The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 16, 1912, Image 8

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miwwi' 'WfMflA, 1 LUG UP FOR CLARK Clark Sentiment in That State is so Strong Others Will Hardly Be in It Hutchinson* Kin., March 13.-— Nearly all of the 617 delegate* who will comprise the Democratic sta'.e convention to be held tomorrow have arrived In th© city. . The Democrats regard the outlook for the success of their party In Kansae this year as unusually bright, and the convention promises to be an enthusiastic and harmonious gathering. The work cf the convention will be confined to the election of dele- gates-aUlarge to the Baltimore con vention and the selection of a na tional committeeman. The predominance of Clark wen* tlmsnt Is so marked that it Is not believed the Wilson adherents will attempt seriously to prevent the In dorsement of the Missourian. The indications are that the name of no other aspirant for the Democratic presidential nomination will mentioned. TRAIN ROBBERS ARE CHASED AND KILLED Texas Posse Follows Bandits who Robbed Southern Pa cific Train Today. WOOLEN TRUST HAS FINE SENSE UF HUMOR Advises Employes to Save Money and Buy Homes on $6.00 Week Salary; Washington, March 13. — Tb* woolen trust magnates of Lawrence, up near here jjukb., have a finely developed eenee of humor. No "end man" In a min etrel allow ever perpetrated a fun. BIC-FUUR’S FLIER IN COLLISION TODAY Two are Killed and Ten Were Injured When Trains Hit a Freight Train. Two were killed and ten were aer- lously Injured today aa a result of a collision of the Big Four east- bound fast train and a freight train standing In the yards near ths sta tion today. Th e dead are freight Engineer Milam and William Jonea, a passen ger Iron worker. The freight tyaln was on the wrong track. Joint Wage Conference Meet a. New York, March 14.—A Joint conference met' In this city today to consider the demands for Increased wages made by { the engineers of the Eastern railroads. The conference is expected to last several days. The engineers are represented by a com Sanderson* Tex., March 18.—The Southern Pacific, westbound passen ger train, was held this morning. Th* locomotive, mall and baggage I cars were uncoupled and the cngl- near was forced to biul them a mlle. n,er than the one the,e cars wer© looted. iioaires work oii on their employes. A pois© is in pursuit of the rob- Moreover, these f unmaker© have, a bers. |marvelops faculty of keeping Later—Two of the bandits were!straight face while the audience la shot and killed in a battle with ths' convulsed by their perfectly killing poasee. The robbers fought des-. witticisms. perately. I As evidence of their ability as Robbers Killed by Messenger. [ humorists witness pay envelope No. Sanderson, Tex., March 13.—It 1C 07, Issued a Lawrence mill work* later developed that the two rob- er. On the back of this envelops bers were not killed by tb© poses, but by Express Messenger Trous dale, who struck one of them with a mallet as he crawled into th© car, braining him. As the second bandit approached Trousdale shot him dead, thus saving the money of the Expreta Company. was this advice, solemnly put there by the trustees of the Broadway Savings Bank, controlled by the Woolen ’ Trust: WHO pWN THEm HOMES? Those who sav© regularly and place it where It grows. One dollar will open an account at this bank. 4 per cent. Interest. Now for the woolen trust Joke!! Just opposite this bit of kindly and fatherly advice, such as a kind and j loving woolen trust might be ex- ] pected to give to Its faithful era* ployes, is this inscription: $2. That $2 was written In with Ink by the trust mill’s time keeper, represents the reward that went No. 1607 for his week of labor. "Buy a home,” suggests his em ployer, th© fatherly trust. “After Poughkeepsie, N. Y., March 13.— l'°t- have P» ld th ® grocery bill for Tho flret section of the Twentieth 5’ 0ur (amlly of flve or ,lx ' an< * Century Limited waa wrecked eight, bou * ht "ome coal, and paid the ROTH CENTURY LUTED TUMBLES IN HUDSON Four Pullmans on New York Central Hurled Down an Embankment. ROOSEVELT WILL GET FIRST BLOOD IN RACE miles north of her© today. landlord his share, and tickled the Twenty passenger. were injured, bab 7 "*th a “* P alr of °' ,u nine of them eerlouely. | Purchaaed aome nice warm under- The four rear coache., all Pull-, cloth ®» for wml *' and bou!ht mane, rolled down the embankment, “« a n6w abawI ' take wha: ta >* rt Into the Hudeon river, but were of Jrour wa * e ‘ aad buy a boma! ’ Isn't that funny? Milt employe No. 1317 alao got a free laugh with the pay envelope him by the truet, for not eubmerged. To Dtarum Canal Rffects. Chicago, March 14.—'The proha-] handed hie effect of tho Panama canal upon bore thle legend mlttee appointed by the brotherhood country. It le eald to be probable Of locomotive englneera. A commit tee of .■executive offlclala appeared for the railroads, repreeenUng all of the Important Unea eaet of the Mlralaelppl and north of the Cheea- peak, and Ohio and Including the Grand Trunk railway of Canada. The englneera aek for an Increaee In pay ranging from 16 to SO per cent, and the ntanderdliatlon of wage.. PROGRESS IN SAVANNAH. It Wee Shown by Report, of the Chamber ot Commerce I oat Night Savannah, Ga., March IS.—The progreta that haa bean made by Sa vannah, commercially, waa ahown In the reporta made by the officer, ot the Bavannah Chamber ot Commerce at the annual meeting and banquet held laet night. The affair waa at tended by on. of the largeat gath ering! ot buelnen and protamlonal men ever ateembled In 8avaunah on auch an occaalon. A number of interesting address ee war. delivered. In which the hue- Ineea men ot the city were urged to concert their efforta toward, the advancement of the city. The new director, ot th. Chamber of Com merce were elected. Thee, will meet In a abort while to elect the officer* for the year. Th. banquet waa a most elaborate affair. THE COUNCIL TAIILKD IT, Atlanta City Council Would not Ac cept the Rato Agreement, 1 - Atlanta, March 13.—The action of the city council la tabling the propoeed convpromleo rate agree ment with the Georgia Railway and fflectrlc company la'not believed by any meant to mean that the ar rangement win not eventually go through an planned. It te underetood that a number of the eouncUmen who voted to ta ble did ao not becauee they were op posed to tbe compromise but (Imply becauee they felt It would be wtee for all to gtve It a more Tengthy con sideration. Foley Kidney Pllla will cure any cate ot kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach ot m'dle'ne. No medicine can do moral Ingram Drag Co. ' ■ i rnllroada and commeroe le to he ex haustively discussed by the Nation al Industrial Traffic League at l 4 i spring meeting I. this city. The dis cussion le to ibe participated In by shipper, ot freight throughout the that the league will go on record In IIO NOT SPEND ALL YOUR IN COME. A mans' duty to himself le to save some money out of his ernlnf*. Burt an account and be Independent. The time keper wrote I6.0G' on thle man'* envelope, which- proba- favor of certain rules to govern the 1 tly was ths reason he waa arvleed management of the canal. MR. C. D. CARROLL MARRIED. to be Independent. Who, receiv ing tho prinohly anm of 16 per week would atop to think of such, trlltee an owning a home? Thin man prob ably owns his city mansion already, I hence the truet could think of no He was United to Min Ore Hester at Naahvllle, Tenn, Mr. C. D. Carroll, formerly one j advice suitable for him beyond ad- of thle section's most popular cttl-: monishing him to be Independent, sene, end Miss Orn Heeter, a Ken- No wonder the tickled mill work- tucky girl, were united In marriage * era went on strike. Who could work at Naahvllle, Tenn., op Wednesday, when there w«a an opportunity to listen to funny Jokes, handed out to them free ot charge by the funny old woolen truet OTOMACH REPAIRED, the Gth Inst. Mr. ana Mrs: Carroll came down to Fltigerald, after their marriage, where they epent a few days and later etopped over In Valdosta via- Itlng Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carroll, before returning to their homo at'Hu*. Heaviness, Sourness Vanish l» Kissimmee, Fla. They loft for Flor- Five Minutes, du on Tuesday morning Do you know that the beet atom- Mr. Carroll met hts bride some ^ Belt prescription in the world la call- years ago while she waa vlaltlng In cd MI-O-NA. Florida and a doep attachment was j That It 13 put up In small tablets noon formed between them, culml-! which moat people coll MI-O-NA noting In their marriage at Nash-! stomach tablets, vllle. They wero the recipients of I Do you know that A. E. Dlmmock congratulations from their largo guarantees MI-O-NA to banish Indl- number of friends here. gc»:o n or “»>' upset condition of the stomach, or money back MI-O-NA Is not a purgative, It la made of Ingredients that clean, ran- ovate and disinfect the stomach and bowels; It puts strength and energy Into the stomach walla so that In n short time perfect digestion will be a regular thing. Fifty cent. I. all you have to pay for u *large box at A. E. Diminocka and druggists everywhere. KIRK AT ADEL. ItcsMenre Delonging to Hr. Wood. srU Burned Lest Night, The large residence at Adel oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. Mlmbs, waa burned with all ot its content^ last night. None of the family were at home at the time, and when the fire was first seen by neighbors, at about 1 o'clock. It had gained sura headway that nothing could be done toward checking It. Mrs. Mlmbs te very sick at ‘.he home ot a relative In Colquitt coun ty, and Mr. Mlmha was at her bed side. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Thompson, who had occupied a portion ot the house, had just moved out a tew days ego. Mr. Mlmbe had only a small amount of Insurance on hie house hold goods The house wee Insured tor $1,300, but this does not nearly cover the loss. See our btg lot ot mules and horses that will be here March 16th. Mltell Lira 8tock Co., In old OrlDtb Stable. All Things Point to Oklahoma Giving Roosevelt a Major ity of Delegates Guthrie, Okie., March 13.—Un its* the unexpected happens. The odore Roosevelt will get in hie first body Wow In the fight for the Repub lican presidential nomination here tomorrow, when the Republican* of Oklahoma will meet to name ten delegate© and ten alternates to the national convention at Chicago. The Rooeeveli supporters are ex pected t© be In absolute control of the convention, notwl 4 hstanding the feet that the state organization has fought tooth and noil in th© inter- eet of President Taft. The dele gates to the state convention atructed for Roosevelt outnumber Taft delegates nearly two one. The Roosevelt supporters point to thle fact as on© of great eignlflcanoe because, they declare, It represents the fifet chance the people had hart to choose between the two candi date* under a primary law. While ready to admit that they have lost the fight so far a© the state convention 1© concerned, the Tafl people believe they will be able to cnptui£ -some of the district dele gates, thus preventing a solid Roosevelt delegation from OkJaho- raa. J ARGUMENTS HEARD REFERENDUM CASE BIG AU 5T SALE THURSDAY, MARCH 21, Commencing at 12 promptly We will sell 50 beautiful building lots, home site*, at Pine Park Place, the new *ub-divifion on Oak street, right in the fast building gection of Valdosta, and close to car line, which, later on, will be on car line convenient to the new col lege, and the most beautiful laying plat of ground in Valdosta for home sites. These lots will be sold without reserve to the highest bid ders. They will be sold at what you think they are worth. Could you think of a fairer- proposition than this? NO LOTS SOLD TO NEGROES Come and spend the day in Valdosta, the best little city in Georgia. Buy a lot for a home on the ground floor. Don’t wait and pay in one year double the amount that you will buy them for MARCH 21. ■ Own a piece of real estate in Valdosta. Come out, look the grounds over, select your lot be fore sale day. Take a look at these beautiful lots sold on easy terms. One-third cash, one- ihird in one and two years. Buy a lot in Valdosta for she is sure a live wire .• . - . S. M. HUDSON SAVANNAH WANTS ANOTHER NEW HOTEL Evidence Indicates Greater Part of Names to Petition Secured by Fraud. Salem, Ore., March 14.—Argu. meat© were 'heard today before the Stat© supreme court in the Universi ty of Oregon referendum case—a can© which Involves alleged fraude under the referendum phase of tho “Oregon system.” Before the law appropriating 6503,000 for buildings and extension^ of th© University of Oregon at EujfiPe went lhto effect, petitions asking a referendum on th© bills were filed with th© Secretary of State. Examination ot the peti* tion© by friends of the University Is raid to hav© disclose^ fraude and Irregularities sufficient to justify a suit, to enjoin th© Secretary of 8tat* from putting the Question on th© 'bal lot for next November. Evidence Introduced In the trial of th* injunction suit in the circuit court Indicated that th© greater part of the 13,000 names on the petitions were secured by paid cir culators at a few cents per name, and that in the case of seven circu lators gross fraude were charged. Two lists of names were secured, le alleged, by hanging tho peti- tlohs In a saloon In Astoria, and an other list ’ of 100 names from, the Unites Is said to have contained the names of men dead for years. Evi dence was so conclusive that the de fenders of the petitions lmd to ad mit that 3,778 names were fraud ulent, being forged, and in* addition ©ora© 4,524 names were presented In a form of declared void by a prev ious decision of th© State supreme court. Elimination of these names brought the number of unattacked names below th© limit required to cnll a referendum. The secretary of 8tate, however, contends through counsel that a part of th© 4,525 names should bo considered good— enough of the*© being claimed to in sure the referendum. The University won its case In the circuit court, the Judge scoring many of the signatures, brief $led an appeal, th© University contends that even the names un- assaltod by direct evidence should be looked upon with suspicion be cause ot fraude admitted on the re mainder .of the petition. The final decision In the case la Committee From Chamber of Commerce has Taken up the Matter to Boost it. Savannah, March 14.—One of the most important matter© to be con sidered by the new board of direct ors at their first meeting since their election at th© annual meeting Tues day night, will be a plan for enter ing Into an aggressive campaign for another tourists' hotel for Savannah. The mating will be held this after noon. It Is evident to thoee who are fa* miliar with th© conditions that'the Increaee In the number of visitors to Savannah during the winter ft as become such that © new ton ris^ ho tel la an Imperative need. The ho tels In Savannah thl© season have been crowded with tourists ever since the automobile race© 11 the fall. It 1© likely that some agreement will be reached as to the method which will be pursued In accomplish ing thl© purpose. The members of the rivers and harbors committee of congress will likely be requested to ascertain If It Is advantageous to have Savannah represented at tho twelfth International congress which will b© held at Philadelphia this year under the direction of the gov ernment. Caught a Genuine Wild Hog. Parties who came to the city to day from the Clayattvlle district stated that Mr. Matt Dees caught a genuine wild hog In Mud Swamp on Tuesday. It I* saJ4 that th© hog’ff g w ©\ted with keen Interest by both ears loqk Ilk© th© ears of an els- n, e friends and opponets of the Ore- phant and if the animal waa fat It go n system of popular government, would weigh not less than 600 Among notable outsiders who have pounds. manifested an Interest In the pro- Tbe hog Is poor and hot lived In feeding© © r © Governor Harmon of th© swampa all of Its life. It waa Ohio, Governor Wilson of New Jer- as wild a© a rabbit and wgs caught fey, and the Rt. Hon. James Bryce, after a long chase with the dog*. British ambassador at. Washington It put up a hard fight before it sur rendered. People who hive teen It declare that it la a Kreat curloalty. at very tew ot the epecles are found In this section now. and author of "The American Com monwealth." From each of the three men named have come re quests for copies ot the briefs filed In the ca©e. Married at Methodist Parsonage. There was a quiet marriage at the Methodist parsonage yesterday eve ning, the contracting parties being i Eva Davis, the youngest daugh ter of Mrs. L. J. Davis, who resides Pear street, and Mr. Frank O'Neal, who holds an important po sition with one of the railroads hero. Tho couple went to th© Methodist parsonage last evening and had Dr. Scruggs perform the ceremony for them. It was not exactly a ruuaway match, the mother of the bride be ing informed of their intentions, but she thought It was a Joke. The couple left for the purpose of at tending one of the theaters, and they went to the pargon&ge, where the ceremony was pefrormed. The couple will probably board with th© mother of the bride, who runs a boarding house on Pear street. Tho groom is a native of Charles ton, 8. C., and his relatives live In that city, WILSON’S BOOM HAS ABOUT COLLAPSED Editor Henry Watterson Does not Think it Will Last Until June. Louisville, Ky., March 13.—Col. Henry Watterson, tinder th© heading “On th© Wane.” say© In the Courier- Journal. “There are many signs aand tok en© .that th© Woodrow Wilson presi dential boom has started onfthe down grade. To ibe initiated these are unmistakable, from the first they were Inevitable. “Her© we hav© a man of 'book learning' chiefly; as thenrlvlh© ox. patlmentallet; ai vfc© andknowli are concerned & polftftar adventure^ who has thrown aside the convic tion* of a lifetime, ably expounded, to follow Bryan and Roosevelt In th© embrace of principles the very re^ verso, claiming th© Democratic nom ination for President by a school boy right oT discovery and by other wise damning every competitor In fight. After asking "Where does he/get ! Who pay© th© freight?” of Mr. Wilson, he adds- These ar© serious questions. They are being eeked by Democrat© every where and that 1? why th© Wood- row Wilson boom is one the down prad© and may even collapse before th© meeting of the national conven tion. It wa© a mirage. It Is a de lusion. It wlM bp a Joke.” ECHOLS SUPERIOR COURT. Two Day© Wer 0 Devoted to Haring n Suit for Damage© This Week. Rport© from Statepytlle Indicate that tho present session of the supe rior court there Is a very busy one. Th© grand Jury Is still |n session and Is taking up many cases for in vestigation. Th© most Important case that haa b«en tried there in two or three year© was the suit of DeWitte 8mlth. of Broxton, Ga., against A. G. Gar- butt, for personal damages, for In juries received at Mr. Oarbqtfs saw mill at Broxton several years ago. I Smith claims that he wa« working' moulding machine and received Injuries which caused his total ( blindness and he asked for $50,000.; Ho was represented by Col. Burton Ho and his brida »UI| 8mtd|( of Atlanta> and j. m. John-1 spend » few days with them. after of . hU) clty Mr oarbutt was which they will return to Valdosta, rei)reaented by Meaars . Cranford and' and make thl. city their homo. I Wilcox. The bride Is a very attractive) A verdict In the case was return- young lady and ha. been attending by th# , ury gIyIng tba „ |ln| , (he High School here. The groom }100# It (s nndera tood that the ha. reaided la Valdoota for Fome UiMntlfr. lawyer* will aak for a time and la well and favorably nww trlg] known by a great many people. ■ After tbla caae a cai? wu taken ■ up of D. D. Register agalnat the Wt have ataleaatablei at Mont- Garhutt Lumber Company, a .alt on gomery, Ala, Valdosta and Douglas, a not#, Involving a contract and land Ga„ Live'Oak,, Marian- il'nea. Thla case on trial when the na, and Chlpley, Fla and keep a huy-|i artlea who came up from Echols er busy all the time. Ho alwaya r ached the city today, knowa where to get our cu*tomer» isTA.Liitiio i88r- Co.yri.htrd too* State Agents Headquarters for GEORGIA (Rid FLORIDA 115 E. Hill ave, Valdoata, Ga. Office with W. J Furniture Co. PRODDCRRS OF FINE PORTRAITS Makers of all Styles and Prices of Frames we will make them up at followiiii prices: Albumen i ** hand t . Crayon tirade B Senia " India Ink " Paitel " $i-oo additional for extra heads in Crayon $j.oo additional for extra heads in Ink and Pastels. <s cents to $a.oo extra for groups in albumen according to aue. For those'deairtng a teas expenaive portrait we will make Grade Ain i6xioand xxu sizes for St.oo leas than the Grade B price and so cents less in toxia and itxi4 sixes. At above prices your por trait will be framed complete, ready to hang on your wall, in any of the standard finishes such as oak and gilt, oik and silver, white finish of the frame We pay a lib taking orders. . i de»irc. liberal commission to agents for th«lr money's worth. Mltell Llvo Stock Co., in old Griffith 8tabls. 6 or V cosea of will core an? eas© of chills end fever. Price SSe, Men A Book Worth $10 In Gold Free An old doctor, retired from prac tice, don’t want any patients, has no medicine for sale, is anxious for every man, DISEASED, WEAK, INFECTED or UNFOR TUNATE to read his book abso lutely FREE. It may save you a trip to Hot Springs, to the Di vorce Courts, the Rheumatic's Chair, the Consumptive's Camp or the Suicide's Grave. Send yonr name and address today. Book will be mailed you FREE postage paid. Address, Dr. A. J. Whitworth, “ c 2l?, b I can give you everything fresh and fine in groceries, fruits and veg etable*. Hava wheal boys to taka them and you don't have to wait. Give me your order. J. T. Webb, The Grocer. 3 1$ d4 Eggs, Day Old Chicks and Ducklings. of quality, from the five greatest oreads known—Ringlet Barred Rocki, Single Comb White Leg horn!, White Iddlan Rnnnar ducks. Buff Orpington ducks and fawn add white Indian Runner ducks. Our chlcke and ducklings are hatch ed In a mammoth hot water Incu bator. TWO thouau^ ^ylng hens on this fiy^HA catalogue 11 r r e 1 u s