respectfully, J, F. PASSMORE. FOR ORDINARY. I hereby announo* myself n can didate for Ordinary of Lowndes county, subject to the DamoermUe primary. 1 was born and reared In ths county, and In nil of my mors than 6C >aara ettlienahlp have never been n candidate tor.any office before. Now, however, 1 respectful ly solicit the cupport of the voters. It I am elected I promise the most lalthful service 1 am capable of, and shall rigidly attend to tho duties of th* office. I (hall deeply appreciate »our tote. Respectfully,’ W. L. MOROAN. To The Voters of Lowndee County, I hereby announce myself a can- dtdat* for the office of Ordinary of our county, subject to the Democra tic primary. Having boen a cltlsen of this county for 40 years and hav ing never before asked for an office, feel that I can with propriety uk your support In the coming election. premies. It -elected, to perform •II duties pertaining to th* office to th* very bast ot my ability. Your rot* soUeltsd. Respectfully, J. Of KINO. . Tax Collector’s I wish to announc* myeelf a can didate for the office of Tax Colector of Lowndee county, subject to the coming Democratic primary, I also wish to thank the citizen* anj voters ot Lowndes county for their kind ness and support given me In the past. Very reapectfully, 2 6 tf U. O. GEIGER. For County Commissioner, The friends ot I. H. Dees, of tho Clyattvllle district announce him n candidate fur County Commissioner, subject to tbe democratic primary and aollclt ‘ho support of the tax payers and votear of Lowndee coun ty. 2 12 tf FOR COMMISSIONER. To the Voters of Lowndes County:, I announce myself a candidate fob re-election xo the office of county commissioner of Lowndee connty for Naylor and Cat Creek districts, (ab ject to coming primary. GEO. L, TOUCHTON. 2-19 tt. , J ANNOUNCEMENT. To tha Voters of Lowndea County: I respectfully announce myselt s candidate for the ofiled of Connty Commlselom-r of Roads and Rev enues for the Valdoeta district, sub ject to the Democratic primary. My record as chairman ot the board for four years is known to the peopl* of the county and 1 respectfully so licit your support on that record. Very respectfully, J. W. HAGAN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The friends of Ivey S. W(eonbs- ker announce him »s a candidate for re-election on the board ot coun ty commisaloners of Lowndes coun ty, subject to the Democratic pri mary, and solicit for him the votes of his friends and the people gener ally. Mr. Wltenbaker has made a fathful and efficient commissioner, end will continue his beet efforts t<0 the county If re-elected. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The friends ot Mr, 8. J, Carter, respectfully present him to the peo ple of Lowndee county so a candi date for county commissioner from the Naylor and Cat Creek districts, subject to the democratic primary. Mr. Carter I- * mat) of sound Judg ment and ripe experience, and hla frlenda solicit . the eupporf. ot the voters. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The many friends of Mr. J. K. White announce him a candidate for County Commissioner Vom the Lake Park and Dwher districts, subject to the democratic primary, Mr. Whit* formerly served the connty ably and faithfully In this position, and the people need him on th* board again. , FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby annonnee myeelf a can didate for re-election on the botrd ot eonnty commlaloners from the l.’nhlra and Lower Fork districts, subjedt to ths Democratic primary, and will appreciate the support ox the votern. If tbe people see lit to re-elect me, I shall continue to give the county the best servloe I am ca pable of. M. MARSHALL. 2-20 tf. Tax Receiver's Notice. I beg to announce ffiiyself a can didate for re-election tr thV position of Tax Receiver ot Lowndea connty, subject to tb* coming primary. I bave faithfully and conaihentlously discharged th* duties of tho office lo the past and again request the con fidence and support of th* voters at th* polls. Respectfully, C. 8. BACON FOR TAX RECEIVER, hereby announce myeelf e can didate for tax receiver of Lowndta county and subject to tbe democratic primary and will appreciate your Tot* and Influence. Respectfully, CHARLIE K-_ HOWELL. FOR COMMISSIONER. 1 take this method ot announcing myself a candidate for ro-eleollon ou the board of Coanty Commission er*: from the Oustey and Clyattevllle districts, subject to the Democratic primary. I (Will appreciate tbe sup port of ‘.he cltlsen* generally, and If re-elected will cantina* to give the hist service I am capable of, 2-20 tf. W. A. SIMS. FOR COMMISSIONER. I am a candidate for re-election on the board ot County Commission er* of Lowndes eonnty from the Val dosta district, subject to the J)etno- crstlc primary, and will appreciate the support of ray friends end tbg voters generally. Respectfully, 2-20 tf. J. P. COFFEE. A Penn Mutual Policy It tbe beet of all from a policy holder’s atandpuiot; lowest coctl absolute safety, largest dividends. Get The Beet—Do It Now. Women ineured on the seme terms as men. Surety bonds of all kinds furnished et the lowest cost, by the strongest company In th* world. I have power of attornay to execute hoods hare, P. M. CHENEY. Insurance and Surety Bands,