The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 11, 1912, Image 3

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Delicious Coffee eveiy Morning and always the same with » Rochester Percolator Popular in Price • Simple to Operate • Easy to Clean SAVES NEARLY HALF A because it extracts all of the good of the coffee Ask for our Illustrated A i Folders "How to ifflh ' Make Delicious Ig™L5&SJ Hardware Co / PAUB THREH VALDOSTA TIKES, • VALDOSTA, UA., MONDAY. HAMB It, IPta. Manufacturers and Making Plans for Large Shipments Later. Atlanta, March 9.—It the aale ot fertilizer tags la an Indication ot the amount ot commercial' fertilizer to he used on the already delayed crop during 1912, thla season promises lo be even greater man laet, which holds the record to date. On all sides the manufacturers of commercial fertilizers are making plana heavy and Immediate distribution just as soon ns the weather breaks and allows the planters to their fertilizer home. At this angle It appears that the great difficulty will be securing tuf ficlent cars with which to transport the fertilizer to meet the demand. The cotton oil mule throughout the Btate, which are supplying their Immediate vicinities with the high est grades of commercial fertilizer composed largely of cotton seed meal, are ready to .come to the aid of the farmers by quick dlatrlhu. tlon at a moment’a notice. Many planters last year sold their cotton seed to the oil mills and took In exchange commercial fertilizer to be delivered thla spring. By this ex change they are in addition to rais ing all of the food products neces sary for the farm, rais ing, as It were, their commercial fertilizer es well. Reports from all sections of the State and the South, are to the ef fect that the acreage la to be reduc ed and the amount of fertiliser In creased. j,| Bought Burial Lot and Died, A few days ago W. L. Bibb, Thomasvllle, wet to the Laurel Hill cemetery In that city and select' cd a burial lot, giving the sexton directions as to where to bury him, Leaving the cemetery he made a misstep In getting into, his buggy and MI, fracturing his hip. lingered for several ‘days and died this week. Mr. Bibb was elghty-nitta years old. He Is survived by two sons, one ot them living In Thomnsville and the other at Waycroas. Fussell KUled by Wingate. Tuggln Fussell was killed by Win gate near Abbeville Tuesday morn ing. Wingate had . rented -Fusaeil’s place last year and they had aome difficulty in the settlement. Both met In the woods near Abbeville Mon day when Wingate shot at Fussell, tut missed him. Fussell went Tues day morning to hunt Wingate, and when ha met him Wingate shot him «n sight. Fussell was at one time Ordinary of Irwin county. He married Cathe rine Paulk, daughter of Jim Paulk, and a slater of J. B. D„ J. Y„ and Dan Paulk, Treasurer of Irwin county. He leaves a widow and several children, among them Jim Fussell, of Fitzgerald; Ben Fussell, ot Ocllla; Mrs.’ Charles Royal, of Irwin, and a boat of other relatives.—TIfton Ga zette.. New Discovery CAN HAVE HEALTHY HAIR Use Wyeth’s Sage and Sul phur, a Harmless Remedy That Makes Hair Grow What a pity it Is to observe so ninny people with thin and faded bait and then realise the fact that most of these people inlght have a line, healthy head of hair If they would but use the simple “sage tea” of our grandmothers, combined with other Ingredients for restoring and preserving the hair. No one, young MAY TRY TRIANGLE MEN SECOND TIME Acquitted in First Trial, May Have to Face Jury for the Second Time. New York, March 11.—The Crlm- Inal Branch of the Supreme Court was the ecene of somethin, new in the line of court procedure to day, when the question^ of whether persons who had been oaoe tried and acquitted should be tried a second time was left for a Jury to decide. The case was that of Isaac Harris or old, need have gray hair, weak, a n d Max Blanck, owners of the Trl- thin or falling hair, dandruff or any'angle Waist Company, in whose es- trouble of the sort If they would tabllshment 147 working girls lost but use Wyeth 1 ! Sage and Sulphur their lives In a Are a year ago. Ro- Hair Remedy. On the contrary, it cently Harris and Blanck .were tried Is possible to have healthy, vigorous and acquitted, ot a charge ot man- hair, of perfect color, by a few ap plication) of this remarkable prepa- railon. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy quickly removes dandruff, leaves the scalp clean and henltli promotes the growth of the hair and restores tha natural color of the hair which hat becomo faded or Frey. It is a clone, who csoine dres sing, which may be t-sed at anr time with perfect safety. Don’t neglect your hair. Start today with Wy eth'* Sage and Sulphur. This preparation la offered to the publto at SO cents a bottle, and recommended and sold by all drug- glees. Special agent, A. E, Dim- mock. FATHER AND SON IN CELL. Former Under Death Sentence for Killing Wife. Oakland, Cal., March 8.—After many years of separation, father and so n met ! n a cell of the city prison here 'ast night. Harry Miller, a young tailor of Sa n Francisco, re vealed his Identity to Samuel Miller, setf-confessed wife murderer, wanted In Memphis, Tenn. Foley, Kidney Pills will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach' ot medlrine. No medicine can da more. Ingram Drug Co, slaughter lu the first and second de grees. The District Attorney was dla- s.'tlsfied with the verdict and asked the Court to eat a data for a aecon! trial. Counsel for the defense oppos ed the motion on the ground that the question of second Jeopardy waa raised. To this the District Attorney re plied that there were several Indict- meuya remaining against the two men, and that dlfferet persona were named In each Indictment A special jury today listened to the arguments ot counsel on both aides and will later render Its decision In the ques tion of a second trial. Age of Organization. New Boarder—Well! well! Thla la the first place I've struck where they have preserved strawberries and peach Jam Instead of stewed prunes. Old Boarder—All owing to organisa tion. my boy. We boarders have a mutual protective aiao^iatjsn; with Iron-clad rules and heavy ptJaltlee. ”0, hoi You kicked agalnat prunes, did youf" i “Not much we didn’t We passed a law that whenever prunes came on the table every member should eat a quart'or pay a $10 fine. That settled It The landlady found prunes too ex pensive.”—New York Weekly. Asbestos Shingles. - Asbestos shingles are now being manufactured In this country with suc cess, and the trade has grown enor- mously. The new products are of the lightest weight, and fireproof up to a temperature of 2,000 and more de grees They are proof against acids and weather, and last aa long aa a concrete building will. Itcpels Attack of Death. ‘Five years ago two doctors told me I had only two years to live.” This startling statement waa made by Stillman Oreen, Malachite, Col, They told me I would die with con sumption. It was up to ma then to try the beat lung medicine and I be gan to nae Dr. King’s New Discovery. was well I did, for today I am working and believe I owe my life lo this great throat and lung cure that has cheated the grave of anoth er victim." Ita folly to suffer with cCughs, colds or other throat and lung troubles now. Take the cure e» feat. Price SO cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Dlmmock Phar macy, Ingram Drug' Co., W. D. Dun away. A. E. Dlmmock Secures the Agency for Bogy's Musteline in Valdosta People who know the value ot the good old -mustard plaster for pains >n any part of the body, will be glad to know ot the new discovery called Muatarlne. One 25 cent box of Begy’s Mut- tartne will relieve more pain than forty dirty mustard plasters. Just rub It on, that's all, you don’t have to make a plaster; It's all so simple and ao easy, that no one will again be bothered with tha old disagreeable mustard plasters. If you catch cold, have pains In th e cheat or back, Just rub on Begy’s Muatarlne and the pain will vanish wlthouut abnormal heat and without blistering. Driven away headache, toothache, earache In a few minutes, chances away the pains of bronchitis, pleurt- ay. Incipient pneumonia and deep- seated coughs. It's very clean and nice to use, and la always ready. Try a 25 cent box. Sold on money back plan by A. E..Dlmmock. Mall orders filled by J. A. Begy Co., Rochester, N. Y. But Baware of the 8her(ff. Nothing succeeds like a failure. Ju diciously managed.—Exchange, Hoodooed Her Hair. Another black mark has been chalked down against number thir teen. ”1 did up my hair the other night In curl papers torn from an old calen dar,” said the pretty girl, “and In the morning when I took It down I had a row ot beautiful curia all around my head except right over the left tem ple. That lock wae aa straight aa a lead pencil, and. 1 had dampened It with lemon juice Just like all the oth ers, but when I unrolled the paper 1 found out why It wouldn’t curl. The page I bad twisted It over was the thirteenth ot the month.” To Discuss Modern Germany, Berlin, March 9.—Professor Wil helm Pasikowskl, director of the German Institute for Foreigners con ducted In connection with the Uni- Veralty of Begjtn, departed today for th« United States to deliver a session of lectures on .German cul ture, on the Invitation of the Oer- manlstlc Society of America. He will be heard at Yale, Harvard, Col umbia, Chicago, Wisconsin, Virginia, Minnesota, California and several other universities and also In zoo 1 * ot the larger eltlea. Professor Passkowski'g course will deal generally with German culture and civilisation, Especially In their International anq scientific aspects. REST OF IHiLQUOTATION Valdosta Proressional Directory lTOL D. W. FREEMAN PHYBICIA' . AND BURGEON .. Residence ant. Office $10 Ashley 8t 1 lyione 205. Call* left at Bondqranta Drag Store will receive prompt attention. W.H. NEWTON VETERINARY BURGEON SO Year* In The Practice Ham's Stable. Phone No. B8. Valdosta, Ga. GEO. E. SIMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room No. 5. Strickland Blgd. Valdosta, Ga. P. C. QUARTERMAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON .. Office Over Vinson'* Drug Store. Valdosta Georgia on TO Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff DENTAL SURGEON To get tha beat work for tha least money. LOOK! SET OF TEETH S5.00 Gold Crowns $3.00 and up. Impression taken In the morning and plates delivered In atternoen. Teeth Extracted Without p tt | n . Valdosta, Ga. B. S. RICHARDSON REAL ESTATE AGENT Valdoata, .,. Georgia, I. P. Crutchfield ARCHITECT. Valdosta, ft Georgia. Hotels, Banks Schools An<] Fine Residence*. DR. J. M. SMITH Praetlce Limited to the diseases of the RYE, EAR, NOSU, AND THROAT Office orer Olmmock't Drag Store Valdosta, Ga. DR. N. A. WILLIAMS DENTIST. Office Over Dlmmoek'a Drug Store. Phone 141 CURRAN R. ELLIS. ARCHITECT. Bills Building—Cherry St. and Oottoa Arena*. Macon ft Georgia Hotels, Stores, Schools, Tina Resident* Dr. Dan H. Breedlove OSTEOPATH Office McKoy Bolldlng. Office Phone 146. Dr. F. R. Parramore DENTIST. Over Dekl* Hardware O*. Phtna 14. DR. W. M. PHILLIPS CHIROPRACTIC SPECIALIST On Nervous and Chronic Diseases 418 and 18 Strlekland Building Office Phone $71, Residence 432-J. Valdosta, Ga. Z. R. Hutchinson Consulting Engineer VALDOSTA .|. GEORGIA, W. W. HARDEN DENTIST, Succceodlng Dr. A. N. Williams. Office over Dlmmock'* Phar macy. : : : : : : : Valdosta, t>i Georgia. DR. J.F. BURCHETT PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Thomas Building ' Residence Phone 714 Office Phone 14 WOOD! WOOD! Oswald Wilkinson, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Staten vllle, i-i Georgia Office at Court House. All kinds of wood, pineo oak sawed any length. Large loadz than ever and prompt de livery. Fat wood that will bum Phones 3I6-500-L F. W. Schnauss, M. D. Office and Laboratory over Dunaway’s Drug Store, rear., Calls Left at Dunaway's will Receive PROMPT ATTENTION. O.M. SMITH ATTORNEY AT LAW Rome 1, Strickland Building. Valdosta. .t. orerrin. VALDOSTA COOPERAGE CO. SQUIRREL SHOWS DEEP GRIEF Mounts Over Severed Head of Mate Ith Intensity That Seams Al most Hui uman. bile Earlle—Papa, what la tha rest of the quotation ”Man proposes and—” Mr. Peck (sadly)—Woman seldom refuses. Milleading Names Practically all tha wooden clocks called Dutch are made In the . village of Freyburg, In the Black Foreat. Thla misnomer la due to simple mispronun ciation—"Deutach” meaning, of oourae. German. Nothing la more natural than to aaaume that India Ink cornea from India, but It does not, and never did, any more than does India rub her. India Ink la a Chinese product, and India rubber cornea from South America. Camel’s hair brushes are not made from the hair ot camels, but from the hair of the tails, of Rua- •tan and Siberian squirrels. Camel s hair la, however, employed In the man ufacture of certain fabrics to be made Into shawls, etc., and la sometimes mixed with silk. Made Neat Escape. Not so long ago a knowledge of Latin was essential to an orator, and long quotations from the Roman poets embellished every debate. James Payn, tha novelist, was ones at a din ner party where a learned clergyman insisted on quoting Oreek. The lady sitting next to Payn asked for a trans lation. Payn’a Oreek wae rusty. Ac cordingly he assumed a blush, and hinted to the lady that It was scarcely fit for her ear. "Good beavenal” aba exclaimed, "yon don't mean to say—" "Please don't aek any more,” mur rain ed Payn, "I really could not tell Out-of-the-way German Inna. Germany probably holds the record for out-of-the-way Inn names. Berlin alone can boast the "Angry Louise," the “Comfortable Lamb,” tha “Cold Frog,” the “Dirty Parlor,” the "Bloody Bones," the "Boxers' Den,” the "Four- Hundred-Weight Man” and' the "Mu sical Cats,” whilst a suburban land lord, whose house stands near a ceme tery and la a popular “pall up” for sneh as anfbstat between Germany mourners, baa dubbed It, very appro- ad America. prlately, the “Last Tear.” jppMie . United States baa Its lively and half- domesticated colony of squirrels, and there Is no other creature of the woods and'fields with which city children may—and do—become so familiar. An Interesting story which shows the depth of feeling which these little ani mals ere capable, comes to the Com panion from Waterloo, la; A physician who lives near one of the parks In that city had long had nn especial Interest In a pair of squir rels which made their home In a tree within tight or hit house. One day be noticed that one of this pair was run ning up and down a certain tree In the park, meanwhile chattering In the grenteet excitement Finally the lit tle fellow appeared on a branch, hold ing between hlz pawa the severed head of hit mate, over which he waa mean ing and whining pitifully. On Investi gation, It appeared that the dead squir rel had been caught and actually de capitated by a limb split off from tho tree by a storm of the night before. The grief-stricken mate would not abandon the body all that day, and mourned over the severed head with an Intensity and absorption which seamed almost human, with a depth of emotion Indeed, of which somo hu man balnga are hardly capable.— Youth's Companion. Dasher & Varnedoe <p*-” fHON^Wl, VALDC. C ‘>, Doors, Windbws, Moulding of all kind. Shingles, Brick, Lime. Carey’s Roofing, in all grades. Rough and Dressed Framing, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding and Finish. - S-.'u A complete stock always on hand: Out-of-town orders given special attention, frompi delivery our motto, 'jet ouifprices before buying, Dasher & Varnedoe Valdosta, Ga. Phone[334. Navajo Blankets. Much unadulterated nonsenso has been written concerning the symbol- lam of Navajo Indian blankets, and the poetry, legend, tradition and history woven by the squaw Into Its fabric. It it trtle that aome designs have a sym bolic meaning, but Hopl, Zunl and Apaahe symbols are used quite as freely aa those peculiar to the Nava- Joa The Navajo aquaw la one of the least Imaginative and least poetical of human beluga, and it la quite safe to aay that even when symbolic de signs are employed In basket weav ing It la without the remotest refer ence to their true significance. Cate Scratch a Table Leg to Pleeea A table has been In the possession of a Dulwich, England, family for over eighty years, and during thla time the various cats they have possessed have scratched one leg, and one leg only, till at last they ao wore It away that It became uaelasa and had to he re placed with a new leg. The old log la still In existence and kept aa a. curi osity. Record of a Malna Stage Horae. In the harness for 2,180 consecutive dzyz and traveling 29,876 miles Is tha record or Lee, the stage horse of Mooae river. Lee la owned by Jonae Holden, who transports mall between Mooae River plantation and the rail road station, and In the past aiz years there has not been a day whan he baa not been in harness.—Port land Press. Bnggs W H.