The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 27, 1912, Image 2

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wns Valdosta times, valdosta, ga-, Tuesday, February *t, ma. THE BOYS CORN CLUB IN GOOD Contributions Are Made by the Merchants FRIZES VALUED AT *230 AID* TO 1)13 OFFERED FOR BEST YIELD OF CORN I.V THIS COUX- *»• +Atu The boys who are members or the Boys' Corn Cluh of Lcwndes countv nave a splendid opportunity to win lome very handsome prliee offered hy the merchant* and btialneoe men of Valdosta. So far about 0200 have * been subscribed And there are al ready about 30 of the hustling hoys of Lowndee-ready for the fray. 'Any boy between the apes of 10 end 13, who wishes to try his hanl at rowlnr corn should let his teacher ' are hts name and -he teacher will • d It to Mr. O. V. Cunningham at THton, Oa„ and he will send It on 0 Washington. This Is abaolntely receeeary In order to participate In :'ie prises offered. If a hoy Is not so- '~.g to school he may send h1s name -et to Mr. Cunningham. The teachers of the county are urged to co-operate In this work by Insisting that their boys enlist. Here Is a Hat of the prises offered 'he hoys of Lowndes county: V. I,. Converse. Beet Berkshire rt'g, 323.00, will buy 323.00 C 3. Bondurant 10 00 A J. Strickland. To those who use hla gnano, 1st prise 15.00 Second prise to those who use hla gnano 19 00 Dsris Brea. *15.00 salt If large boy ■but, or *10.00 salt If ' s*igl\S>y win*. . 'First National Bsnfr „ 20JI0 J. F. Lewis 5.00 Tlcrloy Hardware Co.. 1 Colo Corn and Cotton Planter • X 12 50 ReqrMa Fertiliser A Oil Oo„ 1 ton gnano 32.60 W. H. Briggs Hardware Co., 1 Diverts* Cultivator ...... r.OO •T. E. 4k W. P. Roberta, 1 Oes- Whla Cultivator 0.00 Smith Hardware A Motor Co., 1 Rcd-lUpper Guano Dlrtrtbu- ter ... 10.30 B. F. Strickland 10.00 V’rglnla-Carallna Chemical Co., of Valdosta 1 Gold-filled Elgin .watch to hoy winning with Vlrglnia-CaroIlM Chemical Company's fertiliser* .... 15.00 Wlnn-Jones Company 1 pair Wlnn-Jonea Shoo Company's ahoea for laimest yield .... 5.01 1 pair Wlnn-Jones Shoe Com pany’s ahoea for brat ton-ear exhibit 4.00 A. Convene A Co., Btetson Hat 5.00 Life Saver In a letter from Branch- land, W. Va, Mr*. Eliza beth Chapman says: “I j suffered from womanly troubles nearly five years. All the doctors In the coun- r did me no good. I took Ardul, and now I am en tirely welL I feel like a new woman. Cardui saved my lifel All who suffer from womanly trouble should give Cardui a trial." Take The Woman’s Tonic 50 yean of proof have convinced those who tested it, that Cardui quickly re lieves aches and pains due to womanly weakness, and helps nature to build up weak women to health and Strength. Thousands of women have found Cardui to be a real life saver. Why not test It for your case? Take Cardui todayl Total *188.ii0 Mr. W. L. Convent Issues 'ha fol lowing signed statement to the Hoy's Corn Club of Lowndes county: "In order to encourage bett'v farming and. In panleular, dtverul- ftrstton In farming because of the boll weevil's rapid approach upon ns, I hereby offer a* a priie to the hoy "ho la winner In the Bcy'e Corn Club of Lowndra county, the ducat Berkshire male pig that *15 will buy." x "W. U CONVERSE. Theta are atilt other prise* yet to be offered which will bring the total np to at leaat *230.00. Thotle should ha tome corn grown Ihli year. Lowndea ha* the toll, the climate, and the necessary moisture supply, Hahlra and Lake Park merchant! are determined that their communl tics shall bo represented In this work nd are offering handsome prizes. Hahlra Is offering *100.00 to the boy of that community, end Lake Park *25 to the hoys of that district. A lie*, of the members of the Floy ’em Club of this county will be ■bllshed In The Times as noon as the club It completed. To The Boye and Teachere of Low* dee County: Them seems to be en Impression abroad In the county that nnlaas as many as ten hoys from each school enter thara cannot, be any contestant for prliyt In that district. Mils la mistake.! If only‘op* boy from each school were to join the oonnty club It le all right and they would he entitled to contest for all prises of fered In' title county, In this district, end in this state, eleo. tor all na tional prise*. Shocking Bounds. In the ear*,h ere sometimes heard before a terrible earthqueke, the warn of the coming peril. Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache In the beck warm you the Kldneye need attention If you would escapo those dangerous maladies, dropsy, diabetes or bright'! disease. Take Electric Bitten at ones and backache fly and all you boat feel ings return. "My son received great bensflt from their use for kidney and bladdar trouble," writes Peter Bon, dy, South Rockwood. Mloh, "It certainly a great kidney medicine." Try It 50c at Dlmmock's Pharmacy W. D. Dunaway and Ingram Drug Co. See ut for turpentine mule* and woods horses. Prlcaa and terms ere right. MIZEI.L LIVE STOCK CO.. In Old Griffith 8tables. i Tor Externa BISHOP CAMILKH AT SPARKS. Will Lay Corner Stone of Now Build ing Sparks Colleglalo Institute Oa February 27th Bishop Warren Candler of Atlanta, On., will deliver an address at the Sparks Collegiate Institute end lay the cor ner at one of tho new building* now In process of construction. The exer cises will begin at 11 o'clock a. m. and the public la cordially Invited and urged to hear this man ot world wide fame. Dinner will he provided tor ell rleltors. This Invitation Ip extend ed by the hoard of trustees ot tho Sparks Collegiate Institute. A. W. REES, For the Board. WATER WORKS COMMITTEE’S ANNUAL REPORT A Good Showing Made in Old Committee Report SOME VALUABLE RKCOMMKVDA- TIONS IN KEGAItD TO IMPROVE MKNTH THAT ARK NEEDED AT THE PRESENT TIME. MEMORIAL SERVICES. To the Honorable Mayor and Coun cil. Gentlemen: We your water work* committee beg to hand you the official report of Superintendent D. S Quarterman, for the year Juat ended. Wo would recommend that you Increase your reservlor capacity at your eallest convenience, alao put larger mains in the ibuaineai section of the city. Alao recommend that you pur chase a larger site for your plant at once for the present one lg entirely too small and the growing city will have to hav« same as soon as the money cn n be provided for this pur pose. &; also wish to thi tendent D. S. Quarterman splendid showing made for the past year nnd for his faithful work he haa don e in behalf of the dty.'jjg We also thank each of the em ployees at the plant for their co operation In helping to keep the ■yatem up to its high standard at all times. We desire to thank City Engineer W. H. Gainey and Clerk T. N. Hol combe for their valued aaiiatanoe during our term. Respectfully submitted. E. E. DEKLE. Pictty Services Were Held Yesterday I la Honor of Francis Willard. (From Saturday’s Dally.) One ot the most Intonating meet ings ot tho Woman’s Christian Tem perance Union wa* bald In memory ot our plonoeer leader. Frances E. Willard, at the First Christian Church, Friday afternoon. The meeting was opened with sing ing the song, A charge to Keotr I Have.” Her. William', the pastor, then read the first nine veraeg of the 14th chapter of Mark, after which he led In prayer. Several bright little girls, trained hy Mias Emma .To Britt, gang a song entitled: "Right ’’ Mrs. T. 8. McKey read n sketch of the life of Miss Wil lard, In which she paid many beauti ful tribute* ta. her memory. A reading. “College Otlcana,” was then given hy 'it 9 - T. H. MeKcy, which was thoroughly enjoyed by ev ery one present. The president. Mrs. J. G. Stevene then made a beautiful talk about 'he wort a d mad - s mor earr at er> appeal for a greater, and more united effort of the Christian women. She suggested that one Monday In each month be given this great cause. If all the Christian women of Valdosta could have heard Mrs. Stevena, we feel Bure their Interest and sympa thy would have been so much arous ed that greater things would be at tempted and aoeompllrihed In Ibis most Important work. The meeting closed with the “Mlx- pah” 'benediction. for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities. Folev Kidney Pilla are tonic in action, quick in resulti. Refuse substitutes- INGRAM DRUG CO., Valdosta, Ga. We Beg to Announce —K “ TO our friends and the public. we are now in a position to A supply your needs promptly and have a full line of .the following. Oats, Brand, Cotton Seed Meal, Flour, Hay, Mixed Feed, Coffee, Rice, Corn Med, Hulls, Sugar, Hen Feed, Corn, Shorts, Grits, Meat and Lard. SPECIALS THIS WEEK, No. 1 N. C Seed Peanuts and Texas Burt Seed Oats. Let us figure on your your wants and see how much a dollar will buy. JOE WISENBAKER & CO. M 1 South Ashley Street FT 11 "I Roy to Reformatory. % ! United States Marshal Ralph Slyddelton and Mr. Robert Thomas have returned from Wash Ington City where they went lam week to carry a negro boy to the re formatory. The boy waa from Belp bridge and wns arraigned at the last term of the federal court here on charge of opening letters or tamper lag with the mall. Judge Sheppard sentenced him to one year in the ie- formatory. Dying From Paralyt(o Stroke. S .8. etnnborm, a traveling men whose home is in AuguaU, Me., was stricken with paralysis while buy- lug a ticket at th* Atlanta, Blrmlng- and Atlantic depot la TUtoa Wednesday night, and le In n dying condition. Hie right aide I* paralysed and attending phyalcltni aay that he cannot recover. Th* clerk of ■ ho tel at Tltton saw him fall nnd b* wae carried heck to hla room. He le said to be a thirty-second de gree Mason and n Knight of Pythias, Ho had a fraeipt among hi* papers tor hla does Jrom a Maeonlc lodge ot Angnita. Secretary Blalock ot the local |Odra wired hla people, hut ae the wires ware all down on teconnt of tho storm, has not yat heard from - Mr. Btanborm te 39 year* ot age, and apparently well-to-do. (Chairman We^er RVorke, February 19th. 191*. ’ 1 Valdosta, On., Feb 13. 1911. To The Honorable Mayor nnd Coun cil, City ot Valdosta, Ot. Gentlemen: As Superintendent of the City Water Works I wish to submit my annual report of the condition of the Water Works property also the financial condition ot the depart ment Buildings. The buildings are In good condl lion, during the year we bed to re new tho roof on the reserrolr and the fene« around the reservoir, at coat of **T4.00. The woodword at the plant, tlso the floors have bee n painted thl* year, tho work having been done hy the regular crew, coat of material ***.00. Total cost ot above work, and ma terial *201.00. Machinery, The machinery ot the plant and condition of same Is te follows: Two return tubular bollera. No. 1. yean old, No. 2. 9 year* old, Iboth In lint clue* condition. Two holler feed pumps. No. t. Gar dener 0x10x4. Outside pecked Du plex, 5 year old, flrat class condition. No. 2. Snow, 3x3x4, Duplex, fair eon- dttlon. 10x8x11x9 three pressure pump* Two 8now compound. Du- rlex. Capacity, combined, 1.500.000 gallons per day. Fair condition. Oil. One Plat Iron Works Duplex com pound, 10x12x18x12, capacity one and one half million gallons per day. First clesa condition. Two sir compressors. On* Duplex ■Ingle stage, 10x11x10. Ingereoll Sargent, 000 cubit feet. Free nlr capacity. One condensing cross compound, Corlees. two stage. Ingehsoll, Rand, nlr compreeaor, 1,350 cubit feet. Free air capacity. Ingereoll Sargent In poor condl- tlon. Ingersoll Rand machine In first class condition. The two enow pumps have been thoroughly overhauled this year at a cost of *347.63. The Platt Iron Worka pump wae repaired at a cost of 388.00. The stacks on 8 hollers was eat off and painted at an expense ot t»5. Total cost of maintenance for this year on Maehlnaa. *410.61 Total met ot matntalnaaee for this year on bnlldtng*. *01.00 Total Plant malntataance for year :.*710.51 rpen- jrlcee Jnst rccelyl.. two care of We mules. ’ The nnd terms are right MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO„ In Old Griffith 8tablee. Total number unmetered Fumpage. No. gallons pumped this year...; 1 .. 145.381,350 No. gallons water pump ed last year.. 155.535,700 Tone coal consumed this y»«r .... .... 855 Tone Coals consumed last year 938 Ms Ins. No miles mains In service 15 Free Water. Amount of water fur nished schools, church es, Fire Department, drinking fountains, street sprinkling, sew er flushings, etc.. In estimated at, Includ ing hydrant rent.... (5,300.00 Th* domestic preeure Is main tained at 40 to 50 pounds. The fire presnre le limited only by •trenth and capacity of the main*, and Is raised to 120 pounds ae a maximum limit, upon the sounding of en alarm, „ ' Financial Statement. 130 tons roal at 33.45..$ 551.00 Packing Pipe and fittings 87.50 38.20 _47.10 848.19 No services In use last year.... No services In use this ; New Service* put I Total No.-Services. 1 Ie thl* year... : In this kfar.. » materod.... Uncollected water rent. One-half quarters water rent due. April 1st.. $1,500.00 Total *1,572.99 Amount collected this year *12.698.20 Amount spent this year 12,428.05 By adding the amount collected nnd the In ventory, wo have.... *10,228.28 Adding the amount spent this year and tho In- venterr et last year.. 12,898.08 * 1,348.28 Substrecitng we have *3,248.28 above operating nnd mnlntalnnncv expense. Free water te not credited nor te Interest and depreciating charged. Tour Superintendent of water wnrke has ' no recommendation to make In th*» rcirrt, bnt will he pleased to make a verbal report of the needs ot this department at such time aa the conned may wish to tako np this matter. Thanking the mayor and conned, ■nd especially Mr. Dekte. tho chair man ot this committee, as wad as tho heads ot.tae other department* for the eonrtnstra extended na dur ing this administration, we" respect fully submit this report. D. S. QUARTERMAN. Superintendent Water y/ I NAiir Lumber Company* Dyal-Upchurch Buildinp, Jacksonville,“JFla. Shipments made to any part ofl[State.) Letjus have your orders." Nice stock. WeU graded and manufactured. "■ 5 —i r~.. Jf A. H. Denmark, Local Manager. . Office Rear Wyone Shoe Co. Reliance Fertilizer Co. FERTILIZERS AND Fertilizer Materials Factory Savannah, Ga. Warehouse Valdosta,Ga JOHN DEERE STALK CUTTERS * AND DISK HARROWS CALL IN AND SEE THEM W. H. Briggs Hardware Co. Valdosta, - Ga. sHiNGiis M £\TH M f^ Fender Lumber Company PHONE 44, 601 West Savannah Avc., VALDOSTA, GEORGIA We carry a full line of all kinds of building lumber. FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, FINISH, MOULDING, SASH. DOORS, BLINDS V ariety shop work of all kinds—Window and Door Frames and Screens a specialty. * Works.. —