The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 11, 1912, Image 1

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m VAUHMU tun VALDOSTA, GA, MONDAY, MARCH 11, 1012. ^0—- \> V ^ f 1 BOOM ROLLS ON Old Politicians are Turn ing to the Southern Man FRANK LONGLEY, OF LaGRANGE, QUITS THE WILSON RANKS AND TELLS WHY HE WILL BE FOR UNDERWOOD. Atlanta, Ga., March 11.—As nn evidence ot the fact that there are many people In Georgia 'Who are turning from Wilson to Underwood elnce the announcement of the Southern man, Hon. O. R, Hutchens, Georgia campaign manager for Mr. Underwood gave out today a letter received from Mr. Frank P. Long- ley, a well-known attorney ot La Grange, In which Mr. Longley state* that until a few days ago he was for Wopdrow Wilson but that he 1 his changed his mind. Moreover-he says that his father, Hon. Frank M. Longley, Chairman of the Demo cratic Executive Commitco of Troup "bounty la for Underwood. Mr. Dong- ley aaya that he- personally knows of dozens ot his people who have very reoently changed from other candidates to Underwood. The rea sons- assigned by, Mr. Longley are much (he same as -those which have Impelled others to take up the Urn derwood banner. "Up to a few days \go Iwas In favor of Gov. Wilson, considering him the most available mpn for ns _ to nominate,” says Mr. Longley. “The more, however, I study, the ma n and his record, the inore con vinced I am that It Is the duty of Georgians to support Hod. Oscar Underwood ot Alabama. In the drat place. I consider him the peer of any man 1° public life. In the ond place,- who can so well defend and present to all the people the great tariff question as the great Democrat who drafted the bill? In the third place, his past and pres ent record show him to h* safe, sound and conservative. In the fourth place I am tired of seeing them "kick our dog around." My father joins In these sentiments and says "May the Lord prosper your mission." I personally know dozens of our people who have recently changed from other candidates to Underwood." FORTY-EIGHT LABOR LEADERS TO BE THERE They Will be Arraigned To morrow on the Dynamiting Charge AgaistThem. Indianapolis, Ind, March 11—Too Government has completed arrange ments for the arraignment tomor row of the men Indicted In the dy namite conspiracy cases. Forty- eight of the Bfty-four defendants, all of them officials, former officials or business agents of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Ironworkers, are expected to appear before Federal Judge A. B. Ander son at 10 o'clock in the morning to answer whether they are guilty or not guilty ot the charges contained in the thirty-two Indictments return ed by the Federal grand Jury here on February d. The McNamaras. Ortt McManlgal and several of the otbir defendants who are also Indicted on the Pacific coast, are not expected to appear In court, but the most of them will be represented by counsel. Brazil Official Assassinated. Rio Janerto, March 11.—News was received today of the assassina tion of Secretary of Interior Cent as a result of political d! at Macao. MAY STOP i THE STRIKE THIS WEEK Coal Strike in England has Already Cost $75,- 000,000 and Much Suffering. London,- March II.—The Indica tions today are that the national coal strike which hA thus far caus-1 cd a loss ot *76,000,000 will be set tled this week. The London etrect ear service Is curtailed on account of the coal shortage -and food etuffa are reach- lag prohibitive prices. | French Miners go on Strike. Peris, March 11.—All of the mi ners In the French coal basin Btruck today. A vote tomorrow on a general nt>proache " for ® ,0,ln 8 » he bodm, strike will be taken by the federa- u '° votera , ar ® takln * more llterest lion of miners. ln S*Wng their names on the oooke. German Miners Qilt Work, Too. Th ® registration Is Chatham county Berlin. March ll.-Elghty thous- thu War will probably reach 0,000. and coal miners in the West Pluiliii foal fields struck today. Fifteen thousand ln the Ruhr region Prussia went out. Soldiers have been rushed to the thieatened districts. The coal pricea are rising. TO BE OH EVE[ KNOWN Chatham County People to ba Ready to Vote NUMEROUS ELECTIONS THIS YEAR WILL CAUSE THE PEO PLE OF CHATHAM TO BECOME QUALIFIED TO VOTE. Savannah, March II.—From all Indications the registration In Chat ham county this year will he the largest In many years. As the Unto UNITED CREEDS TO CONFER ON MATTERS Delegates From all Sections are in St Louis to Talk About Churches. SI Louis, Mo.. March 11.—Dele gates from all parts pi the country and representing practically all manner of creeds aw gathering here today to attend opening tomoN row of the ninth general convention of' the Religious Education Asiocla- tlon, which Is to be ln session dur ing the next four days The Religious Education Associa tion Includes Protestants, Catholics, Jews, and members of other faiths and among the subjects to be dis cussed during this week’s confqr- unce will he "The Moral Education of th« Negro;" "The Improvement ot Moral and Religious Conditions In Rural Communities;" "The Rela tion of Religious Leaderships to the World ot Toll;" "The Church from the Workingman's Viewpoint; The Improvement of our Public Schools tor Character Purposes" and many others of equal Importance. The H*t of speakers includes one hundred and thirty church and col lege men, among them many of the moat noted educators ot the coun try, connected with higher Initltn- tlong of teaming In various parts, of the country. During the four days there will be general meeting! and thirty special conferences for the consideration of epecldc questions MRS. GRACE AND HER DIAMONDS AREMRTED She Gives up her Jewels and Takes Bible CENTRAL FIGURE IN ATLANTA'S LA*gKNSATION PUTS OfTth* dash to the South, pole today in- SACK CLOTH AND ASHES IN PRISON CELL. EAT DOGS ON WAY TO^POLE Provisions Gave out on the Last Lap and Part of the Dogs Were Killed. London, March 11.—Additional details from Copt. Amundsen and Atlanta. Oa., March 11.—Mrs. dieatea that' perhaps five other ex peditions also reached the pole. Amundsen declares that the weather Is Ideal for fast travel and Those who register now are entitled to vote in all of the elections this coont)r Mj* trb * ,S ,B ,lmp,e »'•>*■ palerdujHptb * Testament In her hands. |tfa# She spends her time brooding ovor her troubles sllontly, occasionally reeding a magaxino, eagerly reading KNOX WARMLY RECEIVED, A Large Crowd at San Salvador Turn M out to Meet Americans. San Salvador, March 11.—The most cordial .reception that has greeted Secretary Knox aljice his trip was accorded upon hie arrival here. Five thousand people met the American party with cheers. The city wai decorated with flags and gorgeoua night Illuminations. BOVS TO HAVE A PAPER. They Propose to Begin the Publica tion of a Journal. Atlanta, March 11.—The hoys of Atlanta-are planning to print a news paper ot their own, a regular Jour nal devoted to events of Interest to boys, patterened after the papers by grown-ups, but handled exclusively by the yonnsters. They propose to hire two or three printers and a pressman, but out side of thst there will be no grown ups connected with the- actual con duct .of the paper. The editorials, the policies, the newt, ate., will all handled by the youngster*. year. Savannah has, In addition to tn„ county, state and national elections a municipal election, tor which the voters are also registering. The ex ecutive commit!*? of Chatham conn- ty expects to make an effort to elim inate an extra primary If possible, hut It la not thought that a primary could be held before June, as it will take until that time to purge the voting Hats after the polls close. If the State Democratic Committee de cides to hold- the presidential pri mary ln April, m has been mentioned was possible, It would be Impossible for the board, of registrars to pre pare the voting lists in time for this election. There 1e,much Interest being man? Isfeeted In the, elections this Savannah because vf .the, fa the, municipal elesQon In Januapband for: whlch'^fe frothn ar« now registering The admlnlstra^ tlon forces have a Committee of fifty' who are now busy getting the voters on the books. They seem to realise that there wl)l be strong'opposition this year and are taking this pre. caution. The registration books show now that there are more young men reg istering than at any time recently preceding an election. This Is dne to the activity of the young men’s league which will oppose the admin istration. Daisy Grace has stripped the golden j llltl ® or no hard,hl P •>“ »>®« a braceletrarom her arms and dla-1 counter ® d - monds from her fingers. She ha.| A1 > ot d0 *» ver ° ™® d renounced all th* barbaric and lav-| laat ,ta » of 0,0 loun,e>r S 0011 * and lib Jewelry, that helped earn her thei® aten by the parly ' T >>» explorer title of IJslsy of (he Leopard Skins, | d ®e lared that they wer» fat and of and now’wfci In $ cell at the Fulton ftn * ® iTor Eleven dog survlrors are now on board the Frain~snd will be taken to Norway to share the honors with the man discoverers. Capt, Amundsen reiterates his In tention ot making th s trip around NEWS OF A DAV'^ AMONG PEOPLE OF Work on House] Drain age to be StartedlSoon THE CONTRACT FOR TnE VAST JOB MAY BE GIVEN To H. S. JAUDON, ONE OF Tins LOCAL ENGINEERS. .1, that the Atlantanewepaperapnn] ’"J* ZFW&T about her £ case, and sometimes reading ' Ufa little Testament that her by the preacher- nty Sheriff Poindexter. Tteave her cell to attend rices yesterday morning, at the door, and was ars, it it said, by the old nns. chain of circumstantial Muds tighter and tighter . Mrs. Grace continues to Innocence, declaring that husband more than i gets well , Bhe the Behring strait and the north west passage after a month's lec turing tour ln Australia. TAFT’S MANAGERS ARE CLAIMINB VIRGINIA They Confidently Expect the Old Dominion to Give Them her Votes Tomorrow Wahlngton, D. C.. March 11.—The Taft managers confidently expect to add four delegates to their list to morrow, when the Republican State convention of Virginia will meet In Roanoke to name the delegatet-a;- large to the Chicago coventlon. Some alight Indications of a Roosevelt sentiment have appeared among the Republicans ,ln the Old Dominion, but so far is the situation ran be Judged from this point the seme ef fort to crystsllso It have not been made In Vlrgtnla as In ths States farther South. The Roanoke convention Is expect- rd to be dominated by Representa tive Bascomb Slemp and other lead-, era who hare already Indorsed will , —r- - - _ the neighbors Whom they Way neard ths shot fired at six o’clock ln ths morning. If those be true, and ths neighbor proves to be a man whose testimony cannot be shaken, It,will he the most terrible piece of clr cumstsnttal evidence yet-brought ont against ths accused woman, for by her own admission she wss In the hones all morning and did not leave It until after eleven o'clock, THREE EOUND GUILTY OF BRUTAL CRIME They Will Hive to Hang for Killing a Man and his Wife at Gallant, Ala'. Asheville, Ala., March 11.—Will and Clave Campbell and' D. S. Mc Lean were found guilty of murder In the first degree tor the killing ot J. C. Lutes and his wife at Gallant, Al»„ on November 1. Robbery was , given motive for the murder. Thirteen hundred and sixty dollars which wss known to have been In the house at the lime was missing. HIGHTOWER'S GIN BURNED BOSTON BANKER WAS SHOT DOWN TODAY Aged Man Claimed that.Bank- er had Gotten all his Money for Investment -v <# g flrnf Comrv shot through the tyreast office by Herman' sixty-eight years ot age. a* ar, Lswlnskl claims that be "hid been fleeced out of ill his money In Investments,” Hill's wound* era regarded U dan gerous. MR. UNDERWOOD TELLS OF TNE TARIFF BILL The Democratic Tariff Bill to be Introduced Within the Next Ten Days. Washington, March 11,—Chair man Underwood, of ths house ways and means committee today an nounced th* tariff revision program .end the wooling bills, which will bo reported within ten dsye. The Democrats are anxious to fin ish ths revision of the tariff anq ad- the Journ congress In time for the na tional convention In Jane. Totally Destroyed by Fire with * Large hot of Cotton Seed. The cotton ginnery on the place of Mr. Byrd Hightower west of the city, was burned to the ground Sun day morning, together with its con- —- — - —,— .tents. Five gins, nhout two tons administration of President Tilt and of cotton seed, and a small lot ot pledged themselves to work for his renomlnstlon and re-election. MAN AND WIFE BOTH DEAD. It Is Relieved Woman wss Crazed and Killed Herself and Husband Cleveland, March 11.—Andrew Ruholssr and wife were found dead ln had with their threats cut this morning^ It '* believed that ths woman was temporarily Insane from 111 health and that she committed the.deed. cotton went up In smoke, nothing at all being saved from the building. It Is believed that the gin was set on fire. In fact Mr. Hightower feels satisfied of this fact. The fire was discovered shortly after t o’clock, and by the time Mr. Henry Hightower, the first to reach the scene arrived there the rear end ot the building had fallen In. Whether the place was deliberately fired, or whether It was the result of some tramp who made It a sleeping place on Saturday night. Is not known. ANOTHER BOY PREACHER. Atlanta Youngster Occupied Trinity Pulpit on Sunday. Atlanta, Oa., March 11,—Her. T. II. Middlehrooks, a recent grad uate of the Roys’ High School, ana now barely 21 years of age, occu pied the pulpit St Trinity Methodist church yesterday, ■ He Is the young est minister who has ever preached In Atlanta, and hts appearance caused Interest. Mr. Middlehrooks Is the youngest minister In the Ala bama conference, and probably In the south. Savannah, March 11.—The work upon Savannah's house drainage system extension for which |60(l,- 000 In bonds was recently Issued will be started very shortly now, It Is expected. The proposed plan which wss drawn up some time ago, which colled for a much larger system tha n that which will likely be carried out, now plans will not ho mads. The Drainage Commission, which has the control of this work will sward the contract for preparing the Plans and specifications lor the work tomorrow. The contract will likely be awarded to Mr. H. S. Jaudon, a local (engineer. Several months will be required to complete this work, after which It Is expected that the actual work of putting Ih the drainage system will begin. When this extension of the drain? age system has been finished. Savan nah will have one ot ths most com plete snd modern systems In the county. The proposed work will cov er ths new residential districts of Savannah and tin, outlying sections which have no dralnago at present. Ninth Annual Meeting, The AlnUffiMjMMHfr WjOf th^ iftspsssa| morrow evening,- The msathgVil^ he attended by the members of ths organization snd other 8svahnah business men. The annual election of officers will ho held, Mr. Leopold Adler It the president. A. report of tho progress that has been made by Savannah since the organisation of th* Chamber of Qommarss, and the work of that body will be mads by the president snd Mr. Joseph F. Oray. the rise president and execu tive officer. Ths business session will he followed by s banquet, Among the speakers will he Mr. t. Mayhew Cunningham, "What ths Chamber of Commerce Means to the Life of Savannah;" Prof. J. W. Hendricks, district organiser, "Boys’ Corn Clubs," and Col. O. A- Gordon, "Pregifss of Savannah snd Chat ham County | R 1911, and What n Means." A Fight to he Postmaster. , There la a fight on among the Republicans In Savannah over the postmastershlp, which has been va cant by the reslgnaton of Cap. Hen ry Blun. Although the retiring post master was given the privilege of ap pointing hie succraeor and named th* assistant postmaster, M. S. Baker, the sntl-Blnn faction in the party la opposing- his appointment snd tre using their Influence In the Interest ot former poetmaster J. F. Doyle. The fight may affect th* chances of Mr. Baker. 3,000 TURKS KILLED DY SAVAGE ARABS The Army was Almost An nihilated, all of the Officers Being Massacred. Home, March 11.—Three thou*, and Turks out Of an army of 1,999 were annihilated by the army of the Sheik of Idria near Midi recent- MOTHEH BURNS TO DEATH. But Children Were Reset)cl in Brook lyn Fire this Morning. New York, March 11.—Mrs. Lll- lien Coottsrsteln wss burned to death and her three children were /eseued whe n fire destroyed the four story ly. tenement St 307 Tompkins avenu-, All of the Tnrklsh offleqjrs wets Brooklyn today. ^killed.