The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, February 27, 1912, Image 7

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SHB VALDOSTA TIMES, VALDOSTA, CUL, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1012, PACE SEVEN STRAY TOPICS FROM UTTLEOLDNEWYORK NEW YORK TAX DEPARTMENT SHOWS AN INCREASE IN VALDES OF $71,850,000 FOR THE PAST YEAR—ABSURDITIES OF THE SULLIVAN CUN LAW ARE COMING UP AGAIN—AN IRISH STEEL WORKER FALLS DOWN AN ELEVATOR SHAFT. New York, Feb. 14.—The presi dent of tb« New York tv depart ment hu submitted his preliminary report to the Mayor. Upon this re port the assessment rolls tor the year 1012 will be based. The report deals In approximate figures only. It shows the Increase In the assessed value of real estate, exclusive of special franchises and the decrease on account of exemptions and re ductions are as follows: Manhattan, Increase of $44,300,000; Bronx, In crease of $14,040,000; Brooklyn, Increase of $430,000; Queens, In crease of $11,300,000; a total of ' $71,560,000. Richmond Borough shows a decrease of $1,850,000, mak ing the net Increase of the five bor oughs $70,200,000. To offset this there Is a special franchise reduction of $37,860,801, bringing the total net Increase of the - city’s assessment on building and real estate to $4,880,789, which means eg Increase in the borrowing capacity of the city of about $400,- 00Q. Considering the enormous In cruise In the values of real estate In this city and tee gigantic debt al- ready carried by the city this In crease sAms father paltry. Absurdities of Sullivan Gnn Law. * The absurdities of the Sullivan gun law, which has caused so much dls- - cusslon.and criticism already are clearly - illustrated by two' cases which were recorded here within a few days. In one case a woodsman from Maine was arrested because he was found wandering through the streets with a. revolver In his hand. In the magistrate’s court the man said that he had been robbed by a stranger-and that he to hunting for tho thief when the police ar rested him. The magistrate not on ly discharged tho man but gave him money enough to reach Passaic, where the prisoner has friends. "-In the other case the foreman of a con struction company In North Carolina, who had alwaya been th the habit of carrying a pistol for self protection, had to come to New York on busi ness. When he learned upon hla arrival In the city that the lews of the State prohibit the carrying of weapons, hs went to the nearest po lice etatlon end, explaining the cir cumstances, handed his revolver to the Lieutenant In charge of the sta tion. The lieutenant promptly ar- - rested the law-abiding man from North Carolina and, being a stran ger In' the city, the man had to re main In a cell all night It la true, he wae discharged by the magistrate on the following morning, bnt he felt keenly the humiliation of being arrested and kept In a cell all night. Mbrepver he was not permitted to take his trusty guh back to North Carolina with him, although he was assured that the police would send It to him by express. Irishman had a Long Fall. It does not happen very often that a m>n falls head first down an de lator snaft from tho eight floor of n (building and lives to tell the tale. -An Irish steel worker, employed In ' the erection of a twenty-five story 'office building on Malden Lane, hnd that rare and rather exciting ex. -parlance the other day. While flx- lnfl tho doors to the elevator shaft on the eight floor the man stepped Oq a loose plank and shot head first down the shaft, followed by several boards ang a big pans of ptato glass. 'Fortunately for him be became en tangled In tba cablet suspended In the ehsft which broke his f*H and saved him from being dashed to places when h« reached the top of one of the elevators on the ground floor. A few cuts afld bruise* were the extent of his Injuries. Stork Visits Terminal Station. Considering the fact that the Pennsylvania Terminal etatlon hu -now been In use for more th*n u year and that goring that time hun dreds of thousands’ bars passed through the station, Jt Is rather sur prising that an unexpected visit of the Stork wag delayed until the oth er day. Mr. snd Mrs. Rahil arrived at the station from New Brunswick, N. J., for a visit to Now York, but upon thetr arrival at the station Mrs. Rehtl was surprised by a visit from the stork. Th* ehlld, a healthy lit tle girl, was born In tb* women’s re tiring room of tb* terminal and en joys the distinction of being tbs first Mby to see th# light of day In that busy structure. The only sad feature shaurd custom, th# parents of the little girl may bestow some such frightful names a3 Pennsylvania Ter minal or Pennsylvania 8tatlon upon the defenaeless mite. Interest In the Panama Canal. With the work on the Panama Ca nal nearing completion the general lntereet In the great undertaking la rapidly Increasing. Among the wealthelr classes a perfect mania has broken out to visit the canal and ths steamers leaving New York for the Isthmus are crowded with passengers. The staterooms are en gaged for many weeks ahead and the demand for transportation Is steadily increasing. As ths hotel accomodations on the Isthmus are quite Inadequate, the majority of tba tourists use their steamer as a hotel during the two daye In Colon. Woman Had Husband Arrested A few days ago a woman had her husband, who conducts an employ ment agency, arrested on the charge of llltrea'tlng and neglecting her. When the case came up before a magistrate the women testified that her husband tfot only beat her fre quently, bnt also remained away from the hoyse over night on fre quent occasions and that hs was In the habit of going to theaters with girls, without taking hla lawful wife. Th* Prisoner dehled the'truth of his wlfo’s charges and stated that she wagged-her tongue to much that he could hot live with her. The mag istrate gave the man the choice be. tween going to the workhouse for a year or to submit to the conditions being placed on probation the same length of time. The wtte Kadi decreed that the recalcitrant hukband must coma home and re port to his wife every evening at nlna o’clock and-that he ha* to take his wife along who n he goes to thea ters or some other pine# Of amuse ment. It took the prisoner some time to decide which sentence he Announcements. would take. He finally, however, ac cepted the probation In spit*' of Its Irksome conditions. Fumes Made the Firemen Drunk While working st a fire the other night several firemen became Intoxt- ented ana although tholrcondttlon Incapacitated them, they wer* not eve n reprimanded for It. The fire was In a liquor warehonse and the men became Intoxicated by the fumes of the liquor which came from the bottles broken during the pro gress of the fire. Foley Kidney Pills will ears any ease of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond th* reach of medietas. No madldne can do mor*. Ingram Drug Co. Road Tax. Partlee paying road taxee before May first to the Clerk of the County Commlaalpners will be $3.10, after that date sr'li be, 83.00 R. B. MYDDELTON. clerk County Commlaslonera. FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Lowndes County; I respectfully announce myself as a cadnidate for th* office, of ordinary of thla county, subject to the nomi nating primary. I will appreolal)* your vote* and support and promlao If elected to devote my entire time to the dutlei of the office, I have lived among yon for the past thir teen years, and feel myeelf competent to successfully handle the affairs of the office. It will be my aim to work for the Interests of the people at all times. Respectfully, W. J. DURANT. FOR ORDINARY. To the Citizens of Lowndde County: I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary of this eonnty, subject to the primary election. If eleoWd, I promise a faithful per formance of the duties of the office Owing to my affliction with rheu matism, I am unable to perform the duties of traveling taleman, so long held by mi». I have never been a candidate be fore, and ask and need your support. My past experience In offloe will enable me to successfully fill the po sition. Very respectfully, CLINTON GRIFF rN. FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Lowndes County: I take this method of announcing my name for re-electfon to the office of Ordinary of Lowndes eonnty, sub ject to the action of the coming Democratic Primary. I respectfully solicit the support of the many—voters of ths eonnty and wish to return thank* to my friend* who hare stood so loyally by wue In the past, and wish to aollclt their continued friendship and sup port. promising them, of coarse, a faithful performance of my duties In the future, aa In the past, as 1 un derstand them. Very Respectfully, A. V. SIMMS. didale for th* office of Tax Collector of Lowndes county, subject to the coming Democratic primary; I also wish to thank the oltlsens and rotera of Lowndes eountyjor their kindness and support given me th the past Very respectfully, a. o uiiiorm. FOR COMMISSIONER Te the Voters of Lowndes County: I announce myself a candidate for r* election to tho office of roun'.y com mlseloner of Lownde* county for Nay lor and Cat Creek districts, subject to the coming primal r. GEO. L. TOCfRTON. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The friends of Iyey S. Wlaauha- ker announce him as a candidate for re-election on the board of couuty commlaslonera of Lowndes county, subject to th# Democratic primary, and solicit for him tho vote* of hie friends and the people generally. Mr. Wlsenbaker has made a faithful nnd efficient eommlaaloner, and will con tinue his beet effort* for the county If re-elected. PHYSICAL EDUCATION. A Meeting In Montreal, Canada, to Promote That Kind. , Montreal, Quo., Feb. 22—A num ber of emlennt medical men and phy sical directors of various colleges of the United States and Canada are’ here to speak before the nineteenth annual convention of tho American’ Association for the Advancement of Physical Education, which began three days’ session today. In addi tion to tho addressee and discussions sn elaborate program of Canadian winter iporta will be carried out for the benefit of the visitor*. FOR ORDINARY. To the Cltlsens of Lownde* County: I announce myaelf a candidate for Ordinary subject to th* coming pri mary. TpyilL appreciate the support of the voters and I promise If elect ed, to give the people of Lowndes county my whole time and attention strictly to the duties of tho office. I highly appreciate all pait favor* shown m# by the people of onr coun ty. I beg to remain, Moot respoaifnlly. J. F. PA33MOPE. FOR ORDINARY. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Ordinary of Lowndes coun ty. subject to tho Democratic pri mary. I was born and reared In the eonnty, and In all of my more than 30 years citizenship have never been candidate for any office before. Now, bowerer, j respectfully solicit the enpport of tho voters. If I am elected I promise the moat faithful service I am capable of, snd shall rigidly attend to tho duties of tho office. I shall deeply appreciate your vote. Respectfully. W. L. MORGAN. To the Voters of Lowndes County: I hereby announce myeelf a candi date for the office of Ordinary of our county, subject to the Democratic primary. Having been a citizen of this county for 40 years snd having never before asked for sn office, 1 feel that I can with propriety ask your support In the coming election. I promise. If elected, to perform all duties pertaining to the office to the very beet of my ability.' You vote so licited. Respectfully, J. C. KINO To the Voters of Lowndes County: I respectfully announce myself a candidate for tho office of County Commissioner of Roads snd Revenues for the Valdosta district, tnbf-ct to the Democratic Prtmnrr My record as chairman of the hoard fpr four years Is known to the people of the county and I respectfully eo;!clt >our support on that record. Very respcctfull f, J. W. HAOaV. SHERIFF'S SALES. QEORQIA—Lowndes County. WU) he raid at the Court House door In the county of Lowndes on the flat Tuesday In March, 1912, within the legal hours of sqlo to the highest bidder for cash, to-wlt: All that certain tract or parcelot land lying and being In the lltH land district of said county of Lowndes, and being the west half of lot num ber IBS In eaid district, containing 245 acres more or less, said proper ty levied on as the property of the estate of Lang Howell to satisfy sn execution Issued from th* city court of Valdosta in favor of the Vlrginla- Carollna Chemical Co., and againat the said Lang Howell, said property being i„ the possession of C. F. Hovqell,' administrator of the said Lang Howell. This tb* 9lh day of Fabruary 1912. J. E. OORNTO, Sheriff. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday In March oext, at public outcry, at the Court’ House In said county, witnln tho legal hours for sale, to the highest bidder foj cash, certain property, of which the following If a full and complete description: Six (3) two-horae wagons, known „„ ’’Dixie" wagons. Levied on as the property of J. A. Campbell, to satisfy an execution Issued from the city court of said county in favor of Shadblirn Brother* against J. A. Campbell, said property being In the possession of the said J. A. Camp- b< T'hli the 8th" day of February, 1912. J. E. GORNTO, Sheriff. LL. D, for Dr. Mitchell Baltimore, Feb. 22.—Dr. s. Weir Mitchell, the noted Philadelphia au thor, delivered the Washington birthday address today st ths an nual commemoration day exercises at Johns Hopklna University. At the conclusion of the .exercises Dr, Mitchell received the honorary de gree of doctor of laws. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER The friends of Mr. 8. J. Carter, re spectfully present him to the people of Lownde* eonnty as a candidate for county'commissioner from the Nay lor and Cat Creek district, subject to the Democratic Primary. Mr. Carter la a-man of sound judgment and ripe experience, and his friends solicit the support of the Totem. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The many friends of Mr. J. K White announce him a candidate for County Commissioner from the Lake Tsrk and Dasher districts, subject to the Democratic Primary. Mr. White formerly Whet, 1 Ihs.-wieoty ably and faithfully, in this position, and the people need him on the hoard again. For County Conimtxiiorer The friends of I. H. Pros, of the Clyattvllle district announce him candidate for Countr Commissioner, subject to ths Democratic Prlms'y snd solicit th« support of the tax pay ers and yotera of Lownrtoa county. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself * candi date for re-election on the board of County Commissioners from the Ha. hira and Lower Fork districts, sub ject to the Democratic primary, and will appreciate the support of the voter*. If the people see fit to re-elect me, I shall continue to give the eonn ty the beet service I am capable of. M. MARSHALL. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I take this method of announcing myaelf a candidate for re-election on the board oft Countr Commlatonon from the Ousley snd Clyattsrlile districts, subject to the Democratic primary. I will appreciate the support of the citizens generally, and if re elected will continue to give the beat service I am capable of. W. A. SIMS. notice. AI1 persons are warned not to trade certain promissory note for 288.22 signed by J. B. Ryner, In my fayor, dated about Oct. 12, 1911, anq du» January 15, 1912. This not* bag been lost. J. J. LANGDALE, of the eyent is that, following the, 2 20 w2t Administrator. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myself s can didate for fax receiver of Lowndes county and subject to tba Democratic Primary and will appreciate your vote and influence Respectfully, CHARLIE K. HOWELL. Te* Receivers’ Notice. I beg to announce myeelf a candi date for reflection to the position of Tex Receiver of Lowndes county, subject to the coming primary. 3 have faithfully and conscientiously discharged the duties of the office In th,- past and again request lit con fidence and support of the voters at the polls. Respectfully, O. 8. BACON Tax Collector’s Notice. I wish to announce myself a can- FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I am a candidate for re-election On the board of County Commlaslonera of Lownde* county from th* Val dosta district, subject to tho Demo cratic primary, and will appreciate the rapport or my friends and tho voters generally. Respectfully, J. P. COFFEE. FOR COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a can didate for County Commissioner for the Clyattvllle and Ousley districts, subject to the Democratic primary, ang I respectfully solicit the rap port of the democratic voter* of th* county. H. W. BROWN. FOR COMMISSIONER. J beg to announce myself a candi date for County Commissioner for ‘be Hahlra and Lower Fork districts, subject to the coming primary. If elected I promise to serve th* people faithfully as T did when f was on he board before. O. J COPPAOS. GEORGIA—Lowndes Couuty. Will be eold on the first Tuesday in March next, at public outcry, at the court house In said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash certatn prop- erty, of which the following Is a full and complete description: One shingle mill complete, con sisting of one hand feed shingle ma chine, one hand bolter complete, one cut-off saw, a let °f shafting, boxes and all necessary belting. One 85 horse power center crank engine, one 30 horse power return tubular holl er, one timber cart, dogs and chains, said property lovled on as the prop erty of John Lane A Son,-to satisfy an execution Issued from the dty court of Valdosta In and for said county in favor of the Valdosta Gro cery Company, against John Lane A Son, John Lane and Tillman Lane, said property being In the poeaes- ston of the said John Lane. This the 8th day of Feb., 1912. J. E. OORNTO, Sheriff. GEORGIA—Lowndes County, Will he sold on tho first Tuesday In March next, at public outcry at the Court House snd said county, within the legal hours of sale, to tho highest bidder for cash, cer tatn personal property of .which the following Is a full and complete de scription: One flat-car, numbered and mark ed as follows: MABRIt No. 102. Said properly levied on as the prop erty of Bluntatown Manufacturing Company to satisfy sn execution In rem Issued from the City Court of Valdosta In favor of Southern Loco motive & Car Manufacturing Com- panr againat said Bluntatown Man ufacturing Company. This February 8th, 1912. J. E. OORNTO, Sheriff. Jn the legs; hours ol rale on the firat Tuesday In March, 1918, *t the Court House In niff county, ibe fol- lowlng real estate, eltuated In the city of Valdosta, Lowndes county. Os., to-wlt: One and one-half acres of land situated In the western part of the dty of Valdosta, and bound ed on north by lands of Mary Hagan east by lands of William Jonea, on the south by Hill Avenue snd on the west by Cherry street. This tho sixth day of February, 1912. R. B. MYDDELTON, Administrator of the estate of Jamee Richardson. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To Whom It May Concern: Notice la hereby given that S. G. Kazanxas and R. F. Llneberger as administrators of the estate of John Kaxnnsas, deceased, have applied to the Ordinary of said county for leave fo sell all the real estate of the •aid John Kasansaa for the purpose of distribution among the heir* at law of said estate. Said application will be heard at the regular term of said court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county on the first Monday in March, 1912, and all parties are hereby cited to show cause If suy they have at said time and place why said application •hould not (be granted. This the fifth day of February, 1912. 8. O. KAZANZAS, R. F. LINEBERGER, Administrator of the estate John Kasan-as, deceased. ORDINARY'S' ADVERTISEMENTS. Year's Support. GEORGIA—Lowndes County, The report of the appraisers ap pointed to set apart a yesr’s support to the widow of Lewis Payton, de ceased, having been duly filed: This Is therefore to cite all persons con cerned to show cause, If any they can why said report should not he admitted to reeord and he made the judgment of the court on the first Monday in March, 1913. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. OEOROIA—Echols County, Whereas, W. M. Moore, and Frank Parrish, administrators of estate of 4. Mooro, deceased, represents to the court In their petition, duly filed and entered on record, that they have fully administered W. M. Mooro'a estate. This Is, therefore, to cite alt per sons concerned, kindred and credi tor* to show cause. If any they con, why said administrators should hot be discharged from their adminis tration and receive letters of dlsmls. sfon on the first Monday In March 1912. J. E. PARRISH. Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. OEOROIA—Lowndes County. Under and by virtue of an ordor from th# Court of Ordinary at the September Term, 1911, will be sold before the Court House door in said couuty, on the first Tuesday in March. 1912, between the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash, tno following described property to-wlt: Nlnety-alx (96) feet fronting the Atlantic Coast Line railroad, running 'back 8outn seven-nine (79) feet and being part of lot No. 378 bounded aa fol Iowa: On the north by Atlantic Coast Line rlght-of-wsy, on the south by Mrs. Legett, on the east by pub lic road going to Statenvllla and on the west by lands of J. B. Withers, and being part pf the estate of W. M. Force, deceased geld land sold for the benefit of the heirs snd creditors of t<M estate. MRS. OCBANNa FORCE. , __ Administratrix, Onr buyer lire* In St. Loots and therefore Is ready to pick np every bargain that presents itself. M1ZBLL LIVE STOCK CO, . ... „ In Old Griffith Stahls* JKf? outcry (8>i) year*. with the rrinicge of re- WOOL tbj highest bidder for cpsh with- newel at the expiration of that time. assNussm*. OEOROIA—Lowndes County, Under and by virtue of an order of the court of Ordinary of said PETITION FOR CHARTER. OEOROIA—Lowndes County. To tho Superior Court of Said Couu ty: The petition of the Farmers' Union Warehouse Company, n __ novation under the laws of Goorgia, with its principal place of businesa at Hahlra, in said county, respect fully c-liows: Firat—That on November l<th, 1908, petitioner was duly incorpo rated by an order of the Superior Court of said county, for a term of twenty years, for the purpose of en gaging in the business of warehouse men and other kinds of business, ai set out and described In (he orlgl nal petition for charter. Second—That the fifth paragraph of the petition for charter provides among other things, that the capi tal stock of said corporation shall be two thousand dollars, divided into shares of five dollars each, that no one shall (he s stockholder who la nbt a member of the Farm ers' Educational and Co-operative Union of America, thtt no stock holder shall owp more than twenty shares and shall have but one vote. Third—That the said corporation hat boea duly-organised and Is now doing buatneiz under Its ssld char ter. . Fourth—That said corporatoln de sires to amend its charter by strik ing the fifth paragraph of It* origi nal petition, and by Inserting 1n lieu thereof tho following words: "That the capital stock of said corporation ahall bo two thousand dollars, di vided Into shares of five dollars each, with tho privilege of Increas ing the same from time to time, by a majority vote of its stockholders, tp any amount not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars, and with a like privilege of decreasing ths same from time to time not below the original capital of two thouaand dollars. Petitioners desire the right to have the subscriptions to said capital paid In money or property to bo taken st a fair valuation. That the entire capital of two tboueand dollar* has already been paid In." Fifth—Petitioners show further that a mistake was made In Its char ter, In that the charter appears to have been granted la Echols coun ty, when the same wse In fact granted in Lowndes county, Peti tions desire that said mistake be corrected. Sixth—Petitioners show further that st s meeting of the stockhold ers of said corporation, held at Ha. hlra on January 11, 1913, and also at a meeting of Its directors of ssld corporation, hold at said time and place, a resolution was passed an- thorlzlng the president of said cor poration to apply for and mhtaln. In ths name of ssld corporation, said amendment to It* said charter. Wherefore, Petitioners pray that their said charter be amended, set forth in the foregoing petition and that an order be passed by the court, making said amendment, In accordance with thn law In such esses made and provided. WOODWARD AND SMITH, Attorneys for Petitioners. Filed In office on this the first day of February, 1912. PAUL MYDDELTON, Deputy Clerk, Superior Court. OEOROIA—Lowndes County. I, Paul Myddelton, deputy clerk of the Superior Court of said county rf-t hereby certify that the above snd foregoing Is-a true and correct copy of tho petition for amendment to charter of the Farmers’ Union Warehonse Comuany, as the same appears of file In this office. Olven under my hand and theses! of thin court, on thla, the 1st day of February, 1912. PAUL MYDDELTON. Deputy Clerk. PETITION FOR CHARTER. OEOROIA—Lowndes County, To th e Superior Court of Ssld Coun ty: The petition of T. M. Slneath. A. Lawson, Turner Jones, 1. A. Hodges, A. H. Denmark, E. J. Smith, O W. McCulley, and J. E. Webb, all of said state and county respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for them selves, their associates, successors snd aarigne. to bo Incorporated end made a mode politic under th* name snd style of 8Ineath-Lawson Com pany, 2. Th* tern for which petitioners ask to lie Inc nrpr rated ' Is twenty 5. The object of said corporation Is pequnlary gain to itself and stock holders. • . 4. Ths principal office and place of business of said corporation shall be at Hahlra, la said state and coun ty but petitioners desire the right and power, by proper corporate action, to establish branch office* and place* of business elsewhere In ssld coun ty, state, and In other state*, 5. The capital stock of said corporation ahall bo ten thouaand ($10,000) dollars, divided Into shares ot one hundred (2100) dol lars each, the full amount of which has been paid in. Petitioners, how ever, ask the privilege of increasing aald amount from time to time 1)7 proper resolution of the stockhold ers, to'an amount not exceeding twenty-five thousand ($25,000) dol lars, and the right then ot decreas ing the same to an amount not less than tho original capital stock of ten thousand (210,000) dollars, 6. Petitioners propose to carry on principally, a general mercantile and supply business, and desire the right and power undor said corpor ate name to buy for cash or credit, dry goods, notions, shoes, groceries of all kinds, fertilisers snd fertili zer Ingredients, farm Implements of every kind, Including buggies and wagons, and to Bell the same ah wholesale or retail, and to buy and gel) either at wholesale or retail all such other articles and things as are usually --mbracsd In s general mercantile and supply business, and all such articles and things as may ho profitably handled In connection with said business. They also de sire the right and power ot dealing In all kinds of farm products, to gether with the -ight to erect and operate ginneries for the ginning ot cotton, or warehouse for the storing of cotton, seed, fertilizer, or other ar ticles; they desire In addition tho right to buy nnd sell and generally to deal In all kinds of live stock, and the right to buy and sell real estate for profit or to take options on rest estate with a view of buying or sell ing the same, as well as the right ’ to act as tho agent of others la tl’c buying, or selling, or otherwise dealing l n real eatale, or such otn- or propertv as may be profitably han- hled bv said corporation. WHEREFORE, Petitioners pray to be mado a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, en titled to the rights, privileges, and Immunities, nnd subject to the lia bilities Died by law. WHITAKER A DUKES. Petitioners’ Attorney* Filed In office this the 8th day of February, 1917. PAUL MYDDELTON. Deputy Clerk, Superior Court, Lowndes County, On. OEOROIA—Lowndes County. I, Paul Myddelton, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court of said coun ty, do hereby oertlfy that tho forage- • - lag la a true and correct copy of toe application for charter of Tho Sln- eath-Lawson Company, ns the samq appears of file In thlB office. Witness my offitial signature and seal of ssld court, this the 8th day of February, 1918. PAUL MYDDELTON Deputy Clerk, Superior Court, Lowndes County, O*. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Year'* Support. The report of the appraisers ap pointed to set apart a year's sup port to Mrs. John Quincy Zlppcrer, widow of Merlon M. Zlppcrer, do- ceased, having been duly filed: This Is to elt* all persons con cerned to show cause, If any they can, why said report should not b* admitted to record sod ho made th* udgment ot ths court on the first' Monday In March, 1918, Notice of Application for I’srole. To Whom It May Concern: Nolle* Is hero.i/ given that ap- pllf-atlti; »t: r-i me do to the Prison Commission of Oeorgls, at ths Merck session there!, to be held on Tuee- dsy after the first Monday la March. 1913, for a parole for Bob- rl Woods, colored, convicted at the November term, 1’jou of Lowndes Superior Court and sentenced to Ilf* Imprisonment for tho offeneo of murder, ENNIS A SHAW Rome, G* Attorney* for Robert Woode, CoL A MEAN INSINUATION The Cheap Tragedian (after having been hit with a bead of cabbage)— Thank yon, my friends, for Uda head cabbage. Now, will eom* on* do- nate s bamf Boy In Gallery—You’re 4s answer. •iobn White iC& I LOUISVILLE, KYJB| Established 1887 HtgheslBartriprlcs^i’d FURS srd HiOES.