The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 16, 1912, Image 5

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/ THE VALDOSTA TBIES, VALDOSTA, OA.. SATukDAT MARCH 10, 1819. IS' ! * * * TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT ♦ -> - ■— - ♦ * Edited by Valdosta W. C. T. U. ♦ * ♦ The Woman’s Christian Temper ance Union is organized for the utter overthrow of the liquor traffic. . Our national president says “The W. C. T. U. is not only anti-saloon, Charter Will be Asked but anti-brewery, anti-distillery and. anti every form of liquor-making and liquor-selling.” Life Sketch of Neal, Dow. A COMMITTEE WAS APPOINTED Nea l D °w w a8 born in Portland, THIS MORNING TO PROCEED RIaI “ e * 1804 ’ of aturdy E “ gllsh — I stock. He made what might be WITH THE ORGANIZATION IN cont>idered h|8 flr8t argume nt for A LEGAL WAY. prohibition when ho was scarcely six years old. An old fashioned silver watch of his father’s—too The subscribers to the Chatauqua j ar g 8 carried—hung on the Association mot at the county court, wall. One day Neal took it down house at te u o’clock this morning and broke it. In reply to the rebuke and appointed a committee b n or-v° f his father, the little fellow said ganization consisting of Messrs J. *• for the Company Soon that the watch should have been t kept out> of his reach—surely a McCraken. D. D. Small, W. B. Con-. good argume nt for removing tempta- oly, J. T. Mathis, and C W. Barnes. I tion. This committee will apply for a J gne 0 f the social institutions of charter at once and will call another. ^ you ng manhood was the volun- meeting of the subscribers for to-| teer flre department, which was Un- morrow morning at ten o clock to ( prove d . greatly under his manage- auhmlt plana to them. A full mcnt a8 chief engineer. At one of Mtendanco of the s.. ckholdera 1* the banquets held by the brigade, a desired. I man w bo disliked the temperance Mls« Jessie Ray Taylor, of the prlnc | ple8 ot M r. Dow proposed this Alkahest Lyceum Bureau, who toasti -Brandy and water; water worked up the Interest In the Chau-| for the flre and brandjr for the Bre _ tauqua here, waa present at the ,. The ., chlef „ re8po nded wlt- meetlng this morning and those uly _ doalDg hu spe e c h with the suhecrlbere , present assured her ^ -Brandy and weter; water through a resolution <U*m extinguishes the flre and bramly the adopted |thaf k ,they would contract ; aremen „ Through his Influence the fo, her couree of entertalnmen s as department fln8 „ y abandoned the use of liquor at; its spreads. But long before this Mr. Dow and his soon as the* association Is chartered and I n position to make contracts. There wae a good deal of enthus iasms at the meeting this morning and It Is believed that the Chautau qua Is going to ha a great aucceas. The following la s lat of those who have subscribed to the stock In V - Chautauqua, a number of the subscribers taking two aliares each. *1 he committee will add a number of names to thjjfcfeftfn* afternoon. It sisters settled . for themselves the question of serving wine at their home—a unique decision, since In thoee days wine was served As free ly as coffee or chocolate Is at pres ent. With a broad view of men snu affaire, Mr. Dow believed In total ab stinence and tprhed his attention to W. O.' L. H. Besent, Conrad V Murphtloe, C. C. Brantley, J. T. Mathis, A. S. Pendleton, J. J. Newman, W. B. Conoley, J. T. Blalock, M. J. Chauncey, W. D. Small, Percy Thigpen, C P. Clark, W. M. Oliver, C, W. Barnes, C. M. Killian. H. Y. Tillman, J, A. Dasher, 1 Burrus Brothers, E D. Ferrell, Dt Ingram, W. C. Willie, J. E, Oornto, R. B, Myddelton, J. R. Walker, Jaa. M. Johnson, Atty. at Law A V. Simms, W M Phillips, B. F. Strickland, B. S. Richardson, H. F. Tillman, •G E. Claus, 3. M. Johnson, Agt. O. & F. Hr. Marion Curry, E D. Ferrell, Jr., Howard Harris, J. M. Wllklneon, G. Y. McRee, T. N. Holcombe, J. Y. RoberU, L. A. Vamedoe, T. M. Vinson, Wlnn-Jonee Co., D. E. Simms, C, S. Bondurant, v C. H. Davis, L. W. Shaw, Holmes A Barber, W. L. Ricks, W. R. Youlee, G. W. Varu, J F. Stapler, W. F. Twitty, Robert Black, O. C. Dougherty, B. P. Miller, L. L. Dougherty, J, G. Mackey, Rev. .Burke Culpepper, C. L .Smith, H. B. Dinkins. O. H. Presley, W. L. Fender, Dr. D. W. Freeman, J. F. McCrackln. asked If ho would try to Induce a certain liquor dealer not to sell her husband any more strong drink. JWitk ready acquiescence, Mr, Dow' called to see the saloon keeper! and made the request. T|te man said that he had a license .to <All. that he should do so, and'that he did not care to have Mr. Dow "whining around" his place of business. Speaking of the occurrence, Neal Dow »i!d; “Surprised, disappoint ed, ir(’ nant, I replied to’the effect that sooner or later I would aee that he and all like him 1 were driven from the community unless they abandoned their Infamous business. The Incident affected me with vital force. As I reflected upon It as only one of tho thousands of cases Into which It might be multiplied, with a product of misery to so many helpless women and Innocent chil dren, I became more strongly con vinced that my duty waa clear. I resolved to try and discharge It. From that day I have followed It with such strength of body, m|nd and purpose as God has given to me.” As a speaker and worker In the temperance cause, Mr. Dow was as well known in England as In United States, for he spent three years In Great Britain, where he performed a large amount of labor, wholly without compensation. In 1894, when General Dow had reached the ago of ninety years, the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union conceived the Idea of honor ing him by holding great raeetlngi all over the world. The anniversary of his birth, March 20, at the sug gestion lot Frances Willard, was adopted by the National W. C. T. U. as Prohibition Day. A FLOCK OF GEESE STOLEN An Atlanta Woman had Many Birds, butTheives Carried Them all Away. • v Atlanta, Gav* March 14.—Mrs. Victoria D. Seals Is thoroughly con vinced that the story about the cackling of geese tnat saved Rome is GRACE IS DYING OF HIS WOUND He is Bitter Toward his Wife, Though She is Only Affectionate Toward Him. Atlanta, Ga., March 14.—Eugene Grace, who accuses his wife of shooting him, is in a dying condi tion today and the physicians de- th e biggest whopper in all history. | Clare that it is only a matter of a She had a flock of fine geese Inj f - W da y fl . aa he cannot^recovor. When informed that no hope was left for his recovery, Mrs. Grace her back yard, plump, ‘beautiful white birds, that strutted sedately around, and cackled so melodiously in the morning tb«t Mrs Seals often imagined they were actual lineal des cendants of those that Baved the Citadel from, the Barbara ns. But last the Barbarians visited Mrs. Seals back yards. They were ewarthy Ethiopians and they came bearing sacks. Into the sacks they thrust the foolish flock of geese, the geese meanwhile uttering no sound. The pees e haven't cackled until yet, and probably now never will. Mrs. Seals, who Is comfortably well off. Isn't so very much chagrined over the loss. *'Geet,e that haven’t got eense enough to cackle when they are being stolen are pot worth having anyway/* she say&. SWEETHEART COUPON. Look for Coupon in The Times on Tuesday, March 10. By special arrangement with the Manhattan Soap Company, the mak ers of that famous Sweetheart Toilet Soap, we will publish a free coupon on the above mentioned date which if cutout and presented to your gro cer or any store where Sweetheart Toilet Soap ia aold you 'Wtll recelvp ca'fe of. JBw^ethiP.rt Tolley have to do 4s cut out ‘.he coupon and sign your name and ad dress. We want every reader of this paper to get in on this gr*at free offer, as we are positive that you will surely appreciate this free offer. Don’t forget the date—March 19 is Sweetheart Day. Subscribers to Th© Times outside of Valdosta, or in the neighboring towns, who do not And Sweetheart Soap in the stores of their respect ive towns, may have coupons re deemed by any dealer in Valdosta. Just cut the coupon from The Timet and bring it with you the next time you come to Valdosta. The Man hattan Company wants to give away thousands of cakes of soap and you are invited to participate In *.he dis tribution. broke down and swayed wlth*grtof. Grace’s ante-mortem statement will probably be taken this after noon. All thought of bond for the woman is abandoned for the present. Although the husband is bitter asainat th© wife, never by word or action has the wife revealed any thing but the strongetL affection for the husband. Rev. Burke Culpepper Was in Town Rev. Burke Culpepper came up from Madison, Fla* yesterday and spent the day in this city. He and his father are* conducting a revival meeting at Madison and are having much success with it. They went to Madison from Dawson, Ga., where thsy conducted one of the biggest meetings they over had. During the meeting at Dawaon a young man professed religion and confessed to them that he had b?en operating a blind tiger and that ho then had live barrels of liquor on hand. This whisky was shipped hack to Macon, or wherever it came from. Mr. Culpepper ttys the young man was thoroughly penitent and came to their room at night and made his confession. PLANS NOTICE. To the colored men of Lowndes county: You are hereby called to meet at the Court House Saturday, March 23, 1912, at twelve o’clock, to con- eider matters pertaining to register ing before the first of April. Fall not* Respectfully, 8. W. WRIGHT, Chairman W. 8. LARKIN, Secretary. Republican Executive Committee, Lowndes county. G. 8. & F. Men May Strike. Reports from, Macon . indicate that the blacksmiths of the Georgia Southern and Florida road are threatening a strike against that road. A committee was closeted with Vice President Munson for about six hours last night trying to reach an amicable ajustment. It is said that superintendent of motive power, Kaderley, recently discharged a veteran foreman In the Maco n shops and substituted a mechanic from North Carolina for his place. It is understood that the entire force may demand Mr, Kaderley’s resignation, Brooks County’s Primary, The County Executive Committee of Brooks county ha* called the prl- Irvy in that county for April 17, «t ^candidates there preferring to have it separate from the state pri mary. l!iilfl|^^^Hi^HpRRT%ro llnvl) Prhttlqai^jKgrced On. The hoard of ^Towards of the Methodist church have practically decided upon the plan* which will be used for enlarging their church and for adding a balcony to tho eas*. end of the building. The prelimi nary plane were drawn by Architect Bens and were submitted at the stewards* meeting Tuesday night The stewards liked the plans and Mr. Bens was Instructed to get up plans that will be more complete. The plans call for the addition of a two-story annex on the south side of the building, so arranged that it can <be thrown Into the main audito rium by merely opening two folding doors. There will he a balcony *o the annex and this will extend around to the east side of the build ing, giving a seating capacity of about 1,600 people in the church, and making It the largest auditorium of any church in tho 8outh Georgia Conference, if not in tbs state. The work of enlarging the church will cost In the neighborhood of $10,000. The balcony will be built on Iron pillars and will be ot Iron almost entirely. Besides this, the basement of the church will be converted Into a room where entertainments may he had. A coal room will he provided and tho basement will he cemented and fixed up Ip good shape. Both Primaries on Same Day. The County Executive Committee recently set the date for the county primary on May 1. but added that the primary would be held at the same tlm© as the presidential pri mary, provided the latter should be an early primary and also to| he,d a bOUt that time. Thi§ means that the county dite would be changed to conform to the presiden tial primary, so that both should be held o n the same day, unless It was too great a difference In the dates selected by the state committee. It so bappns that the State Execu tive Committee has fixed the date for the presidential primary on May 1, the date selected 'by the county committee. This will make It unnec essary for the date to be changed, so both prlmarlea will bo bold on the sam e date. Th© Electric Shoe Hospital is doing fine work now. Phone 101 and I Caught »'Rig Wild Cat. C. T. Corbett, who ltvea near Lake Alcyone, brought a big wild cat to the city yesterday and put him on exhibition at Barnes’ drug store. The cat was caught after a terrific fight »n the rear of Mr. Corbett’s house. Mr. Corbett’s little child went out In the yard and discovered the cat, nd the big animal waa about to Jump on the child when Mr. Corbett came up. The cat was finally overpowered and brought to this city. NOTICE. All persons are warned not to trade for a certain note for one We will get another car of big will send for snd return shoes in hundred dollars, dated Jan. 18, farm mulea on March 15th. See first class condition. All shoe work 1912, payable in 90 days, In favor of thfm. MIxell Live Stock Co., In old C. O. D. J. T Webb, The Grocer, j. m. Clemens, signed Mrs. J. R. Griffith Stable. 3 12 d2 wl Turner 3 16 w4t The weather man missed It a few degrees In his prediction for yester day and last night. Ilf said'that there would be frost to the Florida line, but It lacked a good deal of be ing cold enough for frost. if he will keep back the rain, moat of th? people of this section will excuse him for slipping up on his frost prophecy. KMEf PELS for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities* Folev Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes, INGRAM DRUG CO., Valdosta, Ga. Fender Lumber Company PHONE 44, 601 Wert Savannah Ave., VALDOSTA, GEORGIA We carry a full line of all kinds of building lumber. FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, FINISH, MOULDING, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS V.riety shop work of all kinds—Window and Door Frames and Screens a specialty SHINGLES * Dyal-Upchurch Building, Jacksonville, Fla. Shipments made to any part ofl State. Let u* have {your order,. Nice stock. Well graded and manufactured. JOHN DEERE STALK CUTTERS AND DISK HARROWS CALL IN AND SEE THEM W. H. Briggs Hardware Co. Valdosta, - Ga. CALL TO SEE US New Firm Fresh Stock WHOLESALE , Hay, Grain and Mill Products Heavy Groceries Sugar, Rice, Coffee Si “ROXAM FLOUR.” Try It FIT FOR A KING JOE WISENBAKER & CO. PHONE 800 A. S. Pendleton’s Old Stand Reliance Fertilizer Co. A. H. Denmark, Local Manager. Office Rear Wyone Shoe Co FERTILIZERS AND Fertilizer Materials Factory Savannah, Ga. Warehouse Valdosta,Ga