The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 11, 1912, Image 2

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QJL, HONDA*. MARCH 11, 1012. ' , V.- MUCl INTEREST MANIFESTED IN PRES. CAMPAIGN New Impetus Given Gov. Harmon’s Candidacy. Republicans in the Limelight Washington, D. C. March 11.— Livelier each week grows the in terest In and around Congress in the chances of th e Presidential candl* dates, Democratic and Republican alike. Each week sees a keen#* de sire on the part of groups in Con gress to present the avlalabillty of their favorite candidates to the public eye. While the Republicans, by reasons of the intense struggle between President Taft and Col. Roosevelt, have lately occupied tho limelight, the Democrats are show ing themselves apt In putting for ward the claims of Qov. Harmon, Champ Clark, Qov, Wilson and Rep resentative Underwood. Qov. Harmon's Invasion of the East has naturally given new impe tus and added widespread Interest to his candidacy. Democrats who have awaited with impatience for his pre-convention pronouncements] THE ONLY REMEDY • F0RBL00D POISON 8. 8. S. 1» the one and only reliable and certain cure for Contagion. Blood Poiscm. This claim is not baaed on the treatment of a few cases of the disease, here and them, but its success extends over a' period of more than forty years, during which time thousands upon thousands have found a cure by the use of this great vegetable remedy. 6. 8. S. la first of all, an abso lutely perfect blots! purifier, able to go down Into the blood and remove even- particle ol the virus ot Contagious Blood Poison. It cleanses and purifies the circulation, and in this way removes the cause of the trouble. Then nature, assisted by a rich, healthy blood supply, quickly renovates and renews the system, while the symptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat, skin eruptions, discolored splotches, falling hair, sores and ulcers, etc., disappear, leaving the body entirely free from the effects of this insidious poison. When S. S. S. has thoroughly cleansed and purified the circulation there is no danger of any future outbreak—the blood is pure and the cause of the disease entirely removed. Home Treatment Book containing many valuable and helpful suggestions for those who are curing themselves with S. S. 8., and any medical advice desired sent free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. LABOR CHIEF’S CASE BEFORE FULL BENCH Contempt Case Involving Sev eral Labor Officials Up for Hearing Today. Washington, D. C., Marcn 11.—Tho contempt case involving President Samuel Compere, Vice President John Mitchell and Secretary Frank Morrison of the American Federation of Labor came up for hearing today before the full bench of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. Tlie case ha« been pending for sev eral yeara before Justice Wright, believe that hla appearance at this (aI1( j jj e j iag already imposed nentenc- juncture will ehow the real strength of his boom. It was in response to an insistent demand that began as far back as January. Scores of his friend* urged that he come out at this time, but his Judgment and that of his advisors dictated other wise. He wanted Gov. Wilson to have a clear field and now that the] eg of imprisonment upon the three men. The Supreme Court, however, found errors in his procedure, hut gave the lower court the right to re new the pooeedings. The controversy that originally brought tho labor leaders into court New Jersey executive ha* fired hia,®rose out of a labor boycott of the heavy artillery some from the Har- Bucks Stove and Range Company of 111 * 1 I Hf T.Sinla Thntlirh -hla .llnnnln mon camp will be heard booming St- bouts. Though ihia dispute ’has acroaa the lands. J bean sottled, Justice Wright took the Friends of the Ohio Governor In ground that the dignity of the Congreii—and they are a legion— Uourt’B orders had been violated, believe a* the convention draws end again cited the labor chief, to nearer hla conservatism will appeal *PP*ar and defend themselves, more strongly to the voters than — ■ • the radicalism of either Wilson or SHATTERED NERVES. Clark. They look for a sharp Strug- gle, but one that will show the,Of a Brooklyn Girl Were Soon Re- party cemented rather than divided hunt by Vlnol. on the big laauea—the tariff, the! Did.<rou know Jhat tnuts. GENERAL EMILIO NUNEZ. Leader of Cuban Vsterana Who Talk of Intorvontion. jF what have shattered nerves un- __ m _ w , -A they* have been through this would nlske Democracy triumphant trial,'" • says Franaee Orabau, of ^thls year. These two would make Brooklyn. For the last two years a n Ideal team, unbeatable because | m 3 f norvofis system sci-m.d to be of their personal popularity and ,tho i completely broken down and caused principles < for which they stand, •cores of Democrats assert. Other tickets suggested are Wilson and Folk, of Missouri, and Clnrk and Gov. Fobs, of Maasaohusstts. Wil liam Randolph Hearat’a name also Is toeing coupled with 8peaker Clark's, this ticket finding consid erable favor with the more radical element of tho party. Repreeehta- tlre Underwood, of course, has con siderable support In Congress as the ticket's topllner, but this la confined almoat entirely to the Southern nienv- a great deal of suffering. Vlnol has made me well again. 1 have found It the greatest nerve and body builder on the market and there la nothing equal to It. I recommend Vlnol to all nervous women and men.” This delicious cod live snd Iron preparation without oil (Vlnol) Is ao helpful In nervous conditions; It enriches the blood and bulld9 up the whole body, thus nourishing snd strengthening the nerves. We guar antee Vlnol to give you satisfaction, hers, as yet, the Northern and I refunding the money If it dove not. Western members regard him only A. E. Dlmmock, Valdosta, Ga. as a strong vlco-prealdentlal choice. | 11 ■ — Whatever the developments ot i To Dlaeus* Cement and Its Uses, the neat few week# as regards the' Kansas City. Mo„ March 11.—The other Democratic candidates. It Is wide variety of uses to which cement believed that Gov. Harmon's ’ boom c “d concrete may he put In the con- la In the nacendnncy. His frlenda In ‘traction °f pavements, dams, grain Congress say that hla real strength elevators, bridges and business etruc- bas never been shown and that when t»reo and dwelling houses will be It comes It will be one of the con- exhaustively discussed at the eighth ventlon'a surprises. .annual convention of the National — I Association of Cement Users, which S or • noaea of -((I” will enro any convened l n thin city today for a fire ease nf chills and fevar. Pries He. dsya’ aeaalon. Lost Treasure. A men who went half way around the world on n wild-goose chase for a supposed burled. treasure' continued from New York to Salt Lake ror the pleasure of thrashing the man who told him the story of a great cache which did not exist. If .he will now employ somebody with arr-^iequate sized boot, to take cnrtf| Idsnt will Iuslop. sUdden"discovery COLLEGE ENTERTAINMENT CITY OPERA HOUSE Matinee and N.ght MONDAY 1 I A.L MARCH 1 lin By Cadets from North Georgia Agricultural College, Dahlonega, Ga. Violin Solos, Male Quartette and a Two-act Comedy “The Great Catastrophe.” Night, • 25c, 50c, 75c Price*: Matinee - 15c, 25c SPECIAL [RATES TO THE SCHOOL Tickets at Barnes' Drug Store VALDOSTA OPERA HOUSE Matinee and Night TUESDAY i .oil. MARCH J J. A. COBURN’S BRAND NEW MINSTRELS Bigger and better than ever be fore, presenting a Gorgeous Scenic Display with a High- Grade Company of Singers, Dancers and Comedians The best indoor rntertaiment in America CHARLEY GANO California's Noted Burnt Cork Comedian No reserved seats at matinee Prices, Children - 25c Adults - - - 50c Night, 50c and $1.00j Seat sale opens 10 a. m. Sat., at BARNES' DRUG STORE —■ Mrs. Haymore—How Is that mule you bought ot the deaktn, Silas; Is hs fast? Haymore (limping)—No. not en tirely; I dlecovered hie hind lege ere loose Short Life of Muelclane. Painting and sculpture are con ducive to long life, says an authority, but mualo kllle men young. Stony Place. Bing Sing, In New York state, le 4- A-BEST-0 ELECTRIC IRONS One of the A-BEST-0 Electric Irons connected to circuit in my window at 1:30 o'clock Saturday a m„ March 9th, will leave the current on this iron for one week. If yon want an Electric Iron this is the one to buy. It saves 35 per cent current over any iron on the market. It cannot burn ont. Come and see them. C. W. STUCKEY Thoughtful Child. Little Alice Was terribly afraid of cats. One day she had been standing on the doorstep for several minutes, looking at a big black tom cat galli vanting on the fence. Finally she rushed into the house, looking very excited, and exclaimed: "Muvver, I thought I’d better come ln. Dat •aid to be derived from two Indian kl “L w .«* 1“* “ » ,ra,d ° f "te.'I felt words, meaning "the place of a atone.” sorry for it and corned away!”— Woman's Home Pomnanion, PRINTING THE TIMES PUB. CO. THE TIMES JOB DEPARTMENT is better prepared jthan ever to do good printing. Call Phone No. 5 and we will send man to make estimates. We make a specialty of commercial and stationery, posters, etc. .... GRAND GOTTHAMDRIO An European Musical and Singing Act , TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY For Tuesday Only We have been successful in securing a Feature Western Picture THE GREAT American Round - Up On the Y-6 Ranch of,the Big and Little Horse Creek First Time in Life Motion Pictures Over 3000 feet of the most Exciting, Thrilling md Inspiring scenes of Real Border Life. Exclusive Motion Pictures of the fast vanishing Frontier.. The Great West “As It Was.” Cowboys at Work and Cowboys at Play Rounding-up of over 40,000 head of cat- tle—Calf Branding-Roping and taming wild norses-The daily life of the Cowboys of a 30,000 acre Ranch See Cowgirls taking part in work and play—in their homes -in Camp and on the Plains Fancy Rope Spinning, Riding Bucking Bronchos, Driving Wild Buffalo, Mounted “Potato Race,” Wild Horse Race, Fun Fast and Furious Get a Breath of Real Western Air Ladies and children are especially invited to our Matinee Tuesday. OPEN FROM 2:30 TO 5:30 AND 7:00 TO 10 No Vaudeville in the afternoon. ONLY THREE REELS OF THE BEST PICTURES Vaudeville and pictures from 7 to 10 Admission . . 5c and 10c Night 10c and 1.5c