The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 23, 1912, Image 1
ffr ' ’•a Twice-a-Week 'Office mm. Twice-a-Week *■ Til® VALDOfcTA TIMES VALDOSTA, GA. SATURDAY, MARCH S3, 1013. 105 LIVES ARE WED OUT BY EXPLOSION Charred Jodies Piled High ^in Arkansas Mine THE WORK OF RESCUE IS MEN- MIDWAY CHURCH TO HAVE BIG CELEBRATION Hon. J. Randolph Anderson Will Deliver the Address in the Forenoon. Savannah, March zi.—The annu al celebration a* Midway on Memo rial Day, April 26, will be of special ln'.erest this year, It Is thought. In view of the fact that the train jACED I’.Y THE OVERHANGING1 achcdulea now In effect will permit WRECKAGE ANl) ROCKS THAT ARB LIABLE TO FALL. HcCurtatn, Okla., March 21.—A ' party of rescuers went Into the Sans Dolse mine No. 2 this morning searching tor the victims of the dis aster which wrecked the mine yes terday evening. It la believed today that 105 lost their lives. There were 116 miners . in.the mine when, the explosion oc curred,'but eleven eecaped. It Is not believed possible that any ethers are alive. The bodiea were hor- • r’bly burned and blackened ana come were mangled. The bodies are being taken out today. The rescuers are menaced by' the V -overhanging ’wreckage and rocks. It will he many hours before It Is possible' to complete the search of the nhlhea. Fourteen Rescued Alive at Noon Fourteen miners were taken ont of the Sana Boise mine wreck -at noon today. All of them will prob ably recover. '-Aftpffiwenty-ffve bodies-were removed at noon. The number of dead la now placed at elghty-nlne. The Identification! of the victims ere almost Impossible. I AUTO ACCIDENT LED TO THIS MARRIAGE those who desire to attend from Jacksonville, Brunswick and inter mediate points to do so and return home tbat night. At a meeting'of the selectmen of the Midway Society of Liberty county plans were made for the cel ebration. Hon. J. Randolph Ander son, of Savannah, will deliver the annual address .in fjte forenoon MRS. GRACE DE- CLJiS SHE IS She Denies That She will not Face Charges H11E REACHED FHIL'ADRn'IIIA AND IB LOCATED AT A HOTKL THERE WHERE SHE WILL SET- -TLE HER AFFAIR? Philadelphia, March 21.—Mrs. Daisy Grace arrlved’-from Atlanta early this morning and slipped Into hiding in a down town hotel. It had ’bee n expected- that aha would go to thtAjptaaJof her moth er. Mrs. Grace aM her attorney “I The Memorial address In the after- !v'er e locatedl later. noon Will be delivered by Mr. A. S.j She indignantly denied that she Kay, who will apeak on the life of’did not Intend to return’to Atlanta. Hoy. James Stacy. D. D., the author of the history of Midway church. The Daughters of the Confedera cy will attend the services and dec orate the graves of the soldiers. Letters Have just ‘ been received by Hon. N. J. Norman, chairman of the society, from Senator Bacon and Congressman Edwards expressing the hope that the appropriation for the work upon -the monument tho memory of Gens. Stewart and Screven wonld he qyde In the near future in order thst^he work could be started. > NE'tf RANKS FOR SAVANNAH. Banks of ’ Victim of Accident Near Waynesboro will Wed Nurse who Waited on Him. Savannah. March 21.—Mri. WI1- 15am Mltchelson and her daughters, . Mrs. Robert Foster and Miss tmlu Mltchelson, have gone to Augusta to attend the wedding of Miss Kath leen Mltchelson, Mrs. Mltchelson'* daughter, to Mr. 8idney Carswell Jones, of Waynesboro, Ga., at the parsonage of the Sacred Heart church, Augusta, Saturday. The wedding of Miss Mltchelson, who Is a Savannah girl, Is the culmination 'of a .romance in which an automobile accident near Waynesboro last No vember has played . an Important part. Mr.. Jones wae Injured in the ac cident and It Is likely that he will be on crutches wheq married/ The romance had Its beginning when Mr. t City Are G«&ting IntO thb New Homes. ' Savannah, j March 21.—Savannah U now In an era of hank construct ing. The handsome home of the Savannah Bank and Trust Company, the tallest building f n the city, ha> Just been completed. The Exchange Dank hag begun work upon a hand some and costly home; and now Die | announcement |s made that the Sa vannah Trust Company will erect a handsome building. v The new home of the Savannah Trust Company will he exclusively a home for the Institution, instead of an office building. It wlll be con structed of marble and will have two floors. The building will be con- Jones was removed to >he Pine Heights Sanitarium after being In jured In the accident, which oc curred on the road three miles from Waynesboro. Mise Mltchelson was a nurse at the Institution. After re ceiving attention to his injuries, which consisted of .a broken leg, Mr. Jones was later taken back to the hospital, where h© fell in love ■ with Miss Mltchelson. She consent ed to marry him, but would not consent for th^ ceremony to take place until after she had graduated as a trained nurse.. She will grad uate Saturday and the ceremony will be performed at noon by Fath er Sherry. When the engagement was made" they overlooked the fact that she wguld graduate during Lent She • was Arm fn her promise to be mar ried early after her graduation and a dispensation has been obtained fem the.Pope to permit the'marrlage to take place at that time. After the marriage, Mr. and Mt% Jones will make their home with his mother, Mr». Jones, In Waynesboro. Mr. Jones is engaged in the automo bile business In Waynesboro. I will return to Atlanta and face- my accusers as soon as I can straighten out my affairs here." Shfc declares that eh© la innocent of the charges preferred agalnstlier. IN CONVENTION TODAY They are Going to Boom Their Own Favorite Son for A - » the Presidency. - Indiana-, March—21.—The Demo cratic State' Convention opened to day, It le a foregone conclusion that Samuel Ralston will be nomi nated for governor. There ar e elx candidate for lieu tenant governor. Gov. Marshall In a keynote speech discussed the tariff. A huge ban. ner -over the stage reed/ "Indiana's choice for president Thomas Mar shall.” The governor wae given a tremen dous ovation. SNOW STORM RAGES IN NORTHERN STATES Traffic is Badly Tied up by the Worst Storm of the Entire Winter. Cleveland, O., March 21.-—A snow end elect storm Is sweeping Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Western New York this morning. Railroad traffle la delayed, the wire* are prostrated In every direc tion. % , The snow la from foul to eight Inches deep. ' Low Temperature at Buffalo. Buffalo, N. Y„ March 21.—The mercury is ten above aero here to day. There le a heavy snow and sleet. Snow and Sleet in New York. New York, March 21.—-There le snow and sleet here today, And traf fle Is greatly' Impeded by It. Deep Snow at Chicago. Chicago, March 21—-A dee), enow coverad with sleet spread over In diana, lllinola and the Middle West today. ;;. . Trains are, greatly delayed and wire communication la Interrupted. STANDARD OIL CO. CUT ITS BIG MELON Stockholders on Million Dol lar Concern Gel (V ( nine,Million l)i Whiting, md., March 2 l.-I-A *toek dividend of 260,000 shares with rar value of $100 a share, has been declared by the Standard' Oli Com pany of Indiana, . . I This dividend amount* to $29,000,- 000. This action shows the recent increase In the Capital stock from 11,000,000 to 220,000,000. The stocks under the, old capital sold aa high aa $6,000 per share. BOTH STATES Georgia and Alabama Pushing Forward l BIG STOCK COMPANY HAS BEEN FORMED FOI< DEI El- OPMKNT OF REAL ESTATE AT JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Columbus. On., March 21.—The Industrial Index says In Its Issue for this week: "A new high record for develop ment seems to have been made In tho great Southeast In the past sev en days. In the aggregate it ox- ceeda In Investment and In general Importace the magnlljcent promise of the beginning of the year. realty company 'with capital eotek of $2,000,000 has been organ ised at Jacksonville, Fla., by Florida and Illinois capitalists, and wllh be Incorporated early next month to begin active development of real es tate. Perfected plana for alx buildings lo he erected Immediately at Birm ingham, Ala,, at ■ coat of $980,uto are announced this week. Contracts for two of these buildings to cost $260,000 have ]ust been awarded, in addition planp are being formula ted for the erection of another hotel at' Birmingham Georgia SUIT AGAINST POWER COMPANY BY UNDID Members of the Company De clare That his Suit is an Effort at “Holdup.” Atlanta, Ga., March 21.—The of. fleers of the Georgia Fallway & Pow er Company declare that they are not In the least perturbsd over the eult Died In the United States court by Louis B. Mngld. Magld'i suit has been character ised by officers of tbs power com pany as "a hold-up that failed," and Jack J. Spalding and Forreet' Adair have explained that the merger was hurried through to prevent this Identical "hold-up." Representatives of the Power company make the following state ment with regard to Magld, and hla motives for' filing the suit: 'Magld sold out hla properties at Talullah Falla to the Oeorgla Power company for a large sum; and st the same time contracted In writing to extend hla good will and eo-opera- tlon. It la therefore plain that the bringing of this suit now puts him In a very bad light When the petition for the mer ger was pending before the railroad commission, Magld called on the chairman and urged that the'com’ mission grant; the petition and al low the capitalisation-of the various companies. It Is a little hard to reconcile this act with that part of hla suit In which be . swears, tbat HEARST COMES TO GEORGIA TO He May try to Swing State to Champ Clark REPORT? RAY THAT 1118 MISSION TO THIS STATE IS TO Sl K IF THERE IS A CHANCE OF TURNING TIDE. ,tho capitalisation of tho company la cost npprosl-' Kre ,tiy excessive. , ‘ - T iSpKnyT linn 'horn tAifirtlile.^i.S,”'/^fiVaa^'^ttfmerr- ■$» <•*« »r- Of tho opln- rgla with capital itock of V as authorised h« Issued circulars Ion that Mr. IIearst may'be coming $500,000 to engage In the lumbar t0 h „ cut omers, advising the pur- lndustry. 'chaee of these very securlUet of the "Augusta, Oa„ citizens are Plan- companies against whom he now nlng to erect a line tourlet hotel. j brings anti" ’ 1 j "' "The erection of a $200,000 hotel') . ’ 1 • at Albany, Ga., is contemplated. 'A Wisconsin company will ’crab Nab Mexican Soldier, Mission, Tex., March 16.—Capt, at Bay MJnette, Ala. Iwa* nrrei t e d hero today with. Franco "Six new banks have been organ-, Marlines and Miguel F. Rodrigues, Atlanta, Oa., March 21.—William Randolph Hesrst la expected to ar rive In Atlanta today or tomorrow, and hla visit. Is being looked for ward to with a great deal of In terest. This interest Is awakened not merely because Mr Hearat recent, ly bought the Georgian, but more especially because of the part he Is taking In national democratic poli tics. It Is believed by many that Mr. Heirst’s visit to Georgia st this Urns Is as much dictated by hla desire to observe the political situation here as by a wish to see his ne.w pur chase at ioloss range. Wfth bit other newspapers in New York, Chicago, Boston and Cal ifornia, Mr, Ilea ret la lighting Wood- row. Wileon and supporting Champ Clark. With the Atlanta Georgian he le lighting Wilson, In a negative blit none-the-leas definite way, while he Is not particularly active here In the support of Champ Clark, or any to Atlanta at this time to ascertain. If possible, whether there wonld any use for him lo actively cham pion Cffamp Clark, through the Georgian, or whether he had better let Clark alone In this neck of the vooda. It le believed tbat It Mr Hearat, after bis observation here considers that Clark has a lighting cliance to carry Georgia, be will In- Ised and fifteen new corporations j tw0 raen , 1( , ^ „|| ( . Md t0 h av e en- MW hla l"* 1 P»P®r to begin an Uhleln Horae© at Auction. Milwaukee, Wl«. t March 20.« b true ted on th© present ©Ite of the Many celebrated race home* lnclu- hank orf Bay street and will extend’(led In the breeding establishment half way through the block. of the late August Uhleln are to go Meeting of Eltoctric Light Men. under the hammer at the big prl- Sprlngfleld, Mass*., March 21.— rate auction sale which began at More t)»an Av© hundred delegates the,, state fair grounds hero today, from cities and towns throughout The entire establishment, somo 90 New England are attending the an- head, is to be disposed of, The Har- nual convention of th© New Eng- vester, 2:01, alone excepted. Many land section of th© National Electric In the lot afe yearling© by -.he Light Association, which assembled world’s champion trotting stallion. In this city today wlib headquarter* The prominence of the horses to be at th© Hotel Kimball? Th© pro- dfspooed of led to marked Interest gram for the gathering covers two In the sale, and a number of prom- days and provides for the dfapaih Incnt horsemen from various parts slon of- electrical probjems by i6tae\Of the country were on hand, at thb of the leading expert* of America.. • opening. * MAY ANNEX TO CHATHAM. Some of the Bryan County Folks Want to Make '* Change. Savannah, March fl.—Although* some of the residents of the Twen tieth district of Bryan county hate started an agitation for annexing a portion of that county to.Chatham, their efforts have attracted little at- entlon In Chatham county. Some' of the members of the ^ounty com missioners fyivo discussed it, and lh.e general opinion prevails that 4t will require a constitutional amend ment. 8hould the plan be carried out, Chatham county will take In .140* square miles, including Kilkenny Club, Belfast and the Chatham and Ogeechee causeway. formed with minim,im capital stock. „, teu hcre th , M exi- cggregatlng $700,000. can „ my “Among the Item, of conn ruction | work to ho'done, a* reported this work, and school buildings bonds, week are: Business buildings, Blr- Columbus, Oa., voted, the Issuance mlngham, four storlea and to con- of $60,000 of bonds for'completing tain 20 wholesale eatahlthmelnte, 'construction of bridge. 2600,000; Birmingham, three-story, | "Industrial plants will he estah- $130,000;.five story, $40,000; Mon-t Halted as follow*: > gomery, Ala., four story, Val,lo»ta I 'Turpentine, flay Mlnette, Ala.; Ga.; , I,a Grant?, Ga., $25,000; bottling, Rarncsvlllc and Forsyth, apartment honse, Atlanta, Ga.|oa.; cold storage, $225,000, Dlrm- rhurch addition, Rarnesvllle, Ga.: j Inctiam, Ala.; gas, Opelika, Ala; fraternal buildings, Dublin, Ga., and marble quarries, Alabama; casket Roanoke, Ala:; hotels, $50,000 and factory) Columbus, Oa.; flour mill, $150,000, Birmingham and Rome, Amerlcua, On.; franchise for elec- Ga.; school building., Atlanta. Ga. active Clark campaign. If h. de cides that.Clark has no chance to win. It Is considered probable that the Georgian will lend what aid It can to the Underwood boom. WRESTLING WITH VICE. Atlanta has s Special Commission to Try and Weed oat Wickedness Atlanta, Ga., March 20.—All At. lanta Is standing off, so It were, wondering what tho new vice com mission Is going to do. Will It go after "naughtiness In high place*,” | making war agsln.t th. Scotch hlgb- trlc railway has been voted by clfy ball In the clubs and the gambling and Savannah, Ga.; bank buildings, | council at Daytona, Fla.'; railway j bridge games among society women; Ocala, -Fla., end Julletto, Oa.;, now- j .111 be extended from Rochelle lo or will It let tho “high-ups” go and er nystem, Mlllcdgeville, On.; school lTnntlllla, Oa.: street railway will be'make Ha fight on the Mechanic building and waterworks ays'.em, extended at Ropie, OS.: telephone 1 street dire*? ft rumor le correct, Pnvo, Oa. Buford and Morven, (In., system will bq; established at Con- it will endeavor to »tir things up will - vote, upon Issuance of wntar- }er«, Ga. ■' ’ V ■ i bit at both ends of the Ijne._ MR' FARMER ? 0ME AND SEE DEMONSTRATION’ MARCH 30, Labor is scarce and high-- No way to make money farming—except in improved tools. The mpst successful planters,on the market are COLE’S REAT UNIVERSA AND GUANO PLANTERS ■ For com, peas, pinders, cotton. Write for catalogue. The Cole line means prosperity. HAR LEY s ARDWARE White Pine Sash, Doors, Manxes. GEORGIA. At jr: . i \