The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 27, 1912, Image 3

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N >- THB VUJMjSTA TIMES, VALDOSTA, UA, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 1012. Page three, THE MURDER OF* ETHEL KINRADE STILL MYSTERY. TJiree Years Have Passed and no Solution yet SUNSHINE Scoff's Emulsion DAUGHTER OF PROMINENT ON TARIO PARENTS WAS SLAIN AND HER SISTER SAID THAT TRAMP DID IT. In Hamilton, Out, Feb.-24.—It will be three years tomorrow since the murder of Ethel Klnrade furnished Hamilton with the greatest sensa tion of the kind in Its history and ad ded to the criminal annals a mystery tyiat the beat detctoaue talent America haa failed to unraveL Ethel Klnrade, the daughter of eminently -espeotaMc family, was slain In brort daylight in her oer- ent’a home in the faahi nubia section 01 **ls city. Her sister Florence, the only eye-witness of the tragedy, from the first declared that the murders: was a tramp. Though the act appear ed incredibly brutal and andaelout end the motive Inadequate, that ver sion was at first acceptsd by the am Then discrepancies In Flor ence KInrade’s story appeared. The - none of her family were Inexplica ble. The tramp atory waa soon dis credited and discarded. The police Inquiry, while it failed to find any traeai of the murderer, brought to light a remarkable condi tion of affairs in the Klnrade fam ily. The investigation showed that Florenoe Klnrade, of attractive ap- -eranco and fond of gay life, waa the pet of the household, while the other daughter, the slain one, waa the family drudge. Florence wne concert hall singer and a frequenter of gay summer resorts, while Ethel remained at home and did the -work. While - the others lived In comfort even luxury, Ethel Klnrade was giv en a mere closet for a bedroom and ink to which to-rent, the preliminary hearing Flor- eoee Klnrade wa« subjected to the severe* cross examination, hut her story of the tramp remained unshak en .and the other members of the family refused to throw any light on tho crime. From time to time there have Web rumors of possible arrests and only a few weeks ago It was reported that the cane waa to he re-opened and that a famous private detective had discovered e cine to the murderer. But so far as anything Is known now the mystery la likely to remain unsolved and remembered for many years as the moat baffling and absorbingly Interesting criminal case lh the reeorde of Canadian crime. SAW BROTHER DROP DEAD. Gen. Miles Leaves Anto aa Man Falla end Recognises Brother. Washington, D. C., Feb. 22.—Lieu tenant General Nelson A.' Miles, V. 8. A., retired, was motoring along Penn sylvania avaffne when a man, walking briskly through the twilight In Lafayette Park, opposite the Whito House, crumpled down In a hasp, thensfiftwled on the pathway. Gen. Miles left his car to peer ov er the heads of the crowd which gath- "li’a my brother," said the gen eral, whan he saw the upturned face. Then he took the body up In hts Wood’s Seeds For 1012. Oar New Descriptive Catalog is fully up-to-date, end telle all •bout tire beat Garden and Farm Seeds. Et«» fanner and _— should have a copy of this cata log, which has long been recog nized aa a standard authority, for the full and complete infor mation which it give*. We are headquarters for Crass and Clever Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Pees, Soja Beans and all Farm Seeds T. W. WOOD & SONS, ♦ Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. . are the Two Great Creator* of Energy Energy means power— power to work, to think, to throw off and keep off disease. Get all the sunshine you can, and take Scott’s F “ regularly. It will give you strength, flesh and vitality. Ba rare to get SCOTT’S— ft’s th. Standard and alway th• best. AU« DRUGGISTS ITHE CHAUFFEUR WILL BE TRIED FOR I Millionaire Clubman was Shot and Killed by Him. | LIVELY INTEREST IS FEDT IN CALIFORNIA OVER THE TRIAL OF SAMUEL TIMOTHY FOR THE CRIME. San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 24.- lively public Interest is manifested In the trial of Samuel R. Timothy, the Hillsborough chauffeur who shot nd killed J. J. Moore, a millionaire clubman, in San Mateo January 2 A venire-haa been drawn and other preparetdolnn oomptotod tor begin ning the trial In the superior court at Redwood City next Monday. Mrs, arms and oarrled it to hla automobile' Moore, widow of the alaln man, la Daniel c. Miles was the man's | expected to be the chief wl'.nesa for name. The coroner said hie heart tfct ' d * ,en# ' had failed. The dead man's horns Westminister, Maas. He was Washington visiting (ton. Miles. waa Several months ago the tragedy Moore sued for divorce, charging ,n cruelty and other things, but not ln|apeotteally accusing hla wife of mis conduct. Mrs. Moore filed a cross- complaint, asking tor divorce on *he ground of cruelty. The court denied Almost Lost His Life. M,cl1 ' win la. divorce to either. Mrs. Moore was nsver forget hla terrible exposure to I , ... _ . . a merciless storm.” It gave me g charged with many offenses and too dreadful cold,” he writes, "that I -eh familiarity with servants and caused severe pains in my chest, so others, and serious conntsr-chargea It ws. hardd for me to breathe. AI , ' . .v. neighbor gave mo several doses of **** mad ®' Timothy, tho chauffeur Dr. King’s New Discovery which who la to bo triad for murder, was brought great relief. The doctor 1 0 ne of the wttneaMs for Mrs. Moore. 1th. «v»«n au« attvaotod manual 200 BOOZE MAKERS GO ON TRIAL A Record Breaking At tendance of Moonshin ers at Atlanta’s Fed eral Court but to continue with the Die-. ..... covery. I did so and two bottles I'Mention because the name of Rear completely cured me.” Use only this I Admiral Thomas 8. Phelps, retired quick, cafe,, reliable, medicine for I was brought into the case In Moore’a coughs, colds, or any throe or lung I ... .. trouble. Price SOc and $1.00. Trial Icrosucomplalir'.. bottle free. Guaranteed by Dim- On the night of January 27 last mock’s Pharmacy, W. D. Dunaway, I Moore was called to bis home hr and Ingram Drug Co. I detective whom he had employed to watoh hla wife, who had continued right now when you hav. ,onr' t0 00CUp5r ttelr hom# Yon get wbst you need, end get! iB fashionable suburb of San Fran- ^ 7 ’ The husband lay In watt at the gato of the grounds, and about Jeweler and Optometrist 2 22 dlt "Wit1 10;30 <n mo o, y drevo up in his em ployer's machine. According to the itement of Moore- before he died Mrs. Moore was in the automobile ly Birds on* | with the chauffeur. Moore Jumped BANKER HAD A BIG DAY. New Yorker* at Klndcrlon Yesterday. I from bis place of concealment and President Bart Hepburn, of tna L pened „„ Toothy. jumped from New York Clearing Hons, Associa- th „ nT and <x>ok refug0 b6fow , tlon, and Mr. 0. Willlami, president trta ^ flred >bot Tb , fhot of the Windsor Trust Company, L^,* Moora ^ , bd0In<!Il ud he guests of Mr. Yonng McRee on a bird dIed a fdw bonm i at *r. The friends hunt at Kinderlou yesterday. They of Tlmoth y believe thhx he never will were accompanied by Dr. Holtsen- of murder, especially as dorff and hi* ibrothera. I Moore in his dying statement adinl*.- Mr. Young McRee waa asslated by tcd ^ be bld flr *d the first shot. Mitch Smith In piloting the visitors the hunting grounds. They had I F,„ t Grippe, Then Bronchitis, trouble in flushing a number of I That was the case with Mrs, W.8. coveys and during th« day they kill- Bailey, McCreary Ky. "My wife 1 waa taken down with a severe attack sixty birds. | 0 f la-grippe, which run into bron- Tn* visitors declared that it waa I cbltta. She coughed aa though aha on* of the greatest days they ever I had consumption and could not had. They returned to Mr. McRee’a » ,0 ?P ,■* night The flrat bottle of . ' . . . . . I Foley's Honey and Tar Compound house and took some refreshments. L„, ber „ muc h relief that she after which they returned to Val- continued using It until she wag dosta In time to enjoy an old | permanently cured/’ fashion South Georgia dinner with Dr. J. C. Wilson. Ingram Drag Co. Dr. Wilson* dtn-i have stables at Montgomery, aer bad tor Ita chief dishes a turkey, Ala . yaldosta and Douglas. Oa„ Live and a Iblg 'possum, baken in South Q ak Tallahassee, Mariana and Chip- Georgia style, with plenty of sweet Uy> rla>( aad lt „„„ loU of mn)n potatoee around It. The vi.ltora had for 0I> conl(K , u . nt |y ,, buT cheap never eaten any 'possum before, but Beo u( they at* that list svenlng and de- MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO., clsrsd lt fins. The visitors left last night for Fitsgeraid wher* they will bo th* Rig Auto Truck Hogged, _ „ ,, . . The big lire truck of the fire de- guest. of Dr. Holtxendorff, of “>»t partment got In . bog ont on Fore, place, at a dovt hunt this morning , troat y Mterd »y afternoon and-lt tog. and at ram# other hunt, for a t0#k „ bour or tw0 „ t lt ont . , ° r tw0 ' chief Brooks and Assistant Chief Attar spending . day or two at' Fitsgeraid with Dr. C. A. Holtxen dorff and wife, Mr. Clark Williams and B. T. Holtaendorff, will return New York, and Mr. Hepbnm will to Augusta, Oa., to play a few games nf golf with John D. Rocke feller on th. Augusta Country Club Unto. The Sound Bleep of Good Health not for those suffering from kid- atlmanto and Irregularities The prompt naa of Foley Kidney Pills will -dispel backache and rheuma tism, heal and strengthen sore, wtek and ailing- kidneys, restore normal action, and with lt health strength. Mrs. M. F. Spatsbuty, Sterling, HI., says: *T suffered great pain In my back and kldneyi. could not sleep at night, and eonld raM* my hands over my head, two boxes of Foley’s Kidney Pills cured me." Ingram Drag Co. One ear load of driving and wood* hsiwes received last week. See them. ■MIZELL LIVE STOCK CO., In Old Ortfflth Stables. Tom Cook, wer* out on the truck practicing with It and started ont along Force street over a lot which bad not been traveled much. The wheels bogged up to the axel and It was necessary to Jack up the machine and pot planks under lt so that It could pull Ita way out The Sound Sleep of Good Health. Is not tor those suffering from kidney ailments and Irregularities The prompt use of .Foley Kidney Pills will dispel backache and rheu matism, has! and strengthen sore, weak and ailing kidneys, restore nor. mat action, and with It health and strength. Mrs. M. F. Spalsbnry, Sterling, III., eaya: “I suffered great pain In my -back and kidneys, eonld not sleep at night, and could not raise my hands over mv head. But two bottles of Foley Kidney Pills cured me." Ingram Drag Co. Ton will be bound to wear a smile when yon wear a pair of onr "made to order" spectacles or eye glasses O. Mackey, th* Jeweler and Op tometrist. 2 22 dl wl Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 21f.—When the United States court begins Its criminal session here the first Mon day In March, there will be mor® prisoners at tho bar than this old state haa ever teen at one bar justice, before. ThoTe will be over 200 of them, ell to pead guilty or not guilty to criminal charge. The charge will he the aame in every case. Techni cally It Is known ns violation of the Internal revenue larw. ln common ev eryday language It Is known moonUhinlng. The defendants are farmers and mountains** from all parts of North Georgia. A few of them are under bond. A great many of them are under summons on their own re use, and will come down *o Manta to give themselves up the night before court convenes. A very tow of them are in the county Jail awaiting the trial. Tho now offenders, who receive-' only fines or lifht Jail sentences, will probably he permitted to serve out the short sentences In the Fulton county Jail Instead of having to don th* convict garb and go on the rock pile at the federal prison. Th# policy of the government MrSle Jhaa beeta to enfo moonshine law, bat nsl to necessarily harsh or cruel in tte en forcement. He Won’t Limp Now. No mors limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. "I had a bad core on my instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Bnrhlen’s Arnlea Salve,” ha writes, "but this wonder ful healer soon eared me." Heals old, rnnnlng sores, nlcers, bolls, burns, cuts, bruises ccxema or piles. Try It. Only 2fic at Dlmmock’s Pharmacy, W. D. Dunaway, Ingram Drug Co, KNOX ON 1 JTepOUTH. Ha Goes on a Friendly Mission to Latln-Amertcaas. On Cruiser Washington, Off Key West, FIs., Fob. 22.—Bound on a mission designated to strengthen the bonds of friendship bedlwsen tho United State and the Latln-A/moricnn Republic, Secretary of State Knox end party sailed for Jamaica today. From there they go to Colon. writhes W. Evans, Danville, Vs. "but know now It was Indigestion, as Dr. King’s New Life Pills'completely cured me.” Beat for stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, constipation, headache or debility. 2ITc at Dim- mock's Pharmacy, W. D. Dunaway, and Ingram Drag Co. Hurry to Maekeys when you glass, ea get ont of order, aa yon will be pleased with his work. J. 0..Mackey, th* Jeweler and. optometrist. OKLAHOMA TO HAVE DIVIDED DELEGATION Will Go to Baltimore Equally Divided Between Clark and Wilson. Oklahoma City Feb. 23.—The Dem ocratic state Convention early this morning, after an all-night's session, adopted a resolution that th* dele gation will go to Baltimore divided equally between Clark and Wilson. Either half will go to the other when tt becomes known that there la no hope of the nomination of their candidates. Seven! Mmes the con vention was in a pandemonium. DO NOT NEGLECT EYE TROUBLES Mackey’s is the place to have your eyes examined. FIRST-—Because he is a graduate from one of the best schools in the country, with ten years of practical experience. SECOND: Because his optical parlor is equipped with all the latest im proved instruments to do the work with [tripped - . .. _ . vith, equal to anything you will be able to find in Georgia. THIRD: Because he will be pleased to make the examination for you, showing you the exact lenses you need for each eye without charge, and then if you want the glasses he will in his manufacturing de partment, grind your lenses while you wait, giving you the exact lenses your eyes require for the best results. » FOURTH: Because he guarantees alt of his work. This means, SATIS FACTION in every respect, or your money back. f your eyes are troubling you in any way, let us know your ill be a pleasure for us to do what we can for you. It your Now if; troubles, it will uc « pleasure ior us io ao wnac we can tor you. lt your frames are out of line, lenses loose in the frame or need adjusting in any way, remember we have an expert to do this class of work, and he is at your service, and it will not cost you a penny to make anv adjustment necessary for your comfort. Let us show you through our optical department right away. We feel that we are as capable, and well equipped to do as good work as any one you will find, and we know we will appreciate any favor you may show us as much if not more. GIVE US A TRIAL SO AS WE CAN DO OUR VERY BEST TO PLEASE YOU J. G. MACKEY THE JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST PERSONAL MENTION. (From Saturday's Daily.) Mr. W ,E. Stevens, Jr., of Mill- town, was among the visitors to Vsl- Messrs W. J. Powoll and T. B, Powell, of Quitman, were visitors to Valdosta yesterday. Mrs. 8ottlo and Miss Sansel Con nell, of Nashville, were among the Messrs Louis Dinkier, Joe Wilson and Morris Putsell, of Macon, wero among the visitors to Valdosta to day. Mr. Dinkier la the lessoe of the new hotel here. • / At this First Baptist church tomor row Mrs. O. B. Foster will sing “A Dream of Heaven," by Marxo, and Mr. R. A. Harris, violinist, will play ’Adagio," by Rio*. Bankruptcy Hale. Under and by virtue of an order leased by to# Hon. Wilfred 0. Lane, Referee in Bankruptcy, will b* sold, at Hahira, Oeorgia, at the place of business of C. M. Sweat, on Saturday, March 2nd, 1S12, at 11:20 o’clock. M., to the highest bidder tor caeh, the entire atock of furniture belonging to the estate of C. T. Mox. ley ft Company, said sals to <ba made subject to tho approval of tho court. This the 22nd day of February, 1212. D. B. SMALL, Trustee. Pugilist Died of Injuries. Waukegan, III., Feb. 28. — Joe Ketehell, th* pngtllst, died today from injuries received (a a fight with BUI Walton several days ago. Mra. B. W. Conev, of Hawklne. villa, reached the city yesterday and la spending some time with her sis ters Mrs. 8. M. Varendoe, Mra. Jes ter Goodloe and her brother, Mr. W A. Pardee. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lawrence, of Tar boro, N. C., reached tho city this afternoon and are spending a day or two with thslr sister*. Mra Blench Hughs, and Hiss Margaret Wilson. The couple are on a wedding tour and will go from here down the oast coast of Florida. Mr. B. P. Jones returned last night from 8011'h Florida, where bo had been looking after hla oiiangS groves. He reports that the orange trees are in a flourishing condition, and give promise of a good crop this year. SfOO Per Plat* paid at a banquet to Henry Clay In New Orleans In 1242. Mighty costly for those with stomach trou ble or Indigestion. Today people verywbsre use Dr. King’s Now Life ’Ilia for these troubles as wall as Iver, kidney and bowal disorders Isay, safe, aura. Only 2S canto at Dtmmoek’s Pharmacy, W. D. Duna way’s, Ingram Drag Co. It has cost a lot of money to pro duce the best class of stock on the farms today, and every farmer realizes the importance of having the best It is just as important to have the best flowers and vegetables and they do not cost any more than the other land. We sell seeds that will grow, that have been tested, and that are the best on the market. A few cents spent at our store for flowers and vegetable seeds will make a great difference in the looks of your home this summer and the good things on your table. It is a pleasure to watch them grow and to care for them. See our assortment before you buy. I ngramDrug Co., Valdosta, Ga Albert hopkins marsh Pnblic Accountant sod Auditor AUGUSTA, GA. Cost Accounts Audited Bank Examinations Municipal and County Work a Specialty aRft