The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 16, 1912, Image 7

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HAVE CHARGE OF Foreign Warships are Cleared for Action THE FOREIGNERS ARE FORCIJi# TO FLEE FOR THEIR LIVES AND FOREIGN INTERESTS ARE THREATENED. Hong Kong, March 12.—It Is re ported today that the city of Can ton is in the hands of the brigand hordes and that foreigners are fleeing. Foreign warships in the harbor hare their decks cleared for action. Frantic appeals asking for foreign troops to protect foreign interest ar© . being sent It Is feared that th e city will be burned. Bloody Scenes in China. Pekin, March '2.—Blood thirsty scenes, rivaling the French revolu tion, are being inacted dally here. The headsman’s sword replaces the guillotine. Over 100 Chinese have been kill ed in the past twenty-four hours by mutineers and 'bandits. Thousands of prisoners who were liberated today through the clemen cy of President Yuan have Joined the rebels. First La Grippe, Then Bronchitis. That was the case with Mrs. W.S. Bailey, McCreary. Ky. "My wife was taken down with a severe attack of la grippe, which run Into bron chitis. She coughed as though she had consumption and could not sleep at night The first bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound gave her so much relief that she continued using it unt£i she was permanently cured.” Ingram Drug Co. HE KICKED CHILD INTO FIRE. A Gordon County Fanner Get s Ten Years at Agq< of 78. Calhoun, next ten yi Hv*» CO drew K 'county, at the *tat hlg son-in-law, Robj months ago. According to th’e evidence Intro duced in the trial, King killed Keel while the latter was at work in a sorghum mill by stabbing him In the hack. King was arrested and placed in jail, but before the time bet for his trial escaped and was at large for several weeks. When he was recaptured he was released un der bond, bttt ‘later was rearrested on an indlctnient charging him with qjttemp|' to murder the little child of the ton-Iu-low whom, he had slain. It wa J p shown that King had kick ed the> Child, into a fire, declaring he Intended to kill the entire Keel family. When arraigned the presid ing judge agreed to give the defen dant a sentence of only ten years on the chalngang if he would plead guilty to the crime charged. This the aged man did and will begin his sentence this week. On account of his ago friends of King are seeking to have him sent to the prison farm instead of the chalngang. MICHIGAN G.O.P. DIVIDED BETWEEN TAFT AND TEDDY The President Being Fought by Governor Osborn BOTH UNITED STATE SENATORS AND ALL REPUBLICAN REP RESENTATIVES FROM THE STATE FOR TAFT. Detroit, Mich., March 13.—The Taft campaign In Michigan will bo started down the ways at Hastings next Friday night, when a big Re publican banquet will be given with Senator William Alden Smith the chief speaker. The affair will mark the beginning of a hard light that will be made to keep the Wol verine state in line for the Presi dent’s renomination. division of sentiment that if almost without precedent is admit ted to exist among the Republicans of Michigan at the present time. Both the United States senators and the Republican representatives from the fetate are placed among th© Taft supporters, but the President ip being fought by Governor Osborn and his followers. The governor*has been boosting hard for Roosevelt, but the Taft people> claim they do not fear the results, and that now they are get- tlrg down to the real work of the campaign things will begin to nove their way. Announcements. Repels Attack of Death. "Five years ago two doctors told ms I had only two years to live.” This startling statement was made by Stillman Green, Malachite, Col. “They told me I would die with con sumption. It was up to me then to try the best lung medicine and I be gan to use Dr. King’s New Discovery. It was well I did, for today I ara working and believe 1 owe my Ilfs to this great throat and lung cure that has cheated the grave of anoth*- cr victim.” Its folly to suffer with ccughs, colds or other throat and lung troubles now. Take the cure safest. Price 60 cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Dlmmock Phar macy, Ingram Drug Co., W. D. Dun away. TRAGEDY ON BATTLESHIP. One of the Firemen on the North Carolina l.i Stabbed to Death. Key West, March 12.—Goodwin, a second class fireman aboard the battleship North Carolina, was stab bed to death this morning In the buffet by Joe Knight. Knight was ar- rested. „ _i. L&wl To Mothers—And Others. You can use Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to cure children of eczema, rashes, tetter, chafing, scaly and crusted humors, as well as their ac cidental Injuries,—cuts, burns, bruiz es, etc., with perfect safety. Nothing else heals so quickly. For bolls, ul cers, old. running or fever sores or piles it has no superior. 25c at Dim- mock's Pharmacy, Ingram Drug Co., and W. D. Dunaway. NEGRO IN BATTLE Ilnzlchurst, JSjnope it Brisk Fir©. ' Hazlehurst, Ga„ March i$.—Chief of Police Oscar Mobley had a nar row escape from 'being. shot by. a negro named Jim Williams this morning. Chief Mob|ey had a war rant for the negro and suspected that he was on the freight train that was ready to' ijull out. He found him in the cab and arrested him. While Mobley was In the act of searching the negro he pulled a pis tol. As he attempted to fire, Ea Girtman, who was standing near, collared Williams. Williams then knocked Girtman down with his pis« tol and began a running fire at the chief who returned the fire as soon as he could pull his gun. There were four shots fired by the negro while Mobley had to fire four shots before the negro dropped. Williams lived only about twenty minutes after the shooting. Mobley was not hit. The coronor’s jury returned a ver dict exonerating Chief Mobley, as he acted in self-defense while making a lawful arrest. Glorious News. Comes from Dr. J. T Curtiss, Dwight, Kan. He writes: "I not only have cured bad cases of eczema In my patlonts with Electric Bitters, but also cured myself by them of the same disease. I feel sure they will benefit any cas© of eczema.” This shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Bitters Is a most effec tive blood purifier. Its an excellent remedy for eczema, tetter, sale rheum, ulcers, boils and runntng3 sores. It stimulates liver, kidney* and bowels, expels poisons, helps di gestion, builds up the strength. Price 60 cents. Satisfaction guaran teed by Dimmock Pharmacy, Ingram Lrug Co W D Dunaway. * FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Lowndes County. I respectfully announce myself as a cadnidate for the office of ordinary o r this county, aubject to the nomi nating primary. I will appreciate your votes end support and promise if elected to devote my entire time to the duties of the office. I have lived among you for the past thir teen years, and feel myself competent to successfully handle the affairs of the office. It will be my aim to work for the interests of the people at all times. Respectfully, W. J. DURANT. FOR ORDINARY. To the Citizens of Lownde* County: I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary of this county, subject to the primary election. If elected, I promise a faithful per formance of the duties of the office Owing to my affliction with rheu matism, I ara unable to perform the duties of traveling saleman, so long held by m«. I have never been a candidate be fore, and ask and need your support My past experience | n office will enable me to successfully fill the po sition. Very respectfully, CLINTON GRIFFIN. FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Lowndes County I take this method of announcing my name for re-election to the office Ordinary of Lowndes county, sub- feet to the action of the coming Democratic Primary. respectfully solicit the support of the many voters of the countv and wish to return thanks to my Vends who have stood so loyally by In the past, and wish to solicit their continued friendship and sup- ort. promising them, of, faithful performance of my duties in the future, as In the past, as I un- ■lerstand them. Very Respectfully, A. V. SIMMS. FOR ORDINARY. To the Citizens of Lowndes County: T announce myself a candidate for Ordinary subject to the coming prl tnary. I will appreciate the support of the voters and I promise If elect- to give the people of Lowndee county my whole time and attention strictly to the duties of the office. I highly appreciate all past favors shown me by ths people ot our coun ty. I beg to remain, Most respectfully. J. F. PASSMORE. FOR ORDINARY. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Ordinary of Lowndes coun ty. subject U- the Democratic pri mary. I was bom and reared In the county, and In all of my more than 60 years citizenship have never been candidate for any office befero. Now, however, I respectfully solicit the support of the voters. If 1 am elected I promise the most faithful service I am capable of, and shall rigidly attend to the„*rut!eg of tho office. I shall deeply appreciate your vote. Respectfully, W. L MORGAN. To ths Voters of Lowndes County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Ordinary of our county, subject to the Democratic primary. Having been a citizen of this county for 40 years and having never before asked for an office, 1 feel that I can with propriety ask your support In the coming election. T promise. If elected, to perform all diiti*s pertaining to the office to the cry best of my ability. You vote so licited. Respectfully. J. C. KINO FOR TAX RECEIVER. T hereby announce myself a can didate for tax receiver of Lowndes county and subject to the Democ r atlc Primary and will appreciate you? vote and Influence Respectfully, CHARLIE K. HOWELL. Tax Receivers' Notice. T beg to announce myself a candi date for re-election to *he position of Tax Receiver of Lowndes county, object to the coming primary. 1 and conscientiously New* York State League Meeting. Syracuse, N. Y., March 12.—The baseball club owners of the New b fcV e faithfully York State league rounded up at discharged the duties of the office In tho Yates Hotel In this city this af- pa©* ©©<• ©/atn request the enn- tc-rnoon to agree upon a schedule fidence and support of the voters at and complete other arrangements ths polls. for the coming season. The schedule which will probably be adopted by the league provides for a sason of 126 games, opening April 23 and closing the second week In Septem ber. Respectfully. C. 8. BACON For Tax Receiver. O. Shlerling, a candidate for ths of fice of Tax Receiver of said county. E. J. Smith, A. H Vickers, ▲. L. Hall, G. C. Ml ley, L. E. Futch, L. I. Roberts, D. H. Mathis. R. W. Starl ing, V. P. Vickers, C. T. Duggan, Wm. Marshall, I. P. Hodges. G. C. Hardle. Tax Collector's Notice. 1 wish to announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Collector of Lowndes county, subject to the coming Democratic primary; I also wish to thank the citizens aad voters of Lowndes county tor their klndnera nnd support given me In the p«*t. Very reep^ctfully, £7. G t»fl«<>BR. FOR COMMISSION 4U To the Voters of Lowndes County: I announce myself a candidate for re election to ths office of county eom mlmioner of Lowndes county for Nay lor and Cat Creek districts, subject io the coming primal y. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The friends of Ivey 8. Wlsnnba- Ver announce him as a candidate for re-election on the board jf county commissioners of Lowndes “county, subject to the Democratic primary, and 'solicit for him the votes of his friends and the people generally. Mr. Wlsenhaker has made a faithful nnd efficient commissioner, and will con tinue his best efforts for the county If re-elected. To the Voters of . Lowndes County: I respectfully announce myse'f a candidate for the office of County Commissioner of Roads and Revenues fer the Valdosta district mbHct to tho Democratic Primer/. M/ record n,t chairman of the hoard for fonr years is know’n to.the people of the county and I respectfully so Iclt jour support on that record. J. w. haoan. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER The friends of Mr. 8. J. Carter, re- srectfully present him to the people of Lowndes county as a candidate for county commissioner from the Nay lor and Cat Creek district, subject to the Democratic Primary. Mr. Carter is a man of sound Judgment and ripe experience, and his friends solicit the support of the voters. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. The many friends of Mr. J. K. White announce h^a a candidate for County Commissioner from the Lake Park and Dasher districts, subject to the Democratic Primary. Mr. White formerly served the county aMy and faithfully In this position, and the people need him on the board again. For County Cotnm>Morcr. The friends of I. H. Tecs, ot the Clyattvllle district announce him ■candidate for Count? Commissioner, subject to the Democratic Primary and solicit the support of the tax pay ers and voters of Lowndes county. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election on the board of County Commissioners from the Ha- hfra and Lower Fork districts, sub ject to the Democratic primary* and will appreciate the support of votors. If the people see fit to re-elect me, I shall continue give the coun ty the best service I afh capable of. M. MARSHALL FOR COMMISSIONER, hereby announce myself a can didate for County Commissioner for the Clyattvllle and Ou*Iey districts, subject to the Democratic primary, and I respectfully solicit the sup port of the democratic voters of the county. H. W. BROWN. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I take this method of announcing myself a candidate for re-electloa on the hoard of County Commissioners from the Oualey and ClyatterlUe districts, subject to th»- Democratic primary, I will appreciate th© support if the citizens generally, and If re elected will continue to give the best service I am capable of. W. A. SIM3. FOR COMMISSIONER. I b'*g to announce myself a candt- te for County Commissioner lor 0 Hahlra and Lower Fork districts, bjee* to the coming primary. If elected I promise to serve the people Blthfullv es I did when I was on he board before. O. J C0PPA03. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 1 am a candidate for re-election on We the undersigned citizens of j the board of County Commissioners Lowndes county hereby announce W. of Lowndes county from the Val dosta district, subject to the Demo cratic primary* and will appreciate the support of my friends and the voters generally. Respectfully, J. P. COFFEE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. I hereby anounc© myself as a can didate for county commissioner from the Hahlra and Lower Fork district subject to the Democratic Primary. If elected I promise to give the coun ty the best possible service. (signed) W. D. MCMILLAN. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the offleo of County Treat- of Lowndes County, subject to the Democratic primary. L. ANSEL KNIGHT. Hahlra, Ga., March 1, 1912. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I announce myself for re-election to the office of County Treasurer, subject to the primary to be held May first. I am profoundly grateful to the good people of Lowndes county for their loyalty to me in tho past, and solicit your support in the coming primary. Respectfully, WILLIS LANG. FOR CORONER. I am a candidate for re-election as coroner of Lowndes county and subject to the Democratic primary trill appreciate the support of the votors and tax payers. If re-elected I will continue to give the office my dose attention. ?.-4 tf. L. C. SOLOMON. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COI^R'i I hereby announce myself tt can didate for Clerk of the Superior Court, subject to the Democratic primary. Respectfully, R. B. MYDDELTON. FOR SHERIFF. Sincerely appreciating past sup port of the voters of Lowndes coun ty, I respectfully announce my can didacy for re-election to the office of Sheriff. J. E. GORNTO. Georgia & Florida Ry. The Direct Line to Hazlehurst, Vidalia, Swainaboro, Millen, Augusta and Points in the Carolinas, Virginia, Wasning- tor , New York and all Eastern cities via Augusta J Sleeping car service between Valdosta and Augusta on Trains Nos. 6/ id 7. / Sleeping Car Service ' On Trains Nos. C and 7 betweeen Augusta, Valdosta and Madison. No. 4—7:60 s. ra. daily for Douglas, Hazlehurst, Vidalia, arriving St Augusts 6:25 p. m. No. 6—6:00 p. m. daily for Dougiae, Halzlehurst, Vidalia and Au- gusts. k No. 7—10:22 a. m. datly for Madison. No. 6—6:15 p. m. dally for Madison. Connection mad© at Hazlehurst with Southern Railway far Macon, Atlanta and points West. At Madison, Fla., with 8. A. L. for Live Oakj Quincy, Tallahassee and points West. T. E, HARRIS, **mmerclal Agt, j. M. JOHNSON, Ticket Agent, Valdosta, Oa. Valdosta, Ga. C H OATTJS, Asst. Traffic Mrg. Augusta, Ga. C. McFADDEN. Traffic Mgr, Augusta, Os., SHERIFF SALE. Will be sold at the Court House door In *atd county on the first Tues day in April, 1912, within the legal hours of sale, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land on West Adair street, fronting on said street 47 feet and running back ot equal width the distance of 189 test; same bar. lng a house thereon and known as the Will Scott place with all lm< provements thereon, said land levied on as the property of Will Scott ?o satisfy an execution Issued on ths 22nd day of December 1911 from the City Court of Valdosta, In- said coun ty, In favor ot G. 1. Shelton against Will Scott This 6th day of March, 1912. J. E. GORNTO, Sheriff. by lands of W .H. Prosloy, on the south by lands of Sam MllhouB, on tho west bv lands of W. T. Varn, and F. B. Rivers, being the eastern end of tho Old Tolar Home place. Also that tract of land lying and being in the town of Valdosta, sold county and state, and described as -follows: Being In the southern part of said town, bounded on the South by run of Dukes Branch, the West by land of Ross, on cast by lands of Howell and Par- ramoro, on the north by a 12 foot alloy. Containing two (2) acres 4nore or les*. belonging; to the es tate of J. H. Proctor deceased. This is to dte all concerned to show cause at the next term ot Court why said administratrix should not have loave to soil said property, af ter advertising sam© a» the law di rects. This March 6th. 1918. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. PUBLIC SALE. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained In a certain deed made on January 8th, 1909 by A. W. Bryant in favor of the under signed, the Mutual Building and Loan Association of Valdosta, Ga., which deed wa* duly recorded in the offleo of the clerk of tho Super ior court of said county, in book ”FF” page 139 on January 9th, 1909 will be sold before the court house door In said county on tho first Tues day 1q April, next, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid d«r for cash, tho following describ ed property, to-wit: AH that trao^ or parcel of land situated, lying and being In tho city of Valdosta, in said county and state, and des cribed as follows: Commencing at th© Northwest corner of Johnson and Adair streets, thence running northward along tho west side of Johnson street 90 feet, thenc West ward on a line at right angles with Johnson street 100 feet; thence Southward to North street 90 feat and thenc® eastward along the north side of North street 100 feet to the starting point; said land to be sold as tho property of tho said A. W. Bryant to saatlsfy an Indebtedness duo and owing by him and secured by said deed,' the proceeds of said sale to bo applied to the payment of the principal nnd Intercut. due and all costs of sale. Including 10 per cent trio amount duo as attorneys’ . and *he, If any, to bo delivered to the said A. W. Bryant as nrovlded for tn said deed. This March 7th. 1012. MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ARSOCTACfATION OF VALDOSTA. OA. By D. C. ASHLEY. President. LEAVE TO SELL. Minnie L. Prorfor. Administratrix of fbn estate of .T. TT. Prn/Unr. hnv- fn nroner form nnplled to the »»»va to seM sH that tract ox parcel of land, situated. Iv an* , n r , fv of Val dosta. Lowndes conntv. Ga.. and bp- *hp en,» of OM Tn'sr TTom n nine* measorln** seventv-ffve T7B) feet front on Wooding*». snd bounded *s follow#: On the north by Wording Lane, on the East Valdosta, Moultrie & Western Railroad Arrivals and Departure of Trains at Valdosta (Central Standard Time) ARRIVES No. 2.—7:80 a. m. (Daily) from Morven, Berlin, leaving Moultrls 6:80 a. tn. connects wltn a. G. L. to- Savannah and Montgomery; G. ft F. to Mudison and Auguataf is. 8. & F. ta Macon and Atlanta. No. 4.—-8:10 p. m. (JL/«ny Except Sunday) Leaves Moultrla 1:11 p. m. coloccts with all afternoon trains on A. G. L., G. S. & F. and G. & F. railroads at Vaidosta. . DEPARTS No. 1.—8:80 a. m. (Dally Except Sunday) Arrives Moultrie 10:89 a. m connects with A. C. U, east and west; G. * F* to Augusta; G.S. ft F. from Macon and Atlanta. No. 8.—8:80 p. m. (Dally) Arrive© at Moultrie 6:80, connects with South Georgia Railroad north and southbound at Morven and with A. B. ft A. and Georgia Northers eallroads north and South at Moultrie. If. J. CHAUNCEY, 0. A. E. M. WEEKS, T. A. , Valdosta, OA Valdosta, Ga. O. 0. DOUGHERTY Trafflic Manager. Valdosta. Go. dred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said adminis tratrix should not be discharged from her administration, and re ceive the letter* of dismission on tho first Monday In April, 1912. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL. Mrs. Hattie Hutchinson, Gu&r- dinn of Hoyt Dobson, having In proper form applied to th e under signed for leave to sell the timber on those two tracts or parcels of land, situated, lying and being In the Ninth (0) Land District and In lot* No. BOO and 509 l n Berrien County, Ga., consisting of the timber on said lot© of about 46B acres, nnd that for the purpose of education nnd maintenance of her said ward It Is necessary to «elj said timber. This Is tfffirrforo to cite all con cerned to show enuse at the next term of this court why said guar dian should not have leave to sell snld property aftnr advertising the samp ns the law directs. Tlhs March 6th. 1012. A. V. SIMMS. Ordinary. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA—Lowndes County. Th® report of the appraisers ap pointed to snt nppart n year’s sup port to Mrs. Mary C. Corbett, wld- of W. T. Corbett, deceased, hav ing been duly filed: Thl* Is there fore to cite all persons concerned, show cause If any they can, why Rnld report should’ not be admitted record nnd be made tho judg ment of the court on the first Mon day In April, 1912. A. V. SIMMS. Ordinary. GEORGIA—Lowndes County, i all Whom It May Concern: Elbert Forest having in proper form applied to me for Permanent tter« of adminUtintlon on the es tate of Ed Crawford, late of said jiinty, this Is to cite all and sln- alnr the creditors nnd next of kin f Eel Crawford to be and appear t my offleo within the time allowed by law, and *how cause, If any they ca n why permanent admlnlitratlon should not be granted to Elbert Forest on Ed Crawford’s estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature this 6th dnv of March, 1912. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—lyowndeg County. Whereas, Mrs. E. 8. Dasher, Ad ministratrix of E. S. Dasher r**nre- rents to the court In her petition, duly filed and entered on record, that she has fully administered E. S. Dasher’s estate: This Is therefore clt© all person* concerned kln- GEORGIA—Lowndes County. To all Whom it May Concern: T. W. Touchtone having in proper form applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of H. A. Miley, lato of said county, this Is to clt© all and singu lar the creditors and next of kin of H. A. Miley, to bo and nvy office wlth| n the time allowed by law, and *how cause. If any they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to T. W. Touchtone on H. A. MIley's estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 6th day ot March, 1912. A. V. SIMMS, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Echols county. To all Whom It May Concern: Mr*. Minnie I. Staten having In proper form applied to me for per manent letters of administration on tn* estate of John B. Staten, late of said county, this Is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of John B. Staten, to be and appear at my office within the tlm# allowed by law, and show cause, If any they cah, why permanent admin istration should not be granted to Mrs. Minnie 8taten on John B. Sta ten’s eztate. Witness my hand and official sig nature, this 4th day of March, 1912, J. E. PARRISH, Ordinary. Hnle of Stock of Merchandise. Under and by virtue of the author ity contained ln a certain mortgage bearing date of September 1st, 1911, given by C. F. Brown to tbs under signed for the purpose of securing the payment of a promissory no*© dated September 1st, 1911, due ono day after date, payable to the un dersigned, or t>carcr, for toe sum of fifteen hundred ($1,500.00) dollar* with interest thereon from dr.t® at ' the rate or eight per cent per an num, tho said niortgago being upon the entire stock of merchandise hereinafter described, will be sold* for cash before the Court House door ln Lowndes county, within the legal hours of sale on Thursday, the 4th day of April, 1912, the entire stock of mercnandlse of C. F. Brown consisting of dry good*, groceries, glass ware, toys, underwear, etc., said stock of merchandise being now located in the one story brick bulb lng, known sn 109 North Patterson street | n the City of Valdosta, Geor gia; the proceeds of said sale to be applied to the payment of said in debtedness, and all costs of sale as per the terms and stipulations em bodied In said mortgage; the said mortgage being of record In book 6. folio 619 of the mortgage rec ords of said county. ^ (Signed) A. B. BROWN.