The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 02, 1912, Image 8

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THB VALDOSTA TIMES, VALDOSTA, OA, HATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1012. STEEL AND RAILROAD INDUSTRIAL PEACE, WILL BE DISCUSSED Cross Earnings Show Consid erable Increase Over Last Year. Washington, D. C., Fob. 88.—Tho amount ot bull neat bolng done by tho rallroada, steel mills, manufac- loriea and banka of the country at tho pr.aent time la considerably In advance of tbat of a year ago. The groan earnings of the rail roads for tho first week of February were 9.81 per cent better than a year ego. For »h, fourth week ot January the reports from forty-four roads Indicate a gain over last year of 18.87 per cent. Report* for De cember show an Increase of net earnings over December, 1910, of no lets than 7.83 per cent. Hank clearings last week were better than a year ago. Foreign trade in January waa very large. The export* exceeded those of any preceding month with a single exception. Financial arrangements have re cently <been made by several rail roads tor raising' 390,000,000 to be used In extenalons and Improvements. Tho Erie railroad, for Instance, plans to expend 310,000,000 in the next ten years for completing the rouble-tracking of Its main line be tween New York and Chicago. The Atchison Is ralalng 300,000,000 for new work nnd equipment, and oth er companies are preparing to put smaller amounts Into improvements. All this does not look ns If busi ness Is standing still almply because the House of Representatives Is Democratic, nor that business fears the election of a Democratic .presi dent. The pre-election threat, made to ti'ttmldate voters, that the at ag nation ot buelneae would follow Im mediately upon the election ot a Democratic House, has not been fulfilled. Some ot the Illegal trusts which hsvb been thrdttllng competition and booatlng the prlcee of the things I he people most have In order to live, ere perhaps not particularly enamor ed . with Democratic procedure, but Wgltlmate buslnaa* understands thoroughly that It has nothing to frur from Democratic assendency, and welcome It, JAUREZ SURRENDERED TO The Two Armies Fired a Few Shots in Air and Then the Rebels Entered City. El Paso, T**., Feb. *7.—Insurrec- tos captured Jaures today after a halt hearted resistance iby the meag er garrison. Only one volley was Bred by the defenders of the city. Then the In surgents marched forward Bring a few acettered nhots and entered the city. The federal* declared the town surrendered to escape International complications -which were sure to follow, on the border. American troopa are guarding the border neelously. -There are .no casualties. Insurgent General Campa holds full away and federal! ar* Joining the Insurgent armies. For Holding up • Train. Deputy United States Marshal Ralph Myddelton arrested a negro named George King yesterday after noon charged with holding np a train on the Georgia, and Florida railroad during the strike tome time ago. King was Indicted by the grand jury which mat In thl* city two or three weeks ago. It la aald that he waa formerly employed as a fire man on the road and during the atrlke be helped hold up one of the train* which waa carrying the United States mall. Denham With O. * F. Mr. W. B. Denham, formerly gen eral superintendent of the Plant System, has been appointed general manager of the Georgia and Florida railroad and will enter upon hla du ties March 1, according to an an nouncement made at Richmond yes terday by President Jobs Skelton Williams, of that road. ^ Mr. Denham will succeed 3. M. who has Nearly Every State in Union Will be Represented at Civic Meeting. Washington, D. C., Feb 21.—Ad vices received by the committee-In charge of the local arangementa In dicate that nearly all o (the forty- eight States will be represented by delegates at the annual convention of the National Civic Federation to bo held here next week. The live Importance of the sub jects scheduled for dlacuaslon nnd tho prominence of many of the par ticipants combine to give promise ot the most notable meeting In the hlatory of the organisation. The Initial session will be devoted to the consideration of ways and means to Insure Industrial peace and progress. Cardinal Gibbons will preside. President Taft will occupy the chair at the succeeding sessions, which will be given over to the con sideration of such problems as are Involved In the relations of tho pub lic to Industrial pensions, compensa tion for accidents, and the regula tion of Industrial corporations and public utilities. BEAUTY TRUTHS. Pimples, Hnllowncss, Illotclies anil Dull Eyes Caused by Stomach. Beauty in only akin deep, but that’s drop enough to satisfy moat women, a'ao men. In order to keep the akin In a clear clean, and healthy condition, the stomach mutt supply the blood plen ty of nutrition. A* long as the stom ach Is out of order and the blood lacks proper nourishment, th* skin will he affected. If you want a perfect akin tbat you will be proud ot, take a week's treatment of Ml-O-NA stomach tab lets. Get a fifty cent box today, and If you are not satisfied after a week’a treatment, you can have your money back. For any stomach ailment MI-O-NA It guaranteed. It give* almost Instant relief nnd permanently cures. I.arse box B0 cents a*. A. E. Dlm- tnock's and druggist* everywhere. His Statement That They are Shallow has Been Resent ed by the Fair Sex. Atlanta, Feb. 27.—That -the Rev. Dr. Dunbar Ogden must have been to some extent unfortunate In the women he has personally known, la the view of Atlanta women who take exception to hts statement that “there la a shallowness tn the women of our generation that Is appalling.’’ They think Dr. Ogden's generality ,1s an error. They call attention to the fact Khali women to Atlanta are taking a larger and more Intelligent Interest In civic beauty, In civic right eousness In civic culture, than ever before; that the art aaaodarion Is run by women; the Osrnsgle library by women; tbat there are men nt- ccaeful -business and professional women than ever before In the world’s history. They think what la une ot Atlan ta Is true throughout the whole coun try. They think that the woman of this generation tni'ead of being shallow, Is taking a little bh keener and more practical Interest In the real thing* of life thau ever before. They think tbat the Ideals and Ideas of women are ho*b advancing and that "shallowness" Is the Inst of all possible erltlchns that could be Justly made of womankind In gen eral In thlx generation. COL. ROOSEVELT ANGRY OVER NEWS REPORT In his Haste, he Brands the Statement Accredited to Him as a Falsehood. Boston. Feb. >7.—Col. Roonsvslt today swelled the ranks of th* An- nannlts Club by declaring th* report published this morning that ha sniff Taft had lost the confidence ot th* people and that a strong hand la needed at the helm ot tbs state Is absolutely false. The Colonel aeerned to be angry. “I never said that the president has lost the confidence ot the peoplj —I never said that Taft has grown reactionary—I have never said that Tift turned more ana more from the people. The report It a deliberate falsehood." WATCH YOUR HAIR, LADIES. Eternal Vlglnnee In the Price ol Luxuriant and Radiant Hair. If dandruff germs are devouring the uurlnhment that belongs to the hslr H will noon 'begin to fal. Furth ermore Jt will loo* Its Ufa and lustre and will become dull, fadnd and men look slovenly. If yon have any signs of dandruff yon ought to go right to your drug gist today and get a bottle of. PAR ISIAN SAGE. This delightful and re freshing hair tonic la guaranteed by A E. Dtmmock to kill dandruff germs, clean the head ot filthy dan draff, atop falling hair nnd Itching scalp or money b*ek_And H does Just what It to guaranteed to do and th&t’a .why Ms galas are to enormous the country over. PARISIAN 8A0E to the favorite or refined women. One bottle proves Its superiority. SPECIAL BUY THE FOLLOWING AT Oc. Hickory and cheviot shirting, drills and good bleaching. Ladles’ and Gent's field shoes at *1.10. Calico *t lie. Children'* dreseea at BOe to after private bualnea*. IBI.3S. -»■ D. MATHIS CO. DR. OGDEN AROUSED WOMEN BY CRITICISM WHARFAGE CHARGE TO SENATOR LODGE WANTS COME UP IN COUNCIL TOPROTECT AMERICANS The Matter of Reducing or Abolishing it Will be Con sidered To-night 8aTioaah, G®., Feb. 28.—The mat ter of reducing or abolishing the wharfage chargee at th© port of Sa vannah* which waa , the cause of a contention between the shippers and oteamship lines when th© ques-; tlon was first brought before City, Council a short time ago, will like-] ly •be definitely decided tonight. He Calls Upon President Tatf and Appeals for Americans in Mexico. A special meeting will be held by the committee on harbor and Wharves , to which the question was referred by council, for the purpoae of deciding tho matter. As the question la one of vital Intereat to th e shippers and steamship owners It to expected that there will he a large representation of the city’s business Interests present. While It Is not definitely known what deelilon will be made, It Is ex- : pected that the rates will be greatly reduced It nut abolished. Washington, Feb. 28.—Senator Lodge today laid before the presi dent appeals from the American mining Interest ot valuable property tin Mexico for the relief of existing conditions The president said that whatever, it la possible to do without Involving the United States In war with Mexi co will be done to guarantee safely to American Investments and Amer ican lives. WAS -YOUNG FRANK A ROBBER? Statesboro Man Points Out 8avann*h Saloamfin as a Highwayman. Savannah, F«b. 28.—Investigation to being made by the police into the complaint made by Dr. O. E. Stap leton. of SUMaboro, against Otto Frank, a young Savannahlan, whom he pointed out yesterday aa being tbe man who held him up the night pre vious In the -business section of the city, robbing him of 318 and a watch. Dr. Stapleton has positively Identified young Frank as the highwayman. He claims that Frank approaclie-l him on the afreet, and by force over came him and took 'he money rrom hm pooket. Frank wasplaced under arrest and to now being beld until the Investigation to concluded. AMERICAN COWBOYS IN FIGHT ON BORDER Besieged by an Army of Mexican Bandits, They Have Called for Assistance. Harts, Tex., Feb. IT.—American cowboys started at daybreak tor tbe Nelson-Morrle ranch, opposite sierra Blanca, Mexico, where for twelve hour* the American ranchers and cow boya have been fighting a be- •teglng army ot Mexicans who de mand stores, horses and guns; A relief party will attack the be sieger* from th* rear. GAYKOIl LOOMS UP LARGE. It la Said the New York Delegation trill Back Him Up. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 24,—The fact that William J. Qaynor. mayor of New York, has suddenly begun to loom large si a probable candidate for th# democratic prealdentlal nom ination, will add atrong Interest to hla approaching visit to Georgia. If his contemplated visit Is of aufflclent extent, he will probably ho Invited to apeak here and In other Georgia cities It to predicted that Mayor Gaynor will have the 30 vote* of the New To Debate Anti-Trust Law, Schenectady, N. Y. Feb. 28—Con-j sldcrnblo Intereat Is manifested In stndent circles In the annum con-| teats to be held tomorrow evening I oy the Trlangu'ar Debate League, | comprising Hamilton College, Col gate University and Union Unlver-i alty. Earn coll'-co will be represent. | sd by two teams, one to debate at home and the other abroad. The horn* team In each case will uphold the negatives and the visiting team' the affrmatlve of the question, “Re solved, That the Shdtman Anti- Trust Law 8hould be Repealed." From LaFoIlette to Roosevelt, San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 28.— a result of a conference held In this city today It appears probable that the organised Progressive Republi cans ot California will drop their support of Senator La Follotte and declare for Roosevelt aa their choice for the presidential nomination. Cheater H. Rowell, president of th e Da Follette League ot Califor nia, has set the example by declar ing for Roosevelt and It Is believed that the majority of the league mem- bora will follow the same course. BOAT WENT TO BOTTOM. The Steamboat Bedford Was Jammed by Ice at Pittsburg. Parkersburg, W. Va., Feb. 29.—The ■teamboat Bedford waa rammed by floating Ice and sunk. The crew caped. The loss of the vessel and the cargo was 380,000. Military Medical Meeting. Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 28.—The fifth annnal conference ot the Associa tion of Medical Officers of the Militia | of Canada met In this city today and began a two days’ session. The program provides for th* discussion; of a wide together with addresses by Colonel Samnel' Hughes, Minister ot Militia; 81r. James Grant of Ottawa, Major J. T. | Clark of Halifax, Dental-Surgeon ; Lanthlcr of Quebec, and several oth ers ot prominence. FREEDOM FROM HUS BAND IS HER WISH Her Husband Sets up an Answer to Suit for Divorce ' Against Him. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 28.—In the answer that has been <Ued by Joseph For Child Welfare. St. Loots, Mo.. Feb. 28.—Child welfare was the general topics of dlncusslon this morning at one ot tho most Interesting and profitable sessions of tho annum convention of th* department of superintendence ot tho National Educational Asso ciation, which has been In session here since the first of the week. Prominent among tho speakers were Carroll O. Pierce of Milwaukee, pres. Ident of tho National Educational Association, and James H. Van Sickle, superintendent of pnbllc schools of Sprlngflold, Mass. DR. WILEY DENIES HE WILL RESIGN PLACE There is no Ground for Re port That he Would Run for Vice-Piesidency. Washington, Feb. 28.—Dr. Harvey Wylepj the chief chemist of tho De partment of Arglcultnre and th* D. Taylor. In the superior court, to champion pure food expert, denlei th* *ult which ban been brought by today the report that h* Intended to wife, Mrs. Lula E. Taylor, affidavits resign and becom* a candidate for are offered to show tbat tho proceed ings were storied solely for th* pur pose of gottlng freed from her hus band. One of the most Important alfida- vlce-president on th* Democratic ticket. H« declared that the report was started by his enemies to hurt him. vita la th* answer to from Mrs. F. SWANSON TO ADDRESS FARMERS O. Tuyldr, tho mother of tho defen- — dant, who avor* that Mr*. Taylor I* Farmers Organiser Will Speak In all In love with another ana that her the Districts In tha County, son ha* always been a good provld-1 W. T. Swanson, the most proff er for his wife. dent organiser of the farmers In Geor The eo-respondent l n the caae to 8'a. la here to strengthen the U-lon Gilbert Callaghan, a counaln of the *n Lownde* county. He will meet husband. The affidavits In which j each local union, dead Or alive, ln Callaghan to mentioned Is made byj tb c county. This measure conferm Mrs. A. B. Wiggins, a niece of Mm. every man In Georgia, and should bo Taylor. looked after carefully. Everybody la Invited to attend these lectures, which are brim full Cavalry atatloned at Fort Ethan Al- w... nave toe .v xmo P l,ced lh * York delegation, and the Metropoll- t0ll »7 on bl * own »PP»“«on. Col- Old Army Officer Retires. Washington, D. C„ Feb. 18.—Af-,°f internet and all who miss them, ter more than forty year*' service, M 11 m1 ** mucb - Colonel Thaddeus W. Jones, until I Decture* at school houses aa fol- recontly In command ot th* 10th Iowa: Hahlra, March 1. 7 p. m. Passmore, March 2, 2 p. m. Cat Creek, March 4, 7 p. m. tan press to already regarding his °"*> *>»«• " ' rom Nortb Carolina nomination as a atrong possibility. and waa graduated from West Point In 1171. During th* Philippine In surrection he was lieutenant colonel of tho 48th U. 8. Volunteer Infantry. Navy League for Peace. Washington, D. C., Feb. *8.—The Nary league ot th* United Stale,, | With thl. exception hto entire oer- in annual convention In thl, city. \ "<* fort * '» “• hold a ”p**c*'" session this aft -r-. ,rm7 ‘ . noon with a view to lmpremtng upon Corn Crib, the public mind It* belief tost "anj tJriole Arch Coody, of the Ollier adequate .navy to the only guarantee dinrlct> recently went Into hto corn of peace." President Taft delivered crR) » ni j cotton house and. In about th* principal addroas at the newton, j bourn' time (rilled 114 rata which which was bald In Continental find boon devouring hto corn and Memorial Hall. The other notable other crop*. Th* rU* weighed 50 lb*, speaker Included Rear Admiral Thto to the largest number of rat* Richard Walnwrlght and Charles that have been killed at one time in Francis Adam* ot Boston. Lowndes county. . TftHff MB Barretts, March 6, 7 p. m. Pine Grove. March 8, 7 p. m. Carter, March 9, 2 p. m. Center Hill, March 11, 7 p. m. Old 'Redland, March 12, 7 p. m. Jackson, March 15, 7 p. m. Dasher, March IS, 2 p. m. Glen, March 19, 7 p.'m. Corinth. March 21, 7 p. m. ClyattvlUe, March 22, 2 p. m. B. M. DRAWDY, County President. MORE MINERS ON A STRIKE. Notlngbam, Eng., Feb. 29—Seven, teen thousand miners are on a Joint strike today. All of the miners ot Notlngbsm shires are now tied np. The Woman's Tonic VELVET BEANS Corn Watermelon Seed Fresh Garden Seed W. D. DtrnaWST*l Phone 15 Dasher&Vamedoe PHONEI334, VALDOSTA, GA. Doors, Windows, Moulding of all kind. Shingles, Brick, Lime. Carey’s Roofing, in all grades. Rough and Dressed Framing, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding and Finish. A complete «tock always on [hand: Out-of-town ordenjgiven special attention. Prompt delivery our motto. Get our priceslbefore buying, Dasher & Varnedoe Valdosta, Ga. Phone 334. DENTISTRY -AT- NOE-HALF PRICE Come to the best equipped office in the South, where you will get the best work with the least pain. Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff, Formerly United States Army Dental Surgeon. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. 1